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In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg discovered the cause of and the cure for cancer, and he won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discoveries.  Since that time, many other doctors and research scientists have confirmed Warburg's findings.  Over the past 30 years, two doctors in particular have specialized in telling the world about Warburg's discoveries.   The two men are Dr. Robert Barefoot and Dr. Carl Reich.

Barefoot and Reich are unique in the medical world today because they are telling people how to simply and inexpensively avoid or eliminate cancer, along with a whole host of serious and degenerative diseases.  The rest of the medical community is too busy making money off these diseases to tell people how to avoid them or cure them.

Perhaps that is a little harsh.  There are a great number of medical professionals in America and around the world.  Most of them are good people, genuinely concerned with the health and well-being of their patients.  But apparently these medical professionals are too busy taking care of patients to keep up on current medical discoveries.   Yet over the past 10 years or so, the medical journals have been full of scientific studies on the causes and cures of dozens, perhaps hundreds, of degenerative diseases.   These studies usually don't use the word "cure" at all.   But phrases like "reduce the disease content" and "grow more healthy cells" and "grow back to normal" and "will reverse cancer development" permeate the research conclusions.   And medical professionals simply don't tell their patients what the rest of the scientific world seems to know.  Perhaps these medical professionals really are too busy to read the medical journals.  Perhaps the drug companies, which stand to lose 800 billion dollars each year if people act on these research reports, play a role in suppressing this news.   Or perhaps the gross income to the medical profession will be decimated if doctors told their patients what so many research scientists are reporting.

Whatever the reason, if you want to see your body be healed from the diseases that afflict you, then you will not get this story from your doctor.  You will instead have to read the research that they should have already read.  And then you will have to act on it.

    The simple truth is --

  • if the body is acidic, it will develop serious degenerative diseases
  • if the body is alkaline, it will resist or heal itself of serious degenerative diseases

This is what Dr. Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931 for discovering, and continued on in new research refining the data.   And hundreds of research projects and articles since then have documented the truth of these claims.

The medical community and especially the drug industry have known the cause of and the cure for cancer for more than 70 years, and they just never told the rest of us about it!  But since the drug industry cannot patent or license natural cures, they stand to lose more than $800 billion a year if the truth comes out and people act on it.  

Further, the more study that is conducted on this issue, the more diseases are found which seem to respond to the same causal factor and the same cure.

The bottom line is simple.  God designed the human body to heal itself from all diseases.  The processing our foods go through in order to pass inspection by the federal government has reduced or eliminated many of the nutrients which our foods used to contain.  Modern farming methods have reduced the minerals found in our soils. And modern lifestyles have taken us out of the sunshine, which is required for our body to properly utilize the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients our body is receiving.  Calcium, combined with at least some direct direct sunlight each day, brings our bodies back to the nutrient levels required for the body to cure itself of most degenerative diseases.

And research shows that the single best way to render your system more alkaline is to take calcium supplements made from pure coral.  Not made from ground up sea shells or ground up egg shells or ground up bones, but ground up coral.

This web site will put you in front of more proof of these claims than you ever thought existed. And we will give you an opportunity to prove these claims for yourself through the coral calcium supplements designed by today's foremost expert on Calcium, Dr. Robert Barefoot.

Dr. Barefoot has authored more books and tapes on the positive effects of Calcium on diseases than any other individual alive.  We offer the best of those books and tapes here on our web site.

For more information on these claims, click on the link below.  To look over our products, click on the Products link.  And to order our products, click on the link to place an Order.

But Please, we ask that you take no action without first checking these things out for yourself.  Don't take our word for it.    Don't take your mother's word for it.   Don't even take your doctor's word for it.  See for yourself if our claims are true by reading the research reports and articles available on our web site. These researchers did the work and wrote up their results.   Please check them out before you decide on any course of action.

After all, it's only your life!  Can you really afford to NOT look into these claims?

What you don't know can kill you!



Please Note: Scientists and Research Doctors have long documented these claims.  Medical Journals from around the world have published articles on these research projects. The medical community knows these claims to be true.  Yet the law does not allow us to STATE that these claims are true.  Not because the claims are untrue, but because the AMA, the FDA and the drug companies will not allow us to state these claims are true. If we accurately report to you what the medical journals document as actually being true, then we will be charged with "practicing medicine without a license."  It does not matter if the statements are true.  It does not matter if medical science has proven that these statements are true many times over.  It only matters that the government has not given us permission to say it is true.  To quote the medical journals as if they are fact will get us fined out of existence or place us in federal prison.  So the law requires that we print the following disclaimer, even though the medical community itself is the one to document all these claims. 

"These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Individual results will vary from person to person."