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Here is the website to Encouraging Hearts Ministry

Encouraging Hearts Ministry


Here is just a bit about me :-)

1. Name? My name is Melissa :-) but I go by Samara Jeasue :-)

2. How old are you? 34 (Thank you Lord!!)

3. Any Children? Together my husband & I have 8 children :) 6 girls & 2 boys :-) the ages range from 18 years old to 5 years old. (Thank you Lord!!)

4. Single, Married, Separated, Divorced? I am happily married to a great christian man who is just as (if not more) radical about God as I am :-)

5. Where are you from? I was raised in Kissimmee/St.Cloud Florida

6. How long have you been a Believer? All my life but just excepted Jesus into my heart January 11, 2002

7. What do you rejoice in the most in being a Believer? That I have freedom in Christ.

8. What do you fear the most in being a Believer? Nothing, there is NO fear in Christ. His perfect love cast out ALL fear!!

9. What are your strengths in Him? That I can do ALL things through him which strengthens me :-)

10. What are your weaknesses? Oh my!! Where do I begin? None of us are perfect, we all fall short of the glory of God. My weakness would be my trusting others :-(

11. Is there a scripture that is dear to your heart and why? Romans 8:1 & 1 John 4:7+8 I love the book of Proverbs :-)

12. Are there any topics you like to see discussed in the groups? Just as long as EVERYTHING is about God, I'll be happy :-)

13. Any prayer requests? Yes, please keep my family in your prayers :-)

14. Birthdate? March 5

15. If married, what is your anniversary date? July 3

16. How did you hear about these groups? I'm Co~Owner :-)

If you'd like to email me, you can :-) lol My email address is~

If you email me, please give me 4 or 5 days to respond :-)

I love this song here. Check it out :-)


Samara Jeasue