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Freebird_in_TN's Website

Welcome to Freebird_in_tn's Website have a seat kick off your shoes and get comfy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Welcome Message From Freebird

Hello and Welcome to my little piece of the world! I am Freebird_in_tn alot of you just call me free. Well i dont care what you call me as long as yo dont call me later for dinner LMAO. As you can see I dont miss too many meals. Well I am continously working to improve this site. I want to thank my friend starkissf39 for giving me the code to use drop down boxes for my links. Pretty soon I will be adding a picture page to display pics of yours truly. If you by any chance want to see anything on here then just find me and let me know and i will try my best to put it on here. I will also have a friends page up soon so make sure you sbmit your pics to me asap so i can get them on here. Well I will quit boring you and let you begin to enjoy my site. Please come back often and visit and please tell your friends about this site.

Info about Freebird_in_tn

Well, I was born in Rockwood, Tennessee on November 21, 1975 at 1:25 a.m. I was born and raised by a single parent that worked hard to spport and raise me. My mom I love her to death did without many times just to give me what i needed and that i cannot ever repay no man can ever repay that no matter how much money he has. I went to elementary school at Ridgeview Elementary in Rockwood, Tennessee. I remember while attending Ridgeview. Me and a group of kids we played what we called "Mafia" I was the "Don" I was basically the leader of the pack. We would go around terrorrizing other kids.(Boy, if they only saw me now). My favorite Teachers were Mrs. Fleenor my Kindergarten Teacher boy I was Hell on here and Mrs, Fleenor if you saw me now you would be proud. Mrs. Davis my first grade Teacher. Well Mrs Davis you know what yes I can be whatever I want to be and yes I did finally find my niche I am now dealing with other unruly kids like I was :D. Miss Payne (Now Mrs. Bowman, I forgot you got married :D). Well im not cheating on my multiplication tables anymore. And yes you do need to know multiplication in your life. So, Listen up kids your teachers are right more than they are wrong and if you feel that they are wrong please go to your parents.

After I left Ridgeview Elementary I went to Rockwood Junior School(Now, Rockwood Middle School). Now that was a nightmare i personally dont have any experiences that i care to share about that time in my life. Thats when i was really being a "wild child". After I left Rockwood Junior Scool, I attended Robertsville Junior High School in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. There is only one teacher i remember thats Coach Bell. He was my football coach and shop teacher he taught me a hard lesson in responsibility that i carry to this day he believed that if it was gonna be good it wasnt gonna be easy. Thank You Coach Bell.

After I left Robertsville Junior High, I attended Rockwood High School until I was 18 and got myself kicked out. We can blame our problems on other people but its always our decisions that we made are the consequences. One of my favorite memmorie from High School was Coach Gibson hiding in the ceiling of the boys bathroom to catch smokers.

After I got the boot from Rockwood High School I spent 3 months stdying for my G.E.D. at the Adult Learning Center in Harriman, Tennessee. I achieved that Goal in 3 months and i feel that was about the time that my life really got focus. I then attended Roane State Commnity College in Harriman, Tennessee where I carried a 3.80 and a degree in Criminal Justice. After I graduated from College I moved to Indiana and did the craziest thing i went into trck driving. I drove a tractor/trailer Over the Road (OTR)for 3 yrs when i realized that i just spent 2 years in college and aint even putting my degree to work for me. Thats when i decided to come off the road and go to work for the University of Tennessee Police Department Police Support Services and I became a ticket writer/Security Officer for them I spent 9 months working for them and thats how i became affiliated with the Knox County Schools Division/Knox Contracts Security Division and have been an Officer with them ever since.


Please use the drop down box below to get to my links

I am sorry that my links are not currently working please be patient I will get to them after the Holidays thank you for your Patience! From me and my family we wold like to wish yall a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

Please sign my guestbook below

I am wanting to give Children in the Hospitals in Knoxville, Tennessee a good Christmas in 2003. I wanted to do this this year but I didnt have the available funds and i am trying to get more links to help in this endeavor because if you sing up with any of the links below you will be helping in giving these kids a Merry Christmas and if this takes off I will be doing this every year and buildiing a website soley for this purpose. Thank you for helping

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