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Hanna-Barbera Quotes

Here's my page for some classic HB Cartoon Quotes. If you have one that you'd like displayed here, Email Me with the subject line "Hanna-Barbera Quotes" (or "HB Quotes"). Include your name or nickname, the quote, who said it, and the cartoon it's from. Keep in mind not all of my quotes are 100% accurate, because I have either not seen them in awhile, or I don't have them on tape.

"I'm smarter than the average bear!"
-Yogi Bear

"Mr. Ranger isn't gonna like that, Yogi."
-Boo Boo Bear

"Yabba Dabba Doo!"
-Fred Flintstone

"You could say it was a scream. Ah ha ha. Ah ha ha. Ah haaah haaahhh, haaahhh!"
-Huckleberry Hound (submitted by Gagemickmin)

"Hey, man, whoever heard of stapling water to a wall?"
-Fluid Man, The Impossibles

"Leaping lipstick! Three frantic female fans!"
"Let's cut out. Sneaky like."
-Coil Man and Fluid Man, The Impossibles

"Uh oh. Here they come again!"
"And here we go again!"
-Multi Man and Coil Man, The Impossibles

"Now hooolllld on thar! I'llll do all the thinnin' around here! And dooooon't you forget it!"
-Quick Draw McGraw

-Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble, The Flintstones

"Well, that's funny!"
"What's so funny about the Washington Monument, Coiley?"
"It doesn't look a bit like him."
"Oh brother!"
-Coil Man and Fluid Man, The Impossibles

"Holy Mesopotamia! A three eyed Jupiterian . . . . something or other!"
-Fluid Man, The Impossibles

"All's fair in love, war and business, and I've just declared business!"
-Mr. Spacely, The Jetsons (submitted by Stan)

"That Quicks Draw really is a bird brain."
"What did you say?"
"I said I thin it's gonna rain!"
-Baba Looey, Quick Draw McGraw

"It sounds like Alexandra. The plant must've eaten her!"
"It is Alexandra!"
"Who were you expecting? Scooby Doo?"
-Melody, Valerie, and Alexandra, Josie and the Pussycats

"It's the Impossibles!"
"The Impossibles? Yeccchhh!"
"There's only two of you. Where's the other buttinski?"
-Mother Grusome and Cromwell, The Impossibles

"If there's one thing I don't need, it's a head cold!"
-Smogula, The Impossibles

"Jane! Stop this crazy thing!"
-George Jetson

"Ri rove roo, Reorge!"
-Astro, The Jetsons

"Danger prone Daphne did it again!"
-Fred, Scooby Doo

"Why am I always stuck with a cat, a chicken, and a giggling blonde?!"
-Alexandra, Josie and the Pussycats (submitted by Gagemickmin)

"And now, a word from our sponsor."
-Miss Solar System Announcer and Mr. Spacely, The Jetsons(submitted by Gagemickmin)

"Rally . . . . YIPE!"
-Multi Man, The Impossibles

"Slow down, Scoots! If this place is haunted, I'll eat my hat!"
(a hammer starts nailing boards to the door, on its own)
"Well, Country, what do you have to say now?"
"Got any ketchup, Kitty Jo?"
-Country and Kitty Jo, The Cattanooga Cats

"I know who it is. It's the wool-uff! That's who it is. It's the wool-uff! It's the wool-uff!"
-Lambsy, It's the Wolf

"I'm selling like hotcakes! Only who wants a three hundred and fifty pound hotcake?"
-Magilla Gorilla

"Three and three is . . . . uhh, Seven? Nine? Fourteen? Sixteen!"
-Huckleberry Hound

"But Alexander the Great! I didn't come to join your army and conquer the world!"
"Keep marching! Or I'll put you on KP!"
-Timeatron and Alexander the Great, The Impossibles

"I, Alexander the Great, have a brilliant plan!"
"Oh, that's a wonderful plan, Alexander!"
"I haven't told you what it is yet!"
-Alex and Melody, Josie and the Pussycats

"Brilliant. You just lost six yards."
"Oooohhh, and the same number of ribs!"
-Auggie and Skip, Funky Phantom (submitted by Gagemickmin)

"Hmm. You burned the toast."
-George Jetson, Jetsons: The Movie

"This is Miss Judy in love. Tra la la la la la la! This is Miss Judy out of love. Eeehh-uhhh! Eeehh-uhhh! Eeehh-uhh!"
-Rosie, The Jetsons

"This apple tastes like paper!"
-Wally, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids

"But I've nevah sang for frogs before, just Monkees."
-Davy Jones, The New Scooby Doo Movies

"I don't know the meaning of the word!"
"Sit down, I'll tell you."
-Dick Van Dyke and Shaggy, The New Scooby Doo Movies

"I wonder what's holding up the show?"
"I'd wait forever to see the Impossibles!"
"I'd wait longer than that!"
-Teenage Girls, The Impossibles

"I take the fifth amendment."
"The fifth amendment?"
"Sure! I refuse to enter grounds which may intimidate me!"
-Shaggy and Daphne, The New Scooby Doo Movies

"Hey! Like this is hay!"
"Bright, isn't he?"
-Shaggy and Daphne, The New Scooby Doo Movies

"Now I know why they call them knights. All I can see is stahs!"
"Why you're Davy Jones!"
"I nevah could keep a secret."
-Davy Jones and Velma, The New Scooby Doo Movies

"Oh wow, I'll sure know who to call if my garbage disposal breaks!"
-Mama Cass, The New Scooby Doo Movies

-Dracula and Townspeople, Scooby Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf

"I don't know which is scarier. Those green globs or Cass Elliot's driving!"
-Shaggy, The New Scooby Doo Movies

"Shaggy? Shaggy?! What kind of a name is Shaggy?!"
-Dracula, Scooby Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf

"Man he's mean lookin'. And I mean mean man!"
-Fluid Man, The Impossibles

"Oh for goodness sake, you put it in upside down!"
"I'm sorry, Secret. I thought the pointy end went in first."
-Secret Squirrel and Morrocco Mole, Secret Squirrel

"Watch the birdy and smile!"
"I'm watching and I'm smiling! Oh boy, it's a good thing for Morrocco I have a sense of humor!"
-Morrocco Mole and Secret Squirrel, Secret Squirrel

"Oh, her life is over."
"My life is over!"
-Jane and Judy Jetson, The Jetsons Movie

"Yabba Dabba Doozy!"
-Pebbles Flintstone, Pebbles and Bam-Bam

"He must be working for the mole-men from Neptune!"
"Reptune? Roo's he?"
-Freddy and Scooby, A Pup Named Scooby-Doo (submitted by Flim Flam)

"In the immortal words of the great confused one..."
-Flim Flam, The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo (submitted by Flim Flam)

"So, how long is that?"
"Until I find the wonder wand of Zagras, and destroy the world! Starting with you!"
-Shaggy and Maldor the Malevolent, The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo (submitted by Flim Flam)

"This thing must weigh a ton. And it's a squinch out of tune to boot!"
-Quick Draw McGraw, The Good, The Bad, and the Huckleberry Hound"

"Sheriff Huck, is there anything you'd like to say to our audience?"
"Yes. Always wear a shirt when somebody pins a badge to your chest. Yeeeooouuuch!"
-Magilla Gorilla and Huckleberry Hound, The Good, The Bad, and the Huckleberry Hound

"Well I think . . . ."
"No, Freddy, it isn't Red Herring, or the Mud Men."
"Ohhh, darn!"
-Freddy and Daphne, A Pup Named Scooby Doo

"You told me never to return to this planet, so I'm ready for you."
-Arko, The Herculoids (submitted by Tammi)

"Razzafrackinbrackingraffinbrackin . . . ."

"In a few minutes, I'll have dishpan feet!"
-Bird Washing Machine, The Flintstones

"I like the food over at the Rubbles better."
-Dinosaur Can Opener, The Flintstones

"I hate--!"(fill in the blank)
-Grouchy, The Smurfs (submitted by Tammi)

"Help! I can't swim! I can't even dogpaddle!"
-Drowning party guest, The Flintstones (submitted by Tammi)

"I told ya! I told ya!"
"I know."
-Scrambles and Chopper, Wheelie And The Chopper Bunch (submitted by Tammi)

"Hello, hello. Police headquarters. This is Rosemary, the female fuzz."
-Rosemary, Hong Kong Phooey (submitted by Tammi)

"Uh oh! Chongo!"
-Morgan, Danger Island (submitted by Tammi)

"We are with you, Medulla."
-All women, including Wonder Woman and Jayna, Superfriends (submitted by Tammi)

"I'd better call on the Goofy Guards."
-King, Yippee, Yappee, and Yahooey (submitted by Tammi)

"You promised you'd buy me a handsome prince!"
-Princess, Yippee, Yappee, and Yahooey (submitted by Tammi)

"A lesser man would have given up long ago."
"Well, I'm a lesser hippo."
-So-So and Peter Potamus, Peter Potamus (submitted by Tammi)

-Jerik, Speed Buggy (submitted by Tammi)

"A giant that handsome can't be bad."
-Flirtacia, The Adventures Of Gulliver (submitted by Tammi)

"Rozan Kobar!"
-Fariik, The Arabian Knights (submitted by Tammi)

"If you ever decide to open a used gladiator lot, you can always use that one for spare parts."
-Young Samson, Young Samson And Goliath (submitted by Tammi)

"What is this stuff?"
"Soup. Vulture soup."
"I'd rather have the cold."
-Ugh and Dino Boy, Dino Boy (submitted by Tammi)

"We have a saying in my country. Seeing is believing."
"We have a saying in my country, too. I'm from Missouri."
-Jonny Quest and Hadji, Jonny Quest (submitted by Tammi)

"On the count of three. One. Two. What are you doing?"
"I'm not sure if three comes after two. I always thought it came before four."
-Dr. Rebos and Loco, Superfriends (submitted by Tammi)

"They never learn, do they?"
-Toulie, The Three Musketeers

"Cindy, I can't believe it!"
"Neither can I, sir." "But why? why did you do it?" "I don't know. i voice in my head kept saying take, take. take, take, take. take,take, take, take take, take, take."
"Oh,no...not you, Cindy. if you would have done one wrong thing I might believe it, but you'd have to convince me!"
(Cindy throws a pie in his face)
"And that did it!" - Cindy and ranger smith from Hey There It's Yogi Bear (submitted by Siri_Fan)

"How bout that, I go to sleep a bear, and wake up an octopus!"
-Yogi Bear from Hey There it's Yogi Bear (submitted by The Truffler)

"All I got's is a pair of threesies. But I couldn't resist gettin' in on this comedy pie gag."
-Huckleberry Hound, The Good, The Bad, and the Huckleberry Hound

"Anybody got an Aspirin?"
-Quickdraw McGraw, The Good, The Bad, and the Huckleberry Hound

"We did it! We caught the ghost of Pierre Ghoulash!"
"Puh-leeeze! There's no such things as ghosts!"
"Like okay already! Don't have a cow!"
-Shaggy, Daphne, and her parents, A Pup Named Scooby-Doo

"Like it's a peeping ghost!"
"Reah! Ro roo rind?!"
-Shaggy, Scooby, and Dogcatcher Ghost, A Pup Named Scooby Doo

"People polluter! People polluter!"
"Pass him by! Pass him by!"
-Alice and Chet Boyle, Wait Till Your Father Gets Home (submitted by Tammi)

"We'll play for a nickel if you want to bet."
"Bet! Bet! Bet! Bet! Bet! Bet!"
-Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone, The Flintstones (submitted by Tammi)

"Platoon, halt!"
-Kim Butler, Valley Of The Dinosaurs (submitted by Tammi)

"The bomb operates on the same principle as blowing out a match."
"Well, that's a pretty big match to blow out."
-Dr. Quest and Race Bannon, Jonny Quest (submitted by Tammi)

"If you're a coach, then I'm the King Of Siam."
"Pleased to meet you, your Majesty."
-Mr. Teller and Tim Conway, The New Scooby Doo Movies (submitted by Tammi)

"What's your name, child?"
"Well, you're a little bit of a child. Lillibit's what we'll call you."
-Artful Dodger and Lillibit, Oliver And The Artful Dodger (submitted by Tammi)

"Now your fifty feet of good are matched by my fifty feet of evil."
-Giganta, Challenge Of The Superfriends (submitted by Tammi)

-Tom and Tub, Moby Dick (submitted by Tammi)

"There's nothing worse than an angry mother. Unless it's an angry father."
-Mighty Mightor (submitted by Tammi)

"You are no match for my serpent of the pool."
"The power of my club is."
-Serpent Queen and Mighty Mightor, Mighty Mightor (submitted by Tammi)

"You dropped it on the wrong genie!"
"You didn't say which genie, Master."
-Master Of The Thieves and Baharoum, Shazzan (submitted by Tammi)

"There, there, Dracky. Your face is getting flushed!"
"How can I help it? Every time he talks, he flushes everything!"
-Vanna Pira and Dracula, Scooby Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf

"Wonderful! A million dollar pile up!"
"Dracky, you've never even seen a million dollars!"
"So what? It looks like nothing I've ever seen before!"
-Dracula and Vanna Pira, Scooby Doo and The Reluctant Werewolf

"Scream beans? Oh that's terrible!"
"Yes, I quite agree, my dear. I say, Crunch, do remind me to let the chef know his cooking is out of tune again."
-Googie and Brunch, Scooby Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf

"She hit the net!"
"Hit it? She went through it!"
-Calloway Cadets, Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School

"Gosh, Yogi. You sing just like James Darren!"
-Boo-Boo, Hey There, it's Yogi Bear

"Does anybody out there need an unemplyed vice president?"
-George Jetson

"It can't be! But that skinny dancer looks like Alexander!"
"Is that one of the brave heroes you spoke of?"
"No. That's a chicken!"
-Valerie and Princess, Josie and the Pussycats

"I gotta learn to keep my big mouth shut!"
-Alexander, Josie and the Pussycats

"Out! Out! O-W-T! OUT!"
-Fred Flintstone

"I didn't go through all this trouble just so I could release you!"
-Diabolyn, Wildfire

"Wait for me!"
-Brutus, Wildfire

"Scoodalee a wow wawawa!"
-Hot Lips Hannigan, The Flintstones (submitted by Tammi)

"Help! A peeping Tom!"
"Excuse me, lady. My name's Fred."
"Help! A peeping Fred!"
-Scared woman and Fred Flintstone, The Flintstones (submitted by Tammi)

"You say this is an original song?"
"If it ain't, I'll eat it."
"You might find the little pieces easier to chew!"
-Roland Rockwell and Fred Flintstone, The Flintstones (submitted by Tammi)

"Hey, this isn't Orbit! Somebody switched dogs on us!"
"I'll bet it was that reporter who was here."
"Reporter? What reporter?" -Danny and Shirley Partridge, Partridge Family 2200 A.D. (submitted by Tammi)

"Scientifically, nothing is impossible.(Sees the giant alien animals). It's impossible!"
-Valerie, Josie And The Pussycats In Outer Space (submitted by Tammi)

"Wham bam, we're in a jam!"
-Chan Clan kids, The Amazing Chan And The Chan Clan (submitted by Tammi)

"We both bear a resemblance to Burt Reynolds."
-Gomez Addams, The Addams Family (submitted by Tammi)

"You have more power than I expected. You must be destroyed."
"How many times have we heard that speech?"
-Rama-Tut and Ben Grimm, The Fantastic Four (submitted by Tammi)

"That's the sack that broke the back of Gotron's gold ship."
-Tara, The Herculoids (submitted by Tammi)

"Fifty flying fire fighters."
-Fred Flintstone and Tanya, The Man Called Flintstone (submitted by Tammi)

"And there's the mysterious Sphinx."
"But there's only one of them. So it should just be called a Sphink. I think."
-Sinbad Jr and Salty, Sinbad Jr (submitted by Tammi)

"It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Sinbad!"
-Salty, Sinbad Jr (submitted by Tammi)

"Oh, I've been a bad boy!"
-Costello, Abbot And Costello (submitted by Tammi)

"We don't have a choice."
"Oh, yes, we do. We have Avenger."
-Birdman and Birdboy, Birdman (submitted by Tammi)

"Now compared to me, you are a mere baby. And the baby needs a spanking."
-Growliath, The Galaxy Trio (submitted by Tammi)

"Can't make a liar out of my history teacher."
-Vapor Man, The Galaxy Trio (submitted by Tammi)

"Bruin barbecue!"
-Omar Kayak, Breezly and Sneezly (submitted by Tammi)

"They're preparing some kind of celebration or feast"
(A screeching pteranodon approaches)
"Oh no, a pteranodon. If it's a feast, they must be planning to serve me!"
-Tor, Mighty Mightor (submitted by Mauage)

"Like, he dislo-cha-cha-ed my sacroili-ek!"
-Spook, Top Cat

"Some wolves have little black books, but you have the entire yellow pages!"
-Top Cat

“I hate those meeces to pieces!”
-Mr. Jinks, submitted by K.D. Wilson

“Exit, stage right!”
-Snagglepuss, submitted by K.D. Wilson

“Heavens to Murgatroyd!”
-Snagglepuss, submitted by K.D. Wilson

“Grape ape! Grape ape!”
-Grape Ape, submitted by K.D. Wilson

“Oh, fuddle-dee-doo!”
-Wally Gator, submitted by K.D. Wilson

“Oh me, oh my, oh dear.”
-Hardy Har Har, submitted by K.D. Wilson

“Isn’t that cute… BUT IT’S WRONG!!”
-Mr. Hollywood, in several “2 Stupid Dogs” cartoons, submitted by K.D. Wilson

“Up and at ‘em, Atom Ant!”
-Atom Ant, submitted by K.D. Wilson