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' R o b  V a n  D a m '

|| Role-Play # : 42 || Record : 02 - 05 - 01 ||
|| Achievements
: Debut Win, WM2K1 World Heavyweight #1 Contender, Slam Ranked #2, 
Slam's Main Event (2x), Pay Per View's Main Event (2x), ||


[[: Static :]]

[[: The scene opens in a large shopping mall in New York City, the mall is fairly empty due to the time, sun dying down. The camera pans around until we spot a store of Wrestling Merchandise, the camera goes inside where we then see Rob Van Dam and Steve Corino both browsing at a large rack of tapes, ECW tapes. :]]

Rob Van Dam: C'mon dude, it shouldn't be too hard to find a tape with 'The Whole Fucking Show' on the event card, I main evented pretty much every show back in ECW, you know?

Steve Corino: You? pssh, why the hell should we be looking for something with you on the card? I'm the 'King Of Old School' baby! I'll be all over these tapes!

Rob Van Dam: Dude, please don't tell me you actually think being dubbed the 'king of old school' even puts you on the same scale as [points to himself] Rob.. Van.. Dam!

Steve Corino: Whatever, just keep looking, something's bound to turn up.

Rob Van Dam: Well I know what I'm looking for, dude. 'November To Remember' nineteen ninety nine, you remember the one, right dude?

Steve Corino: How the hell could I not?!

Rob Van Dam: Haha, thanks man, I always knew my times would be forever remembered, man I'm such a dude!

Steve Corino: Fuck no! that's not it, how the hell could I forget, you told me three times on the way over here, you beat Taz to retain the ECW title, big deal.

Rob Van Dam: Haha, thanks for reminding me, dude.. man I'm STILL such a dude!

Steve Corino: Ah screw this, I'll wait outside..

[[: Steve Corino pulls out his wallet from his back pocket and hands it to RVD :]]

Steve Corino: Just grab a tape, pay for it and meet me out the front, man.

Rob Van Dam: Okay dude, will do.

[[: Steve Corino huffs and walks out of the store, RVD opens up the wallet and pulls out a handful of notes, RVD gets a funny look on his face, and turns back to the rack of tapes :]]

Rob Van Dam: Well, he didn't exactly give me a limit to spend, haha.

[[: RVD clears out the shelf of ECW tapes and carries the pile to the cash register :]]

Rob Van Dam: Wait dude, I'll take a cap, too.. oh and one of those shirts man, those things are awesome.. uh.. what other stuff you got, dude?

[[: The guy steps to the side to reveal a large area of ECW Merchandise, RVD looks down at Corino's wallet, then looks back up with a smirk :]]

Rob Van Dam: You know what, dude? I'll take the whole damn lot!

[[: The guy rings up all of RVD's purchased merchandise, and begins bagging the stuff :]]

Rob Van Dam: Actually man, I'll take a home delivery on that stuff, dude.

[[: RVD hands over a thick pile of notes from Corino's wallet, the cash guy does his thing, and RVD walks out of the store, where Steve Corino is sat on a bench :]]

Rob Van Dam: Come on dude, time to head for the arena.

Steve Corino: Where the hell is my tape, man?

Rob Van Dam: It's on delivery, no worries.

Steve Corino: Delivery?! What the hell did you buy?!

Rob Van Dam: Uh... this and that.

[[: RVD smirks and walks on away from the cameras view, Corino scratches his head on the spot for a few moments, before dashing after RVD. :]]

[[: Static :]]



|| Van Daminated. Diamond Dallas Page, Rikishi, Brock Lesnar? Road Dogg? ||
|| Handler Information || E-Mail :  || AIM : Tangoman27 ||