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To a New Land

"From 1846 one load of immigrants landed in New York where agents Consantine Brause and Gettfried Shulze, received them and arranged for their transfer on steamers to Charleston S.C. then boarded a train for Dalton Ga. then by wagon to Chattanooga, then they came by ox-cart, wagon or on foot. The group that had left Europe, March 26, 1846, arrived here in July, 1846. This group was accompanied by Rev. Johann Wilkins who George Fredrick Gerding had selected as the pastor of the colony. It has been told that one group came down from New York to Charleston S.C. then from Charleston to Chattanooga, from Chattanooga they came up the Tennessee River to Kingston, Tennessee, from Kingston they came to Wartburg by wagon or foot." Source: Wartburg: Dream and Reality of the New Germany in Tennessee by Klaus G. Wust.