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21 April 2003 -

I've been working on my web design project lately, so thats why I haven't been able to do this one. Only one more week of classes. I'm leaving for Texas on the 1st of May to see Aaron graduate. If anyone wants to get something to him, get it to me before that Wednesday. Aaron is wanting everyone to write him and send pictures if you have any. I'm sure I'll have pictures of Aaron when I get back. Gotta get working on other projects. Talk to everyone later!

PS: Good luck to anyone going to the Beta Club Convention.

11 April 2003 -

OK, someone really needs to hurt my English Professor...I got to my 8:15 English class to turn in a draft of my paper and he decides to cancel the class...Grrr! Anyways, I got to register for classes on Wednesday. I'm taking Intro to Theater...which by far looks to be like the most interesting class I have taken so far. Schools going good besides all the projects and papers. I want to congratulate Emily on getting Student Body President for next year! Well, I guess I better get back to working on some of this stuff...have a project for WWW due Tuesday!!!

2 April 2003 -

<rant>I have a simple question to ask everyone...Why is it that when there is something big going on in one of your classes, the rest of them decide to assign something just as hard at the same time? Are they trying to see how much pressure they can put on a person before he/she snaps?</rant> The dreaded signing up for fall classes is here again...I really want to take some fun stuff, but I just don't have the room right now. Its really sad. Projects and papers and homework everywhere!! Only 17 more days of classes though...the summer here we come!!

29 March 2003 -

I really wish that they wouldn't tempt students with Spring Break. Whenever I get back to school its is so hard to want to go to class again. Anyway...I am doing my research paper for English on gun control. I really have only one thing to say. This isn't rocket science... people are the things that kill people...not guns. I wish I could explain that to some of the pro gun control people. OK, sorry about that...just had to get that off my chest. Only 4 more weeks of classes left. Yay!! I love college. Well, back to working on a graded website...Talk to you later!!

18 March 2003 -

Well, Aaron left last night. Its kind of sad not having a brother to fight with about all the stupid stuff that we used to fight about. Other than that, Spring Break has been great so far. I have done nothing big besides sit around and chill. I love it. I kind of want to be back in school though...its kind of bitter sweet I guess. I'm waiting for Thursday morning when we start dropping bombs on Iraq. I don't think that it will last all that long or we would have probably already started. I honestly think Bush is doing the right thing. Go ahead and get rid of one more political leader that oppresses his people...and the world will be a better place! Not really...but if no one is going to step up to the plate, then I'm glad that we are and we are actually going to do something about it. Politics are so great......

By the way...Outlook is a great way to remember all the important dates you have to remember...I recommend it to everyone!!