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Welcome to the Edge of the Internet

Warning...I am not liable for anything the content of this site causes...young children should surf this site with a responsible adult, as the webmaster writes this site without concern for low-key possibly offfensive content. I am not responsible for anything that happens. Thank you.

    Hi, I'm Dean. Odds are, if you're at this site, then you know me. If not, please continue reading to learn a little about me. I wrote this page with limited amounts of HTML 4.0, so it's not too flashy. I play guitar when I'm not off on a hiking trip across the state or defending life, liberty, and American virtues from the forces of evil. I also enjoy cars (Not an import tuner, but I do have respect for the real ones, little for poseurs.) and the outdoors. If you'd like to drop me a line, you may do so here. I'm working on getting this site together, so bear with me and check back. Keep on truckin!


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