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The Churches of Jesus Christ International


The Churches of Jesus Christ is one of the oldest Oneness Pentecostal organizations in the world.  It was incorporated in 1927 by Bishop Mark K. Lawson who established the general offices at Cleveland, Tennessee.  However, we believe the Church of Jesus Christ is best described as an "organism."  That is, the church is the body of Christ and therefore it should function as a body without schisms (1 Corinthians 12:13-31).  Like the individual parts of a body, each member church is independent in operation, function and ministry while they still support the efforts and mission of  The Churches of Jesus Christ International (Mark 16:16).  Our basic tenants of faith are summarized in Ephesians 4:1-6 and Zechariah 14:9.  While we recognize there may be some differences among our brethren, we believe maintaining a spirit of unity will help lead us into the unity of the faith.  However, we do contend for the following:

There is one Lord whom we believe is Jesus Christ.  There is not one Lord of the Old Testament and another of the New Testament.  Jesus is the Lord God Almighty (Rev 4:8).  If Christ is not Lord of all, he can not be Lord at all.

There is one faith which Christ taught to his Apostles who then delivered it to the church.  If any preach any other gospel let him be accursed.         (Gal 1:8-9).

 There is one baptism that must be administered in the name of Jesus for the remission of sin (Acts 2:38).  For there is no other name given whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12)

 There is one God and Jesus is His name.  To believe anything else is to break the first commandment, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD." (Deu 6:4) and his name is one (Zech 14:9).  Jesus came in His Father's name (John 5:43), the Holy Ghost came in the name of Jesus (John 14:26) and Jesus, the Son of God was named after the family name (Matthew 1:21 & Eph 3:14-15)