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Campbell County, Tennessee Jane Doe / DoeNetwork case # 223UFTN - Portfolio Page

Right after the Court TV article ran early in 2001 comparing the Tent Girl and the Campbell County Doe's, I decided to call Eddie Barton. Eddie is the Detective working on the case in Campbell County. It's only 90 miles from my home in Overton County.
I had an idea. We had a project in mind....Project EDAN. I wanted to take the skull of the Jane Doe in Campbell County and have the face re-constructed. Thanks to CourtTV, Eddie was well aware of the DoeNetwork and happily obliged. These are the images put together by our EDAN artists.
-Todd Matthews

Sculpture by Wesley Neville

Sketches by Dave Wood

DoeNetwork Case # 223UFTN

Artists contributing to facial reconstruction

Additional Images & Information

Official DoeNetwork Profile page for 223UFTN
Anterior overlay of skull and sculpture / Neville
Left view sculpture / Neville
Right view sculture / Neville
Profile bald / Neville
Close up of teeth / Matthews
Profile overlay bald / Neville
Right view color / Neville
Smile Sketch featuring teeth / Neville
Court TV coverage
Anterior straight smile / Neville
Left three quarter smile / Neville
Right profile smile / Neville
Profile tissue depth markers 1X1 / Neville
Progressive images / Neville
Wes Neville hard at work taking measurements for tissue depth markers
Project EDAN info
Project EDAN more info
Tent Girl
The DoeNetwork

Email: JTMatthews@TwLakes.Net