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Becca's Page!

Hi, my name is Becca! and this is my simple little website! I'm 21 years old from Tennessee, I'm married to a wonderful man, Mark and we have an absolutely beautiful baby girl! She came a month early, just in time for Christmas! She was born on December 21st and her name is Cadence! She's so perfect! It's so wonderful being a mom, still a little crazy, but it's great! Anyways, I just want this to be short and sweet! I want to thank my Mama and Daddy for all of their support! John and Dujuana for just tolerating me, hehe, just kidding, thanks for loving me! Hailey, thank you so much for being such a great neice and my "little secret box". Randy, Kelli, and Bryan, thanks for being supportive of my every move no matter what that may be today! haha Kayce and Chuck, thank you for being so dang funny, I love ya'll! Leslie (Mom), thank you for supporting me even though Mac (Dad) was unhappy for a while! haha Brook, Tyler, and Brennan - thanks for being great "brothers and my little sister secret box"! hehe Tara and Jillian, thank you for always being there for me, I want to be there for you as much as I can now!!! Dennis and Patsy, thanks for being such great in-laws! Jason, Dawn, Hunter and Gracie, thank you for being so nice to me and making me feel welcome into your family! Holly, thank you for making me feel better about myself and just listening...I know that we are both smart enough to act stupid and we have sure done it before! haha To everyone that I may have forgotten, thank you for everything, all of my family and friends mean the world to me! Thanks for being there!!!

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days 'til Mark and Becca's one year wedding anniversary!
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