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Aaron C. Kinder; Spiritual Teacher
Aaron C. Kinder, Spiritual Teacher


Aaron C. Kinder; Spiritual Teacher

 W E L C O M E 
Welcome to the webpage of Aaron C. Kinder; Spiritual Teacher. This site is the homepage of his ministry and spiritual services dedicated to God. Hopefully this page will challenge you to think and ponder God and the reason for life.

The reason for life has been made to sound so mysterious, when in fact it is very simple. The reason for living is so that we may learn and in that process of learning touch as many lives as possible.

If you succeed at touching the heart of only one person and bring them closer to God, your life has been a sucess. That is what this ministry is all about; conneting people to God.

C O N T A C T  U S  A T : 
To schedule personal readings, spiritual counsling or spiritual seminars, write to:

Aaron C. Kinder, Spiritual Services
P.O. Box 824
Cedar Bluff, Virginia 24609-0824

A B O U T  A A R O N 
Aaron has been blessed with a spiritual gift from his earliest recollection. This gift has at times been referred to as "psychic," however

It is Aaron's mission to use that gift to help others connect to God through readings, seminars and lectures.


For more information please contact Aaron at

Our site is constantly being updated. Please check back for new information.

© 2001, 2002 Aaron C. Kinder.

L A T E S T  N E W S 
Aaron is currently working on a book about his philosophy and theology. If you have a question regarding God, Life, Death, the After Life or any spiritual topic please email us.
 Q U E S T I O N S 
Do you have questions or comments? If so please write to us by email or postal. Our addresses are listed on the contact us page
 M O T T O 

"Be a light for God in the darkness."
 Q U O T E S 
Let us have the purpose:
to give other people hope,
to keep our family units together,
to keep the whole moral fiber of ourselves intact,
to give love and sanction and grace to everyone we meet.
We are "Grace Givers."
------Sylvia C. Browne

For he shall give his angles charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone
-----Psalm 91:11-12 KJV
