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I am a stay at home mother of two. One boy (Jordan) age 13 and one girl (Jenell) age 15.
My husband (his name is Bruce) is a self employed store owner and we have one dog (Spunky).
This is (I believe) my 3rd class with you and I am looking forward to learning everything I can about designing web pages.
It is my dream to work for myself from my home as a Web Master.
I would like to design web pages for people who don't know how to put web pages together and charge a small fee to maintain them for those who don't have the time to do so.
I would also like to work for a radio station maintaining their page for them.
I really enjoy the behind the scene workings of web design.
I will be doing my web site on a group called


Assignment #2

Add external link to a popular web site.
Netscape Web Site
Add a relative link to another page that I have created with a link to get back to the original page.
My Color Me Badd Site

Add a link to an email address for myself. My E-mail