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Hello,my name is Tuton_Sphinx,
i am a Desert Kougra
Welcome to the Realm of Desert Pets!=)

I am so glad you could drop by!=)
For those of you who have decided
to join our neocircle or if your just
checkin out the site,Welcome!!=)
My owner and me have lots of cool
stuff on here we hope you'll like=).
We have links to all of our favourite
places to go in Neopia,our favourite
world right now is 'The Lost Desert',
we loooove playing 'Pyramids'!
We have some links we hope you'll check out
and a little of everything else.Of course we
could'nt even begin to list all of
awesome places to go or things to
do in Neopia but we've listed our favourites=)
If you have any questions,ideas or comments,
please let us know=).

If your a little confused about what we're
talkin about and want to check out the
the greatest virtual pet site in the world,

What we do:

What ever we can to help folks out.
We list members shops,homepages
and pets.If there is anything you need,
medicine,food,etc we will help.We are
working on putting up a trade page.No
neopoints will be exchanged here,sorry but you can
put items up and what you want to trade for.
We also have a contest each week and at the
end of the week a member will recieve a paint brush,
pretty cool huh=).We are currently listed
with 11 search engines which betters everyones
chance of traffic flow to homepages and shops!=)


Members Shops

Members Pets

Members Web Sites


Sticking with the theme of our species,Desert Pets,
we thought you may want to know a little bit more
about the place we come from,the ancient,mysterious, land of Egypt.
When most people hear Egypt
 they think of the Pyramids,the Spinx,Isis,
or King Tut,but there is so much more than that.
Clickhere to read about this ancient civilization
and their way of life,it is really cool!!=)


My two cents on the Battledome:


Is the Battledome cruel and or harsh punishment
for neopets whos owners fight them?


Are you out of your bleepin mind???
The Battledome is what i'm trainin my butt
off for!My owner,i don't think i've mentioned
her name yet so i will now,Xavier_Vex,
(sorryyyyyyyyy Xav=)=)=)
and me have spent countless hours and nps
buying codestones so i can improve my
stats,doin Faerie Quests,anything and
everything to get where i need to be to be
a formable contender,i plan on being the
greatest Gladiator to ever step foot in the
Battledome,Battle Faerie the victory shall be mine!!!bwahahaha!!!!
er.....heehee,just a little carried away there,
so ok,i'm not The Rock......yet!!!!!=)


Friends Pets
Desert Pets
Sakhmet Solatire
Kiko Match

Games Guide

We know some of the games
can be a little tryin' so we have
made a page we hope will help
you with tips,hints and strategies
to some of them=)



Ancient Egyptian Virtual Temple-ok folks
if you do nothing else the rest of the year you
have to see this,it is awesome!!!!!


Egyptian Art


Let us know what ya think=)

We thank you for visiting=)

join our webring~~=)

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This NeoCircle is owned by xavier_vex
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