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Doing Time

"Doing Time"

Everyone just wants to feel good about themselves and their world. Consciously or unconsciously, each of us moves through time trying to feel more complete, more satisfied, more whole than the moment before. I believe that we have an allotted amount of time here, this time becomes a search for enlightenment. Our life here is a matter of doing our time according to our very best guesses.

Being human, our guesses are based not just on instinct, but also with a tremendous amount of thinking and reasoning. Or it should be. Fortunately, since the beginning of human life on earth, in the middle of all the hate, prejudice, and corruption, there are still those who pursue Truth. This search for Truth, for the key that makes sense of life, for the deep mysterious something that connects all of us, all of creation, has never stopped, never even paused for a minute.

You and I are seekers on a sacred, ancient path carved out by trailblazers. It doesn't matter which trailblazer preceeded you. It may have been Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, great yogis, gurus, medicine chiefs, or men and women of every age, race and land. What does matter is that we're in this thing together. We are born; we have good times and bad times; we experience a wide range of emotions such as desire, love, anger, and fear; we all face various problems and challenges that make us feel good or bad about ourselves; we all learn some things and will forever wonder about other things; and than we move on into the unknown.

We meet, doesn't matter where, a remote cave or a faraway mountaintop; a large metropolitan area or a remote country village, this meeting is still about seeking Truth. Where ever we meet, it's a great opportunity to come together, so let's not sell ourselves short; this meeting can change our lives if we allow it to happen.

We may be an unlikely bunch, filled with doubts, fears and many forms of self-hatred and self-criticism, but we also happen to be the keepers of the Truth in this age; the Truth survives solely because we keep it in our hearts and minds. We just have to unblock our access to it. That may take a lot of self-honesty and hard work, no matter where we live, how we spend our days or what we've done in the past. We're all heros and adventurers who have a lot in common. We have a lot of ups and downs, we may stumble and fall a million times. Can we not reach out a caring, supportive hand to each other? If we do, we will all become stronger, wiser and freer by the end.

With a little self-honesty, courage, kindness and an undying sense of humor, we can find life together, rather than a mere existance.

After all, aren't we all just doing time?

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