Um... NO

Nice title huh!!!!! yeah i know. so anyways, one day alanna was stolen away by the coke santaclause into another demension called nebulae,as follows: and she was attacked by krishna's , evil deamons that look like my biology teacher. yes its true. Anyways, so cj the dun dun dun BATTLE ANGEL, went to save her, so she sliced up a krishna and found it to be nothing but .................................(eternal waiting)..................................... slime. yes thtas right, slime , made of .................................... (more eternal waiting) green beans. Yes thats right, green beans, so anyways dr homo came in and got married to mrs krishnan the leader of the krishna's and then.... um.... yeah, so we all got abducted by roadside tree monkeys. And alanna is still not we decide we will go on a crusade or something along those lines to save her, but as you know almost all 9 of the crusades were failers, and the 9th one sacked constantinople, and the world broke into song, ISTANBUL NOT CONSTANTINOPLE YEAH ISTANBUL NOT CONSTANTINOPLE, and .... *STAKE* goes lana for not saving her. yes well i figured i'd do it before you did, so anyways a bacterium, whom had unspliced itself from mrs krishnan's evil experiments, ran around taking over the we can't let this happen now can we, so princess buttercup went into the fire swamp with wesley the hot dude with metal toes. Yes and then she got her dress burnt and he got his arm chewed off... then they died. Yes thats right they died, bwahahhahahahah!!!!!! >D >D So then they came back to life and marched to town and princess buttercup screamed out.... I LIKE CHEESE, I DO, REALLY! and then the towns people adored her, cause anyone who liked cheese was just MEANT to be the queen, so they made her QUEEN PRINCESS THING TYPE PERSON BUTTERCUP.. and all worshiped her, until an old man came along and went 'BOOOOOOOOO BOOOOOOOOOO' and she said "why are you doing this" and he went..... "i donno i just thought it was my cue" and buttercup stuck peas in his ears and told him he was evil... and the world went, "stop rhyming i mean it" and the giant went, "anybody wanna peanut!?" and we laughed because i fell out of my bed at that part practically but not really and i think i wrote to much so i shall leave it to you to continue :)

so then the "nostaferu" came until they didn't but it was too late for that. because they liked to discover space ships now. and they flew themselves to the planet nebulae (*cough* eat my filibrae!) and thereby attacked creatures such as Krishnas, Townspeople, Buttercup, Homos, Codfish, and Most About Everything Except Quails. because i like quails. :D .. but continuing! so the evil santa was NOT thereby attacked by "nostaferu" who were japanese and skull-headed and quite fliratious among the Crusaders.... o.o so santa kept poor poor poor alanna locked up for all eternity plus one in his evil cage of doom. O.O NO NOT THE EVIL CAGE OF DOOM. ahaha i am the evil santa and i have invaded the story and i am squirting coke out of my eyelids bahahaha watch me run bahaha *attempts to run* ohhh! nooo!! bahhh!! *trips over dead mushrooms and vodka bottles... o.o cj!* you cannot do this to me! for i am coke santa! *rolls down the hill and sings the roll me down the hill song that was made up by morgan and alanna because alanna keeps singing it in her cell among other various rasputina, nostaferu, trenching tunies* *eternal staticking* *clears throat* excuse us for that sad and sorry interruption..... continuing on... So the story was hereby proclaimed dead, with a certificate and everything and those little men from oz even came and told us so.... do you know someone once insulted the oboe and said it sounded like the muchkins from that movie...? ah the eternal pain of the unloved. anywase, no one ever tells anyone anything according to some Evil Snowmen who are the alliances of the Evil Santa and you can find them on your average.... diet coke can. o.o so dont go looking. but sometimes you find special things and that musta been today. yes look all the calendars in the land of Snurplegnesgi have "Sometimes" deeply imbedded on today's date (which will remain annonymous) poor shy dearies. so alanna had then gone quite insane in her cell and one day mr. Evil Santa came to visit her and rolled into the cell impossibly thru the small bar holes with his large round self. so then alanna looked quite possessed but santa didnt know because he was staring at the floor and licking dirt and thinking that it was quite good and that it should go in stockings. so alanna said "santa dearie would you like some tea" in her best british voice because apparently she is natively from there (O.o) and pouring tea with consent from Evil Santa because there were butter pickles in his ears and he couldn't really hear anyway or very well care less. and hereby there is much small talk and its like the boring parts in the marx brothers movies when someone randomly starts singing and everyone says "oh time for a bathroom break" and thereby quits the theatre. including Horseback Cj (which is coming soon to a wal-mart near you boys, girls, and Children of the Heshibrae) and anyway Evil Santa was thereby lulled to sleep by alanna's Sanitary Herbal Tea which is very good for sleeping and poison. meanwhile, back at the Land of the Nostaferu, a little frightening man who looked too much like the king from ever after, was forthwith named...... Bobjalinagoostavusoohnfarbearnonstickingsubstanceoliva. But they called him Max for short. and he wore fuzzy shirts. :) sweet little kingie that he be. and then he sits in the castle's Lobby and the Receptionist (Gregory) asked if she could help Max, who of course said "showlay" (surely) and was henceforth given an Application Form by her (Gregory, that is) to fill out. so max sat there and attempted to answer difficult questions such as "what is your favorite color?" (no) "do you know html?" (on occasion) "what is your purpose" (i enjoy fuzzy shirts) "if you were to encounter Evil Santa what would you do" (false) ..... and we shall be given Max's Results later, at best. so jc wore a dress and was presented to the High Evils as a present. which they quickly ate. and had indigestion and did not make peace treaties with the Nebulae. and cj ate the remaining members of the Children of the Heshibrae clan. sadly..... or was it? O.o *twilight zone music*
Alanna in the Cell of Cells: dee dee deedee dee dee deedee *floats around and eats Evil Santa with a spoon akuz spoons are nice and washes it all down with a different kind of Herbal Tea*