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SandPypur’s Bio


About five years ago, when I was still a fledgling pagan, I was introduced to Dawn Raven. 

My most formative years were spent within the Noasis coven, learning the importance of doing the work and walking your talk.  It was also within this group that I began to branch out from solitary work and became aware of the greater pagan community around me. 


I believe my greatest lessons in the importance of community and spiritual family came when I left Noasis to return to Knoxville.  My poor car, phone, and computer have probably never forgiven me the fact that I was unwilling to let a little distance come between the important lessons I still had to learn from Dawn Raven.  I touched base once again with Ocean and Thorne, the first pagans I had ever worked with.  I also met Solitaire and came to respect his wisdom and the infinite reliability of his word.  Today I still consider Dawn Raven my teacher, my mentor, and my sister.  Ocean, Thorne, and I founded the Coven of the Auryn and continue the work of family here in Knoxville. 


I have been attuned on the modern path of Usui Reiki and am also a Dao initiate.  My spiritual path has been inspired by the neo-eclectism of my mates, and by the notion that all paths lead to deity.  My greatest joy is in giving back to the community that has given me family, lifetime friendships, spiritual kicks in the proverbial tush, and the proof that when we put our hearts into our work, our potential is limitless.  Blessed be the diversity and strength of our Rainbow family!



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(865) 609-1266


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