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Pagan leader, Witch, lawyer, Dana Eilers, concerned about
(D. Ohio) Congressman Traficant's, recent apparent anti-Pagan
remarks, sent him this open letter:

Complete letter included with permission.

"( - An Ohio congressman on Wednesday took
to the House floor to attack the US Army for not allowing Roman
Catholic GI's to use a base chapel near Brussels, Belgium for a
traditional mass.

Representative James Traficant (D-OH) said on the House
floor, "If that's not enough to shred the Bible.
The Army does allow and permits Witchcraft and Pagan
ceremonies at the base.
The (Army) spokesman said and I quote, 'the Witchcraft groups
pay for their own Pagan ministers.'

"Unbelievable", Traficant exclaimed.
It's time to call in the dogs, throw the coffee grinds on the
fire, the hunting's over.
When the US Army allows Satan in one door and will not allow
God in the other door, America is so screwed up, we don't know
where we're going.
An America without God is an America that the founders never

Congressman, James A. Traficant, Jr.
Washington, DC
2446 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
E-Mail Me! < <

Dana Eilers, Esq.

Dear Congressman Traficant,

I am an attorney licensed in the states of Illinois, Massachusetts,
and Missouri.
I am also a practicing Witch engaged in public education and
outreach concerning the various spiritual traditions encompassed within
the penumbras of Paganism.
I read with interest your quotes as reported by CNS Senior Staff
Writer Jim Burns on October 11, 2000: " If that's not enough to shred
the Bible, The Army does allow and permits Witchcraft and Pagan
ceremonies at the base. The (Army) spokesman said and I quote, 'the
Witchcraft groups pay for their own Pagan ministers.' Unbelievable . . .
It's time to call in the dogs, throw the coffee grinds on the fire, the
hunting's over. When the US Army allows Satan in one door and will not
allow God in the other door, America is so screwed up, we don't know where
we're going. An America without God is an America that the founders never

I would like to point out several things to you.
First, modern American Witches do not believe in the entity to whom
Christians refer as Satan.
We do not recognize this entity nor do we worship this entity.
Your statements in this regard are uneducated and as a public servant,
you would do yourself a great service were you to properly educate
yourself on this topic.

In this regard, I refer you to the following reading material:

l.) THE SPIRAL DANCE, by StarHawk;



Second, many of the "founders," as you refer to them, believed religion
to be the bane of modern civilization and constructed the American form of
government in such a manner as to specifically separate Church and State.
I present you with the following quotes:

'The government of the United States is in no sense founded on
the Christian religion,"
President George Washington

"This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no
religion in it."
President John Adams

"I do not find in Christianity one redeeming feature."
President Thomas Jefferson

"A just government has no need for the clergy or the church.
The fruits of Christianity are pride, and indolence in the clergy,
ignorance and servility in the laity; and in both clergy and laity,
superstition, bigotry and persecution. "
President James Madison.

"The bible is not my book, nor Christianity my religion."
President Abraham Lincoln

Third, Congressman Traficant, I would like to point out the law to
Both the federal and state courts of this country, in keeping with
the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, have recognized
Wicca/Witchcraft as a legitimate religion deserving of all protections
afforded the rights set forth in the First Amendment.
The seminal federal case is Dettmer v. Landon, 617 F. Supp. 592 (E.
Dst. Va. 1985), aff'd. on appeal, 799 F.2d 929 (1986).
The seminal state case, arising out of the Georgia Supreme Court,
is Roberts v. Ravenwood Church of Wicca, 249 Ga. 348 (1982).
Should Witchcraft ever come before the United States Supreme
Court, there is precedent from the Justices which foreshadows its
acceptance within the Supreme Court: Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye,
Inc. and Ernesto Pichardo v. City of Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520 (1993).

It has long been noted by the Supreme Court justices that this
country is one of religious pluralism, founded on the notion that
religion must not be used to indoctrinate or coerce.
Please see the concurring opinion of Justice Douglas in United
States v. Seeger, 380 U.S. 163 (1964) and the majority opinion in
Lee v. Weisman, 505 U.S. 577 (1992).

Fourth and finally, the United States Military Courts of Justice
have spoken upon the subject of Wicca/Witchcraft.
The United States military courts have upheld the rights of Wiccans
and have found Wicca to be a bona fide religion meritorious of First
Amendment protections: United States v. Phillips, 42 M.J. 346 (1995);
and 38 M.J.42.
I will quote for you the language of Judge Wiss, who wrote the
concurring opinion in that case: "First, Wicca is a socially recognized
It is is acknowledged as such by the Army.
See Dept. of the Army (DA) Pamphlet 165-13-1, Religious Requirements
and Practices of Certain Selected Groups: A Handbook for Chaplains
(April 1980), revising A Pamphlet 165-13, Religious Requirements and
Practices of Certain Selected Groups: A Handbook for Chaplains (April
Further, it is acknowledged as such in courts of law."

Congressman Traficant, your religious bigotry and uneducated service
does no credit to either yourself or your constituents.

Sincerely yours,

Dana D. Eilers, Attorney <
Founding member of the Omnistic Fellowship and the Council for Alternative
Spriritual Traditions, St. Louis, Mo.;
Creator and Facilitator of CONVERSATIONS WITH PAGANS;
Speaker, Teacher, Witch, and Author
