The Silver Wheel

by Verbum


Author's Note: I don't own anyone in here except Arianrhod. If I did, I would be making a hell of a lot more money than I do now. That's right. Anyway, this is my sequel to the infamous Angel in the Snow series. If you paid attention to the way I wrote AitS and to the seventh part of the story, you'd recognize Arianrhod immediately. Enjoy! (oh, and for those of you who were wondering, Arianrhod is the Goddess of the Moon, the stars, and Virginity in the Pagan religion, and she's also known as the Silver Wheel, hence the title.)



Remus J. Lupin drew in his breath at the sight of Hogwarts, the old medieval castle converted into a school for budding Witches and Wizards. Even though he'd been there many times before as a student and even taught there for a short while a couple of years back, the facade was simply breathtaking, even to the most accustomed eyes.


'It's good to be back,' he thought, leaning back into the seat, looking at all of the people around him in the teacher's compartment of the Hogwarts' Express. Professors Vector and Flitwick were having an animated discussion about a muggle calculator that Vector had brought in for display. Professor Trelawney was trying to convince a very sleepy Professor Sprout to let her read her palm. Finally, in the back was Lupin's old Hogwarts' rival, Professor Severus Snape, softly arguing in Welsh with an attractive woman about 30 years old.


"She looks rather familiar," Professor Flitwick whispered to Professor Vector. The woman looked up and, catching Lupin's eye, rolled her eyes at Snape and went back to her disagreement. He chuckled. She had a unique look to her, though not at all ugly. Her long and very curly hair had been pulled into a French braid, many dark brown wisps flying out. She had dark brown eyes, almost black, framed with a pair of silver wire-rimmed glasses, which sat precariously on her slightly aquiline nose. Her deep crimson robes were open, showing a black shirtwaist dress and a pair of ballet slippers.

"Severus must've found a friend," Professor Vector whispered to Lupin. They laughed; Snape and his comapnion certainly didn't seem friendly at all. Their voices were rising, in fact, so that most of the compartment could now hear their little 'discussion'. Lupin's Welsh, though, was only good enough to pick up a few snippets:


"I know you don't want me here, Severus! You make it plain every time I talk to you." The woman had a strangely pale face that flushed bright red when she got mad.


"Because you're so young, Arianrhod," Snape retorted. "Most of the teachers have the experience to back their jobs up, experience you can't get at your age.."


"I'm 33, Severus! Age doesn't make any difference in the long run. I should've stayed in Rome, where I was appreciated." Snape shook his head. At that moment, Professor Granger walked into the compartment and they stopped their argument. Lupin smiled; Hermione had always had a commanding presence about her as a student and now even more of one as a teacher.


"Is there a problem here?" She looked from Severus to the woman, then back to Severus.


"No, Hermione. Might I suggest you stay out of other people's business?" Snape asked in English, bringing out his own slightly Welsh accent.


"I suggest you stop making your business heard, Severus," she remarked coolly. She sat down next to Lupin, while the rest of the compartment chuckled. Snape fumed, as the conversations in the train resumed back to normal.


"How are you doing, Remus? I almost couldn't believe Albus when he announced that you were coming back to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts again."


"He seems to think that I'm the most stable of all the ones that they've had recently." He chuckled again.


"That's the truth. Back in my seventh year we had a man named Professor King that I swear to God was Elvis Presley. He had no idea what he was doing, like Lockhart." She laughed. "Ron and Harry were always taking bets to see whether he would break into song and dance during class. He left, saying that Hogwarts didn't deserve his fame." She smoothed back her wavy brown hair.


"Speaking of which, how is Harry?" Lupin almost didn't see the cloud pass over her eyes at the mention of his name.


"Living with Ginny Weasley, in a flat right outside of London. He works for the Ministry of Magic, doing detective work on the Dark Arts. He's an Auror." It was obvious that she didn't want to discuss the subject further. She looked out of the window. They were silent for a moment. Snape's argument with the dark haired woman began again.


"How's Transfiguration been treating you?" he asked, changing the subject. She smiled.


"I loved being Minerva's assistant, but they gave me a promotion. I'm now teaching Beginning Transfiguration for the first through third years, while Minerva is teaching the Intermediate and Advanced courses."


"Well, that should free up some time for both of you shouldn't it?" She nodded. The train came to a halt in Hogsmeade Station and all of the passengers disembarked. Hagrid was standing off to the side, near the lake, chanting


"Firs' years! If'n any of yeh are firs' years follow me!"


Lupin spotted an empty carriage, stowed his things in the back, and took a seat near the window. Hermione followed, as did Professor Sprout, evidently wanting to escape Professor Trelawney. The carriage bounded away towards the school.






Lupin thought he recognized some of students sitting at the feast later that night. Miranda Weasley, the daughter of Charlie Weasley was immediately distinguishable by her flaming red hair, and Neville Longbottom's little brother, Franklin, was sitting among a crowd of 3rd and 4th Hufflepuffs. At the teacher's table he noticed that the new woman and Snape were sitting on opposite sides. Dumbledore stood up to announce the beginning of the sorting.


"Welcome back to Hogwarts, Ladies and Gentlemen, for another eventful year. Before we get started I'd like to say a few words." The audience groaned. "A few words. There. We've made a couple of changes to our staff and curriculum this time. First off, I'd like to announce that Transfiguration will now be taught by two teachers, with Professor Granger taking over our Beginning Transfiguration classes." A thunderous applause rose from the younger students, with a couple of boos from the Slytherin table. Hermione blushed and bit her lip.


"Secondly, I would like to welcome back one of our former alumni, Professor Lupin, who will take over the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts once again." More applause. Miranda and Franklin cheered enthusiastically.


"Lastly, a new class had been added to the curriculum this year. Illusion and Transmutation will now be offered to all third years and above, and Advanced Conjuration for fifth years and above, all taught by Professor Arianrhod Snape, sister to our own Potions master. Anyone interested can just see either professor McGonagall or myself for schedule changes." The applause died down considerably. Severus scowled and Arianrhod rolled her eyes at his expression.

'Sister!' Remus thought. 'No wonder she looks so familiar.'


"Sister!" Hermione exclaimed. "I thought she looked familiar. She certainly looks more hospitable than her brother." He laughed. The sorting had just begun. Some of the names were quite familiar to him. "Black, Muriel" was Sirius' daughter. She was put into Gryffindor, just like her father. There was also "Brown, Victor", a cousin to Lavender Brown and "Patil, Risha", Padma and Parvati's younger sister. With the end of the sorting ceremony and the beginning of the feast, the table had grown tense.

Severus and Arianrhod were shooting daggers at one another from across the table, what with nobody talking to either of them. Dumbledore and Hermione were attempting a feeble conversation. McGonagall stared down at her plate. Suddenly, Arianrhod left the table, retreating to the sanctuary of her own room. Dumbledore sighed.


"Severus..." he started.


"I swear I didn't do anything. She's just in a bad mood today."


"Fine. Somebody bring a plate up to her room. She's barely touched her food." Nobody stood up.


"Don't everybody volunteer at once, now," Dumbledore said under his breath. Hermione sighed and stood up.


"You all are being childish," she said, as she walked away from the dining hall. Conversation started up normally again. After half an hour Hermione still wasn't back. Lupin politely excused himself and went up to her room to see if she was there. No luck. Voices down the hall could be heard, at the downstairs staircase. Somewhat suspicious, he quietly walked over to where the voices were coming from.


"Who's there?" A woman questioned with a thick Welsh accent.


"It's Remus, the Defense Professor." Now that he was closer, he could hear that the voices belonged to Hermione and Arianrhod. Hermione's foot seemed to be stuck in the staircase.


"Oh, okay. I thought for a second that you were Severus. I don't suppose you could help us out here?" She looked at him, her eyes meeting his. Lupin felt something akin to an electric jolt.


"Er, alright. What's the problem?." She gave him a withering glance.


"I came upstairs to bring her plate up, and as I was leaving-oowww!-my foot got caught in this false step. Neither of us can seem to get it out." Hermione winced as she moved her ankle in the prank. He sighed as he caught sight of Peeves bouncing around the nearby corridor.


"Hermione, I think I see the problem." He walked over to the edge of the corridor and drew in his breath.


"PEEVES!" The poltergeist immediately stopped his incessant bouncing and stood (or, in his case, floated) still. When he caught sight of Remus he grinned.


"Lupin-Wupin! You're back!!" He did a figure eight in the air and proceeded to sing a rude song.


"Cork it, Peeves. I know where the Baron is." The poltergeist snapped its mouth shut.


"Did you put that trick step there?" he asked, pointing to where Hermione's ankle was submerged. Peeves beamed.


"I'll take that as a yes, then. Get her out," Lupin said.


"Why?" Peeves started a series of back flips. Now it was Remus' turn to grin. He took out his wand and aimed it at him.


"Impedio!." The poltergeist stiffened. Hermione gasped.


"Remus! Wasn't that a little uncalled for?!"


"It works,, Hermione. Peeves can't move to escape now. Get her out of that step." Peeves stuck his tongue out at Lupin. Hermione sat down on the step, and continued to try and free her foot.


"Why should I?" The poltergeist cackled. That's a very good question, Lupin thought.


"Because I'll tell Filch and the Bloody Baron what you did." Peeve's eyes bulged.


"I'll do it! I'll do it! Lemme out!"


"Only if you agree," Lupin said, casually fingering his wand. "I don't think the Bloody Baron will be too happy..." Arianrhod watched the scene with surprise, her gaze switching between Lupin's frail form and the cursed poltergeist.


"Liberus." Remus aimed his wand at Peeves once again. A flash of gold light shot out of it and Peeves jerked violently. Suddenly, he shook his head and looked around. Snapping his fingers, Hermione's foot came free and he shot off, giving Lupin a nervous glance behind. Remus turned towards Hermione.


"Are you all right?" She tried to stand up, but stumbled and fell back down onto the floor.


"I would guess not," Arianrhod said. Pulling out her wand, she muttered "Wingardium Leviosa" and Hermione slowly rose into the air.


"To Madame Pomfrey," she said. Hermione was borne in the direction of the infirmary, with Arianrhod following.


Not wanting to go back to the now dwindling feast, he retired to his own room and picked up his favorite book, the Return of the King.


'There's nothing like a little bit of Tolkein to make a person feel better', he thought. Immersed in the book as he was, a knock on the door startled him.


"Come in," he said. Arianrhod stood at the doorway in a grey nightshirt and leggings, covered by a light blue bathrobe. Her hair when unbound, he noticed, went down to the middle of her back . She smiled at him sheepishly.




"Er, hi." He blushed at the sight of his room, littered with books and various other oddments he'd picked up.


"I just… wanted to thank you for helping me get Hermione out of that staircase." 'How profound', she thought.


"It's no problem--Oh, forgive my manners! Come in." Arianrhod cautiously stepped into his room, and he closed the door after her. She looked at his assortment of books and magical creatures scattered around the room.


"Nice collection," she said, picking up some of the books. "More, Tolkein, Sagan and Hawking--Severus was wrong about you. He said that you were an illiterate fool of a werewolf." He bristled at the name. She looked into his eyes with curiosity, dark brown into grey.


"It's true then, isn't it? That you're a werewolf, I mean. It's obvious that you're not illiterate." He paused for a moment.


"Yes," he said. She shrugged mildly, taking Lupin by surprise.


"We all have our quirks," she said. "Some of my brother's would make your hair stand on end. You can't help it, just like I can't help be related to Severus, though I should've figured. Your name means 'wolf' in Latin." She readjusted her glasses.

'So this is Snape's sister', he thought. 'She's nothing like him.'


"It must be interesting to have Severus as a brother," he said. She laughed.


"Half-brother, you mean. Our features may be similar, but there are a few marked differences, physically and emotionally." She pointed to her curly hair and glasses. Lupin laughed.


"Different mothers," she explained. "His mother died when he was three, and our father remarried a year later, to a Welsh woman. Hence my heavier accent and better looks."


"Don't let Minerva hear you say that." Arianrhod laughed.


"Now that you mention it, he has been talking a lot lately about her, too." A mischievous twinkle appeared in her eyes. Lupin laughed at her expression.


"So," he asked, "what exactly do you do with Transmutation and Illusion?" Arianrhod frowned for a moment, and opened her mouth slightly, as if to say something. She shut it, and reached into the deep pockets of her robe.


"This," she said, taking out her wand. With a flick of her wrist, her wood-paneled room became supported with marble columns overrun by creeping vines, over a marble floor. Fairies flitted about, adding light to the dark outdoor scene.


"Transmutation is used to alter physical reality, and I use it interchangeably with Illusion, too." She plucked a white flower from the vine and handed it to him. "Smell this."

The flower smelled like honeysuckle. The room reverted back to normal with another wave of her wand, and the blossom was gone.


"Impressive," Lupin said. Arianrhod blushed.


"It's really nothing, actually. Did you know that Professor Dumbledore is devoting a semester of the course to teach concurrently with Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

Lupin shook his head.


"Well, they're doing the same to my Advanced Conjuration students, too. I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of one another soon." She stood up to leave.


"I look forward to working with you, then," Lupin said, smiling.


"You too." She smiled back at him and walked out of the door.




Hermione Granger had a headache; she'd been walking around her classroom for the last hour watching the progress of her first year students. Or, more accurately, lack thereof. There was only one person who had managed to transfigure their match into a needle so far, and Muriel Black was currently sitting in her chair, idly doodling on a piece of parchment.


'She looks so much like her father,' she thought, as she took in the girl's long black hair, straight nose, and large blue-grey eyes. Muriel looked up at her and smiled.

'You'd hardly know she was adopted.'


"Is it all right if I go to the library, Professor?" Hermione looked at her watch; only 20 more minutes to go until the end of class.


"I suppose," she said, writing a pass. "Just stay out of the restricted section, okay?" Muriel nodded, and took the pass from her. As she walked out of the door, Professor Minerva McGonagall walked in.


"Hermione," she started, smiling. "How's your ankle?"


"It got sprained in one of Peeves' trick steps, but Poppy fixed it."


"Wonderful. Can you do me a favor?" McGonagall smiled nervously at her. 'It must be Severus,' Hermione thought.


"Sure, anything. What's up?"


"I need this note to get to Severus today around noon, and I have my Advanced classes then. I was wondering if you would deliver it for me." She bit her lip. Hermione smiled.


"May I inquire about the contents?" McGonagall laughed and leaned in closer. Some of the students looked up from their assignments and tried to listen in.


"Severus asked me to accompany him on the first Hogsmeade trip," she whispered. "It's my note to him accepting his offer." She straightened up.


"Well," Hermione said loudly. "I'll make sure this gets delivered as soon as possible, Professor." The students went back to their work. Hermione winked.


"Thanks, Hermione." She walked towards the door. "I owe you one," she mouthed at the doorway. Hermione smiled.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter Two ~~~~~~~~~~~~


Muriel Black. 100.


Hermione Granger marked off the grade and started on the next batch of papers. Given, the Three Broomsticks wasn't the best place to grade tests, but she was behind and, after all, she had volunteered to chaperone the Hogsmeade trip. She sighed as she noticed that her butterbeer was nearly gone, and pushed away her papers so that she could stand up unhindered. She had the strangest feeling that someone was watching her, though.


'Nonsense,' she thought. But the feeling was nagging her, so she forced herself away from the tests to survey the crowd in the bar. Arianrhod and Remus were laughing about something in the far left corner, over mulled mead and butterbeer. A crowd of Hogwarts students were sitting near her, making plans for the rest of the day. But there was a strange red-haired man sitting at the bar that looked rather familiar...


"Ron!" she called out. He winked, and she recognized the familiar freckled face and bright blue eyes. He smiled at her and went over to her booth.


"What's a pretty overachiever like you doing in a seedy place like this?" Rosmerta, the bar's owner, shot him a dirty look. Hermione laughed.


"Grading the first and second years' tests," she replied, looking down disdainfully at the 56 below her. "So," she said, "how's life been treating you?" Ron grinned.


"I'm doing commentary with Lee Jordan for the Chudley Cannons. I love the traveling aspect of it, though I find that foreign food really doesn't agree with me. How about yourself?" She forced a laugh.


"I'm teaching Beginning Transfiguration at Hogwarts, where I have the time of my life grading papers. Or when I'm not doing that, I'm keeping Severus and his sister from strangling one another." Ron frowned.




"Oh, yes. Arianrhod. Arianrhod Snape. She teaches Illusion and Transmutation, as well as advanced Conjuration. Both very challenging areas of study, I assure you. She's quite capable." His frowned deepened.


"I don't doubt that, but, well, it's Snape's sister. Isn't she kind of...harsh?" Hermione laughed.


"Oh, not at all. She's quickly become a favorite among the older students." Ron shrugged.


"Stuff happens," he said. Suddenly, his face brightened. "Say, do you want to go someplace for dinner? We have a lot of catching up to do." Hermione looked across the booth, grimacing slightly at the thought of all the unfinished grading.


"Ron, I'd really love to, but--"


"No buts," he said. "Come on, I'll take you somewhere nice, not like this dump. How about...the Golden Somethingoranother. Phoenix, I think." She smiled as Rosmerta raised her eyebrows, overhearing their conversation.


"Well, I guess so. Darn. Too bad. I was really looking forward to grading these, too." Ron laughed, then took her hand as he led her out of the door.



Arianrhod noted with interest (and slight disdain) that Severus had kept his plans to take Minerva to the Golden Phoenix, the posh new restaurant that had opened up near Dervish and Banges. 'It's just like him to try and impress her with his money,' she thought, and she laughed, Lupin raised his eyebrows, while looking down at the (limited) menu.


"What's up?" He asked. Arianrhod pushed up her glasses, which had slipped down her nose while she was looking down.


"My glasses." He shook his head and smiled.


"You know what I mean." Remus couldn't help but to grin.


"Severus. He's going about this date of his all wrong." He stared at her, bemused.


"Really? And what do you consider a good date?"


"I, personally, like to have fun. Severus thinks that flaunting around his money will buy him happiness." She smoothed a wrinkle out of her light blue robes. Given, she felt slightly uncomfortable about talking to him about dating; due to bad experiences in the past and the fact that she found him to be rather attractive, but he had asked, after all. Arianrhod Snape was never one to lie about things anyway.


"I...see." Lupin looked down at his feet; it was an awkward moment. Rosmerta, the waitress, smiled at them both as she walked over to their table.


"Well, it's certainly been awhile since I saw you in here. The usual, Remus?" He nodded. Rosmerta turned to Arianrhod, and her eyes widened.


"Arianrhod! What have you been up to?" She gave Arianrhod a hug, which was returned.


"Oh, I've been around. I was in Rome for the past 5 years teaching at the Ludus Arcani, and now I'm back at Hogwarts, much to Severus' disdain." The two women laughed in remembrance.


"So," Rosmerta asked, "What'll you have?"


"Butterbeer, of course!" Rosmerta laughed again, and left them with the promise of their drinks. Lupin stared at her for a moment.


"Back at Hogwarts?" he asked. She looked at him as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.


"Of course. I only went there seven years and got top scores on my N.E.W.T.S."




"The year after Severus graduated was my first. We're seven years apart." Rosmerta had come back as promised, bearing one mulled mead and a butterbeer. She took a sip.


"Did you go there too?" Remus nodded.


"I graduated the same year as Severus, but we were in different houses. I was in Gryffindor."


"Ah, the illustrious Gryffindor. Alas, I toiled away in Ravenclaw. I don't think Severus has ever quite forgiven the Sorting Hat for that." Lupin laughed, while she looked past him at the nearby Hermione, who was currently buried in a mound of papers. A red-haired man was making his way over to her. Arianrhod smiled.


'The girl needs to loosen up,' she thought. Remus brought her back to the present.




"Hmm...oh, yes?" He was smiling at her.


"Where is Severus, anyways?" she rolled her eyes.


"The Golden Phoenix. 'Only the best for Minerva,' he says. I, personally, think that she got off lucky by him just washing his hair." Lupin nearly spit out his butterbeer laughing.


"I'm sorry, sometimes my sarcasm gets the better of me. It's one of my least admirable traits. I think I got it from Severus." She looked him straight in the eye.


"Don't feel too bad. I'm just a werewolf with a slight case of paranoia and a penchant for stating the obvious." She laughed softly.


"You know, you are the first person I feel I've felt comfortable around since I got here. I consider it an honor; most people usually feel insulted by now." Lupin chuckled.


"You didn't know Sirius. His sarcasm could cut through anything."


"No, but I heard about him from Severus. I think I even saw him at the Potter wedding. Isn't she a first year?" Lupin set down his drink abruptly.


"What? You were there?" She looked startled.


"Yes, of course. I was living with Severus and he was invited, so I went with him. It was about 21 years ago. You were there too?"


"I caught the garter!" She blushed furiously. For a split second, the thought of who caught the bouquet ran through his mind. Wildly curly hair, seven years younger than

Snape... his mouth opened wide in shock.


"I caught the bouquet..." She looked horrified.


"Some people would call this an omen." The horrified expression left her face and she laughed.


"Sibyl? She predicted that I'd be a young man fresh from Hogwarts who would take over the Herbology post." Arianrhod shook her head. Lupin looked at the clock on the wall.


"Speaking of which, I need to buy some Grindylow food from Dervish and Banges before we go back." She frowned.


"I can't believe that you would even consider feeding that thing."


"It kind of grows on you, like that parasitic plant that lives in the third Greenhouse. What's its name? You're the young new Herbology Professor, after all." She playfully punched him as they made their way out of the Three Broomsticks towards Dervish and Banges.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter Three ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The tree stood in the center of a magnificent rose garden, full of whites, pinks and reds that glittered in the moonlight. It had grown large in the 20 years since it was planted; Hagrid had tended it well, and every summer it dropped little red and gold flowers all over the campus, spread by the wind. And he hadn't even noticed it until the night after the full moon.


In memory of Penelope Lynn Taylor, Gryffindor, 1964-1983.

To the well organized mind, Death is but the next great adventure.


Set in stone, with her favorite quote by Dumbledore. His pride, his pain. Dead, by the hand of Voldemort. Lupin sat on the stone bench under her tree, miserable. He felt a hand on his shoulder.


"Are you all right?" It was Arianrhod. He nodded.


"Liar. If you were, you wouldn't be out here sulking." Anger rose up in Remus, a rare occurrence lately now that he had met Snape's wonderful (but wholly unpredictable) sister.


"You know, you have a lot of nerve." Arianrhod removed her hand from his shoulder and looked him straight in his eyes; her eyes flashed the same way that Severus' did when she was angry, with the cold fury that instilled terror in others.


"About what? Speaking the truth? Well, you have to face it some time." Her eyes softened and she slumped down on the bench next to him. "You knew her too, didn't you?"


"She was my...fiancée. We were supposed to get married the day before Harry Potter's first birthday."


"That's horrible."


"I watched Voldemort ..." They were silent for a couple of minutes. Arianrhod nodded, as if in understanding.


"She was one of the people that actually made me feel wanted at Hogwarts, not just as one of those Snape children, brilliant though misguided." She said, shaking her head. Her loosely bound hair fell down in front of her face in it's deep brown curls.


"Your brother is a brilliant man," Remus said quietly. Arianrhod smiled wanly.


"So I've heard. I've had to live in his shadow for 33 years, after all. The only dumb thing that HE ever did was to become a Death Eater." Lupin sighed and slipped his arm around her shoulder.


"Arianrhod," he said.


"What?" She looked at him through her hair.


"Listen to me. And get that hair out of your face." He pushed some of the long tendrils framing her face back. "Illusion and Transmutation is a very hard course of study, is it not?" She nodded.


"Now who's teaching it?"


"I am."


"And who might you be?"


"Arianrhod Marisa Snape."


"Marisa?" She rolled her eyes.


"My father had odd tastes in nomenclature. How else do you think Severus and I got our names?" Lupin chuckled.


"I wasn't going to ask. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, you have nothing to worry about. You're as, if not more, capable than Severus, the students love you, and you're very attractive. Oops." He blushed, not meaning to say that. She quirked her eyebrows.


"You really think so?" He nodded. She smiled coyly. "Even with this mop of hair and pasty skin?"


"You know, I'm surprised that you didn't say anything about an Inferiority Complex when we were in Hogsmeade." She shook her head at him. "But yes, even with your hair and your complexion."


"Severus would have your head on a platter if he knew." She smiled, blushing slightly.


"Of course." Remus gave her an embarrassed smile, and took his arm from her shoulder as he stood up.


"Where are you going?" Arianrhod asked him, moving to stand up also.


"I'm... going to dinner. I really need... gah. It's been 20 years already. I think it's time to move on already."


"Oh, don't tell me I made you decide that. I'm not as influential as I like to think I am." Remus smiled sadly at her.


"Well, you too. But it is true. I need to move on. Penny is...dead. Wow, I can't believe I said that." She shook her head at him.


"Not to sound insensitive, but you had to do it sometime. It's been 20 years."


"I know that. I just never quite got over her...."





Franklin Longbottom attempted the Alternus Terra charm, but no matter how hard he tried, the desk in from of him would not sprout grass. It was almost funny; he was able to do everything yesterday, but now it seemed as if everything was just going wrong.


"Eventually, it gets to the point where you don't even need the words to transmute," Professor Snape had said. "Just visualize what you want do and your wand should respond." To back up her point, she closed her eyes and waved her wand. The room became all glass and metal, rather like a skyscraper. Amazed, the class set to work. He just couldn't get it, though.


"Need some help there, Franklin?" Professor Snape stood over his desk, wearing her usual kindly smile.


"Uh, yeah. This-" he pointed to his desk "-doesn't seem to be working too well." A few feeble strips of grass withered.


"I don't think you're holding your wand steady enough. Here." She put her hand on top of his and held it straight for him as he said the words "Alternus Terra!" His desk sprouted a healthy coat of green grass, which quickly withered again.


"Funny... that should've worked. Franklin, let me see your wand." He handed it to her, and she looked it over. He sensed that something was wrong, by the way her brows furrowed. "Can I keep this for a bit? Just for a few days?" she asked.


"Uh, sure." Franklin gathered his things together in anticipation of Potions. At that moment, the bell rung.


"Class dismissed! No Homework tonight." Franklin felt a pit in his stomach; he had Potions in 10 minutes, and he was missing a wand. The other Professor Snape was always in a bad mood with those who had his sister's class immediately before his. He braced himself, knowing what would come next, as he clutched the pendant hanging around his neck. Severus didn't disappoint him.



"Longbottom!" Professor Snape stood over his cauldron, peering into its contents. "Just like your brother," he muttered.


"What did I do?" Severus looked up at him with a totally different expression on his face than the one his sister had worn earlier.


"5 points from Hufflepuff for talking back. You didn't add enough of the powdered Hippogriff hooves. Your Potion is useless."


"Er, Professor Snape?" Miranda Weasley timidly raised her hand. His head snapped around.


"Yes, Weasley?" Although Miranda held the highest grade in the class, Snape still disrespected her because of her name. She sighed.


"I'm done...if you want, I could help out Franklin a little--"


"You'll do no such thing. Your boyfriend is on his own." He looked at the contents of her cauldron, simmering peacefully, then looked back up at Franklin.


"We should test the antidote, after all..." He looked evilly from Franklin to his cat. Franklin paled.


"Severus!" the voice of Professor Arianrhod Snape came down from the entrance to the dungeon. The entire class looked up to see what was up, many with relief. Severus rolled his eyes.


"Yes, dear Sister?" he said in Welsh. She ignored his tone of voice.


"Teacher's meeting right after class in Dumbledore's study," she answered in English.


"So why did you come down here to tell me?" She smiled at her brother's acidic remarks.


"Would you rather it be Remus or Hermione?" she asked, reverting into Welsh. She turned on her heel and walked out of the door. The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Snape fumed, then walked towards Dumbledore's study resignedly, shrugging away any student in his way and ignoring the state that his dungeon was in. He'd deal with it later.


The teachers were all crammed into Dumbledore's study in various states: Sprout was rather worse for wear, with a few wisps escaping her ponytail and her hands and fingernails hopelessly dirty, adding a few smudges to her cheeks as well. Lupin looked like he needed more sleep, and Arianrhod looked rather annoyed, but was in a state of immaculate cleanliness. Dumbledore shuffled a few papers off of his desk, and looked around the room with a rather wan smile.


"I am going to make this very short and simple: Voldemort has been found." Hermione gasped.


"I thought...after Harry and all that mess..."


"He will always find a few willing benefactors as long as he is left alive. Actually, though, he's using a very old tactic now." Sinistra raised her eyebrows.


"And that would be...?"


"Does anyone remember the Voldemort scare from the 40s?" Dumbledore asked. McGonagall and Sprout nodded. All of the other teachers looked mildly embarrassed.


"Before my time," Sinistra said. Dumbledore nodded.


"Well, Voldemort was much more...secretive, so to say. He had a special way of getting rid of his enemies. Like this." He held up a silver pendant, reading the small script engraved upon it:


"Voth neeather Ohm"


"And what does that mean?" Hermione asked. McGonagall blanched.


"I fear we'll find out soon enough..." Dumbledore said.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter Four ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Remus found Arianrhod tucked away in the corner of the library, buried behind a mound of books and stacks of paper. She looked up at him through a break in the piles and nodded, her wire-rimmed glasses nearly falling off her nose.


"Do?"(Yes?) she asked, when she saw him.


"What are you doing?" he asked her. Arianrhod picked up the book she had been leafing through and handed it to him, then returned to searching her pile. He put the book down.


"Cyfrgolledig eiriau," (Damn words) she muttered under her breath, as she opened up yet another thick, leather bound tome.


"What?" Remus asked. His understanding of Welsh may have been good enough on the train, but he was lost now. She looked up at him, exasperated.


"Ddim.(nothing) This is getting frustrating. I think I've searched half the library by now, and Hermione is checking up on the other half."

She jerked her head backward over in the direction of the opposite side of the massive library, where Hermione could be seen on a ladder, looking up at the top shelves.


"For what?" he asked, blankly staring at the pile of books. Arianrhod sighed.


"Those words. They've been bugging Hermione and I since the staff meeting last week, and I've been in here every spare moment. Voth neeather ohm. Beth bath chan chybôl ydy a?" (What kind of nonsense is that?) She closed the book with a wave of her wand and wearily glanced at the remaining books.


She certainly looks tired, Remus thought. Her hair was a bit frazzled and hung loosely down her back, and there were dark circles under her eyes. Not that the rest of the staff looked much better. The full moon had come and gone, leaving Lupin in a weaker state that made his already battered robes hang off him. Sprout's grubby appearance was commonplace, but lately (with mid-term exams coming up) it seemed to have gotten worse. Snape was in desperate need of a haircut and a shower. Ever Hermione's sunny disposition was strained around the edges. In fact, the only person who seemed normal was Dumbledore, who still flitted around the school in Christmas cheer. Arianrhod sighed again and rubbed her eyes.


"I can't think of anything that they can possibly be." She said quietly, burying her head in her arms.


"Have you tried the Restricted section?" Remus asked, looking at the shelves blocked off from the rest of the library by thick velvet cords.


"Bopeth," (everything) her muffled voice said. Remus heard her stifle a yawn. "You know," she began again, "I'd transmute this library into my bedroom if Madame Pince wouldn't kill me." Wearily, she stood up and flashed Remus an exhausted grin. "Keep an eye on Severus, will'ya? I need my sleep."


"Sure." She nodded and walked out of the library. Idly, Remus picked up the last book she had been studying. A Concourse of Dark Magic. He flipped open the book and looked at a few of it's pages, moldy and half-blotted with dampness and age. A tap on his shoulder caught his attention, though. Hermione, looking just as tired as Arianrhod, stood before him, a pile of books in hand.


"Where's Rhod?" she asked, looking around the library. Madam Pince glared at them from her desk and motioned for them to keep their voices down.


"She went back to her room, exhausted." Hermione nodded and put the books down. The dark circles under her eyes stood out in the shadows of the library. Her eyes, though, were very much awake.


"I think this one may have some clues on that amulet," she said, tapping her wand on the top book. It flew open and landed somewhere in the middle. She jabbed a finger onto the page, pointing at a particular paragraph, and whispered "Read this."


It is well known that magic has been used to enchant common, Muggle items, but none stand out in history so much as the

Amulet of Kor. Lupin looked up.


"Amulet of Kor?" he asked, with a bit of misgiving in his voice.


"Just read it!" She said.


Forged by Kor Blackhelm, a formidable wizard Vampire of the early Anglo-Saxon period, it's many owners over the years include such famous personas as Gotteric the Gouty, Freya the Frail, and Emile the Energetic, disappearing in the late Middle Ages. There have been many accounts on the forging of this wondrous item. One legend says that Kor created the amulet to defeat his arch -rival, Risa of Gloernhael. The feuds between this pair are many, and are set down in recorded history. Another popular myth states that the amulet was only one of many objects created by Kor, to secure himself eternal life by means of Ancient Rites. The knowledge of these rites is no longer known, and the amulet has since fallen into oblivion.

All accounts agree, however, that the amulet was a delicate looking silver and pearl necklace with a silver pendant bearing the words of a lost civilization.


"How old is this book?" Remus asked. Hermione flipped to the beginning.


"Not recent," she replied. "It was written in 1746."


"And you think this is the same amulet?"


"I'm almost positive. The description is the same, and the words are in an unreadable text. No one can decipher them."


"Well, Arianrhod is certainly trying."


"Trying what?" Remus had been so absorbed in the passage he hadn't noticed the footsteps of Miranda Weasley, Muriel Black, and Franklin Longbottom approaching.


"Oh, er… this new charm we found in this book!" Hermione lied, cheerfully. The three students raised their eyebrows at her.

Muriel batted at her bangs.


"Riggghhhtttt," Franklin said, shaking his head. "Have you seen Professor Snape? The Transmutation one? I'm, er, still confused over that last lesson," he added sheepishly.


"She went to bed a few minutes ago," Remus said, glancing at the passage again. Franklin shrugged.


"Well, sorry for troubling you. Bye." The trio walked off, out of the library. Hermione's smile dropped, and she yawned.


"I think she should see this," she said. "I'll go and find Albus, and you show her the book, okay?" Remus nodded.


"See you in a bit," he called out to her, getting another murderous glare from Madam Pince as he walked out.




"Hopscotch." Hermione felt like an idiot as she stared into the passageway leading to Dumbledore's office.


Of course! she thought. He's headmaster of the school; he's not always shut up in his office like a hermit! She turned around to find Professor McGonagall when she was stopped by a soft, unctuous voice behind her, coming out from Dumbledore's office.


"May I inquire as to what you are doing, Professor?" It was Severus. She groaned inwardly.


"I was looking for Albus. Arianrhod and I found something on the amulet."


"Oh?" He smiled cruelly. "Give it to me, I'll take it up to him."


"It's a message, and one specifically for the Headmaster." She stood her ground. Snape's face contorted into a grimace.


'Listen, Hermione," Snape began, "You might have been a favorite among the teachers here when you were a student, but those days are over. As a Head of House, I demand that you give me the message. Now."


"You may have had con--"


"What's going on here?" a kindly voice began. Both Severus and Hermione swung around. to face Dumbledore coming down the hallway towards them. Hermione sighed with relief.


"Albus!" The old wizard smiled as she came barreling down the hallway to meet him. Snape looked as if Christmas had been canceled. Dumbledore put his arms in front of her to stop her, and Hermione leaned on him for support, breathlessly.


"What is it, Hermione? Is everything okay? Would you like a lemon drop?" He let go of her and pulled out a small tin container of the candy, offering it to her.


"Rots... your teeth," Hermione said, still slightly out of breath and shaking her head. "We found something in the library."


"Ah! A wondrous collection! On what?"


"The Amulet of Kor." Dumbledore's snowy brows rose.


"Professor," Snape piped up. "You know the legend of the Amulet. She probably jumped at the word." Dumbledore gave him a pointed look, and turned back to Hermione.


"Are you sure? Severus has a point... it's been lost--"


I'm positive, Albus. You have to see this."


"Where are the others?"


"Others?" Snape's frowned deepened.


"Remus has gone to find Arianrhod, and he has the book. I said I'd try to catch you, and that we'd meet up with him." Dumbledore nodded.


"Lead the way," he said, offering Hermione his arm. Snape shuffled after them.




The door to Arianrhod's room was locked. Remus had to marvel at this; her door was always open.


"Aren't you worried that someone might break in?" Remus had asked her once. She shook her head and smiled.


"Not unless they're compatible with rowan wood and dragon heartstring," she said. Remus immediately understood; the wand combination was much too powerful for most wizards to wield properly.


"Arianrhod?" he said to the door. The distant cackling of Peeves permeated the silence. I guess I have to do this the hard way, he thought, taking his wand out of his pocket and setting down the book in his arms.


"Alohomora," Remus said quietly, tapping his wand on the doorknob. The lock clicked open, and he walked into her room, eyes wide. Arianrhod had outdone herself.


The walls were covered on all sides by forest, with little lights twinkling out from gaps in the trees. The ceiling above was enchanted to show the sky, just like the one in the Great Hall. Currently, it was a dusky pink and a few stars twinkled overhead.

Her furniture even seemed to have been transmuted. The lamp in the corner was a shining tree, and her bed-frame seemed to be made of tumbled rocks. Arianrhod, however, was nowhere to be seen.


Where can she be? He asked himself, as he searched the rest of her rooms. He opened the door to her office, which was adjoining. And he found her.


"Holy mother of God," he whispered, as he ran over to her limp body and felt for her nonexistent pulse. She had fallen on the floor, her wand still clutched in her right hand and the amulet clutched in her left.


'I'm not dead," her voice said, coming from above. Remus wheeled around, still clutching her body in one hand and his wand in the other.


"Arianrhod?" A ghostly shape appeared in front of him, not pearly white like an actual ghost, but in full color, rather like Peeves.


"Yeah. Remind me never to research Dark, unknown magic on my own. There was a curse on that damnable amulet," she responded, floating down to meet him.


"What happened?" Arianrhod looked mildly uncomfortable.


"Well, I... picked up a few tips in Rome, while I taught there, concerning Ancient Rites... a bit of Dark Magic, nothing on

Voldemort's level, mostly defensive. "




"And as I tried to use some of the stored knowledge I leaned, this happened." Her ghostly form gestured to her body. "It was a Soulbond curse. I'm stuck."


"Damn," Remus said. "We'll wait for Dumbledore. He should be coming any--" The sound of a slamming door echoed through her empty room, along with Severus' strangled cries of rage. He burst into her office, face red and followed by Dumbledore and Hermione.


"Where's Arianrhod?" Hermione pointed to Remus, who still held her in his arms. Severus' face reddened and a vein in his temple began to throb.


"You did this!" Severus roared at Remus, who laid the limp body of Arianrhod aside on the floor next to him. Arianrhod's incorporeal form drifted over to her brother, who started at the sight of her.


"No, I didn't! I found her like this when I--"


"Don't lie to me, Werewolf scum!" Arianrhod's spirit snorted..


"Really, Severus," Dumbledore began.


"Oh, listen to the man, Severus. He didn't have time." A mad glint in Severus' cold black eyes was becoming brighter as he ignored his sister and continued to rage at Remus.


"...always hanging around her, talking her up, and now this!" His wand was pointed at Remus' chest. "She's dead! So help me



"I'm not dead, Severus! Leave the poor man alone!?" Arianrhod attempted to put a hand on Severus' shoulder, but it passed through without contact. Her brother turned around, eyes now blazing with fury. Obviously, his tirade wasn't done yet.


"And you! Always cavorting around with trash like hags and werewolves! You'd think you WERE the Dark Arts, instead of fighting against them! No wonder you took a liking to Lupin, after that fiasco with Lys--" Arianrhod's eyes took on the same glint as her brother's.


"Don't you dare talk about things you don't know about," she said, in a dangerously calm voice. Severus grinned nastily.


"Not my fault he got himself killed, is it? You know who's to blame for that. I imagine Lupin's his replacement?" Arianrhod's ghostly form was shaking with supressed rage, causing her body to twitch involuntarily on the floor. Horrified, Hermione ran over to her and attempted to calm her body down.


"Lyskus was more of a man than you ever were," Arianrhod said quietly. The grin on her brother's face fell.


"Don't compare me to that filthy creature! You are a Snape, there-"


"Get out." Her spirit pointed to the door. "Now," she added, in a very soft voice. Tears were shining in her eyes. Severus walked to the door, silently, and, turning around before he left, cleared his throat.


"Expect no help from me," he spat, as he turned into the hallway and disappeared. Dumbledore, Lupin, and Hermione turned to Arianrhod, who floated above the rest of them, silent. The mention of Lyskus (whoever that was) seemed to have brought forth some very painful memories in her, filling the room with uncomfortable silence. Dumbledore walked over to her and passed his hand through her shoulder. She looked up.


"Arianrhod," he began softly. "Please explain."