Authors Note/Disclaimer: Just a silly ‘lil piece, a little serious towards the end but not too much. Just needed a little levity where Ron was concerned, just finished writing another chapter for this long story I’m working on, and I’ll tell you ahead of time, things are looking rather grim for our good friends the Weasleys… But anyway. Pretty much everyone mentioned besides Berach Hastings, Cleo the toad, and the Wonderful Wizard Guy (all of whom belong to me:) belong to Ms. Rowling and Scholastic. Nothin’ new.

Stepping on Cracks

By Princess Kate


"It’s not fair!" seven year old Ron Weasley yelled, stomping his foot down and crossing his arms, face nearly as red as his hair.

"You’ll find life seldom is," his mother answered stubbornly, pulling a shirt over his little sister, Ginny, "Now get up to your room and get ready right now. We’re leaving in thirty minutes."

"But mum…" Ron whined.

"But mum nothing," said his mother severely, "Do you think Harry Potter would talk to his mother that way? Get up to your room before I get mad!"

Ron didn’t want that, so he left, kicking his way up the stairs, muttering to himself.

Dumb Harry Potter. Ron hated him almost more than his mother and Percy at this moment. Whenever he did anything wrong, it was always "Do think Harry Potter would do that?" Ron was quite sick of it. What did he do that was so great anyway? Beat You-Know-Who? Big Deal. It didn’t make him perfect.

Perfect. He snarled at the word. It reminded him too much of his brother Percy, the reason for his bad mood.

So he got accepted to Hogwarts. Big deal there, too. Ron didn’t see why his parents were making such a big deal about it, dragging the whole family to Diagon Alley to shop for his supplies, especially when he already had two brothers that went there. Bill had just graduated this year and Charlie was going into his fifth year. They were both perfect, too.

Ron sighed and flopped himself onto his bed in his small room. He felt that he had entirely too many perfect people in his life. It was starting to make him look bad.

Well, George and Fred certainly weren’t perfect. But everyone loved them anyway. And Percy wasn’t entirely perfect either. Ron grinned evilly too himself at the knowledge he wasn’t supposed to know. One of the reasons Mum and Dad had been so excited about him getting in was they had been afraid he had been too entirely normal. A squib. A common muggle.

But he wasn’t. He was just a regular wizard, like them all. Ron wondered, not for the first or last time what it must feel like to be a muggle. He was oddly, morbidly fascinated by the idea. He knew he had a cousin who was an accountant… what an exciting and different life that must be!

Before he could think about it, he was off his bed and opening his window, his head alight with plans… somehow he could make his way to the Muggle city of London… apprentice himself to some friendly accountant… and his new life would be on it’s way!

He looked around his room for things he would need- a couple chocolate frogs, just in case he got hungry… a few Quidditch trading cards… the Berach Hastings rookie card was really too valuable to leave behind… his lazy pet toad, Cleo (a hand-me-down from Bill, who was moving to Egypt and wouldn’t need her anymore)… and a change of underwear. His mother would be mad enough at him running away, but if she learned he had neglected to take clean underwear with him, he feared she would be livid.

So without a second thought Ron crawled out the window with his small package and looked expectantly at the world outside… just where was London? No road signs so far… ‘twas darned inconvenient.

He sighed and closed his eyes, twirling himself around in a circle, and when he stopped, the direction he was standing in was the direction he would go.

Unfortunately, he was still so dizzy he didn’t realize his chosen direction let him directly in a small pond. He muttered darkly to himself as he pulled himself out and checked over his stuff… the underwear was a bit wet but nothing was ruined… although the picture of Berach Hastings kept waving his broomstick at Ron mutinously.

He sighed again to himself and started again, this time down the road. No one ever said that achieving ones dreams was going to be easy. He had to expect a few downfalls before he became that world renowned accountant.

The road led on, and he followed cheerfully, passing the time trying to think up all the possible things that an accountant might do.

Were they super-heroes, like the Wonderful Wizard Guy in his favourite comic books? The WWG, as his fans affectionately called him, was supposed to live in the wizarding village of Gothapolis, and every night he would save the world from attacks from werewolves and vampires… it was all dreadfully exciting. Ron hoped his new life as an accountant would involve such daring.

When he grew bored of that, he got out a chocolate frog and munched happily while amusing himself by stepping on cracks in the road. What was the old muggle rhyme he had heard?

"Step on a crack, break your mothers back," he suddenly remembered aloud to himself, feeling rather pleased. Dumb old Mum. She deserved a few broken backs.

"Do you really mean that, Ron?" came a pleasant voice from off the side of the road, and when he turned he saw a tall, thin man with long gray hair and moon shaped glasses over twinkling eyes. He looked vaguely familiar but Ron was too startled to remember where he had seen him before.

"Who- Who are you?" he asked, feeling his eyes go wide in surprise, "How do you know who I am?"

The man laughed, but it was a pleasant laugh and Ron didn’t feel the slightest as if he were laughing at him, "Your hair rather marks you as a Weasley, Ron. And I just happen to know that just a few minutes ago your mother frantically discovered you weren’t home- so I made an educated guess. As for who I am, you may know I am a friend. Would you like to walk with me?"

Ron gave a wide-eyed shrug and followed the man as they began walking down the path.

"Quite an interesting game you were playing there, stepping on cracks," the man remarked, "But I suppose the question at hand, young Weasley, is this: how do you happen to be so far from home?"

He felt himself blush as he muttered, "I was running away."

The man didn’t looked shocked or angry, as Ron would have expected. Instead he looked rather amused, "Tired so quickly of this life?"

"I don’t wanna be a wizard," Ron answered, defiantly continuing to step on cracks. The man didn’t seem at all scandalized and Ron felt rather annoyed, "I wanna be an accountant like my cousin."

The man gave him a side ways glance, "I have known a few accountants in my life, Ron, and I think it a shame to turn your back on wizarding before you even begin to learn what it has to offer."

"It’s stupid," said Ron stubbornly.

"If you're sure that’s the way you feel, I have a bit of magical abilities myself and could offer you a choice. Choice one: I transport you to Muggle London right now, and you live as a son to this infamous accountant cousin of yours. I can tell you now it will be a very pleasant life, blessed in happiness and prosperity, if a bit boring at times. But it will not bother you, as you will not remember this way of life nor will you family remember you."

"They- won’t remember me?" Ron asked, looking stricken.

The man nodded gravely, "Nor you them. But you have a second choice: you can go back home right now, back to your brothers and sister and parents. In a few years, you too, might be accepted to Hogwarts and you might feel rather pleased with your choice. Oh, it won’t be easy, there will be plenty of pain and heartbreak, but nothing worth happening in this world comes without a price. You might find that in giving up this dream of accounting, you gain many more. But it is up to you."

Ron glanced down at the small package in his hands. Berach Hastings had stopped waving his wand around and looked as if he were trying to go to sleep. There wasn’t Quidditch in the Muggle world, was there? And the thought of never seeing his family again, not even Percy…

He looked up to tell the man he had decided to stay, but he was no where to be found. Instead, he found himself in his very own front yard, with his very own mother standing anxiously on the doorstep…

"Mum!" he yelled, running towards her and giving her a ferocious hug, "I didn’t break your back!"

Mrs. Weasley looked quite surprised, "Of course not, dear. Now come inside, we’re about ready to leave."

"Okay," he said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand and taking one last look at the road which had so nearly taken him so far away from everything he loved… "Hey mum, d’you think Harry Potter has ever thought about becoming an accountant?"

The door closed behind them and the man chuckled to himself as he made himself visible again, "Well chosen, Mr. Weasley. Very well chosen."

The End