Disclaimer/ Authors Note: Everyone mentioned belongs to Ms. Rowling. The song at the end belongs to Andy Griggs ;). Although it was the inspiration for this fic, it doesn't have a whole particularly lot to do with plot... but I liked it and was tired of trying to think up a title. So I took the easy way out. :) This is a very silly fic, but please enjoy it anyway...


She's More

By Princess Kate

James Potter should have been a very happy boy. He had two parents, who lavished their only son with love and would have been happy to give him anything his heart desired. He was Head Boy, Quidditch Captain and easily one of the most popular students at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. He had the three best friends a guy could ever wish for, even if Peter was a wimp and Remus was a werewolf and Sirius was... well, Sirius was Sirius and that's all there was to it.

On all counts, it seemed that James was perfectly satisfied with his life. His life was so perfect, in fact, that he even had an arch-nemesis, a burly boy by the name of Severus. And as anyone who has ever had an arch-nemesis will tell you, it is an amenity you can really not afford do without. Why go through life unsure as to whom your enemies are? When one has an arch-nemesis, it clears up that nasty problem and leaves you with much more free time on your hands, as you do not have to sit and ponder the subject for hours.

Although today, that fact seemed to be working against him. He would have liked nothing better than to have a little less time on his hands- or at least someone to talk to- Sirius and Remus were in detention, and Peter in the infirmary, which is a story in itself, and a rather long one at that. So perhaps it is best to be left until a later date, as we must now finish the story on hand.

James, quite unused to having any spare time, was determined to make the best of it- although to his surprise he found himself beginning to feel rather bored. After fifteen minutes of wandering idly around the castle, he found himself in the library and decided that it was as good as place as any. McGonagall had assigned a ten page report on Transformation, and heaven knew when he'd get the free time again.

He made his way to the very back of the library, where the dusty old transformation books were kept- homework on a break. He could scarcely believe himself. It seemed, however, that someone else had had very much the same idea- a female someone, standing on her tiptoes on the arm of a chair, trying to reach the highest book on the bookshelf.

Smiling to himself, he headed forward, although when he saw who it was, nearly turned back. He and Lily Stanton, even though they kept the same company, were scarcely what you could call friends. It dated back to a very intense rivalry that had started between them in their first year, although forgiven, never completely forgotten. James did something; Lily would toss her pretty head determinedly and do him one up. Their friends had grown accustomed to the fact that they never be in the same room without fighting- it was, in fact, a great source of entertainment for Sirius, who never tired of baiting them shamelessly.

But it was even more than that. For the last few months, since school started, when he looked at her he saw... what did he see? It was something he couldn't even tell Sirius, didn't even completely understand himself. The knowledge that he perhaps liked her much more than she liked him stabbed him like a tiny knife in the heart. And every time he saw her, had to speak to her... it was like someone inside was twisting the knife until he felt he could no longer bear it.

He turned to go just as she made the final lunge for the book, tottering dangerously on the edge of the chair-

"Whoa," he said, reaching her just in time, grabbing her around the waist to steady her and then pull her safely down, "Rather short to be developing a taste for such high literature?"

Lily regarded him frostily, clutching her book protectively in her arms, "Hullo, James. Thank you for helping me. But I’d best get along."

He bit back the urge to let her go. If he did, he might very well lose any chance for her friendship at all, and to his surprise the very thought of her missing from his life scared him, "Are you sure? That looks like a rather imposing book and I happen to know the rest of our friends are all disposed to varying degrees- but I’d be glad to help you, if you needed it."

"It shall be difficult seeing as I am only a muggle born girl but I think I will manage," she said haughtily, pushing past him and sitting down at a nearby table.

"That's not what I meant-"

"I don’t particularly care what you meant. Now please leave before I am forced to commit the unpardonable sin of raising my voice in the library."

James felt himself beginning to get a trifle annoyed, "Why do I even bother? I’ve tried all year to be nice to you. Gone out of my way, in fact. Well, Sirius or no Sirius-"

"Sirius is the only reason you’re nice to me?" she asked, and he hoped it wasn't wishful thinking that she looked a little aghast.

"Yeah," he said, mentally crossing his fingers, "You don’t give me much reason otherwise. And I‘m going to quit trying."

Lily opened her book, "Fine by me. I quite liked it back when I could properly hate you."

"You don’t completely hate me now?"

She looked uncomfortable, "Not completely, no. Through no doing of your own, to be sure."

He grinned and saddled a chair across from her, "So you like me?"

"No," she answered, just a little too quickly, burying her eyes in the book.

James gently took the book from her and turned it around so the words were facing right side up, "I like you too, Lily."

"I’m very happy for you," she said, pretending to read the book in vain attempt to hide her rapidly spreading blush.

He leaned in closer, "Do you know I’ve liked you from the moment I first saw you?"

"I hate liars nearly as much as I hate swaggerers."

"Fine. Maybe not the first moment-" she gave him a cold stare and he coughed uncomfortably, "Or the second. Hell, up to last year I couldn’t stand being in the same room as you-"

"What a sweet talker," she muttered.

"-But I like you now. Can’t we at least be friends?"

"I thought we were," she said coolly, standing up and closing the book with a small thump, "Are you quite finished making a fool of yourself?"

He stood up too, beginning to feel a little angry, "Quite. Good-bye, Lily."


"It would seem that way. I don’t particularly see that we’re in store for a long, prosperous future together, do you?"

"Who said anything about the future?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Surely you aren’t telling me that that Lily Stanon, Head Girl and top witch of her year, has given no thought as to her future? We have how many months until graduation, Lily?"

"Six," she whispered.

"We’re not going to be here forever. The Future draws closer ever day…"

"Shut up," said Lily, looking irritated, "Like you’ve spent long hours pondering your life after school."

He tried to put on a lofty expression, "As a matter of fact, Sirius has several contacts in the Ministry…"

Lily had to choke back a small laugh, "The Ministry, huh? That’s something. Personally, I’d be surprised if either of you actually live past the age of thirty… You’ll do something stupid and get yourselves killed. Try to take on You-Know-Who by yourself or something."

"Better to die a hero than live a coward," he said, gritting his teeth, beginning to get mad at himself for actually caring what she thought. Mad at himself because even now, he didn’t want to leave her.

"Sometimes it takes more courage to live. Is this good-bye then, James?"

"It would appear so," said James, impetuously sticking out a hand to shake on it.

She looked suddenly pale, but took his hand with chilly fingertips. He shook it heartily, then before even he knew what he was doing, pulled her in close to him and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Good-bye, Lily," he whispered into the moment of astounded silence after he pulled away.

She slapped him, hard, "What was that for?"

He shrugged, rubbing his sore jaw, "It just seemed like the proper thing to do."

"Proper?" she glared at him, "Perhaps you’d better look the word up in a dictionary. You don’t seem to grasp the concept."

"I grasp it very well. It could hardly be considered proper to let you go from my life without ever even kissing you. And you seemed to enjoy it well enough, so I don’t see the harm."

"The harm? You know perfectly well where the harm is!"

He grinned and leaned closer to her, "I just want to hear you say it."

"There is nothing for me to say," she breathed, and he couldn’t help but be pleased at the shiver she gave as he drew closer, bringing a hand up and gently pushing back a loose strand of hair that had fallen over her face.

"You’re afraid of me."


"You’re afraid that if you give yourself half the chance you might discover I’m not such a bad guy. Who knows? You might even find yourself liking me."

"Not likely."

"What were you saying earlier about hating liars?"

"I’m not lying," whispered Lily, "I can’t- stand you- at all- I detest you- with a- passion."

"I assure you the feeling is mutual," he murmured, a hint of a smile on his face as he leaned even closer, "Although I fear I like you very much, Lily."

"This will ruin every thing, you know."

"Of course it will," he grinned, "The world will erupt into complete chaos. Peter will go insane and kill us all and Dumbledore will run away with the circus. All because I tell you I love you."

"If I had my choice it the matter, I would sock you."

"But as you don't?"

"As I don't, I am waiting rather uncharacteristically for you to kiss me again."

He grinned and did so. Now James Potter could truly say he was the happiest boy in the world.

I like blue eyes hers are green

Not like the woman of my dreams

And her hair’s not quite as long as I had planned

Five foot three isn’t tall

She’s not the girl I pictured at all

In those paint by number fantasies I’ve had

So it took me by complete surprise

When my heart got lost in those deep green eyes

She’s not at all what I was looking for

She’s more

No it wasn’t at first site

But the moment I looked twice

I saw the woman I was born to love

Her laughter fills my soul

And when I hold her I don’t wanna let go

When it comes to her I can’t get enough

So it took me by complete surprise

When my heart got lost in those deep green eyes

She’s not at all what I was looking for

She’s more

The End ;)