The Boy Who Lived

By Lizzy

A/N: Okay, here are the first two parts in my first multi-part story. I’m rather optimistic about it; I hope you readers like it (especially the REVIEWERS!!).

DISCLAIMER: Since J.K. Rowling turned down my first offer, I still don’t own Harry Potter or any of the other characters. I’ve been bugging her about negotiations on Fred Weasley, but she just won’t cave in. Sigh.

Chapter One: The Spell

It was a lovely day in mid July, and the occupants of the Burrow were preparing for company. Ron Weasly’s two best friends, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were due to arrive in a few hours, and Mrs. Weasley was dashing about the house like mad, dusting, tidying-up, and shouting at the ghoul in the attic to behave for the next six weeks.

‘Boy! Get down stairs! You ride is here!’ Vernon Dursley shouted.

‘Finally!’ Harry muttered under his breath as he dashed down to the landing, dragging his trunk behind him.

‘Harry! Hi!’ Ron said, waving to his friend as Harry came out the front door.

‘Hi.’ Harry grunted as he tried to heave his heavy trunk over the threshold. He turned around and said, ‘Bye, then,’ just as the door slammed shut in his face. Harry frowned. ‘That was rude!’ he said loudly as he turned back to Ron, Mr. Weasley, and the twins who were waiting in a borrowed Ministry car.

‘Here, Harry, let us help you with that!’ Mr Weasley said, getting out of the car. Ron, Fred and George all followed suit, and soon the five had Harry’s truck safely packed in the boot. As they all got back into the car, Mr Weasley commented, ‘Aren’t your Aunt and Uncle going to come out and say good-bye?’

‘Uh, no.’ Harry said. He had a bitter look on his face. ‘We had a tearful good-bye in the kitchen earlier. I think they’re embarrassed of making a scene in front of you guys.’ The sarcasm in his voice wasn’t detected by Mr Weasley. Ron, however, knew better, and recognized Harry’s foul mood.

‘Hope you don’t mind a bit of a ride, Harry. We’re going to pick up Hermione before we go back to the Burrow.’ Ron said, wisely changing the subject.

Harry responded with a disgruntled, ‘OK.’ Harry’s mood didn’t last the whole drive. By the time they reached the Grangers, Harry, Ron, Fred and George were deep in conversation about the Inner-Island Quidditch Tournament. This year, the Chudley Cannons were placing third in the league. Ron and Harry were debating heatedly against Fred and George, who were favouring the Stratford Minotaurs.

(‘The Cannons Seeker is unbeatable! Lewis has caught the snitch within an hour all season!’

‘Yeah, too bad their Keeper couldn’t stop a Quaffle if it were flying right up his arse-’

‘GEORGE! Watch your mouth!’

‘Sorry, Dad.’)

After picking up Hermione, the six headed back to the Burrow, where they were greeted by Mrs Weasley and Ginny.

‘Hello, Harry, dear. And Hermione. I’m so glad you two could come back for a visit.’

‘Hi, Hermione. ‘Lo, Harry.’ Ginny said quietly, red-faced.

Harry and Hermione grinned as they were ushered in. The evening passed pleasantly, with one of Mrs Weasley’s tantalizing home-cooked dinners. After dinner, Harry, Ron and Hermione slipped into the garden unheeded and were able to discuss current events regarding Sirius, Voldemort, Dumbledore, and what troubles they may find awaiting them in their fifth year at Hogwarts.

The next morning, three owls arrived during breakfast; all carrying letters from Hogwarts.

‘Oh, look! Your letters have arrived a bit early this year!’ Mrs Weasley said as she began serving sausages and toast.

‘I notice yours is thicker than ours, Hermione.’ Ron said eyeing Hermione’s envelope.

‘Um-hm.’ Hermione nodded slowly as she inspected her letter. ‘Oh!’

‘What?’ Harry asked, before shoving a large piece of buttered toasted into his mouth.

‘My Runes Essay!’

‘What about it?’ Ron asked.

‘Bib oou forget who bo it?’ Harry asked, with an incredulous stare.

‘No, of course not.’ Hermione said, some what crossly. ‘And don’t talk with your mouth full.’

Harry obligingly swallowed.

‘What about your essay then?’ Ron asked again.

‘Oh, nothing really. It’s just that I remembered that I wanted to revised part of it. I didn’t have the book I needed so I was going to go to Flourish and Blotts to pick it up but my parents never had the time to drive me into London. I clean forgot about till just now! How will I ever get it done on time?’ Hermione explained, while a worried look grew on her face. She turned to Mrs. Weasley. ‘I don’t suppose you were planning an early trip to Diagon Alley?’

‘I’m sorry, dear, but I really have too much to do here to get the boys and Ginny ready for this year. I have to mend old robes, oh, tons of things....’ Mrs. Weasley trailed off as she busied herself at the kitchen counter. Ron and Ginny’s faces started to glow pink at the mention of "mending old robes".

Hermione’s face fell, and she chewed her lip nervously.

‘Too bad you can’t go to the public library. I doubt muggles carry The Big Book of Runes.’ Harry said matter-of-factly. Ron hid a grin by lifting his orange juice and pretending to drink. Mr. Weasley, however, brightened up.

‘Hey good idea, Harry! Hermione, if you just need to do a little research, I was heading over to the Abingdon Library today. It’s the largest wizard library in England, you know. You four could tag along.’

‘Four?’ Ron asked.

‘Yeah.’ Mr. Weasley said, looking at Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny. ‘I’m sure you all could stand a trip. Give you something to do to get ready for school again.’ Mrs. Weasley nodded in approval.

‘Smooth move, Harry.’ Ron muttered after his mother and father look away. Harry smiled weakly as if to say, sorry!

‘OK, guys,’ Mr. Weasley said as they arrived at the Abingdon Library. ‘It’ll take me about two hours or so to get what I need done here. Hermione, will that be enough time for you?’

‘Oh yes! I should be fine.’ Hermione said quickly, eager to get away. Ron, Harry and Ginny, though, got sullen looks on their faces when they heard how long they’d be stuck there.

After designating a meeting spot, Mr. Weasley and Hermione both dashed off in different directions, leaving Ron, Harry and Ginny alone at the entrance.

‘Well,’ Ginny said, after a few moments of standing in silence, ’I’m going to check out the fiction section.’

‘OK.’ Ron replied. As neither of the boys seemed interested in coming, Ginny left on her own.

‘So....’ Harry said after a few more minutes.

‘Never been in one of these places, waddaya call ‘em, lie-berries?’ Ron said grinning. ‘I don’t see no berries.’

Harry snickered. ‘There has to be something we can do here.’

‘Hey, lets ask the librarian where the comic section is.’ Ron joked.

Eventually, the boys started wandering around the building. As they were walking, however, they bumped into a rather undesirable acquaintance.

‘Harry Potter! How pleasant to see you!’ Rita Skeeter cried as she dashed up to him. Several people "ssshh!"-ed her. Several others looked up at the mention of Harry’s name.

‘Wish I could say the feeling was mutual.’ Harry said coldly.

‘Why don’t you BUG off?’ Ron added with emphasis. A quick flicker of anger flashed across Rita’s face, but she quickly laughed it off.

‘Oh, don’t be silly!’ she replied to Ron. She purposely stepped between the two boys and faced Harry, managing to knock Ron back a step with her shoulder. ‘Harry! You must tell me what you’re doing here! Trying to get a head start on your studies no doubt. I’m sure my readers would love to hear about your study habits...’

By now a small crowd was gathering about Harry. Ron was pushed aside and Harry was lost in the throng. After about thirty minutes or so, the librarian and the security guards were able to break it up. Two of the security wizards, thankfully, escorted Rita Skeeter out of the building.

Harry, straightening his clothes, walked away from the scene towards Ron, who was sitting at a table nearby. Ron was staring at Harry with a strange look on his face. It looked like a cross between pity and anger.

‘What?’ Harry said, a little peeved off after being mobbed.

Ron, who was secretly feeling annoyed at being shoved aside, as usual, noticed his friend’s distemper and merely said, ‘Nothing. Let’s get outta here.’

The boys let the matter slide, and continued wandering around the library. For the next half hour or so, they poked around the shelves; looking at Quidditch books, broom-care manuals, mystery novels and a few joke books.

After finding a really good hair-rising charm, the boys went in search of Hermione, on whom they wished to test their new found prank. While looking for the study area, they pasted an aisle titled "Mischievous Magic: Caution". The boys looked at each other with evil grins and entered at once. They looked at an array of books, full of some of the most infamous magical hoaxes in history (the Bermuda Gang making muggles disappear for example). While looking at an autobiography by the most infamous prankster of all time, Puck, entitled How I Livened Up Oberon’s Court and Other Tales, Ron suddenly hissed to Harry,

‘Harry! Don’t look too obvious, but there is a really hot witch checkin’ us out a two o’clock!’

Harry looked to his right, and sure enough, there was an extremely attractive blond girl about seventeen years old, eyeing them curiously. When Harry made eye contact with her, she turned to them boldly and walk over.

Ron cleared his throat as she approached and said, ‘Hi, I’m Ron. How you doin’?’

The girl glanced at him quickly and then turned to Harry and said, ‘I’m Dana Smith, you’re Harry Potter, right?’

Ron just stood there with a look of betrayal on his face. Harry’s face had fallen when he realized that the girl had recognized him. He conversed with her politely as she told him she had been trying to find him since the crowd had been disbursed, but all the while felt he’d rather her go away. Dana left about fifteen minutes later after she got Harry’s autograph. When she had gone, Harry turned to Ron, who had been eerily quiet since Dana came over. Ron looked at Harry with a look of disgust on his face. He threw up his arms and said,

‘Unbelievable!’ and started to walk off. Harry grabbed his arm.

‘Come on Ron...’ Harry started.

‘This sort of thing always happens when I’m with you.’ Ron exploded. His yelling attracted the attention of a few people trying to study, who hissed, "Shhhh!", as well as a mischievous stranger who had been napping on top of the shelf. He now looked down at Harry and Ron with interest. Ron lowed his voice and continued, ‘You get the attention and I get shoved aside!’

‘You think I ask for that? God, I’d rather be ignored than treated like a prize bull everyone was trying to rope in all the time!’

‘Yeah, well for once I’d like to get noticed. It gets kinda chilly in everyone’s shadow you know.’ Ron fumed whispering. ‘I mean, first my brothers, then you, even Hermione gets noticed more than I do...’

Ron was now pacing up and down the aisle. Harry looked at Ron, then said quietly, ‘At least you HAVE brothers. I’d kill to have everything you have.’

Ron stopped pacing and looked at Harry like he had two heads. ‘Everything I have? Look whose talking! You have everything! You’re rich, you’re famous...’

‘And orphaned.’ Harry interrupted.

Ron fell silent. Finally he said, ‘Gosh I’m sorry Harry. I’ve been acting like a git haven’t I?’

Harry smiled weakly. ‘I was going to say a prick, but we can use your word.’

Ron grinned. ‘Don’t you hate irony?’

‘Bloody annoying stuff, that irony.’ Harry agreed.

‘Oh, but I love irony,’ their unknown spectator whispered to himself.

‘Too bad we couldn’t trade places huh?’ Ron said as he and Harry started to walk out of the aisle.

The stranger on the shelf pulled out his wand and whispered ‘Accio,’ and a book on the opposite shelf flew up to him. He tapped the book with his wand and said, ‘Abre cambiare’ and then threw the book at Ron’s head.

‘OW! Bloody hell!’ Ron shouted. Harry laughed quietly as people around them began to "Shhh!" again. He picked up the book and was about to put it away, when he noticed what it was opened to.

‘Hey Ron, check this out!’ Ron, still rubbing his head, bent over to look at the book. The book, Madam Mim’s Magic Spells for Mad Mischief Makers, was open to page 112, spell 86 which was entitled "How to Trade Lives". Ron grabbed the book from Harry and read on:

"Feeling bored of your life? Think everyone around you has a better time than you? Well worry no more. With a few incantations and a willing volunteer, you can have the life you always dreamed of: someone else’s!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other. Before they could say or do anything, Mr. Weasley passed by the aisle, looked at them, and said,

‘Oh, boys. Glad I found you. I’m done here, so let’s go find Ginny and Hermione and get home.’ He eyed the book they were holding and added, ’You can check that out if you want.’

Ron and Harry nodded numbly and followed Mr Weasley. As they left the library with Madam Mim’s book, a voice in the now deserted book aisle whispered, ‘Now this should be interesting.’

It wasn’t until they got back to the Burrow that the boys could open Madam Mim’s book again. Hermione had checked out Symbols: A Complete Guide to Ancient Runes and had barricaded herself in Ginny’s room to finish her essay. Ginny had brought home a few romance novels and had barricaded herself with Hermione. Harry and Ron followed suit and locked themselves in Ron’s room. Harry, who had gotten more practice at casting spells while preparing for the Tri-Wizard Tournament, read through the directions for "How to Trade Lives". When he was done, he set down the book and sighed.

‘Well?’ Ron asked eagerly. ‘Can we pull it off?’

Harry looked up, frowning. ‘Well, it’s not really a question of can we do it; I mean it’s not that complictated...’

‘Then what are we waiting for?’ Ron said excitedly.

‘Wait Ron, are you sure you want to do this? I mean we won’t just switch places, like, switching bodies or anything. We’d be switching lives. Everything that’s happened to me, would happen to you instead.’

‘So?’ Ron replied. He obviously hadn’t been paying attention to what Harry had said. Harry opened his mouth, about to try and explain to Ron again, but then he looked down at the book and changed his mind.

‘OK then.’ he said quietly. Harry stood up and motioned for Ron to follow him. ‘We’d better do this outside. We don’t want anyone to find out about this; we’d probably get into trouble.’

They boys went outside to a secluded part of the Burrow’s backyard garden. Harry turned to Ron and said,

‘OK, all we have to do is stand about three meters apart, face each other and say these words,’ and pointed at a short stanza on the book’s page.

‘That’s it?’ Ron said.

‘Yeah. Of course, you have to concentrate pretty hard, but that shouldn’t be difficult.’

‘I should say not, it’s all I can think about!’ Ron said exuberantly.

‘Me too.’ Harry said quietly.

‘Well, let’s get to it!’ Ron said putting the book down on the ground, and walking three meters away from Harry. He faced Harry, who was looking back at him uneasily.

‘Ready?’ Ron asked. "I hope he’s not having second thoughts" Ron thought. Harry stood still thinking for a minute, then smiled broadly and said,

‘OK, ready!’ The boys raised their wands and said simultaneously,

‘Quereio cambiare rihtenu!’ Their wands emitted a light cloudly mist which swirled around them, slowly t first, but then faster and faster. Suddenly, Harry and Ron felt weightless; they bean swirling with the mist. As they flew through the air, faster and faster, they were pulled together, so that they were back to back. By now, they were floating about seven meters above the ground. The mist had started to get brighter and brighter until it was a blinding light. Ron shut his eyes, wishing the spinning would stop. Suddenly, the boys were thrust apart. Ron yelled in surprise as he was flung to the ground. He could hear Harry yelling too, only very faintly, as if he were very far away. Ron felt himself hit the ground, then everything went black.


Chapter Two: The Wish Granted

"Be careful what you wish for; you might just get it" - Old Proverb

Ron opened his eyes. Instead of finding himself in the Burrow’s garden, he found he was lying in a bed in a very small, dreary bedroom. As he lay there, staring at the ceiling and wondering where he was, the sound of heavy footsteps approached his door. It was flung open by a tall, red-haired man with a severe-looking face. The man glared at Ron.

‘I thought I told you to GET UP!’ he yelled.

Ron looked at the man, confused. ‘Uncle Clarence? What am I doing here?’

"Uncle" Clarence Scrubb, a magic-hating, muggle accoutant, answered Ron’s question with a sneer, ‘That’s what I’d like to know. You’re supposed to be downstairs making breakfast! Now MOVE IT!’ And with that, Uncle Clarence left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Ron looked at the door in disbelief. ‘He’s got to be kidding.’

Unfortunately for Ron, he wasn’t.

Clarence Scrubb was a cousin of Molly Weasley. As he was a muggle, and a very sour muggle at that, the Weasley family had had very little contact with Scrubb and his family. The Scrubbs consisted of Clarence, a very strict and humourless accountant, his wife, Bertha, an anti-feminist who was bitterly trying to revert the world back to 1950, and their daughter Gertrude ("Gertie"), a large athletic girl of sixteen who loved to bully people. The Scrubbs keep Ron busy all day with many back breaking chores.

As Ron didn’t know how to get back to the Burrow from the Scrubbs residence, he knew he would have to depend on them until he could get home. Until then, he grudgingly complied to their orders.

Gertie Scrubb followed Ron around all day, picking on him and taunting him. At first he tried to ignore her, but that afternoon, Gertie got nasty while he was weeding the flower patch. By then, Ron was tired from working all day, and he had had enough of Gertie’s taunts of "Cinder-Ron" and "Dirty-Weasley". Ron pitched a handful of mud at Gertie’s face. He hit right on target. Gertie rushed into the house screaming, ‘DADDY! Look what he DID!’

Ron was dragged up to his room by a very angry Clarence Scrubb. He was locked in and informed he would be getting no dinner. ‘Hmgh. Not like Aunt Bertha can cook anyway.’ Ron muttered to himself. After two days of solitary confinement, however, Aunt Bertha’s cooking started to look very appetizing indeed. After the third day, the Scrubbs finally relented.

‘You may come out, only if you are prepared to do double chores until Saturday.’ Aunt Bertha informed him.

‘Why? What’s Saturday?’ Ron asked. A joyful thought came to him, "Maybe they mean to take me home on Saturday!"

‘Your uncle said you could visit those friends of yours, don’t you remember?’ Bertha replied, nastily. ‘Of course, he’s only letting you go to get rid of you for the rest of the summer.’

‘The feeling’s mutual.’ Ron muttered under his breath. Only one thing bothered him: what friends? Who could possibly know he was here? He didn’t even know why he was there!

Ron waited anxiously for Saturday to arrive. If he had thought live at the Scrubbs was bad before, now it was unbearable. Double chores made Hogwarts detentions look like a day at the park, and Gertie’s bullying made Ron actually look forward to Potions with Snape.

Saturday morning, the entire household was tense. The Scrubbs were unusually quiet, anticipating the arrival of Ron’s "friends". At about half past ten, Ron heard the sound of a car stop in front of the Scrubbs’ residence. A minute later, the bell rung.

"Finally!" Ron thought. He was dying to get out of there; he didn’t care who was on the other side of that door.

‘Boy! Get down stairs! Your ride is here!’ Clarence shouted.

Suddenly, it hit Ron. He remembered hearing those exact same words, shouted by Vernon Dursley, two weeks ago when he’d picked up Harry. He suddenly understood: why he was at the Scrubbs, why his family had seemed to disappear, and who it was waiting for him down stairs.

‘The spell!’ Ron said to himself. ‘It worked! Harry and I really did switch places! If I’ve been at the Scrubbs all this time, then Harry must be outside with my dad and brothers, picking me up!’ It all made sense. For the first time in a week, Ron was feeling very happy. Now things would take a turn for the better. He hurried down stairs and grabbed the handle of his trunk, which was sitting on the landing. He grinned at a scowling Clarence, and said jubilantly, ‘Bye Uncle Clarence! Hope you guys have a wonderful summer!’

‘Hi Ron!’ Harry greeted, as Ron came out the door. ‘Here, let me help you with that.’

Harry took up the other end of the trunk and helped Ron carry it over to a car parked in front of the Scrubbs’ house. Just as Ron suspected, it was a Ministry car.

‘I was starting to get worried something had happened to you!’ Harry said to Ron as they got into the car, Harry in the front seat, Ron in the back. ‘I sent a letter to you with Hedwig, but she came back yesterday. I guess she couldn’t get to you or something.’

‘Oh, I know why.’ Ron said, remembering his room at the Scrubbs’. ‘Uncle Clarence must have put those bars on the windows after I shoved mud in Gertie’s face. I must not have noticed right away.’

"At least that explains why no one wrote to me," Ron thought.

‘Well, we’re glad you’re OK. By the way, I don’t think you’ve met my dad?’ Harry said with a large smile on his face.

Ron looked toward the driver’s seat grinning, expecting to see hid own father. Instead, however, a tall man with messy black hair and glasses turned around and smiled back at Ron.

‘Hi, I’m James Potter. It’s a real pleasure to meet you, Harry’s told us so much about you.’

Ron was dumb struck. He could only nod numbly and shake James’s hand as he reached over the seat.

‘Hope you’re in the mood for a ride, Ron,’ Harry said, ‘we still have to pick up Hermione.’

Ron was flabbergasted. James Potter was dead. At least, he was the last time he’d checked. What was he doing; driving Ron and Harry around England? Was this some kind of weird dream? If James Potter was here, then where was Ron’s family? Ron was dying to ask Harry the answers for these questions, but decided to wait till he, Harry and Hermione were alone. "Yeah, I should wait for Hermione too," Ron thought, "’cause if you’ve ever a question, you can count on Hermione to have a theory or two."

The three drove to the Grangers’ and picked up Hermione. Ron was a little set back when Hermione was introduced to James Potter. Unlike him, she experienced no shock, but merely said, ‘How’d do you do, Mr Potter?’

During the drive to Godric’s Hollow, Ron remained in an awkward silence. Harry, Hermione and James carried on a lively conversation, however, about Professor Snape and past Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers.

(‘I just hope Snape doesn’t get away with the DADA job this year! That was my favourite class, I couldn’t bear to have him come and ruin it!’

‘Snape! That prick! I dunno what Dumbledore was thinking...’

‘Mr. Potter!’

‘Sorry, Hermione, but it’s true...’)

It was a long drive from the Grangers’ to Godric’s Hollow. When they finally arrived, it was rather later in the afternoon, and the four were quite hungry.

‘Golly, I’m famished! I hope Lily has a late tea ready! Oh, here, Hermione, let me help with that trunk! Harry, you give Ron a hand!’

‘Right, Dad!’ Harry answered. As he and Ron pulled the trunk out of the boot, Harry whispered to Ron, ‘By the way, I think I should warn you. After my little sister met you King’s Cross last year, she’s developed a bit of a crush on you!’

Ron looked at Harry, ‘Little sister?’

‘Yeah.’ Harry said casually. ‘You know, Lucy. Short five-year-old red-head?’

At that moment, Lily Potter came out the front door. ‘Hey! You’re here at last! Hello Hermione! Nice to see you again! And Ron! How are you! We were so pleased when your uncle said you could visit!’

Ron found he couldn’t answer, being at a loss for words. He smiled weakly and nodded.

It wasn’t until after a late tea, that Ron, Harry and Hermione could get away to talk privately. Harry led them into his bedroom on the second floor. He closed the door when five-year-old Lucy tried to follow.

(‘Beat it Lucy. Go bug mum.’

‘Poo-poo head!’)

Harry’s room looked very similar to Ron’s old room at the Burrow. A single-sized bed was set against the wall, with what looked like a roll-away under it. A desk sat across the room with a few text books and an unfinished essay sitting on top ("MacBeth: How Witches are Wrongfully Portrayed in Muggle Literature"). Above the desk was a small dressing mirror. A small book shelf stood next to the desk, containing several comics, a few mystery novels, old text books, Quidditch books and a few other knickknacks. The sun was hanging low in the sky and cast long shadows on the Potters’ garden, which could be seen outside Harry’s window.

Ron was the first to speak after Harry shut the door. ‘OK, what the dickens is going on here?’

Hermione looked at Ron, confused. ‘What do you mean?’ Harry face also looked slightly surprised.

‘What do I mean? I mean, the world has gone topsy-turvy! Those are really Harry’s parents down stairs! Last I heard, they died fourteen years ago! I was stuck at my aunt and uncle’s house, and I have no idea how I got there! I have no idea what happened to my family! I mean, where are my mum and dad and brothers and Ginny?’ Ron paused for a moment, and looked hard at Harry. ‘And another thing, where’s you scar? It’s gone!’

Harry turned for Ron and looked at Hermione. Hermione answered Harry gaze, and looked back to Ron. ‘Um, Ron. I think you are a bit mistaken. Here, let me show you something.’

Hermione took Ron’s arm and led him over to Harry’s desk. Ron could see himself and Hermione reflected in the dressing mirror, Harry looking over their shoulders in the back ground; and uneasy look was on his face. Ron got the feeling that he was out of the loop. "What do they know that I don’t?" He wondered.

‘Look.’ Hermione said. She reached up to Ron’s bangs, and brushed them away. As he looked back at his reflection, Ron could see a thin, purple, lightening blot-shaped scar on his forehead.

* * * * *

Ron was silent for a few minutes; he just stood there staring at his reflection. He’d finally understood everything. Harry’s words came back to him from one week ago, right before they’d cast the spell (‘We’d be switching lives. Everything that’s happened to me would happen to you.’). That meant...

"My family." Ron thought. "Voldemort comes to my family instead. He kills my parents, my brothers, my sister...wait, maybe Ginny wasn’t ever born. No, she was. She would have been only a few months old. But they’re all dead now. All because of that stupid spell."

Ron remained there, standing silently, looking into the mirror. Harry and Hermione looked at each other as if to say, what now? Finally Harry pulled Hermione aside and whispered, ‘I’ll talk to him. Why don’t you go down stairs and check on Lucy.’

Hermione nodded and left the room. She closed the door softly behind her. Harry watched her go. After they were alone, Harry turned back to Ron and walked over to him quietly. He stood beside him and met his eyes in the mirror.

‘Not what you thought it’d be, it is?’ He said softly.

Ron looked back at Harry in the mirror. ‘Then you do remember.’ He said.

‘Yeah. But we’re the only ones who know about the spell. So Hermione, my parents...they don’t remember a thing.’

‘You knew this would happen, before we cast the spell?’

‘Yes. I told you though; I told you we wouldn’t just be switching places. My life would become your life.’

‘I know.’ Ron said sullenly, breaking eye contact. ‘I wasn’t thinking though. I didn’t stop to think what that meant.’ Ron walked away from the mirror and sat down on Harry’s bed. He rested his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands.

Harry watched him. ‘But this past week, you didn’t realize?’ He asked.

Ron shook his head. ‘I can’t believe I was so stupid. All that time locked up in that room wondering why I was there. I didn’t even think of the spell. I thought it didn’t work.’

‘Locked up?’ Harry asked surprised. ‘Why were you locked up?’

Ron grinned slightly. ‘Oh that. I kinda shoved a bit of mud on my cousin Gertie’s face. Uncle Clarence locked me in my room for three days as punishment.’

‘Yesh!’ Harry said with a grimace. ‘It’s the Dursleys all over again!’

‘Tell me about it. This week has been a nightmare. Just when I thought it was getting better, it gets ten times worse.’

Harry was silent for a few moments. Finally he said, ‘It’s been the opposite for me. This week has been like a dream come true.’

Ron looked up. ‘Oh yeah, I forgot. The spell brought your parents back to life.’ Ron gave Harry a small smile. ‘So? What’s it like?’

‘They’re fabulous! Mum is, is, she’s what I always hoped she’d be. She’s warm and caring and she’s really cool too. And Dad’s great! He’s so much fun, and he’s really smart. We’ve been hanging out all week; you know, doing father-son stuff. And Lucy. I didn’t expect to have a sister. She’s a sweet like tyke, but she can get really annoying! Look! I’ve only known her a week and I’m already talking like a big brother.’ Harry had a wide grin on his face. Even though Ron was feeling horrible about the loss of his own family, he couldn’t help but feel happy for his friend.

‘That’s really great Harry. Hey, I just thought of something. What happened to Sirius? Have you seen him?’

‘Yeah!’ Harry said enthusiastically. ‘I saw him a couple days ago! He’s great! He never went to Azkaban. He’s married to a woman named Olivia and he has a son. His name is Terry. He’s a third year at Hogwarts. I met him too; he’s really cool. He’s a real prankster. We kinda got into trouble the other day, we cast that hair raising spell on the Smiths, our neighbors. Real grouchy people in my opinion. Dad and Sirius thought it was funny though. Mum and Olivia were furious.’

Harry went on for a while, telling Ron about his new family. Ron listened patiently, smiling. After a while though, they feel into silence again. Finally Harry asked,

‘Ron, are you OK? I know this has to be devestating for you.’

Ron looked at Harry. He wanted to tell him the truth. That his world had been ripped apart, that he had no idea how to fill this gigantic hole in his life. How he wanted nothing more than to go back to the way things were. But looking at Harry, he realized he couldn’t. He was happy, he finally had the family he’d always dreamed of. How could Ron ask him to give it all up?

‘Yeah. I’ll be fine Harry.’

Harry seemed about to say something when he glanced at his alarm clock, which sat on the bedside table next to Ron’s elbow. ‘Shoot! We’ve forgotten Hermione! She’s been downstairs with Lucy for almost two hours!’

‘Hey, how are we going to explain all this to her?’ Ron asked.

‘We can’t tell her about the spell!’

‘No, of course not. But what about the whole episode before? When I didn’t know we’d switched?’

‘Oh that. I dunno, we’ll say you took a really bad knock in the head or something. I’ll tell her not to mention it to you or you’ll have a relapse.’

‘Great. So now I’m a walking mental case about to go off any second?’ Ron asked with a grin.

Harry returned the smile. ‘Just as much as usual.’

* * * * *

For the last three weeks of summer, Ron and Hermione stayed with the Potters. The trio enjoyed their carefree days and had several small adventures. Finally, it was time to prepare for school. Lily and James Potter took them to Diagon Ally to get their supplies. All the time Ron seemed normal on the outside, but really he was struggling to adjust himself tot his new life. Everyday he was noticing more and more things that were out of place. One particular instance occurred when they visited Gringotts. First, the group stopped at the Potters’ vault. Ron remembered the last time he had been down here with Harry: he had caught a glimpse inside and seen piles and piles of Harry’s fortune. This time however, Ron glanced in to find the Potters’ treasure much reduced. A very small pile of galleons and sickles. Ron whispered to Harry,

‘What happened to all your money?’

‘What? Oh yeah, that. Well, turns out my dad made a really bad business deal about ten years ago, goblin and troll stock market or something.’ Harry shrugged. ‘Bit of a bummer, but we get by.’

If Ron was surprised by Harry sudden loss, he was astounded when they reached the Weasley vault. The Gringotts attendant open the door to reveal, not a dwindling pile of sickles, but four rather large piles of galleons.

‘Blimy!’ Ron breathed. ‘Have we got the wrong vault?’

Harry followed Ron’s gaze mildly surprised. ‘Wow! This is different.’

Apparently, the Weasley fortune had been quite substantial once. In the past fourteen years, instead of being split between nine people, the money had just sat there, useless to anyone living with the Scrubbs, and had accumulated a great deal of interest.

"Hmm. Well, at least I’m not poor any more." Ron thought. "But is it really worth it?" Ron knew it wasn’t.

James Potter led the trio through Diagon Ally and they got all their school supplies. Hermione was the only one who walked away from Flourish and Blotts beaming. Harry and Ron didn’t feel exceptionally eager to return to lessons and exams. However, the last two weeks of August flew by like nothing at all and before they knew it, they were standing on Platform 9 and three quarters, bidding good bye to Lily, James, and Lucy Potter.

‘Have a good term boys. Hermione, you will keep them in line, won’t you?’ Lily said, smiling.

Hermione smiled back. ‘I’ll try, Mrs Potter.’

‘I have presents for you.’ Lucy said shyly. She handed Harry, Ron and Hermione each a parchment of paper with her own Crayloa creations on them.

‘Thank you, Lucy!’ Hermione said warmly, giving her a hug.

Harry looked at the little girl fondly. ‘See ya Luce!’

Ron smiled at her too. ‘Yeah, the picture’s really beautiful Lucy.’

Lucy hid her face against Lily’s dress.

As they were getting their trunks into their compartments, two figures walked up the meet them. James greeted them:

‘Sirius! Terry! I was wondering if we’d run into you!’

‘Hey Harry! Hi Ron!’ A boy about 12 years old addressed them. He was tall for his age, drawing even with Harry. He had black curly hair and a very mischievous grin.

‘Can’t wait to get back to ol’ Hogwarts! Life is so dull at home with anyone to bug!’

‘OK guys, you know the rules at Hogwarts,’ Sirius said looking at Harry, Ron and Terry with a grin on his face, ‘I want to hear a good long list, by holidays, of all that you’ve broken.’

‘Sirius!’ Lily said, exasperated.

The four got onto the train and waved out the window, shouting farewells over the commotion of all the other parents and students around them. The Hogwarts Express began to spout steam. As a screaming whistle cut through the air, the passengers aboard felt the train sluggishly begin to move forward. The four found an empty

appartment and sat down.

‘Anyone for Exploding Snap?’ Terry asked with a grin.

* * * * *

The first few weeks of school passed without event. Things seemed almost normal for awhile until one day, at the end of Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall announced Quidditch try-outs.

‘As you all know, with Oliver Wood, Katie Bell and Edmund Smith graduating, there are three spots open this year. The team will also need to elect a new captain. So, all who are interested may meet on the pitch tonight at 7:30 after dinner.’

‘We all know who the new captain will be.’ Dean Thomas said to Ron, Harry, Seamus and Neville as they were exiting the classroom. ‘Ron’s sure to be elected.’

Ron looked at Dean confused. ‘Me?’

‘Of course.’ Seamus piped in. ‘After all, you’re the best player in the school, since you’ve been on the team since your first year.’

‘But I-’ Ron started to protest. Harry cut him off quickly.

‘Oh, don’t be modest Ron!’ Harry grabbed Ron arm and said, ‘Come on! Let’s hurry to the Great Hall, I’m starved!’

When they were out of ear shot of Dean and the other boys, Ron yanked his arm away from Harry. ‘What was all that about? I’m not on the Quiditch team!’

‘Yes you are. You’re the Seeker.’

‘No,’ Ron said slowly, looking at Harry as if he were crazy, ‘you are, remember? You’ve been on the team since first year!’

‘No,’ Harry insisted firmly, ‘we’ve switched places, remember? You’re the one on the Quiditch team, not me. You’re the famous one, you’re the one who gets all the attention.’

‘Oh yeah. Things have been so normal around here I almost forgot.’ Ron said hazily.

‘Yeah, so, Mr. Gryffindor Seeker, Soon-to-be-Captain, think you can put in a good word for you’re non-famous pal Harry Potter?’ Harry asked with a sly grin.

‘No problem. Hey, who was Edmund Smith?’

‘He was seventh year last year. You remember him, tall blond guy, he had that funny laugh?’ Harry broke into a smile as he proceeded to imitate Edmund Smith,


Ron bust a gut, laughing. ‘Oh yeah! Wow, I’m going to miss that guy! Remember how Fred and George would tell him jokes when Hermione was trying to study for exams last year! Who-wee! Did she ever get pissed off!’

Harry and Ron continued to laugh for a while till Ron suddenly thought of something,

‘Wait a second. Edmund wasn’t on the Quiditch team!’

‘Um, yeah, he was. He was a Beater.’

‘No, Fred and Geor-’ Ron suddenly stopped, ‘Oh, right.’ He said dully. ‘Well, whose the other Beater?’

‘Elwin Ransom. He’s a year ahead of us.’

‘OK, I remember him. Well, three positions open. Which one are you going to try out for, Harry?’

‘I thought I’d take a crack at being a Chaser.’

‘Hey, that was my old position when I played on a local team before Hogwarts! I just that’s fitting then.’

As they entered the Great Hall, a Gryffindor third year rushed up to them.

‘I just heard about try-outs!’ Terry said breathlessly. ‘Ron! You’re the captain! You gotta let me on the team! You gotta!’

‘Hold it Terry! I’m not the captain yet.’ Ron replied, smiling.

‘Ron! PLEASE! This is your ol’ buddy Terry we’re talkin’ about! Harry, please help me out here!’

Ron and Harry grinned at the pleading boy evilly.

‘Gee, I dunno Terry,’ Harry said, putting his arm around Terry’s shoulders, ‘there was that little incident where you slipped Invisible Ink in my bag and all my Potions Notes were wiped know, I had to stay up till 2 am copying Hermione’s notes to make up for that!’

Terry’s eyes grew wide. ‘Oh, come on Harry! You got me back for that ages ago, giving me that Jelly-Legs hex in front of Polly Plummer-’

‘Yeah, but then there was that dungbomb you set off in our dormitory...’ Ron added. Terry was looking back and forth between Ron and Harry frantically.

‘You’ve got to be kidding! OK, anything, anything you want, I’ll do it! I have to be on the team!’ Ron and Harry just smiled.

* * * * *

Try outs went fairly smoothly. Ron found that, though he wasn’t captain of the team, the other players really respected his opinion. When he voted for Harry as Chaser and Terry as Beater, everyone else followed suit without compliant. The position of Keeper was awarded to a sixth year named Melanie Dimble.

It wasn’t until the next day, at their first practice, that the team voted on a captain.

‘OK guys,’ Alicia Spinnet said, ‘we can’t go on forever without a captain. Whose it gonna be?’

‘Ron.’ the entire team (except Ron) answered back. Alicia smiled and looked at Ron.

‘I agree. I guess we can call that unanimous!’

Ron looked uncertainly at Harry. Harry gave him a grin and a thumbs up. Ron smiled back. ‘Alright then, let’s get going!’ Ron said to the team. ‘Madam Hooch told me we have exactly four weeks till our first match. We’re up against Slytherin, so it’s time to kick some arse!’

The team voiced its enthusiasm and then the seven ran onto the pitch to start warm ups.

The next four weeks passed quickly, with classes and practices taking up most of Ron’s time. The morning of the Quidditch game found Ron slightly nervous. Though he’d always dreamed of being on the Gryffindor team, Seeker had never been his ideal position. Ron felt he’d much rather be a Chaser, as he’d had experience playing that position when he’d been younger, but it was impossible for him to change now. Harry had given him pointers during practice and assured him everything would go fine.

‘Don’t worry Ron! After all, Draco’s not much of a Seeker either! You can do it! Besides, you’ve got the Firebolt!’

Harry’s encouragement, and the possesion of the famed Firebolt their spell had granted him, were all that could give Ron courage. That is, of course, until he ran into Draco Malfoy during breakfast.

‘Well if it isn’t famous Weasel and Pot-head! Ready to get your brooms kicked?’

‘Shove it Malfoy.’ Harry retorted through gritted teeth.

Draco merely snickered at them at slauntered off. Ron stared after him. ‘We just have to win today. I don’t know how, but I have got to get that Snitch!’

* * * * *

At eleven o’clock the entire school headed over to the Qudditch pitch to watch the game. Lee Jordan was commentating as usual.

‘And it’s a beautiful day for a Qudditch match! Not a cloud in the sky! Perfect day to squash some Slytherins into the mud! Joking Professor! I’m sure some’ll land in the lake-’


‘Kidding, kidding! Oh, look! Here comes the teams! On the left we have the Slytherin team, Bole, Derrick, Feverstone, Malfoy, Montague, Warrington, and their new captain, Withers. Boy do they look mean! And now on the right we have the Griffindor team! New fellows Terry Black and Melanie Dimble, veteran Angelina Johnson, go Angelina!, Harry Potter, also new to the team, Elwin Ransom, Alicia Spinnet, and newly elected captian Ron Weasley! What a line up! I gotta tell you the Gryffindor team is looking good; there’s a nice range of talent walking onto the pitch!’

The two teams, entering on different sides of the pitch, met in the middle where Madam Hooch was standing.

‘OK, captains, shake hands!’

Ron and a big Slytherin seventh year, Jake Withers, reached out and shook hands briefly.

‘Mount your brooms!’ Each team complied, and with the shrill sound of the whistle, they rose into the air. Ron sored high into the air, loving the feeling of riding the Firebolt. Unfortunatly, his enjoyment didn’t last. A green streak zoomed in front of him, knocking him slightly off course. Draco Malfoy looked back at Ron.

‘Move it or lose it, Weasley!’

‘Watch where you’re going, you stupid prat!’ Ron yelled back. Then he turn his attention from Draco and looked down on the players below. The Quaffle had just been taken by Angelina and Lee was commenting loudly through the magical megaphone:

‘And Angelina starts off the game with a brillant steal from Feverstone -- he never saw her coming - not smart to take your eyes off your opponents - and she’s headed for the goal - wait! Warrington’s in her way, my God, he’s going to run into her - oh! and she passes to Harry - goos thing he was open - Potter ducks under Montague and he’s almost there - YES! HE SCORES! Way to go for the new guy! 10 - zero to Gryffindor!’

Ron did a small loop-de-loop on his broom, celebrating Harry’s goal. He looked over at Draco to shhot him a triamphant look, but Draco wasn’t looking at him. Instead, he was looking furiously around below him. Suddenly, Ron realized he was looking for the Snitch! In his excitement on watching the game he had nearly forgotten his role as Seeker. Ron cursed sofly at himself then turned out the game as he began searching as well. He was concentrating so intently that he only vaguly heard Lee scream out:

‘The Bluger! It’s headed right for you!’

Ron glanced to his right just in time to avoid a Bulger headed right for his side. It wooshed past him with incredible speed. The Bulger began to turn around and head back at him, but then Terry intercepted it and sent it flying toward Feverstone, who had possesion of the Quaffle. Feverstone saw the Bludger in time to avoid getting hit, but he dropped the Quaffle. It was caught by Alicia who passed it to Angelina who proceeded to score. The score was now 20-zero. Ron grinned at Terry as he began to fly off toward the rest of the players.

‘Bet your glad now that I’m on the team, huh?’ He called as he flew by.

Ron shook his head slightly and went back to his search as Lee continued to shout the plays to the crowd:

‘And it’s Slytherin in possesion, Montague with the Quaffle, he’s headed for the Gryffindor goalposts, somebody better stop him soon, it looks like he might score! PEOPLE WHERE ARE YOU? - Oh! And Ransom sends Montague a Beater! - but he’s still got the Quaf - no! wait! Potter intercepts, he’s headed down the pitch toward the Slytherin goal - Withers is blocking that goal - he won’t get anything in - looks like he’s going to try and score anyway - here it comes - wait! He faked it! Angelina’s got the Quaffle now - SHE’S PAST WITHERS! WHAT SRATEGIC MOVE! It’s 30-zero Gryffindor!’

Ron didn’t register Lee’s comments, for at that moment, he saw Draco moving quickly on his left. Draco was flying straight toward Ron. Ron swerved out of the way and looked where Draco was headed. Had he seen the Snitch? Ron followed, looking desperatly around. He had just caught up to Draco, when suddenly Drco swerved to his right, nearly colliding with Ron. The two knocked each other out of their path, and flew apart. "Well, the Snitch is gone by now." Ron thought glumly. He flew higher to continue looking.

Thirty minutes into the game, the score was 50-20 Gryffindor. It was still anybody’s game. The Slytherin had began to bring on their new offensive tactics and the Gryffindor Chasers were being bombarded by Bludgers. Terry and Ransom were having a hard time keeping up. After another ten minutes, Warrington had managed to steal to Quaffle from Harry and score another goal. With the score now 50-30, and the Snitch no where in sight, Ron decided he needed a break.

Ron motioned to Madam Hooch to call a time out. The Gryffindors huddled on the ground.

‘Gosh, they’re tough! The new guy, Feverstone, he’s all over the place! It’s near impossible to get to the goal with the Quaffle!’ Alicia said exasperated.

‘We should switch to some more defensive techniques.’ Ron said. ‘Keeping passing the Quaffle, keep them on their toes! We still got the lead, I don’t want us to lose it! Terry, Elwin, you guys gotta get dirty with those Bludgers!’

The team agreed on a few more strategies, then broke off and began to mount their broom again. Madam Hooch blew the whistle for time in, and they were off. The defensive mode the Gryffindors had set into was statig to work, Slytherin stopped scoreing goals. Ron knew it was up to him to end this game. After another five minutes, though, he was being to despair of finding the Snitch, till suddenly he saw a fleck of gold near the Ravenclaw stands. He didn’t think twice, he just went for it. As he dove,

Lee Jordan could be heard, calling out the plays:

‘The Gryffindors are playing it safe, nothing’s getting by them - the Beaters don’t know who the send the Blugers at - Potter’s got the Quaffle - no he’s passed it to Alicia - over to Angelina - back to Potter - they’re playing keep away now - and Alicia’s open near the goal - Potter’s passed it to her - she gonna score - what’s that? - It’s WEASLEY! HE’S DIVING! HAS HE - YES! HE’S SEEN THE SNITCH! HE CAUGHT IT! THE GAMES OVER, GRYFFINDOR WINS!’

Ron felt the Snitch wiggling around in his hand as he flew to the ground. The rest of the team rushed to meet him.

‘WE’VE WON! WAY TO GO RON!’ Elwin yelled above to crowd.

‘Yes! Yes! All right!’ Melanie could be heard cheering.

‘I knew you could do it! That was brilliant!’ Harry said, smacking his friend on the back. Ron grinned at Harry and looked around at the crowd of people around him.

"This is what I’ve always wanted!" Ron thought. "I’m the Qudditch captain, and I’ve just won the big game! This is amazing!"

‘Party at the Tower!’ Terry yelled out. The Gryffindors voiced their agreement. The whole crowd was headed for the castle when Prfessor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore broke through the throng.

‘Everyone into the castle! Prefects, you are to make sure everyone goes to their respective common rooms immediately. Weasley, you are to go to the Headmaster.’

The noise and excitement from the match quickly subsided as Professor McGonagall put a damper on their spirits. Ron cast a confused look at Harry as Professor McGonagall took him by the shoulder and steered him in front of her. When they entered the castle, they took a right and proceeded to Dumbledore’s office. When they reached the stone gargoyle, McGonagall gave the password ("Pepper Imps") and led him up the stairs till they reached Dumbledore’s door. Professor McGonagall told him he could proceed of his own and then left. Ron felt extremely nervous. What did Dumbledore want? Was it possible he have found out about the spell he and Harry had cast? With a shaking hand, Ron knocked opened the door and entered.

‘Professor Dumbledore? You wanted to see me, sir?’ Ron asked timidly.

‘Yes, Mr Weasley. I’m afraid I’ve some news that concerns you.’ Professor Dumbledore looked at Ron wearily. ‘There have been rumours of the Death Eaters gathering in England. We’ve had it confirmed by Professor Snape who’s been working as a spy for us. He’s just returned with some rather shocking news.’ Dumbledore paused.

‘Maybe you should sit down for this.’

Ron nervously walked over to a plush wingback chair near Professor Dumbledore’s next. He looked at the old wizard who met his gaze with piercing eyes.

‘Voldemort’s returned to England. We have reason to believe he’s on his way to Hogwarts right now to find you.’