Ron Meets Opal

By Peter Martin Elliot

Note: This story was written for fun purposes only. The actions in this fanfiction do not reflect my real views, as I love Harry Potter, and my friends and I came up with this plot during a free-lesson science class. It was so much fun to write, so I hope it is as fun to read! Enjoy! J


"Did you hear that, Harry?" Gabrielle broke the sweet silence and they drew apart their faces. Harry seemed puzzled.

"No," he replied quietly, trying not to break the glorious moment. Gabrielle held her expression, but then relaxed at the sound of Harry’s

comforting words.

"It’s probably just a Smog," He reassured. She smiled, and once again their lips touched.

There they sat, perched on the red-bricked wall. People passed, but few looked. They were far too busy in their own lives to be worrying about anyone else. Gabrielle felt a pleasant tingling sensation shiver down her spine. She wondered if Harry was feeling the same.

Meanwhile, two people were doing a similar thing. Parvati placed her hands gently on Ron’s face as they drew closer, and he held his arms tightly around her waist.

Hermione stood at the front of the class, holding her wand and demonstrating to the first-year Hufflepuffs the wonder of Arithmancy. They gasped as writing appeared on the board magically. Fleur knocked at the door and entered.

"Meesers Finnigan, may I please borrow Kinky Borris?"

"Of course Mrs. Krum," Said Hermione. The teachers exchanged understanding looks as Kinky Borris wandered to Fleur and out of the classroom.

In one of the Weasley's households, Fred’s in fact, the fire suddenly turned ablaze. Fred sharply turned to face the fire as George’s head appeared.

"Hi Fred! Just want to let you know that the shop is up and running!"

"Wow!" Gasped Fred. "Is everything alright?"

"Perfect! We’ve hired that Irish bloke, Homer Troy. He’s working right now. Already it’s become quite popular."

"Great! Thanks for telling me, George!"

"Well I’ve got to go. I’ll have to speak to you tomorrow Fred. Bye!"

"See you!"

George excitedly disappeared. Angelina looked up from her book. Fred smiled.

"Has the shop been set up?" She asked calmly.

"Yeah!" Fred seemed ready to burst.

"Wow! Great, Fred!" She got up from the settee and hugged him tightly. She kissed his cheek.

"Alright, I’ve got to go out and get a few things for our new idea!" He said, almost jumping on the spot.

"What’s that?" said Angelina, theoretically.

"Oh, I can’t tell you! It’s a surprise. George doesn’t even know about this one! Oh, and have you heard about Percy and Penelope?"

Angelina pondered.

"Yes," She answered. "Penelope told me yesterday that she and Percy are going to Romania to see Charlie."

"Yeah. Okay, I’ve got to go." Fred kissed her lightly. "I’ll see you soon. Won’t be long." And he hurried out the door practically

bursting with excitement.

Meanwhile, Percy was packing his bags. Penelope came in.

"Packing already?"

"Well we’re leaving tomorrow!" Replied Percy. A full suitcase stood upright next to the dressing table.

"Whose is this suitcase?" Asked Penelope. Percy looked up casually and smiled.

"Yours," He said.

"You mean you’ve packed mine as well?"

"Of course!"

"Wow Percy, you are so excited about this!" She replied with a giggle. She strutted over to give him a hand packing his things.

"Wonder how Fred and George’s shop is going," Said Percy.

"I’ve seen it in Diagon Alley, but it wasn’t open yet. It was expected to be open sometime today, actually."

"Well, when it does, I think we’ll hear about it!"

Pansy Parkinson strolled quietly along the street, eager to meet again with her love. She had met him once before, and it had been magical, even though, however shameful it was, he was a muggle. Sometimes she was disgusted in herself for thinking that he was a muggle, but then she thought of his image, a perfect vision…

Eventually she arrived at a large restaurant in the muggle world. She stood outside and waited patiently, but after a few moments she realised that he was already inside, and once she had seated herself comfortably, he had mentioned that he had already ordered dinner.

"Oh," She said after hearing this news. "No problem."

There he sat…he smiled at her pleasantly. But Pansy was disgusted when she realised he was licking his lips! Her face became horrified!

She turned around, and realised that he was actually staring at the huge roast chicken the table behind them had ordered. He drooled lavishly.

"What’s the matter?" She said uncertainly. He didn’t speak. "Wh-what do you want? Your dinner will be here soon!"

But he took no notice. He slowly advanced forward still in his seat, licking his lips like a hungry lion.


Pansy almost screamed his name. He then came back to his senses.

A few moments later the dinners arrived. The waiter set the plates down in front of each of them. Dudley hungrily pounced upon his dish.

The waiter looked from him to Pansy as she sat daintily. He nodded his head briefly and left.

"Dudley, slow down!" Hissed Pansy. "And try not to make so much noise when you eat!"

Dudley took no notice. Pansy picked up her silver fork and was just about to begin her strange new dinner, when quickly it had disappeared! She looked around, and then spotted Dudley greedily scoffing her dinner as well!

"Dudley!" She half-shouted. "What do you think you’re doing?"

"What am I doing? You’re the one who stole my dinner." Dudley spoke with his mouth full of chewed food.

"Excuse me?"

"I ordered this for me as well. You said you’d join me for dinner, didn’t you?" Just then, more food arrived, as well as dessert.

"Yes, but when I said that, I assumed that I would also be having dinner as well!"

Dudley looked slightly amazed, but hardly interested.

"You’re weird."

Pansy gasped.

"Dudley, you are nothing but a fat, greedy, sleazy, grotty muggle who doesn’t care about anyone else’s feelings!"

She wisped up her bag and began to stomp out, when suddenly she heard a strange noise. It sounded like a stretching sound. She turned, and almost fainted at the sight! People were running around Dudley as he swelled larger and larger, but all they did was panic! They squabbled and held their faces worriedly, and Pansy put her hand to her mouth in shock.

"Dudley!" She screamed from across the restaurant. The waiters were helplessly running and scrambling around. Dudley’s body swelled

more, and grew so large, and larger, and larger, until…

"Dudleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!" Pansy screamed as she heard the bang. Dudley was no longer filling up the restaurant. He was nowhere in sight! Pansy felt tears sting her eyes as she reviewed the horrific scene. Dudley had eaten so much, he had exploded! Was it truly possible? Pansy stomped out with tears streaking down her cheeks. Although she was upset, she knew that she still had one man in her life.

"Padma, have you seen my Remembrall?" Neville called from upstairs. Padma held her copy of the Daily Prophet and didn’t look up.

"No," She called back lamely. It must be admitted, but Padma Parkinson is definitely not the most exciting girl in the world.

"Oh! I’ve forgotten where I’ve put it! Can you help me, Padma?"


Just then there came a knock at the door. Padma unhappily placed down her read and answered the door. Draco Malfoy stood tall and angry, his white hair gelled back as usual.

"Where is he?" He asked deeply. Padma sighed. She adored Draco, but only she knew it. He gazed at her with his tough stare.

"Who?" She asked.

"Neville. I have to give him something."

Padma smiled. She had just realised something, and was desperate to make it happen. And she knew exactly how.

"Neville!" She called as she welcomed Draco into the house. He held his wand in his hand. Neville pounded down the stairs, throwing his clumsy body into the sitting room.

"Oh, evening Draco!" He said. He had tried to stay calm, as he quite resented Malfoy, but his attempts were weak.

"Do not play with me Neville!" He thundered in his booming voice. "I have something to give you."

"D-do you?"


Malfoy lifted his arm, pointing his wand at Neville’s body. He gazed at him angrily. Padma looked on and smiled to herself as she realised that her plan was going perfectly.

"Wh-what is that, D-Draco?" Neville shook from head to foot, and looked at Padma.

"She won’t help you!" Snapped Malfoy. "Because she does not love you!" Neville cowered. "She loves me!" He hissed. Padma looked at him, and he looked at her.

"Is this true, Padma?" Asked Neville shakily.

"Yes, Neville!" She said. There was a cruel look in her eyes now, which Neville had never noticed. How smoothly this plan was going!

Everything was easy after the next part.

"But-but you said!"

"I am only living with you for one thing, Neville!" She laughed evilly.

"Money!" Malfoy hissed. He looked at Neville as he cowered, his clumsy hand holding his knobbly wand.

"Your wand won’t help you, because in a few moments, you won’t ever be able to use it again. It would be a bit pathetic anyway, since you don’t even know any useful spells!"

Neville piteously shuddered. He looked from Padma to Malfoy, and realised how cruel they both were. He knew there had always been something in Padma-something missing, even, but he didn’t know how cruel she was! Just as his mind was recalling the moments they shared, he heard two words, saw a flash of bright green light, and then his mind went blank. Malfoy smiled. Padma wandered to him and rested her head on his shoulder. He placed his arm around her and replaced his wand.

"Oh, Draco!" She sighed longingly. "I wondered when you would notice!" The next day, Malfoy had proposed. The answer was yes.

Pansy wandered through Diagon Alley, passing so many people, whether they were laughing, crying or just moping around, laboriously or effortlessly. She couldn’t help thinking about what had happened just before. How had Dudley just disappeared? Surely the thought of even him exploding was absurd!

Soon she passed Ollivanders shop. Then she realised she needed a new wand. So, she went inside. Mr Ollivander was at his desk, having just served a customer, and a tall, dark-haired man was stacking boxes of wands on the shelves. He looked strangely familiar to Pansy.

"Ah, good evening Madam," Mr Ollivander greeted. Pansy smiled in reply. "I trust you are needing assistance with your current wand?"

"Yes, I think I should be having a new one."

"Is it broken? I can easily fix it, if you desire."

"No thanks. It’s not really broken, I think its just sort of wearing down a little. It’s not giving such good results, really."

She took out her wand and handed it to Mr Ollivander. He checked it, running his fingers through the length of the wood.

"Ah ha," He said. "Nine and a half inches, nice strong mahogany wood, unicorn hair. Yes well, I’ll see what I can do for you. And your wand arm is…?"


"Fine. Measurements, please!"

Pansy had already experienced the tape measure flipping up and down, without the aid of human hands. It measured the length of her arm, and then the distance from her arm to her feet.

"Hmm…" Mr Ollivander pondered. "Try this one. Mr Thomas, may you please bring cedar, eleven inches, dragon heartstring please?"

He obeyed his order and took down a box from the shelf. Yes, how obvious! How hadn’t Pansy realised it? Dean Thomas! She hadn’t seen him since her schooldays in Slytherin house! Above Mr. Ollivander’s desk the TV blared. Visions of Quidditch players flashed across the screen. Once Pansy had taken her eyes from Dean Thomas, she noticed Viktor Krum flying swiftly. She heard that he was living with Fleur Delacour now.

"No no, that will never do! Try redwood, eight and a quarter inches, phoenix feather."

Dean hastily grabbed the box containing this wand and handed it to Pansy. She waved it.

"Nope. Try this-veela hair, nine inches, mahogany."

It took a few more tries to find the right wand. Eventually, Pansy ended up with cedar, dragon heartstring, eleven and a half inches. She looked at Dean Thomas and he smiled.

"Thank you Miss," Said Mr. Ollivander.

"Pansy," He said.

"Hello, Dean."

"Do you two know each other?" Asked Mr Ollivander.

"Yeah, we went to the same school," Dean replied.

"I don’t think we particularly liked each other though, but I’ve changed since my school days. So, how are you, Dean?"

"Fine. I’m living with Lavender now."

"Oh," Pansy seemed quite jealous. She had never liked Lavender or Parvati, even now. "I’m not exactly involved with anyone at the moment," She replied. It was only partly true. "Oh, I must be going. I’ll see you later. Thank you Mr. Ollivander."

"Goodbye Miss."

"Bye Pansy."

Dear Hermione,

It feels like such a long time since I have seen you! I have heard that you and Fleur are teachers at Hogwarts now.

I always imagined you would be! I hear that Harry is living with Gabrielle, and you are married to Seamus. Parvati and I are having a great holiday here in Tenerife, although it is becoming a little less exciting as we have been here for a year almost. We will be returning home in a few days! See you then!

Ron and Parvati

Hermione read the letter. She smiled. It seemed only yesterday that Ron and Parvati left for Tenerife on a yearlong trip, and just before

Hermione’s wedding! Anyway, she was glad he was returning soon.

At that same moment, Fred and George had arrived at their shop in Diagon Alley. They ran in excitedly, and checked up on things with

Homer Troy.

"Everything is going fine!" He said. Fred and George were almost bursting. Just then a slightly old man entered, carrying a briefcase and dressed in fine robes of indigo.

"Fred and George Weasley?" He asked gruffly.

"Yes. What can we do for you?" Asked Fred, in an I’m-the-business-man-I’m-important tone.

"I am Mr. Grey, and I ask you who is the owner of this store?"

The twins glanced at each other.

"We are," Implied George. The man shook his head.

"Sorry boys," He said in an undertone. "There can only be one owner. Not allowed two."


"Only one owner. So, who is it going to be? I need to speak with the owner."

"For good or bad purposes?" Fred asked. Mr Grey shook his head again.

"Sorry, can’t tell you that."

"I’m the manager," Said Fred stepping forward slightly.

"No, I am!"

"No George, I’m the owner!"

"No you’re not! We agreed before we opened this that I would be the manager!"

"No, we agreed we both would be the owners! And since there can only be one, I’m am more responsible than you, therefore I am the owner of this shop."

"No Fred, I’m the owner!"

"No I am! Listen George, I’ll fight you for this shop if I have to!"

"Is that a threat?" Asked George, brandishing his wand. Fred also removed his from his robes.

"If you want it to be!"

They pointed their wands at each other.

"Hexes!" Growled George. Mr. Grey and Homer Troy stood shocked.

"No, you can’t battle for this shop!" Mr. Grey said hastily.

"Yeah, George, stop this now!"

They ignored them as they called hexes to each other. They seemed to become more violent than each curse that preceded it.

"Now boys, this is getting out of hand! Drop your wands!" Called Mr. Grey. Homer Troy stood, shouting at them to stop, but never going between them. They called out more hexes, until suddenly they both called the same one at the same time. The curse they called out was so violent, that when they hit them both at once, they fell. Mr. Grey rushed to Fred, as Homer Troy ran to check George. They exchanged worried glances.

"Stone cold," whispered Homer Troy. Mr. Grey hung his head. The twins were dead.

Pansy strolled quietly by herself along Diagon Alley, and then returned home after buying herself some new crimson dress robes. She sat in

her living room, thinking. Should she go around to someone’s house? She knew where to go. Okay, she thought. I’ll go see him.

And so, she left her home once again to meet a boy.

Pansy arrived at his house. She knocked at the door, expecting to see him-tall, dark, and oh so handsome, when a girl who reminded her

fondly of Alicia Spinnet answered.

"Is Oliver in please?" She asked. Alicia looked at her, puzzled.

"Who are you?"

"Pansy Parkinson."

"Pansy Parkinson? Really? From Slytherin house in Hogwarts?" She asked. Pansy nodded faintly.

"Are you Alicia Spinnet?" She asked. The girl nodded.

"Oh. Is Oliver there then?"

Alicia gave Pansy a scathing look, and went inside. The two had never really liked each other, and secretly neither of them knew how to act around each other. Oliver soon appeared at the door, Alicia by his side.

"Pansy!" He said disbelievingly. "Wow, what a surprise!"

But his tone was fake.

"You recognise her?" Asked Alicia.

"Yes, she’s my friend."

"Friend?" Pansy half-shouted. "Just a friend?"

"Is she more than a friend?"

"Why is she in your house?"

"Why is she at our house?"

"What is she doing with you? Why is she cuddling you like that, Oliver?"

"What does she mean?"

Oliver gulped.

"Is something going on?" Said Alicia.

"Yeah, what’s going on?"

He cleared his throat.

"Well, you see Pansy, Alicia and I live together, she just hasn’t been in when you come around."

"Does she come around here?"

By this point Alicia was almost screaming at him.

"But we’re just friends!"

"Just friends? I think I’m more than just a friend, Oliver!"

"What does she mean? Are you seeing her?"

"Are you seeing her?"

"Okay, calm down girls, I just…"

"Oh my goodness, you are seeing her aren’t you! How long has this been going on? Oliver, I need a very good reason! I trusted you!"

Alicia was so filled with anger. Pansy was just confused.

"Okay girls, okay! Listen. Pansy, I’m living with Alicia. She is my girlfriend."

"I thought I was!"


"I come around here often, and he tells me I’m his girlfriend, and doesn’t mention anything about you!"

Alicia and Pansy both glared at Oliver. The secret was out! Oliver was also filling up with rage and aggravation. He lifted his wand from

his robs and shouted words whilst pointing his wand directly at Alicia. She fell down, cold and hard. Dead. He then turned his wand on

Pansy. She backed away, open-mouthed. Was he mad? Surely, Pansy was not having a good day! Everything seemed so silly! First,

Dudley explodes, and then Oliver Wood is about to curse and kill her!

I’m having a nightmare! She thought. But no-this was real. He said the words-slowly and clearly. Yes, this as definitely it. Pansy closed

her eyes tight, hoping it would end. And then suddenly it did. There she lay-dead on the stony ground. Oliver staggered back, drunk with

rage yet also confusion. What had he done? Had he really killed two people? Was it possible? No, this was too much! He couldn’t take it!

He pointed his wand at himself…repeated the words for the third time and… that was it. Oliver Wood was no more. The old

Quidditch captain of Gryffindor house-dead and gone.

The next two days were buzzing with the excitement of the deaths reported in the Daily Prophet. Harry was discussing it with Gabrielle.

"Wow! Have you seen this?" He said, showing it to her. She read the report on the deaths of many people.

"Wow! That is some news!" She implied. Harry nodded in agreement.

"They haven’t given names as to who have died, though," He said. "It just says how many, and that they don’t know who the murderers


"Oh, Harry, did you hear about the muggle who exploded in a muggle restaurant a few days ago?" Gabrielle replied. Harry shook his head. "I heard about it off my sister. She says that rumours have been going around that a fat man exploded from eating too much in a muggle restaurant! They say the muggles were so scared!" She giggled.

"It was probably my fat cousin Dudley," He said, continuing to read his newspaper. He didn’t know how right he was!

"Wow, I’m so glad we’re home!" Ron said, breathing the fresh London air. Parvati laughed.

"Wow, it seems such a long time since I was standing here ready to go!" She said.

"Percy and Penelope left for Romania a few days ago," Ron informed. Parvati looked at him.

"Let’s hope thy return without any burns!" She said. Ron carried their suitcase trolley through the airport and escorted them into a large van, which drove them home.

"I see our house hasn’t been sold!" Ron said. He jiggled the key in the lock, and the front door swung open gently. Oh, how nice was the sight! Parvati breathed in deeply the smell of the house. The way it had been left. There was a pile of letters stacked on the table in the living room. Ron’s owl Pig was sleeping peacefully.

"I see we have mail!" Exclaimed Ron. He picked up the first letter, and decided whether to read it or not.

"I think we should read them later," Said Parvati as Ron was still deciding what to do. "Let’s get settled in first, and then we can get in touch with our friends." Ron agreed, and began to haul the suitcases upstairs.

"Katie, it’s awful! I saw them; lying there, stone dead! It was an awful sight, it really was! I was crying when I saw my Fred! Oh Katie, I couldn’t believe it! There were two witnesses, and they wouldn’t even tell me what happened! I really don’t know how it happened!"

Angelina cried sorrowfully and choked down serious sobs. Katie put her hand over her mouth and gasped after hearing that her and

Angelina’s husbands Fred and George Weasley had ended up dead in their own shop. Angelina’s face glowed in the fire as Katie wept.

"Hang on Angie, I’m coming right over!" She said hastily, and was gone in a flash to Angelina’s house.

Once there, Angelina told Katie of how she had went to the shop to see how the twins were getting on, and that she had just seen them and the two others, but they were dead. She asked Homer Troy and Mr. Grey about what had happened, but they refused to tell her.

"I think I know!" Cried Katie. "There was a news report in the Daily Prophet about their shop, and that they were in ownership of it together, but that wasn’t allowed. There’s only one manager allowed. Maybe they had a serious fight and…" She trailed off, unable to say the words ‘killed each other’, and even in her head it sounded silly. Also, it would upset them both even more. Angelina buried her face in her hands and wept bitterly.

"But we can’t blame anyone," Katie said through her own sobs. Angelina looked up and realised how calm she was compared to her.

"You don’t even seem to care!" She said loudly. "You’re not even crying hardly!"

Katie looked shocked.

"And I can blame someone for Fred’s death, because it was your husband, George! Yes, that’s right! He wanted that shop badly, and he came up with the idea of it, so it’s all his fault! And look what it’s done! It’s killed him, his brother and made me so upset, but you don’t even seem to care!"

"Excuse me Angelina Weasley, but you are forgetting that a wizard cannot kill himself while someone else at the same time! Maybe they did have a fight, and put hexes on each other, but they were too strong and happened to hit at the same time…"

"No Katie, no! That’s not what happened! It’s George’s fault! It’s his fault Fred’s dead and that I’m so unhappy! He has always been a good-for-nothing rat!"

Katie gasped.

"You take that back!" She screamed. She slowly drew her wand. Angelina refused, and also brandished her wand. They pointed, ready to

fire, and as the spells hit each other, they died in the same way as their husbands.

Eventually Pigwidgeon woke up, and hooted gleefully and flew to Ron’s shoulder where he nipped his neck playfully.

"Yes, I’m glad to see you too! Now Pig, here’s a letter for Hermione. I’d like you to deliver it quick, so I can send one to Harry as well."

Pig hooted, and fluttered out the open window.

"Ron, I need to go into Diagon Alley," Parvati said. Ron looked at her.

"What?" He exclaimed. We only just got back home and you want to go shopping?"

"No, I need to fix my wand."

Parvati showed Ron her wand. It was snapped almost in two, connected only by a tiny strand of wood dangling from the end.


And so Ron and Parvati went through into Diagon Alley, holding hands as they walked. They went into Ollivanders wand shop, and greeted


"Good evening!" He returned happily. A tall stranger was watching the TV silently, watching Viktor Krum, the best seeker in the Quidditch world, dive and skim through the air. He watched closely with admiration.

"My wand is broken, Mr Ollivander," Parvati explained. The stranger looked over as Mr Ollivander looked at it closely and inspected it with his fingers. The man noticed that bright red hair of Ron’s anywhere. He walked over, and also recognised Parvati.

"Yes, this will need to go in my workshop!" Claimed Mr Ollivander. "Not to worry Miss, it’ll soon be good as new."

"Thank you."

"Ron Weasley?" The stranger spoke.


"Wow! I haven’t seen you since Hogwarts!"

Ron looked at his face bewilderedly.

"Dean Thomas?" He asked, unsure. He nodded. Parvati smiled in surprise.

"It’s been such a long time! Perhaps we would have known you, but we have been living in Tenerife for quite a while!" Said Parvati.

"Oh have you? Are you two living together, or married?"

"We’re engaged," Replied Ron.

"Oh, great! I’m living with Lavender Brown now. We’ve been together for a while. Would you two like to come out with us for a drink one night?"

Ron and Parvati exchanged glances, and nodded.

"We’d love to!" Said Ron.

"Yes, I’d love to know what Lavender has been getting up to!"

"Excellent! How is Friday night for you two?"


"Okay, how about Friday night, round about seven at the Redwood Wand?"

"We’ll be there!"

They nodded to each other as Ron and Parvati left after muttering thanks and good-byes to Mr. Ollivander.

Harry and Gabrielle sat in Hermione’s living room, conversing pleasantly over butterbeer and sandwiches.

"I haven’t seen or spoken to Fleur for ages. How is she?" Asked Harry.

"Oh, she’s fine!" Said Hermione. She knew all about Fleur as they both worked as teachers at Hogwarts. "Getting on OK. She’s very large now, if you know what I mean."

Hermione used her hands to make an invisible rounded shape with her stomach.

"Getting quite awkward for her."

Gabrielle giggled slightly.

"I spoke to her a couple of days ago, and even she said that!"

Just then, there came a hard knock at the door. Hermione hastily jumped up to answer it.

"Ah, hello!" Harry heard her greet the new visitors, and ushered them inside. Harry almost jumped from the settee as he saw Fleur herself and Viktor Krum being welcomed in. Gabrielle raced over to her sister and they exchanged hugs and kisses.

"Hello my friends!" She greeted in her unusual French accent. Viktor smiled and shook hands with Harry and Gabrielle. Ha hasn’t changed much, thought Harry as he noticed the round shoulders, untidy black hair and dark black eyes.

"Ah, ‘Arry!" She said. "How ‘ave you been?"

"Fine thank you, and yourself?"

He realised what Hermione meant. Fleur was getting big. Very big. Her stomach protruded outwards from the rest of her thin body, and did seem somewhat awkward and in the way.

"I ‘ave been fine also, but it has become a leetle difficult for me to get around. I vill be taking time from teaching soon."

"And how are you, Viktor?"

"I am good also. It has been a tough time this past few veeks, for the Quvidditch matches against so many tough teams," He said in a deep voice. Harry had never hated Viktor Krum, but he had also never really been too keen on him. But now he realised that really he was okay.

They all talked and learned things, like a friendly reunion. Gabrielle and Fleur spoke fast, French in the odd moments, and Viktor and Harry talked with each other. Hermione was talking as well, but she was most greatly pleased to see that they were all getting along with each other.

Through these different conversations Harry found that Percy and Penelope Weasley had left for Romania to visit Charlie, but they had been killed by dragons. Harry was shocked at this, and wondered if Ron had found out, and then he realised that he didn’t know when Ron was coming back, and that Tenerife was such a long way for Hedwig to fly with a letter.

Soon Harry and Gabrielle had to leave, and so they bid Hermione and her guests farewell. They left, and as Hermione, Viktor and Fleur continued to talk, Hermione had another visitor, but this time not such a cheerful one.

"Oh Hermione, it’s so terrible!" Sobbed Padma as she was beckoned in comfortingly. "He’s dead, he is! Dead! I don’t know why he did it! I was just out shopping, and then I arrived home and he was there, just lying on the floor, dead!"

"Ssh, ssh, who was dead Padma? Neville?" Hermione put her arm around Padma and Fleur and Viktor sat on either side of her for comfort.

"Neville? No, Draco! He killed Neville and then he asked me to marry him, and I said yes, and then I found him!"

"Why did Draco Malfoy do that?"

"I don’t know! I don’t know why he killed himself!"

"No I mean why would he kill Neville and ask you to marry him?"

Padma raised her head from her hands and looked at Hermione.

"Because he loved me," She said quietly. "And I loved him. And he’s gone Hermione, he’s gone!" She began to weep again. Hermione,

Fleur and Viktor comforted her, and soon they had to leave. Padma had calmed down a little, and decided she was ready to go home and relax. And so, Hermione was left alone. Seamus arrived home.

"I’ve had many visitors," She said as he came in and sat down. "Harry and Gabrielle have been round, and so have Fleur and Viktor.

Padma came around as well, crying her eyes out, and she told me this very strange story!"

"Really?" Asked Seamus tiredly. "What was that?"

"I’d better tell you in the morning," Hermione replied as she looked into Seamus’s dreary eyes. "You look so tired. I think we should go to bed, and I’ll tell you in the morning."

And so Hermione cleared away the dirty cups and trays and they went to bed.

It was Friday night, six forty-five. Parvati and Ron were dressed and ready to meet Lavender and Dean at the Redwood Wand for dinner.

They left the house, and arrived in a few minutes. Dean and Lavender were inside, seated at a round table with candles lit in the centre. Ron and Parvati met with them and took their seats.

"Hello Lavender!" Said Parvati excitedly, amazed at seeing her again. She didn’t look much different really, just older, but that didn’t matter. They hugged, and then they were all ready to order dinner.

They talked as they ate. They told each other about what they had been up to, where they were living, and so on. After dinner Lavender got up to pay, and Ron left to go to the bathroom. Dean and Parvati were left alone.

"You look beautiful, Parvati!" He said. Parvati blushed. "Mind, you have changed since I last saw you. I would hardly recognise you!"

She blushed harder.

"You too," She muttered. Dean smiled.

"If I wasn’t already with Lavender, I might quite like you!"

She giggled. A tingling feeling ran down her spine and her stomach leapt. She felt the same way.

"Parvati, I’ve always liked you," Dean continued. "And I’d love for you and Ron to come out with Lavender and I. Tonight has been so great."

"I agree."

The fluttering grew, and for a tense, splendid moment she thought he was going to lean over and kiss he, but Lavender broke in.

"I see you’ve been talking!" She said happily. Parvati tutted inside her head. Typical, she thought. Just at that very moment!

And then Ron arrived.

"Are we all ready to leave?" Asked Dean standing up. Parvati nodded and picked up her coat. She gazed at Dean, and when they were outside, they said their goodbyes. Ron smiled happily, as did Lavender, and Parvati still stared at Dean. Oh, how she loved him! But this was wrong. He was with Lavender. How unfair! But wait-what if he was with Lavender no longer, he said he would go for her, didn’t he? Aha! That was it! Lavender is getting in the way of things!

"Lavender, before we go, can I see you for a moment? Privately?" She asked. Lavender nodded.

"Of course!"

"Huh!" Replied Dean. "Girls!"

Lavender followed Parvati behind the restaurant and out of sight of the boys.

"What do you want Parvati?" She asked. She drew her wand secretly.

"Oh nothing," She said casually. "Avada kedavra!" She screamed, pointing her wand straight at Lavender. She screamed for a precise moment, and then fell down dead. Parvati put her new wand back into her robes, and ran screaming to Ron.

"Ron! Ron, help!" She screamed loudly. People gathered and gasped as they saw Lavender’s body on the ground. Ron and Dean came running to meet her, and followed her quickly behind the restaurant. Dean gasped.

"What happened?" Ron said as Parvati frantically raced around, pretending to be scared.

"I was just here, telling Lavender something, and I saw a flash of green light, and then I went blind, sort of, and then I saw clearly and there she was, Ron! Dead! Just dead! I don’t know how, I don’t know why! Oh Ron, it’s awful! I’m so scared!"

"Sh, don’t worry!" He put his arm around her and comforted her. Dean was still suffering from the shock, and he sat down on a large brick to rest.

Ron and Parvati returned home to find a letter waiting for Ron. It was late, and so he picked up the letter and read it quickly.

Dear Ron and Parvati,

I’m glad you had a good time in Tenerife! I have missed you both so much, and I’m sure Harry has too! I have had a visit from Padma and she tells me that she was in love with Malfoy, and he killed Neville and then Malfoy died. I was so confused! Why would Malfoy do that? And I have had Viktor and Fleur around, and Harry and Gabrielle as well. I have had a good night, but Seamus is tired, so I must be going. You should come round sometime. See you soon.



Ron quickly read the letter and placed it neatly on the desk. Pig hooted happily.

"Not now, Pig," He said lethargically. He led Parvati upstairs and they went to bed.

The next day, Ron re-read the letter from Hermione, and thought he should go to see her and Seamus. After all, he hadn’t seen her for a long time. Parvati was pleased with how well her plan went, but was still playing along with being sad about Lavender, and so she decided to stay at home while Ron visited Hermione.

He knocked at the door, and was surprised to see a tall, beautiful woman standing before him. Wow, he she had changed!

"Hermione?" H muttered in disbelief.

"Hello Ron!" She said cheerfully. "Come in. Seamus is at work."

Ron was still gawping at her as he sat down on the settee and Hermione sat opposite him on the little armchair.

"What’s wrong Ron?" She asked smiling. "You look like you did at that time when you first saw Fleur Delacour!"

"Sorry, but you look so different!" He said.

"What’s wrong with that?"

"Nothing, nothing at all!"

She smiled even more, and even laughed as Ron eventually managed to close his mouth. How different she really was! She was so… so young, and pretty, and nice! Then he realised it. He loved her! He had always had feelings for Hermione, but they were never this strong. He couldn’t believe it. He loved her! Ron loved Hermione!

They talked together, and then his fondness grew and grew. Yes, this was definitely love.

"You should bring Parvati over one time," She mentioned. Ron nodded.

"I can go get her now if you want."

Hermione laughed.

"Well, if you really want to!"

And without thinking, Ron left and fetched Parvati over. She was reluctant to come, but gave in in the end when Ron said that she should get over this and move on with her life. So, she came.

Parvati and Hermione began to talk, and Ron chipped in on the conversation, but he realised the change in Hermione. Instead of her attention fixed on him, which he had hoped for, it as now on Parvati. When Ron tried to break in, Hermione only nodded or said small words, not really making any sense. What had caused this change, he thought? Why was Hermione acting like this, ignoring him? Right. That was it. He loved her too much. When he and Parvati left and returned home, he turned his wand on himself, and let himself drop to the floor.

That night Hermione was sleeping peacefully with Seamus at her side, when suddenly a deep growling noise awaked her. She startled, and sat up. But where was Seamus? He had been here when she had gone to sleep.

"Seamus?" She whispered through a hoarse voice. She heard the noise again, and tears trickled mournfully down her cheek. "Seamus where are you?"

"I’m here, Hermione." Answered a growling voice from the corner. Hermione snapped her head around, and realised that in that corner it was a lot darker than usual. But wait-there were two small red lights floating in the air. How could that be? They couldn’t be lights! Of course they weren’t! They were evil red eyes! Someone was there in that corner.

"Who are you?" She braved to ask. "What have you done with Seamus?"

"Hermione, I am not Seamus Finnigan. I pretended to be him, and took his shape to fool you. In fact, Seamus has been dead since two years after he left Hogwarts School. I killed him. I also killed Dean Thomas a few days ago. Hermione, I am Voldemort."

Hermione gasped as his tall dark figure came closer. How could this be? No, this had to be a dream. Yes, Hermione, that’s it, you’re dreaming. She pinched herself. Nope. She was wide-awake.

"Are-are you g-going to kill me?" She shuddered. Voldemort’s body came closer until he was now on the side of the bed.

"Maybe," He answered gruffly. "If no one comes to save you."

Hermione screamed and ran downstairs as Voldemort calmly followed her, drawing his long wand. Hermione grasped her wand tight and ran crying into the living room. She screamed loudly.

"Help!" She called. "Help! Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp!"

Just then she heard the breaking of glass in hr window. She screamed as a pair of long legs climbed through the empty gap. She backed up, and then ran straight into Voldemort. She screamed. He pointed his wand at her, began to say the cursing words…

"Avada Kedavra!" There they were. Hermione closed her eyes tight as a blinding flash of green light flashed before her. But then a few seconds later, she realised that she was still standing. She opened her eyes, and there stood Harry, his wand pointing to the empty space were

Voldemort was standing, and was now lying dead on the floor. Hermione rushed over to him, sobbing weakly.

"Oh, Harry!" She grasped him tight, and he put his arm around her and kissed her hair.

"Ssh, don’t worry," He said, almost crying himself. Hermione looked up into his bright green eyes and wept.

"Harry, I was so scared!" She choked. "I thought he was going to kill me! He was!"

And then for a tense moment their lips met. Neither of them pulled apart. On the contrary, both of them wanted to stay like that. They didn’t want this precious moment to end. But then Hermione pulled herself away and gazed at the broken window.

"How did you know I was in trouble?" She said quietly. Harry smiled.

"I was just taking a late-night stroll, and happened to hear you screaming, so I broke in to save you! And my scar hurt as well, so it told me that you were in trouble and Voldemort was after you."

Hermione smiled as she looked at him. But then something else caught her eye. A person. Standing in the street, watching them. She looked. It was Gabrielle! Tears raked her face, lining her ivory complexion. She stood alone in the darkness, frightened and confused. Harry turned as he saw Hermione’s expression, and looked down guiltily.

"Harry!" Gabrielle roughly whispered. And then she fell. She was ill. Harry and Hermione hastily hurried outside to help her, and they carried and laid her onto Hermione’s couch. She coughed feebly.

"Harry, I must tell you something," She said slowly and quietly. Her voice was choked. Harry held her hand tight. "I love you."

Tears filled Harry’s eyes as her hand went limp in his. How bad he was! She loved him, and he didn’t love her back! Oh, how sorry he was! She died of a broken heart, slashed ruthlessly by Harry Potter himself. He gently kissed her forehead as sweet tears dripped onto her face. Her peaceful eyes were closed as she looked so sweet. Still beautiful even in death, thought Harry. Hermione gazed at the floor.

"It’s my fault," She wept. Harry stood up and held her in his arms.

"No, it’s not! It’s mine."

"Oh Harry!" Hermione snuggled her face into him. "I love you."

There were those words again. What would Harry do now? He knew exactly what to do.

"I love you too."

And it was the truth.

Parvati walked over to Hermione’s with her sister Padma. At the same time, Fleur and Viktor were also walking to the same place. But Fleur and Viktor arrived there before, and decided to just let themselves in.

"Oh my goodness!" Cried Fleur as she saw the sight. There was Hermione, her arm outstretched with her wand in her hand, and Harry, jumping up and down on the spot, desperately trying to fight the Imperius Curse Hermione had put him under. Hermione turned as she heard Fleur’s cry, and the evil grin disappeared from her face. Viktor pulled out his wand, as did Fleur.

"Leave him alone, ‘Ermyownee," He ordered, but Hermione refused. They pointed their wands at her, but Fleur was first to call the hex.

Hermione let go of controlling Harry and he gasped, free from the curse. Hermione turned her wand on Viktor and Fleur, and the battle raged on. Hexes were called and curses were cast, and eventually Hermione said the horrid words ‘Avada Kedavra’ to Fleur and Viktor. Harry called, and they held each other tight as they died together. Harry was stunned.

"Why have you done that?" He shouted.

"They got in my way," Replied Hermione scathingly.

"No, why did you do that to me?"

"Because I don’t love you!" She screamed. Now Harry knew how Gabrielle had felt the night before. It struck him with such a pain he had never felt before. Even the Cruciatus curse could not beat this pain.

"What?" He breathed.

"I am not quite into men," Replied Hermione. "I actually love…"

Then Padma and Parvati came in.

"Hermione, we heard you!" Squealed Padma.

"Who do you love Hermione?" Asked Parvati.

"Is it I?"

"No, she loves me!"

"No me!"

"Fine, do you want to battle?"

Padma took out her and as Parvati repeated it. Once again violent hexes were thrown between the two, and they got worse and worse.

Eventually they did the same thing as Fred and George Weasley had done in their own shop in Diagon Alley. They cursed each other at the same time, and died.

"Well, that was unusual!" Said Hermione. She gasped as she turned facing the tip of Harry’s wand.

"Avada kedavra!" He shouted. Once more Hermione saw the flash of bright green light, but only that once. In fact, that was the last thing she would ever see again.

And now Harry was quite alone. He looked around. There he stood, with three dead women lying around him. Once again, he had survived death as he stared it right in the face.

"Yes!" He hissed pointing his wand in the air. He jumped up and down for his achievement. "I’ve done it again!" He shouted. "I have done it! I’ve done it! I’ve…"

And then it happened. As the excitement built up in Harry, it was too much pressure for him to take. He exploded, just as Dudley, his cousin, had done. That was it.



The End