A fanfiction by Kim


A new school year has begun. At the start of term feast, Harry is pleased to see that Professor Lupin is back as Defence Against the Dark Arts master. After the feast, he goes to see Lupin in his office, but they are interrupted halfway by Professor Dumbledore.

There was a knock on the door, and Dumbledore came in, looking rather preoccupied.

"I've just received a letter from Professor Bubcek, Remus," he said, hardly seeming to notice that Harry was there. "There's trouble in Kamchatka. He's asked me to help, and asked if you could come too."

Lupin looked surprised. "What sort of trouble?"

Dumbledore looked bemused. "Someone from the dark side appears to be trying to collect followers again. Oleg thinks it's Voldemort, but I don't think…" Dumbledore shook his head thoughtfully, then added, "it seems he's using a demon to help him."

Lupin looked even more surprised.

Dumbledore said, "There's more to it, but no time to explain. It sounds urgent…I'd like to go at once. Will you come?"

"Of course," Lupin said swiftly. He turned to Harry.

"Harry, I have to go…we'll talk another time, shall we?"

"All right," said Harry, rather taken aback, but curious. What could be happening? Was Voldemort back…?

Dumbledore and Lupin had moved over to the centre of the room.

"Portkeys don't work in Kamchatka," Lupin was saying, "because of the volcanoes."

"Yes, and we can't Apparate the usual way from here," replied Dumbledore. "I'm going to open a Vortex."

He lifted his wand. "It's a long distance…I'll have to concentrate a bit harder…"

There was a brilliant flash of light. It filled the whole room, then the room seemed to start to spin, faster and faster…Harry could feel himself being sucked into the vortex. He tried to grab at the door, but was pulled away…everything rushed by in a blur, and he felt himself losing consciousness.

"Harry! Wake up!"

Harry found himself lying on the ground. Professor Lupin was tapping him hard on the face. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Are you all right?" Lupin asked. Dumbledore was standing behind Lupin, watching.

Harry blinked. He felt as if he had been beaten thoroughly with a stick. His whole body ached.

"Fine," he muttered, sitting up. He stared around.

They weren't at Hogwarts any more. The morning sun shone down on him, but the air was cold. Harry shivered. Towering over him was a castle, smaller than the one at Hogwarts. Harry looked at it, fascinated. It was brightly coloured, but its most distinctive feature was that each tower was crowned with an onion-shaped dome.

The surrounding countryside was a large expanse of bleak, wild-looking forest. In the distance, Harry could see what looked like a line of smoking volcanoes.

Lupin was saying to Dumbledore, "The Vortex sucked him in as well. You have to send him back."

"I can't, today, Remus," Dumbledore replied, with a swift glance at Harry. "The Vortex can only be opened once a day."

Harry slowly stood up. He still felt a bit dizzy.

"Where are we?" he blurted out.

Lupin sighed. "We're in Kamchatka, Harry," he said.

"Kam - what?" said Harry blankly, "where -"

"Russia," said Lupin. "It's a long way -"

He was interrupted by a shout. A wizard was walking briskly up from the castle entrance. He was short and stout, with a long brown beard, and there was a jolly twinkle in his eyes. His robes were a dark grey, and trimmed with fur. A fur cap was perched on his head. For some reason, he reminded Harry vaguely of Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic.

"Albus!" he hailed them. "Remus! And - " he looked at Harry.

"This is Harry Potter, Oleg," said Dumbledore. "I'm afraid he was swept into our Vortex by mistake, as we were coming here. Harry, this is Professor Oleg Bubcek, an old friend of mine."

"Harry Potter! But of course!" cried Professor Bubcek excitedly, peering at Harry's scar, and crushing Harry's hand in his. "What an honour! I've always wanted to meet you! How delightful that - "

"We came at once, Oleg," interrupted Dumbledore. "I think you should brief us immediately."

Professor Bubcek became serious at once.

"Of course," he said gravely, "yes, please come to my office. I'm truly grateful for your help, Albus…" he was leading them to the castle. "…but this is beyond anything I can handle." He turned to Lupin. "Remus…it's good to see you again…"

Harry found himself running to keep up with them, his hand still aching from Bubcek's handshake. His mind was in a whirl. What were they doing here? How had he ended up here? He kept thinking, Ron and Hermione won't believe this…

The interior of the castle was less colourful than the exterior. They passed doors with what looked like name plates on them, but the words were in Russian so Harry couldn't read them. Professor Bubcek led them to his office, where a maidservant brought them drinks. Harry looked at the glass before him with interest; the liquid in it was fiery red.

Lupin looked at Harry and frowned.

"That could well be a bit strong for you, Harry," he observed.

To Harry's chagrin, he said something to the maidservant, who presently returned with a glass of what looked like pink fruit juice.

They sat down around the table, and Bubcek began.

"As I mentioned, Albus, we've been hearing rumours for several years that someone from the dark side has been venturing abroad again, gathering power and trying to recruit people." He looked from Dumbledore to Lupin. "For a long time we dismissed them as rumours. You know what it's like here…the villages are all very isolated, and folk here are very superstitious."

Harry looked at his pink drink. It looked extremely insipid compared to what the rest were drinking.

"Some of the rumours were bizarre," continued Professor Bubcek, "in particular, that this Dark Lord had demons working for him, that the demons would slaughter and drink the blood of those who resisted him."

Harry took a sip of his drink, and almost choked. He felt a burning sensation in his throat. He looked at the others, but they appeared to be listening intently to Bubcek. Lupin's eyes, however, were twinkling.

"Then, a week ago, a messenger came from the village of Tigil," Bubcek went on. "He said that an envoy from the Dark Lord had approached the village elders and tried to seduce them to his side. When they resisted, he attacked them a day later. The messenger said he brought a monstrous beast with him…he said the entire village was slaughtered, and those who didn't flee all perished."

Professor Bubcek shook his head. "I didn't believe him at first…but then I went up to Tigil to have a look. It was true, Albus…the whole village was smoking and in ruins…there were charred bodies still there…and some others, disembowelled - ."

He swallowed. "Then, two days ago, another messenger came, this time sent by the elders from a village near Sedanka…they had just been approached by an envoy as well, perhaps the same one. They too had turned him away, but they were terrified because of what had happened at Tigil. They begged me and the others to come and help defend them, in case they were attacked."

Bubcek looked pale. "Albus, you wouldn't believe it…that night, me and some of the others went up to Sedanka. We went through a nightmare that night…!" He stopped, then continued, almost in a whisper. Harry strained to hear what he was saying.

"Near midnight he came…a man at least seven feet tall…and he had with him a fearsome beast - " he swallowed. "With one wave of his wand, the village burst into flames…the people came running out…and the beast - the beast -"

He gulped down some of his drink to calm himself.

"The beast ran berserk through the village, slaughtering people. It was hideous…people died like flies. We - we tried to save some, but there was mayhem…it was over in minutes, the village ruined, the Dark Lord vanished with his demon…

"He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned again, Albus, I'm sure of it," whispered Bubcek. "We're powerless against him. That's why I called you - you're the only one who can help us."

Harry took another sip of his drink. This time, the burning sensation wasn't so bad.

Dumbledore frowned.

"From what I know, Oleg, Voldemort is not in the vicinity of Kamchatka. I have spies…"

Bubcek winced at the mention of the name.

"Did the envoy never tell the name of this Dark Lord?" asked Lupin.

Bubcek shook his head.

"No," he said. "They just call him "The Dark Lord". And we know - there is only one Dark Lord." He glanced at Dumbledore as he spoke.

"There may be another attack tonight, at Kovran," he added. "That's why I sent for you. You have to help me stop this."

Dumbledore was silent for a while, thinking.

"Oleg, we'll do the best we can," he said at last. "But we need more information. We need to see this beast and find out what it is, we need to see your seven-foot wizard to determine if it is indeed Voldemort…"

Harry had finished his drink. His head was beginning to feel very light.

Lupin looked at Dumbledore.

"You have a plan in mind, I gather," he said.

"The Abdovius charm," said Dumbledore. "I can conceal some of us on this Dark Lord's person. We can accompany him back to his castle as if we were sitting in his pocket or on his shoulder. I would like to determine the extent of his power, and see how many followers he has collected, before deciding on a strategy to combat him."

"How is this charm performed?" asked Harry, intrigued.

Dumbledore turned to him and smiled. "A complex charm. I can perform it for several people, no more than five."

"But you are not coming with us, Harry," said Lupin firmly.

Harry opened his mouth to protest, but Bubcek was already speaking.

"But - what about Kovran?" he said. "We can't let all these people die."

"Evacuate them elsewhere," said Lupin decisively. "At worst, the village can go up in flames. They can rebuild it when they return."

Dumbledore nodded. "We will not attack this Dark Lord tonight, Oleg," he said to Bubcek. "At the moment he does not know we are here. That will work to our advantage when we move on him later."

Bubcek looked at him, then slowly nodded in assent.

"Who will go tonight, then?" he asked, "Just the four of us?"

"Three," said Lupin, "Harry's not coming."

"But - it's Harry Potter!" pointed out Bubcek. "He has defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named before - he - "

Dumbledore looked at Harry's hopeful face.

"No, Oleg," he said gently, "Harry will not be coming. But you can ask one more wizard along. The Abdovius Charm works for five, but four is an easier number to handle."

Bubcek looked disappointed. "I suppose I could ask Atlasov to come," he said.

He rose from the table.

"Tonight, then. I will show you to your rooms."


Harry felt gloomy as he and the others followed Professor Bubcek's maidservant to their rooms. What was the use of being in an adventure where you did nothing? He wished he had brought his Invisibility Cloak along.

His room was a comfortable one, with large, old-fashioned furniture. Harry looked out of the window at the smoking volcanoes in the distance.

"I'll be stuck here till tomorrow, I guess, when they send me back," he said to himself.

There was a large wooden doll with big eyes and rosy cheeks on the table next to the window. It was smooth and rounded, and cylindrical in shape. Its face and arms and clothes had all been painted on. It seemed inanimate at first, then suddenly looked at Harry and spoke.

"Why are you sad?" The doll's voice was high-pitched, like a little girl's.

Harry, who had been looking out of the window, was startled.

"I know why," chirped the doll. "You've got no company. You can open me; there are more of us inside."

Harry peered closer at the doll, and saw a thin groove round her waist. Picking it up, he twisted the top half of the doll, and it came off. The doll was actually hollow, and nested inside was another smaller, identical doll.

"You can open me, too," chirped the smaller doll.

Harry opened the smaller doll. There was another even smaller one inside. He assumed that eventually the dolls would become so small that there wouldn't be any more inside, but after opening around thirty he realised they weren't actually getting any smaller. There was now a small sea of dolls surrounding him, and they were all talking to each other in high, twittering voices.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door. The dolls all squeaked in fright, and to Harry's alarm they suddenly jumped into the air and flew toward him like a swarm of bees. Instinctively, he lifted the remaining doll he was holding up in front of him, to ward them off, before he realised they weren't attacking him. One by one, they flew straight toward the doll in his hand and disappeared inside it. In a twinkling, the room was empty of dolls, and the doll in his hand was suddenly wooden and inanimate again.

Harry put the doll back on the table and then went and opened the door. It was Professor Bubcek.

"Just came to see if you're comfortable, Harry, and get acquainted a bit," he said cheerfully.

"Oh - er - of course," said Harry, surprised, and let him in. He glanced at the doll, but it remained silent. "The - the room's very nice," he added, politely.

Bubcek seemed a bit nervous.

"May I sit down?" he inquired, and lowered his portly frame into a chair. Harry sat down on the bed.

Professor Bubcek seemed to have something on his mind, but didn't quite know how to start saying it.

"Harry," he began at last, "please do not think me forward, but - such a coincidence - it seems a godsend - I hope you won't mind if I speak my mind."

Harry felt rather apprehensive. "Not at all," he said politely.

"Well, the fact is," said Bubcek, his beard twitching a bit, "it seems providential to me that you came along - as a matter of fact, I believe it was fated."

He stopped, and looked meaningfully at Harry. Harry stared blankly back.

Bubcek continued, "You are the only one who has ever defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named! You are exactly the person we need to aid us in our quest now! No, it was no accident you came here - destiny has sent you here to help us, in our moment of need."

"Professor Bubcek - " began Harry.

"I tell you, it is so." Bubcek looked furtively around, as if he might be overheard, then leaned forward and said in a whisper, "Tonight, you must come with us."

"But Professor Lupin - "

"Remus, as your teacher, is understandably anxious about your safety," said Bubcek, waving a hand impatiently. "But his concern for you blinds him to the bigger picture - "

There was a knock at the door.

"Harry?" It was Lupin's voice. "Are you there?"

Bubcek panicked.

"Quick!" he hissed at Harry, thrusting something in his hand. "Take this. If you wear it, it will make you invisible."

Harry found himself clutching a small amulet on a chain.

"Think about it," whispered Bubcek urgently. "Remember, Harry, the lives of all those villagers depend on you."

Lupin knocked on the door again.

"He's coming, Remus, I was just having a chat with him," called out Bubcek, opening the door.

Harry hastily stuffed the amulet into his robes.

Lupin looked from Bubcek to Harry.

"I hope I'm not interrupting -" he began.

"Oh no, no, no, indeed," said Bubcek, "just popped by, just getting acquainted with Mr Potter here, so exciting, you know, to have a chance to meet him."

His face had gone rather pink. "Well, I must be off," he puffed. "I did enjoy our chat," he said to Harry. "Think about what I said, won't you? " - to Lupin -"I'll see you, Remus," and he disappeared out the door.

Lupin looked slightly suspiciously after him, then closed the door and turned to Harry.

"He just came to ask if I liked my room," said Harry, trying not to look guilty.

"Oh?" said Lupin, raising an eyebrow. Then, seeing Harry's face, he smiled.

"I know this is all a bit confusing to you, Harry," he said kindly, "but it doesn't really concern you, you know. Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, Professor Dumbledore will send you back to Hogwarts."

"But -" said Harry. "I'd like to help. I mean - maybe it wasn't a coincidence I came along; maybe there's something I could do." He looked hopefully at Lupin.

Lupin shook his head slightly. His expression was stern.

"Tonight, I want you to promise me you'll stay in this castle," he said, looking intently at Harry. "Don't even think of trying to follow us -"

"I wasn't -" protested Harry.

"The magic in this part of the world is slightly different from that at Hogwarts," continued Lupin. "True, the majority of the people here are simple folk, with only rudimentary knowledge of magic. But there are also some wizards who are well versed in the magical arts, and they can be very dangerous indeed."

He looked at Harry seriously. "Some of them don't even need wands to do advanced magic, Harry. It would be foolish to provoke them or cross their path. Promise me you'll stay in this castle, if possible, this room, tonight."

Harry looked at him.

"You've been here before," he said. It was a statement, not a question.

Lupin looked surprised.

"I have, a while ago," he answered. "I did some research here after I left Hogwarts. That's why I know Professor Bubcek. He's the Director of this Institute."

"Do you know any of the local magic? The type that doesn't need wands?" asked Harry, intrigued.

Lupin looked stern again.

"I know a little," he said shortly. "But not much. In fact, from what Professor Bubcek says about this new Dark Lord, the magic we might require here could well be beyond anything I could contribute. I believe Professor Dumbledore only asked me to come because I'm familiar with this place, and because I know Professor Bubcek."

He got up to go. "This magic is dangerous, Harry," he repeated. "Don't think of trying to learn any of it. It can be fatal to play with it, especially while you are still not yet a fully qualified wizard."





After Lupin had left, Harry tried on the amulet. It made him invisible the moment he placed it round his neck, and he found it more convenient to use than his Invisibility Cloak. He spent the rest of the afternoon with the amulet on, hanging around the landing outside his room, and peering down the stairs through the banisters at the others. He retreated into his room whenever anyone on his level approached, in case they knocked on his door and found he wasn't there. There seemed to be a lot of activity in the castle, people running up and down, owls flying in and out.

He wanted badly to follow the others that evening, but knew his presence would be more of a hindrance than a help.

At around five in the evening, Dumbledore and the others gathered in the hall below. With them was another wizard, whom Harry had overheard was Vladimir Atlasov, another of the wizards at the Institute. He was tall and dark, with shifty eyes and a small black moustache. Harry didn't like him very much.

Harry watched miserably as they started leaving.

"It's not fair," he muttered to himself. "It's even worse being here and doing nothing, than if I had stayed on at Hogwarts."

He started; one of the party had returned. For a wild moment, he hoped it was Lupin, coming back to say he could come; but then he saw it was Atlasov. Tall and shifty-eyed, he came bounding up the stairs.

Harry hastily retreated to a corner. Atlasov looked furtively around, then knocked on a nearby door. The maidservant who had served them drinks opened it.

Harry crept nearer to listen.

"I have decided, I am with you," he heard Atlasov say. "Send an owl to Lord Deorg for me. Tell him, tonight, I will spy on these foreigners and let him know what they are up to. Let me know if I should kill them." He nodded curtly at her, then bounded down the stairs again.

Harry stood petrified for a moment. Then, taking his wand out, he swiftly went and knocked on the maidservant's door.

She opened it, parchment in hand, but was confused to see no one there.

"Petrificus Totalus!" said Harry, pointing his wand at her. She dropped to the floor, unable to move. He quickly dragged her to his room, and put her under the bed where no one would see her. Then he locked the door and sped down the stairs after Atlasov.

Dumbledore and the others were waiting for Atlasov in a truck filled with large turnips. Harry ran, panting, up to it, and managed to scramble in just as the truck rose up into the air.

Professor Bubcek shouted something in Russian to the driver, as the truck rose high above the castle. All at once, the truck and its occupants disappeared. It was eerie; Harry could feel the turnips under him, and the vibration of the truck, but all spread out below him he could see the land that was Kamchatka. Stretches of forest were visible to him, and the shining sea glinting in the setting sun. But the vast majority of land seemed to be smoking volcanoes, stretching in a sharp spine to the horizon.

Lupin must have been looking at the scenery too, because Harry heard his voice over the motor of the truck. "It's as beautiful as I remember it to be."

Professor Bubcek chuckled. "Yes, the view from this truck never changes."

"It's still the same old truck," said Lupin. "I'd have thought you'd have a new one by now."

"I take it that this is your main form of transport here," said Dumbledore.

"No, no, we only use it for missions to the interior," said Bubcek. "Every village is bound to have some turnip trucks around, so we can just leave it and come back later when we're done."

Harry heard Lupin laugh. "It's much better than the coastal missions, though!"

"Yes, indeed," said Bubcek. "We have to use a truck full of fish when we go to the sea coasts," he explained to Dumbledore. "A turnip truck would look out of place there. Remus never liked the smell much."

"I found a spell to remove the smell," said Lupin, "but Professor Bubcek thinks that a truck of fish that doesn't smell would raise suspicion."

Atlasov remained silent throughout the conversation. Harry wondered if he should expose him immediately, but fighting up in the sky when you were in an invisible truck - and when your enemy was invisible too - didn't seem a very practical thing to do, so he decided to wait.

After what seemed like several hours - during which it got colder and colder, and darker and darker - they started to descend, finally landing in a small clearing near the village of Kovran.

The truck rematerialised. The others stiffly got out. Harry waited for them to go first, squeezing himself in a corner and hoping no one would bump into him.

Professor Bubcek was the last to leave. He glanced at Dumbledore and the others to make sure they weren't watching, then looked around the empty truck.

"Harry?" he whispered, "are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here," Harry whispered back from his corner.

Bubcek beamed.

"Excellent! Excellent! Now, just follow along behind us," he said softly.

"Oleg? Are you coming?" It was Dumbledore.

"Coming, coming, Albus," called Bubcek.

Harry followed them into the village. The streets were largely empty, but light issued from the houses and Harry could see frightened faces at some of the windows.

Lupin looked angry.

"I thought the village was to be evacuated!" he said to Bubcek.

Professor Bubcek looked anguished.

"There's nowhere for them to go, Remus," he explained, looking guiltily at Lupin and then at Dumbledore. "No other village will take them in; they're afraid the Dark Lord will follow them there. And the forests here are too cold at night, and full of strange beasts."

Dumbledore looked perturbed.

"We have put protective spells on all the houses," said Atlasov, speaking for the first time.

"That may not be enough - " began Lupin, but Atlasov cut him short.

"It is enough," he said coldly. "Our magic here is stronger than that of you foreign wizards."

"I assure you, Remus, the villagers should be safe," said Bubcek nervously.

Lupin gave Atlasov a hard stare, then turned to Bubcek and said, "Now what?"

"We wait," said Dumbledore grimly. "As I understand," - turning to Bubcek - "there's only one road to the village."

"Yes, yes," said Bubcek. "I had someone look around for me earlier." - pointing - "We can station ourselves at a small clearing over there."


They got in position and waited. It seemed like hours to Harry. He was in an agony of mind, wondering if he should expose Atlasov. But he realised he had no proof - Atlasov could say he was lying.

Then, after what seemed an eternity, there was a faint howling in the distance.

"What was that?" said Lupin, sharply.

Harry's stomach lurched. Coming up the road was a huge figure, hooded and cowled in black. It had a whip in its hand; in its other hand was a leash, which controlled the huge beast it was driving in front of it.

Harry had never seen such an animal before. It was black, and foam issued from its mouth. Harry had a glimpse of gleaming fangs as the creature raised its head in a snarl. Its body was like that of a panther, but more massive. There was a mad light in its eyes. It was thrashing from side to side, as if trying to free itself.

Lupin and the others were watching too, transfixed.

"I think I recognise…" said Dumbledore softly, but Lupin interrupted.

"Look at that!" he said sharply.

The beast had suddenly turned around and leapt at the cowled man. Sparks issued from the man's wand, and the animal howled in pain. It lurched around as if in a fit. Harry felt a surging force in his own mind.

"Did you feel that?" said Lupin softly. "He's controlling the animal. He's possessing it with his mind."

The cowled man and animal passed without seeing them, and entered the village. Harry saw the man raise his wand.

There was a flash, and the houses burst into flames. Harry could hear screams, and the villagers flooded out into the streets in a panic.

The cowled man gave a loud, cold laugh. He removed the leash and slashed at the beast with the whip.

"Kill them!" His voice was cold and deep.

The beast screamed, and bounded at the villagers, swiping at them with its claws. The cowled man lifted his wand and pointed at those trying to flee. One by one, with amazing speed, they were struck down.

"They're being slaughtered!" Lupin shouted, taking out his wand. But Dumbledore laid a hand on his arm.

"I'm sorry, Remus," he said firmly, "but we have to let Kovran go. We cannot let our presence here be known yet. You know that."

Lupin looked Dumbledore in the eye, then turned away, looking rather sick.

It was over in a sickeningly short time. The cowled figure pointed his wand at the beast. It shrieked, but came to him, and the metal collar snapped around its neck again.

"They're coming back," said Dumbledore, suddenly tense. "It's now, or never! Quick, hold hands!"

They joined hands. Professor Bubcek was at one end. He was looking at Dumbledore, but held out his free hand to his side. Harry, who had been keeping near him, hastily took hold of it, and gasped as Bubcek's iron grip closed on it.

He heard Dumbledore saying, "As they pass, choose one part of his person and fix your gaze on it."

Harry locked his gaze on the left shoulder of the approaching figure.

But, as the figure approached, the animal in front of it suddenly shrieked again. Wheeling around, it leapt at the cowled man.

Distracted, Harry's gaze fell on the beast. Too late, he heard Dumbledore saying, "Now…"

The world seemed to whirl around for a second, then when it came to, Harry found himself a few feet off the ground. There was a horrible snarling in his ears.

He glanced down. His own body had disappeared. He seemed to be looking down from the beast's right shoulder. All at once, he became aware of the others' consciousness; Dumbledore seemed to be watching from the top of the man's hood. Lupin was on the left shoulder, Bubcek on the left arm. Atlasov was somewhere on the man's chest.

Harry could hear Bubcek's voice in his mind; he sounded faintly worried.

Do you think he can hear us thinking? The question was obviously aimed at Dumbledore.

No, Harry heard Dumbledore reply, That's the beauty of the Abdovius Charm…it's very subtle. He paused, then - But there's someone else here -

Harry felt Dumbledore's mind reach out to his. So did Lupin's. He steeled himself.

Harry! Lupin sounded furious. What are you doing here?!

It's all right, Remus, I brought him - Professor Bubcek sounded apologetic.

A light flashed, and the world seemed to start spinning. The cowled figure was Apparating from the place.

Professor Lupin, Atlasov is going to betray us! Thought Harry frantically. I heard him say so before you left - you have to believe -

His mind felt a sudden pain, as Atlasov unleashed his mind on him. Then, it was gone. Through the whirling, Harry was vaguely aware of Lupin struggling with Atlasov, and also Dumbledore's mind gently probing his, checking his memory.

It's true, he heard Dumbledore saying, Harry heard a conversation on the stairs -

There was a jerk, and then Atlasov's consciousness suddenly vanished from Harry's mind.

Headmaster, he's gone, he heard Lupin say, he went berserk. I overdid it … I haven't done this for a long time…

The whirling had stopped. They must have reached the cowled man's abode. From his perch on the beast's shoulder, Harry could see stone walls, and stairs leading downward. The cowled figure was whipping the animal, driving it down. Harry could feel the creature jerk with each whipstroke.

They reached what looked like an underground cave, two guards on either side of its mouth, which was fitted with barred metal doors.

The cowled man drove the beast inside.

"You've been disobedient today," he said in a soft, cold voice. "A punishment is in order…but later…I have business to attend to now."

He turned, and strode out of the cave. The guards shut the door with a clang.

Stay there, Harry, he heard Dumbledore say in his mind, We'll come and get you later.

The beast padded to one corner of the cave, and sat down. Harry's heart sank.

"I always seem to mess up," he thought to himself. "Goodness knows how long I'm going to be stuck here."

He was suddenly aware of an odd, shrinking sensation. In the dim light from the door, the beast seemed to be getting smaller…its fur was disappearing…

The shrinking stopped. Harry glanced down, and was startled.

He could see an arm and a leg, and part of a body wearing rags. He glanced up and saw long, black matted hair, and a glimpse of a face.

"It's a girl," he thought in shock. "The beast…it's an Animagus!"

The girl sobbed slightly as she shifted her position, then slowly lifted the metal collar, now too big for her, from around her neck. She threw it to the floor with a clang. Then she suddenly gave a start, as if surprised. She brushed several times at her right shoulder, then gave it a slap. Although Harry knew he wouldn't feel anything, his mind winced. Then, to his alarm, he felt her mind reaching out to his own.

He tried to think of nothingness, to pretend he wasn't there. After a while, she stopped probing. She sat and seemed to be thinking.

It happened very fast. There was a loud pop! and Harry suddenly found himself on the ground next to the girl. The stench in the cave hit him all at once. He scrambled up in alarm, gagging slightly, and retreated a few steps.

She was leaning forward, in a crouching position, looking for him. He realised he was still wearing the amulet.

She looked around.

"Show yourself," she said softly. "I know you're there."

Harry kept silent. If he could just avoid her long enough, till Dumbledore came…

She waited. Then, when Harry said nothing, she moved.

Harry watched, panic mounting within him. She was growing bigger…long, shaggy fur was appearing…two small eyes…

It was a bear. Harry gaped at it. How could she - ?

The bear came toward him, sniffing.

"It can smell me!" he thought in alarm. There was no choice; he quickly took the amulet from around his neck.

All at once, the bear was gone. The girl was there again, instead. Harry stood there tensely, watching her. She must be some sort of shape-shifter. In the darkness of the cave, she looked rather alarming. There was no telling what creature she might turn into next.


She looked at him a while, then asked, "Who are you?"

"Ha - Harry P-Potter," said Harry, stammering slightly.

"Are you?" she said softly. There was a soft, crackling noise, and she was holding a handful of flames. As they illuminated her dirty face, he saw, with some surprise, that she looked Chinese.

She was taller than him. Bending over slightly, she held the flames near his face, looking at his scar. Her face had a slightly sullen and brooding expression, but her eyes were dark and watchful.

"Harry Potter. So you are," she said, lowering her flames. She stood back, and looked at him.

"Why are you here?" she asked, quietly.

All at once, he heard Dumbledore's voice in his head.

Harry, why are you back in your body? Are you all right?

Yes, he thought back. Professor Dumbledore - the beast - it's a girl -

He's coming to whip her, warned Dumbledore. Hide yourself!

Footsteps were approaching the cave. The girl whipped around, then hissed at him, "hide!"

Harry flung the amulet round his neck. The doors opened. The cowled wizard was back.

"Three times, she attacked me today," he said in his cold voice to the guards. "Give her a hundred."

The guards approached the girl. She retreated, then suddenly lifted her arms.

Harry felt the force of the cowled man's mind surge out.

"No, you don't," he said softly. "I want you whipped as a human, not an animal."

She screamed. The guards roughly chained her to the ground, her back to the ceiling. One started whipping her, counting each stroke.

The cowled man laughed as she screamed. "Scream, scream for mercy," he said softly, in a voice that sent shivers down Harry's spine. "I've kept you here three years, and you've never begged for mercy yet. I would like you to, just this once."

Harry clenched his fists. Shape-shifter or not, she was still human. Hands shaking, he felt in his robes for his wand.

Harry! Dumbledore said in his head. Do NOT -

They're whipping her! Thought Harry in fury.

Dumbledore's voice sounded harshly in his head. We must not give ourselves away, or everyone will die, including the girl!

Harry watched hopelessly. Fifty-four - fifty-five - .

She had stopped screaming. She lay on the ground, unmoving.

"Stop!" barked the cowled man. The guard lowered his whip.

"We want her alive," snapped the cowled man. "Milkovo too have resisted me. I need her to destroy them for me tomorrow night."

He turned, and left the cave. The guards unchained the girl, leaving her lying limp on the ground. The doors clanged shut again.

Harry crept over to her. She was still breathing, but blood was running down her back, soaking the rags she was wearing.

Harry took his handkerchief out to staunch the blood. It was soaked in no time. He tore off part of his robe and used that.

"I need to wash the wounds," he thought, looking around for water. He muttered, "Lumos!" to his wand, and light sprang from it. He wandered around the cave, but the pool of water at one end was stagnant. He shuddered, and gagged at the stench, wondering how anyone could stay here. How long had she been here? Didn't the man say three years -

He started at a sound. The girl was moaning; she seemed to have regained consciousness.

Harry went quickly over to her. "Are you all right?"

She sat up, but her wounds were hurting her and she was crying with pain. Harry desperately wished Madam Pomfrey was there.

Harry! It was Dumbledore. Is the girl all right?

She's alive, Harry thought back. But she's hurt -

Help her if you can, said Dumbledore. We're taking a look around here. We'll come and get you when we're ready. And then he was gone.

Presently she stopped sobbing, and looked wearily at him. She started to speak, but stopped, her eyes fixed on something behind him.

Harry turned around. In one far corner of the cave, something was glowing. He turned back to the girl, and saw that she was looking at him.

"The mirror is awake," she said, in a tired voice. "It doesn't wake very often, these days." She started to get up, painfully. "You may come and look at it, if you like."

Harry started forward.

"You're hurt - " he gave her an arm, to support her.

She shrank back. "I'm filthy," she said.

"It's all right," said Harry, gently.

They stumbled slowly over to the mirror.

"Don't worry," the girl said quietly, when he worried about her wounds. "Deorg will heal me before the next outing. It always happens."

"Is that his name -" began Harry, but they had reached the mirror.

It was as tall as a man, and square in shape. It had a simple silver frame, from which a soft sparkling light issued, as if starlight had been trapped within. The mirror itself was glowing, lights in different shades of blue. The slime that covered the rest of the cave had not touched it.

"How did this get here?" asked Harry, almost too surprised to speak. It seemed ludicrous that such a beautiful object could be found in such a stinking cave.

"I don't know," said the girl, wearily. "It was here when I first came. I don't know if Deorg knows about it. Perhaps he allowed it to remain here, to keep me sane."

Harry didn't understand. "What do you mean -" he began, but she had reached out a hand, and laid it gently on the mirror's polished surface.

She held it there for a while, as if listening, then turned to him.

"It wants to show you something," she said, surprise in her voice. She looked at him curiously, then moved aside, saying, "Stand here, and put your hand to the glass."

Harry hesitated, wondering if it was a trap, then did as she said. The mirror felt very cold. It shimmered at his touch, and the lights in it began to spin.

"You may take your hand away now," said the girl softly.

Harry removed his hand. The lights had disappeared. Images began to appear…blurred at first, then clearer. To his surprise, Harry recognised his parents. That was his father…and his mother…they looked very young…and the place…was it Hogwarts?

The images flashed by. Scenes from his parents' lives…their wedding…his mother holding him as a baby…

Harry began to tremble. The scene he feared most was approaching. His parents' death -

"I won't look," he thought, his heart beating fast. "I'll close my eyes -"

But his eyes remained glued to the mirror. Images began to rush as if the mirror were in a hurry. It happened very fast - almost nothing but a flash of green light -

And then he saw three people outside the Dursleys' home: surely - yes, it was Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, - and Hagrid! And there was a basket on the doorstep. What was in it - was it a baby?

Harry felt a lump in his throat. The girl stood next to him, also watching intently.

Scenes from his own life flashed past…escaping from Dudley's bullying…his first meeting with Hagrid…his life at Hogwarts…quidditch matches…himself with Ron and Hermione…

Then the images slowed down and the mirror went dark. He saw a tower, silhouetted against a full moon. Dimly superimposed was the image of a wolf, raising its muzzle to the sky and howling. Then they were rushing inward toward the tower, it seemed as if they would smash into it -

The mirror blurred, then became focussed. It was still night; Harry saw himself standing in a dimly lit corridor with some others: Ron, Hermione, and … was it Neville Longbottom?

Harry watched, transfixed. They looked older; his image self was taller and Neville looked as if he had lost some weight. Something must have happened - Neville was sobbing away. Hermione had tears in her eyes, and Ron looked sober.

As for himself, he was reading a letter. Harry peered closer. The others faded out of the picture, leaving himself alone standing there with the letter. He seemed to be thinking. And then…

His image self took something out of his robes, and looked at it. Then, he turned and looked at Harry, and started walking toward him.

Harry gulped. He shot a glance at the girl, next to him. She was still watching intently, her eyes bright.

Harry's image self had stopped in front of him. He looked gravely at Harry, then held out the object in his hand to him. It looked like a bottle.

Harry felt a stab of fear. Should he take it?

"He's giving you the bottle," said the girl. She looked at him in wonder. "Take it," she urged him softly.

Harry hesitated, then reached his hand out.

But as his hand touched the mirror, the image crackled as if with static, like a badly tuned television set. When it had stabilised, his image was still standing there, looking puzzled.

With a sober face, the image offered the bottle to him again. Harry put out his hand. The image crackled again.

"It's no use," said Harry, shaking his head, "maybe it's a trick -"

His image had settled again. This time, the image turned and looked at the girl. She shrank back a bit, looking frightened.

The image held out the bottle to the girl, and indicated that she should give it to Harry.

Her eyes widened. Then she slowly reached her hand out to the mirror. When she drew it back, the bottle was in her hand.

The image, now empty-handed, looked soberly at them. Then, with a quick nod at Harry, he blurred and faded.

"Wait!" said Harry, but the image was gone. The mirror was flashing its spectrum of blue light again.

Harry turned to the girl. She was looking at the bottle. It was small and round, and it contained a fine, sparkling dust, like tiny stars.

The girl looked at Harry, then held out the bottle to him.

"It's amazing," she murmured, "all the while I've been here, it's never given me anything."

Harry turned the bottle around in his hands. The dust inside swirled around, as if it had a life of its own.

"But - what is it for?" he said, confused. "How do I use it?"

"I'll try asking," she said, placing her hand on the mirror again, her eyes still fixed on the bottle.

She was quiet a while, listening, then slowly removed her hand. The mirror flickered for a few moments, then went dim. Another flicker, and it looked nothing more than a normal mirror again. In the darkness of the cave, it could hardly be seen.

The girl was looking at Harry, puzzled.

"What?" said Harry urgently. "What did it say?"

She stared at him.

"It said," she said slowly, as if trying to remember the exact words, "that 'the dust is a gift for you'." She took a breath. "It said,

'One second chance will this stardust give,

When one lies dead who deserves to live.

If you sprinkle the dust on one who is true

What death has taken will return to you.'"

Even while listening intently to her words, it struck Harry how odd all of this seemed. He had just seen this girl kill a village full of people. And yet here she was now, standing quietly in the dim light of the cave, reciting a poem to him. She seemed to have forgotten about her wounds, and there was a curious expression in her eyes, half-excited, half-fascinated.

He asked her to repeat the verse again, trying to commit the words to memory. A dozen different questions then came into his mind.

"What does it mean?" he asked, staring at the bottle. "Who will die? Why is it for me? Why couldn't I take it from the mirror?"

She looked thoughtfully at the bottle for a while.

"I don't know," she answered. "Perhaps…perhaps the dust will revive any person who has died." She raised her eyes to look at him. "Perhaps the mirror has given a second chance to you…it seems to know the life you've had, - that you've lost your parents…Maybe it's a chance to bring back someone you love, even…"

Her voice trailed off.

"Even what?" said Harry, his mind whirling.

"You might go back in time," she said softly, "to your parents - you know, when they just died…" She shook her head suddenly, and said quickly, "But I'm only speculating - " She stopped abruptly, as if she realised she had said enough.

Harry felt very queer. He remembered the time-turner Hermione used to have. Was it possible? Could he ever bring his parents back?

"But if the mirror never gave you anything, what do you see when you look in it?" he suddenly asked her.

At that moment, he heard a voice in his head.

Harry! It was Dumbledore. It's time to go.

Wait! Thought Harry frantically, Not yet -

But the cave had begun to spin around him. He could see the girl revolving by, a surprised expression on her face...he thought he should reach out and pull her along, but the whirling was too fast -

Harry opened his eyes. He was back outside the Institute. The air was bitterly cold, and the eastern sky was just beginning to brighten. Professors Dumbledore, Lupin and Bubcek were standing around, looking at him.

"Are you all right?" Lupin asked.

Harry jumped up.

"The girl - the girl in the cave - we've got to get her out!" he said to Dumbledore.

The expression in Dumbledore's eyes was kind.

"So we will, Harry," he said. "I promise you we will."

"We can get her out now," Harry said insistently. "You can get her out, like you just brought me here."

Dumbledore looked more sober now.

"No, Harry," he told him, "It's not the right time now."

"But she's hurt!" protested Harry. "Didn't you see how they whipped her?"

Lupin nodded grimly, looking sick.

"Tonight, Harry," he said. "we're going to - "

"But is it wise to save the girl?" a new voice interrupted.


They turned around. A tall, broad-shouldered wizard was standing there, together with a few others. Harry assumed they must be from the Institute, they were all dressed like Professor Bubcek.

"This girl - this shape-shifter…there must be evil in her," continued the wizard. "If what we hear is true, she's the one who has been killing hundreds of villagers, from Siberia all the way to here."

Harry opened his mouth to reply, but Lupin spoke first.

"That may be so, Dorek," he said, "but the girl herself had no say in the matter. Lord Deorg has been controlling her."

The wizard's face hardened. "Be that as it may be," he said stubbornly, "What sort of person can turn into a killing monster like that? Even without the Dark Lord, she can still transform and harm people anytime. I say, we should get rid of her as well."

The other wizards murmured in agreement.

"No, you can't!" said Harry indignantly. "She's just like any of us, I've met her…"

"She's bewitched you, boy," sneered the wizard, but Professor Bubcek hurriedly interrupted.

"I suggest we go back inside, where it's warmer," he puffed, "and Harry can tell us what he saw. We must also discuss our strategy."

Dorek and the other wizards led the way into the castle. Harry stared at them from behind. He decided he wouldn't tell anyone about the mirror yet. The mirror's gift seemed personal, and he didn't really care for any of the Russian wizards to know about it.

"There's nothing much to tell, actually," he said to Bubcek as they entered the castle. "She was hurt and bleeding, and I tried to staunch the flow. I talked to her a bit. She didn't try to hurt me or anything. Then I came back here. That's all."

He looked round at Lupin and Dumbledore as he said this. Lupin looked thoughtfully at Harry.

"What did you talk about?" he asked.

"Oh - er, nothing much," said Harry. "She asked my name, and I told her, and then - then they came to whip her. After that she was bleeding, so we didn't talk much. She just said not to worry about the wounds, that - that person - Deorg - would heal them before the next attack."

Professor Bubcek looked a bit green.

"Barbaric!" he muttered.

"You did very well, Harry," said Dumbledore. "Now, have something to eat, and then take a good rest."

"And then it's back to Hogwarts for you," added Lupin.

"What?" said Harry, appalled. "You're not sending me back after this, are you? Please let me stay," - appealing to Dumbledore - "There must be something I can do, to help."

Lupin and Dumbledore looked at each other.

"I think, Remus, he should stay," said Dumbledore at last. "Opening the Vortex is going to drain me of resources I would prefer to keep for tonight. Besides," he glanced at Harry, who was listening anxiously, "he has struck up a rapport with the shape-shifter. That may prove useful. He could, I should think, provide you valuable assistance when you tackle her, tonight."

"Me?" said Lupin, looking startled. "Tackle the shape-shifter? You mean, together with the others, of course." He indicated the other wizards.

Dumbledore smiled at Lupin, and his eyes were twinkling.

"Actually, Remus, I thought you might do it alone," he said. "The rest of us will be concentrating our efforts on Deorg. Once we have broken his hold on her, it only remains for you to calm her down till her mind is restored enough to transform back."

Lupin was silent a while. "I suppose that can be done," he said, thoughtfully.

"Who is this Deorg?" asked Harry. "It's not Voldemort, is it?"

Professor Bubcek winced on hearing the name.

"No, Harry," said Dumbledore. "Deorg used to be an ally of Voldemort, but broke away because he wanted his own power."

He glanced at Bubcek, who was still looking shaken, then continued.

"While you were with the shape-shifter - I don't suppose you asked her name?"

"Er - no," said Harry, flushing slightly.

"No matter," said Dumbledore, smiling. "Anyway, while you were with her, we had a look around Deorg's fortress. Outside Kamchatka, his magical powers, though strong, are not as strong as Voldemort's, so he has been collecting a physical army. His power, it seems, lies in his mental abilities to possess people. He has collected quite a sizeable army of mostly simple village peasants, over these few years. Once we break his hold on them, the soldiers should come out of their trances, and return to their homes."

"How are you going to do that?" asked Harry.

"Tonight, when Deorg attacks Milkovo, some of us will attack him, instead," said Dumbledore. "The rest will free the soldiers, and destroy the fortress. You and Professor Lupin will handle the shape-shifter."

"If nothing goes wrong," said Professor Bubcek excitedly, "we shall undo, in one night, what it has taken Deorg years to build up."

"If nothing goes wrong," said Lupin.

Harry remembered something.

"What about Atlasov? Won't he betray us?"

Dumbledore looked at Lupin.

"Professor Atlasov has - er - temporarily lost his mind, thanks to Professor Lupin here," he informed Harry. "I sincerely doubt he will regain it until tonight, by which time, hopefully everything will be over. We have also taken care of that unfortunate lady you hid under your bed. And yes, Oleg," he said to Bubcek, "I would like to conduct a scan on all your staff…it would be better to weed out all the spies in the castle, sooner rather than later."

They went on to discuss their strategy. Harry, feeling suddenly very tired, ate some breakfast and then went to bed.




Harry woke up late in the afternoon to the loud, tuneless singing of the wooden doll. It sounded like some Russian folksong. She stopped when she saw he was awake.

"You left me alone yesterday," she said huffily.

"I had to go somewhere," said Harry, but she had now turned her back on him and was ignoring him. She stood staring out of the window, a sulky look on her face.

Harry noticed that someone had placed an early dinner - or perhaps it was a late lunch - on a tray in the room. He started eating, and the doll, tired of sulking, started her loud, tuneless singing again.

Harry finished eating, then to get away from the doll's singing, wandered out to look for the others. Lupin seemed to be catching up with some of his old associates, while Dumbledore and Oleg Bubcek were having a drink in the parlour, talking. Bubcek was puffing on an enormous pipe.

"Ah, Harry," said Bubcek, when he appeared. "Did you have a good rest?"

"Yes, thank you," said Harry.

"Ready for this evening, Harry?" asked Dumbledore, looking at him through his half-moon spectacles.

"I guess so," said Harry, "although - I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do."

Dumbledore smiled. "You'll know when the time comes."

Harry was silent a moment, then looked at Dumbledore.

"I forgot to tell you this," he said. "I don't know if it's important, but - the shape-shifter - well, she looks like she's Chinese."

"Is she?" said Dumbledore thoughtfully. "That's interesting."

Professor Bubcek was still puffing on his pipe.

"It doesn't mean she's not Russian, Harry," he said. "Russia has a border with China. Many of those living on the Russian side of the border are of Chinese origin."

"She doesn't speak like a Russian," said Harry.

"She might well be Japanese, too," observed Dumbledore. "I don't know if you are aware of it, Harry, but Kamchatka is fairly near to Japan."

"Oh," said Harry, feeling rather ignorant. He was silent a while, then remembered something else.

"Professor Dumbledore?" he said. "I was just wondering…Is there a special reason why you chose Professor Lupin to handle the shape-shifter?"

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

"Well, Harry," he said, "I think that among us, Remus is the most suitable person to tackle her."

Harry was puzzled. "But why?"

"My guess would be," said Bubcek, coughing a bit through a cloud of smoke, "that it's because Remus is a - is a - "

Dumbledore's beard quivered slightly. "Werewolf, Oleg. Werewolf."

"Yes, yes, werewolf," said Bubcek, looking nervously around, as if he were afraid Lupin might be eavesdropping on him. "So - er - having the ability to transform himself, he might have some intrinsic rapport with this shape-shifter, er, perhaps find it easier to communicate with her."

"Precisely, Oleg," said Dumbledore, his eyes still twinkling.

Harry, however, somehow felt that this wasn't the real reason for Dumbledore's choice.


The journey to Milkovo was similar to the previous night's, except that two turnip trucks were used to accommodate the twenty or so extra wizards who were setting out. Harry sat next to Professor Lupin this time, feeling slightly apprehensive. What if something went wrong?

Lupin, however, appeared quite calm.

"Just stay some distance from me till I calm her down a bit," he said to Harry. "When she transforms back to human form, you can come over and join me. And stay away from the fighting." He meant Dumbledore and the others attacking Deorg.

"All right," said Harry, feeling a bit down because his role wasn't very important. However, at least he wasn't being left behind.

They had tried evacuating the village, but the villagers had refused to leave. Most of its inhabitants, although aware of the carnage in the other villages, were just as frightened of the wild beasts in the forest. The most Dumbledore and the other wizards could do was put the strongest protective spells on the houses as they could.

"Well, that's done," said Lupin, when the last house had been charmed. "Hopefully the charm won't be tested…we should be waylaying them before they actually reach the village."

They took up positions outside the village. The road leading to the village went over a hill. Dumbledore and the other wizards were hiding near the crest of the hill, while Harry and Lupin were at its base, some distance from the road. Harry looked up at the sky, where a half moon was shining. He glanced at Lupin, and saw that he was looking at it too.

Lupin gave him a wry smile.

"I'm safe for tonight, at least," he said.

Harry couldn't think what to say, so he merely nodded.

The wait seemed to last forever. Harry found his thoughts wandering back to the previous night's happenings. He could see the girl's eyes, looking at him, dark and watchful, in the dim light of the cave. With her quiet manner, it was difficult to imagine that she and the beast were actually one and the same.

It was getting colder and colder; Harry found himself shivering a bit.

At last, a distant howling was heard.

"It's time," said Lupin quietly, getting up. "Wait here. When you see her transform back, come on over."

"OK," said Harry. He watched Lupin sprinting over to the side of the road, and take up position in a small grove of trees, wand ready in his hand. The howling was louder now. There it was - the beast was coming over the crest of the hill.

Harry watched tensely. Surely, nothing could go wrong.

The beast was nearer - any moment now -

A burst of sparks distracted his attention from the beast. Lupin was on the ground, his wand flying high in an arc away from him. A figure from a nearby tree was dropping like a stone onto him.

"No!" whispered Harry in horror. Forgetting everything, he started running forward.

He could see flashes of light as the two fought under the trees. Then - a huge burst of light in the distance to his left suddenly threw him sideways to the ground.

The beast shrieked madly. Harry started up. A blaze of light was concentrated on the cowled figure behind it. Dumbledore and the other wizards had attacked Deorg.

The chain binding the beast snapped. Snarling and shrieking madly, the animal bounded down the hill toward the village.

Frantically, Harry looked in Lupin's direction. Clouds were scudding across the moon; he could only make out two figures, one slumped on the ground, the other standing frozen as the beast raced toward him.

Harry started running toward them. The moon went completely behind the clouds for a moment. Harry ran blindly on. He was almost there…

Abruptly, the clouds cleared and moonlight shone down on the scene before him. For a split second, he had a glimpse of Lupin and the beast, standing stock still facing each other. The beast uttered a shrill scream. And suddenly, it was gone; only the girl was there, still on all fours, staring up at Lupin, a look of shock on her face.

Harry dashed up, panting and clutching his wand. Lupin had a slightly baffled look on his face. He glanced briefly at Harry, then turned back to the girl.

"Are you all right?" he asked her.

She was still staring, as if in shock. Then, after a few seconds, she nodded mutely.

Harry looked over at the figure of the other wizard on the ground.

"Who's that?"

Lupin glanced at the figure.

"Atlasov," he said.

"Is he - " said Harry.

"Dead," said Lupin, shortly.

He turned to Harry.

"Wait here with her," he said quietly. "I have to bury him. Wizard's honour. There are certain rites that should be performed."

"OK," said Harry, still panting and trying to catch his breath.

Lupin retrieved his wand, then came back and looked at the girl. Dressed only in rags, she was shivering. Drawing a cloak out of the air with his wand, Lupin gave it to Harry and said, "Give this to her before she freezes. And don't let her go anywhere near the fighting." He then strode over to where Atlasov's body was lying.

Harry went over to the girl. She was watching Lupin, but looked at Harry when he came over.

"Are you all right?" he asked, giving her the cloak and sitting down beside her.

"Yes," she said in a rather muffled voice, wrapping herself in the cloak. "Thank you," she added. She glanced in the direction of the fighting. Bursts of light and explosions were still issuing from that area.

"What's happening?" she asked faintly.

"We've attacked Deorg," said Harry. He looked at her. "You're free."

"Free?" she repeated numbly.

She seemed to be in shock. They sat in silence for a while. Harry watched Lupin excavating a hole in the ground; the earth was flying out of the ground into a heap at the command of his wand.

The girl was still shivering slightly. She had seemed more confident in the confines of the cave. Out here, under the open sky, she suddenly looked vulnerable.

She spoke suddenly, and Harry jumped.

"If you don't mind," she said, not looking at him, "I think I'd like to be alone for a while."


"All right," said Harry uneasily, feeling rather unwanted. He got up and walked over to Lupin, who had just placed the body in the grave.

"She says she wants to be alone," he said, when Lupin looked at him.

Lupin looked over at the girl. She was sitting still as a statue, staring into space.

"Let her be," he said. "Deorg's hold on her mind must have been wrenched free suddenly. She'll probably take a while to recover from the shock."

Harry watched the earth flying back into the grave at the command of his wand.

"Have you, um, done this before?" he asked Lupin.

"A few times," said Lupin, casually. He seemed to be searching for something on the ground.

Harry watched him for a few moments.

"Professor Lupin?" he said suddenly. "I was just wondering…The girl - what did you do - how did you get her to transform back?"

Lupin straightened up, frowning.

"A good question," he said, glancing back in the direction of the girl. "If I'd had my wand, I would have used a calming charm; that was what I'd initially planned."

"What?" said Harry, startled.

"I didn't do anything," said Lupin, looking around at the ground again. "She came bounding up so fast, there was no time to react."

"You mean…" said Harry, slowly.

"I thought it was the end, for me," said Lupin matter-of-factly. "But she just stopped short, and transformed back on her own."

He bent over and scooped up a handful of small, round pebbles. Walking over to the grave, he scattered the pebbles over it, muttering some words under his breath.

Harry was silent, thinking about what he'd just heard.

"There, that's done," said Lupin, when he had finished. "Now we can go back - " he glanced in the girl's direction as he spoke, and stopped short.

Harry looked back. The girl had disappeared.

"I didn't watch her!" he said angrily in self-disgust, as they ran to look for her. "Stupid…idiotic…"

The battle was still raging on. Harry looked at Lupin.

"Do you think…"

"No," said Lupin slowly, "not there…somehow I don't think…"

He turned away from the fighting, looking down the road.

"The village!"

She was standing near the entrance, looking into the village. A crowd of villagers, some carrying burning torches, had gathered outside their houses, attracted by the fighting raging in the distance; but they were now looking curiously at the girl. Harry noticed that many of them were carrying roughly made weapons.

The girl turned to them as they ran up to her. Her dirty face, bathed in the glow of the torches, appeared calm and resolute. Before they could say anything, she spoke first.

"Don't come near," she said.

A murmur ran through the villagers. They were coming closer. Harry suddenly felt very nervous.

"What are you - " began Lupin, but she cut him short.

"They're coming for me," she said quietly, glancing at the crowd. There was a peculiar expression in her eyes. She turned again to Lupin and Harry.

"My time has come," she said to them in a resolute voice. "I have to pay for what I've done. I have blood on my hands. Their blood." She held up her hands, and Harry's heart skipped a beat. They were covered with bright red blood.

She bowed her head slightly, staring at the ground unseeingly. "I don't know how many I've killed," she said softly, as if to herself. "Menfolk…women… children… I can see them before my eyes. I saw their faces, heard their screams, when they died." She gave a quick shudder.

Harry was listening, open-mouthed. He felt as if everything was slightly unreal…the flickering glow of the torches, the soft voice of the girl…

"My time has come," she repeated softly, raising her head and facing the villagers again. "It's their turn, now."

As if on cue, the crowd started coming forward. Harry could hear angry muttering. There were a few shouts in Russian.

Lupin glanced at the girl's face, then at the approaching crowd, and said in a hard, sharp voice, "Harry, take my hand!" Harry grabbed his hand. Lupin reached out with his other and caught hold of the girl's arm, just as the first flurry of torches came raining out at them.

There was a whirl of light, and then they were standing in a forest clearing. A river glinted in the distance. It was strangely quiet; leaves were rustling quietly in the wind. The bursts of light and explosions were gone, as was the village.

The girl had a startled expression on her face. Glancing at her hands, Harry saw that the bloodstains were ebbing away.

She looked at Lupin.

"Why did you do that?" she said to him. "Are you going to kill me instead?"

To Harry's surprise, Lupin smiled.

"No one's going to hurt you tonight," he told her kindly. He looked thoughtfully around the clearing. "We'll make camp here tonight," he said decisively, "maybe have something to eat…" He looked at the girl again, noticing her matted hair and the grime on her, "…and we could all do with a bath, as well."

She flushed slightly and seemed ashamed, but Lupin didn't appear to notice. Taking out his wand, he said, "Let me see, a towel…" - one flick, and a towel appeared in his hand. "Soap, too…" Another flick, and a bar of soap appeared on top of the towel. He looked at her appraisingly. "And yes, some clothes…"

She looked quickly at him. "I - I can take care of the clothes, sir, really," she stammered, the colour rising in her face. She took the towel and soap. "Thank you," she added, uneasily, and then turned and slowly made her way toward the river.

Harry watched her retreating figure.

"What if she goes off again?" he asked.

Lupin was looking around the clearing again, but glanced in the direction of the river as Harry spoke.

"Oh, I don't think she will," he said lightly, his attention returning to the clearing. "We need to make a fire," he said. "Here, I think." He waved his wand, and flames leapt up merrily.

Harry stared at Lupin.

"But - why don't we just bring her back to the castle?"

Lupin was looking around the fire. "Bedding," he said, flicking his wand. Three sleeping bags appeared. He looked at Harry.

"The castle isn't safe for her, Harry," he said. "You heard what some of the wizards there think of her."

"But then," said Harry, "what's going to happen to her?"

"I can only think of one thing," said Lupin, nudging the sleeping bags into more suitable positions around the fire. "We're going to have to bring her back to Hogwarts with us."

"What?" said Harry, surprised. "To Hogwarts? But - will she come?"

"I don't know," replied Lupin. "But what choice is there? She can't stay at the Institute; Dorek and the other wizards there will kill her, sooner or later. No village here would take her in, either - you saw how the villagers acted just now. There isn't any place here, in Kamchatka, or for that matter, anywhere in Russia, that's safe for her."

Harry was silent, pondering this.

"It's only a temporary measure, putting her up at Hogwarts," added Lupin, conjuring up plates and cutlery. "Professor Dumbledore will likely think of something for her."

Lupin stoked the fire up a bit, then said, "Now for the food. Lend me a hand, Harry, instead of just standing there. You can at least make us a cup of tea."


They had just finished preparing the food when there was a burst of light, and Professor Dumbledore appeared. Seeing only Harry and Lupin, he glanced around the clearing, slightly anxious.

"Is everything all right, Remus?" he asked, "The shape-shifter - the girl - "

"Bathing in the river," said Harry, quickly.

Dumbledore smiled in relief.

"That's good, very good," he said. "I was afraid Deorg might have spirited her off when he escaped - "

"He got away?" said Lupin quickly.

Dumbledore looked sober.

"I'm afraid so. But his power is greatly reduced, his fortress destroyed, and his soldiers are probably now on their way home."

His eyes moved to look behind them as he spoke, and turning, they saw that the girl had come back.

Harry could hardly recognise her. Now that she was clean, she looked completely different. She had managed to comb her hair, and it fell, long and black, almost to her waist. She was wearing a green tunic together with close-fitting brown pants and boots. Harry wondered how she had managed to conjure them without a wand.

She stopped when she saw Dumbledore, her eyes wary, the usual rather sullen expression on her face. She reminded Harry of some wild creature, tense and ready to take flight.

Dumbledore smiled kindly, and went forward.

"My dear, it's a real pleasure to meet you at last," he said, taking her hands in his, and peering at her through his half-moon spectacles. "Allow me to introduce myself: Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Wizardry."

She looked rather startled.

"I - I've heard of you, sir," she said, finding her voice, "- and of Hogwarts. It's a famous school."

Dumbledore beamed at her.

"Excellent, my dear," he said, patting her hand. Then, bringing her forward to the others, he said, "and of course, you've met Harry already, and Professor Lupin - have you introduced yourself, Remus?" - Lupin, who was watching with a smile, shook his head - "This is Professor Remus Lupin, one of our teachers at Hogwarts."

She turned to look at Lupin, and for the first time that Harry could remember, she smiled.

Harry was startled. The difference was amazing; the smile seemed to transform her entire face.

Dumbledore thought so, too.

"Lovely, my dear, you have a lovely smile," he said, patting her hand again. "And now, tell us your name."

Her smiled vanished. She looked blank.

"My name?" she repeated. She looked at Dumbledore, then at Harry, and lastly Lupin.

Lupin nodded encouragingly at her. She looked confused a moment, and stammered, "It's been a long time - "

She looked at the ground, as if trying to remember, then seemed to pull herself together. Looking at Dumbledore, she drew a breath and said, "It's Jeanne, sir. My name is Jeanne."

Dumbledore beamed at her again.

"And a lovely name, too," he said. "And now, we have to decide, Jeanne, what are we going to do with you?"

She looked at him, then lowered her eyes, remaining silent.

Dumbledore looked at her, and said, "I have a proposal to make to you."

She looked up. "A proposal?"

"Yes, indeed," said Dumbledore. "I would like to extend an invitation to you, Jeanne, to come back with the three of us, to Britain, and stay at Hogwarts."

She looked surprised.

"To Hogwarts?" she faltered. "But - what could I do there? I can't teach - or anything - "

"There's one position vacant," continued Dumbledore, "which might well suit you - that of assistant to Rubeus Hagrid, our gamekeeper."

Harry gave an exclamation of delight. "It's perfect! That would be a brilliant idea, sir!"

"Thank you, Harry," said Dumbledore. He looked back at Jeanne, who was still looking doubtful.

"It has been a long day," he said gently, "and we're all tired. I suggest you have something to eat, and a good night's sleep, and think about my offer. I'll be back first thing in the morning to hear your decision."

He released her hand, and turned to Lupin and Harry. "I have some final things to arrange with Oleg tonight, including deciding how to keep tabs on Deorg, so I'll leave you here for now. Remus, you don't have anything to settle at the Institute, do you?"

"No, Headmaster," replied Lupin.

"I'm off, then," said Dumbledore, and with another smile at Jeanne, he was gone.


Harry woke up in the middle of the night, and saw stars trembling in the sky above him. For a moment, he couldn't recall where he was.

Then he remembered. Turning, he saw Jeanne, in her sleeping bag, across the campfire.

She was awake. She was staring up at the sky, her expression less sullen than usual. She seemed to be thinking about something.

Harry turned the other way, and tried to sleep. But after a few minutes, he turned and looked at Jeanne again.

She was sitting up now, looking around at the forest. A gentle breeze blew, stirring her long hair.

All at once, she rose, and in one swift fluid movement, raised her arms. She seemed to shrink; her hair was disappearing…feathers were sprouting…a barn owl stood in her place.

In a flash, the owl spread its wings, and was gone.

Harry sat up in dismay, and turned to look behind him.

"Professor Lupin! Jeanne - she's gone! - " he began, but stopped short when he saw that Lupin was already awake and sitting up.

Lupin shook his head at Harry, and looked thoughtfully at Jeanne's empty sleeping bag. "Not to worry, Harry, I'm sure she'll come back."

"How do you know?" asked Harry, astonished.

Lupin was still looking at the sleeping bag, but Harry had the feeling he wasn't really seeing it.

"She hasn't realised that she's free, yet…" he said thoughtfully, as if to himself. "It all happened too fast…"

Lupin looked at Harry and smiled.

"She'll be back, Harry, don't worry," he repeated. "Go back to sleep."

Harry lay down, but couldn't sleep. Sure enough, five minutes later, the owl came hurtling back out of the sky, landing on the vacated sleeping bag. It swelled, changed shape, and then Jeanne was there again. She was shaking slightly, and seemed to be in some distress. Nervously, she glanced around.

Harry quickly shut his eyes, hoping she hadn't seen him watching her. When, after a while, there was no sound from her, he cautiously opened his eyes and peeked at her.

She was standing with her back to him, bending slightly and looking at something in her hands. Then, all at once, she straightened up, and without a backward glance, walked away into the forest. Something in her hand gleamed in the firelight before she disappeared among the trees.

Harry sat up again.

"Professor Lupin!" - but Lupin's sleeping bag was empty.

Harry frantically got up and pulled on his shoes. Feeling among his robes for his wand, he went dashing after Jeanne.

At first he thought he'd gone in the wrong direction, but then a movement caught his eye and he saw her. She was in a small clearing, created by a fallen tree which lay decaying on the ground. Moonlight dimly illuminated the area; Harry could see her clearly enough, including the long knife in her hands.

Harry's stomach lurched when he saw the knife. Where on earth was Lupin?

Jeanne seemed to hesitate a moment, then raised the knife, ready to plunge it into her chest. Harry clenched his hand on his wand. Now! He had to disarm her now! -

"Put the knife down."

Harry jumped. The voice had come somewhere from his right.

Jeanne whirled around, knife still raised in one hand.

Lupin stepped out into the clearing from behind a tree, his eyes never leaving her face.

"Put the knife down," he repeated.

She hesitated. Harry held his breath. The seconds ticked by. She was staring at Lupin, her eyes wide. Then, very slowly, she lowered the knife.

Lupin was walking toward her. He stopped in front of her, extending a hand.

"Give it to me, Jeanne," he said quietly.

She stood frozen, looking at him.

"Give the knife to me."

She looked at the knife, then at Lupin again. Harry was still holding his breath.

After what seemed a long time, she slowly reached her hand out, and gave the knife to Lupin.

Lupin took his wand out, gave the knife a tap, and it disappeared.

Jeanne had turned away. She was shaking slightly, one hand over her mouth. Lupin went up to her, looking concerned.

"Are you all right…?" he began.

She shook her head slightly, then started sobbing. Lupin gave a small exclamation, and then, with a curious expression on his face, gently took her into his arms.

She cried harder than ever. Harry stood where he was, unable to move. He couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from the scene before him.

Lupin let her cry a while. Then, when her sobbing had subsided somewhat, he looked over to where Harry was standing and said calmly, "Go back and get some sleep, Harry. I'll look after her."

Harry went.





When Harry woke up the next morning, he found both Lupin and Jeanne already up. Lupin looked his usual cheerful self, and smiled at Harry when he saw him. Jeanne looked subdued. She gave Harry a very small smile when he sat down next to her.

"Are you all right?" he asked. She looked as if she hadn't slept at all.

She shrugged, then nodded.

"Have some breakfast," said Lupin, passing him a plate.

"Thanks," said Harry.

They ate in silence. Jeanne ate self-consciously, fumbling with her knife and fork; she obviously hadn't used cutlery for a long time.

Dumbledore appeared just as they were finishing, together with Professor Bubcek.

"Here we are," he said briskly, smiling. "Jeanne, allow me to introduce Professor Oleg Bubcek. Oleg, this is Jeanne."

Bubcek, beaming, shook her hand. Harry winced, wondering if he'd used his iron grip on her; but she didn't seem to notice.

"Everything all right, Remus?" asked Dumbledore, glancing at Lupin.

Jeanne looked quickly at Lupin.

"More or less, Headmaster," replied Lupin, quietly.

"Very good," said Dumbledore. "And so, Jeanne," he said, taking her hand again, "have you thought about my proposal?"

"Yes," she said in a small voice. She looked rather nervous, because everyone's eyes were on her. "I've decided - I'll come to Hogwarts, if you'll still have me, that is."

"Yes!" said Harry. Lupin smiled at her, and Dumbledore was beaming like the sun.

"Excellent," he said. "We should make a move directly. Oleg," turning to Bubcek, "I'll be in touch."

"Of course, Albus," said Bubcek, shaking Dumbledore's hand vigorously. "I'm deeply indebted to you - we all are - "

"Not at all," said Dumbledore. Bubcek turned and shook hands with Lupin, and then Jeanne.

"Come back again, soon, Remus; there's always a place for you at the Institute. And the best of luck to you, miss." Then he turned to Harry.

Harry held out the amulet.

"Thank you for this, Professor."

"Ah, yes! I had almost forgotten," said Bubcek, with a rather guilty look at Lupin. "Useful little thing, isn't it?" He tucked the amulet away in his robes, then extended his hand.

Harry steeled himself.

"Come back again, soon, Harry," said Bubcek, crushing Harry's hand in his. "When you graduate from Hogwarts, you're always welcome at the Institute. Just send me an owl, anytime."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir," said Harry, retrieving his bruised hand hastily.

"We must be off, then," said Dumbledore.

Harry could see Professor Bubcek still waving as they disappeared in a whirl of light.


They were all back in Lupin's office. Harry could hardly believe the entire adventure had actually taken place - Dumbledore had somehow timed their journey so that they arrived back just after Harry had been swept into the vortex that had brought him to Kamchatka. It was as if they had never left.

Dumbledore came over to Jeanne and looked at her tired face.

"Jeanne, I know you are tired," he said quietly, "but it would be best if we were to have a meeting immediately, and explain everything to the other staff."

She looked at him, then nodded in agreement.

He looked at Lupin. "Remus, if you would help me gather the staff together…"

"Certainly, Headmaster." Lupin gave Harry and Jeanne a quick nod, and then vanished out the door.

Dumbledore turned to Harry.

"Harry, I would like you to attend the meeting as well. If you could bring Jeanne to the staff room…"

"Yes, sir," said Harry, looking at Jeanne. "Come on," he said, leading her through the door.

Jeanne seemed very tense as she followed Harry to the staff room. She stiffened every time they passed anyone along the way. At one point a group of ghosts came down the corridor, and she gasped when one of them passed through her.

She tried to smile when she saw Harry looking at her in concern, and apologised.

"I'm sorry I'm so uptight. It's just difficult…after so long in the cave…to come back to the normal world. I - I'm just not used to people any more…" She looked self-conscious as a group of prefects passed by, looking curiously at her. "Crowds of people tend to make me tense up," she added.

Harry tried to think of something comforting to say.

"There won't be that many people at the meeting, you know," he said. "Probably less than twenty." He saw from her face that to her, twenty was quite enough to constitute a crowd, and realised he had said the wrong thing.

"Most of the teachers are quite kind," he added hurriedly, but then thought of Snape. Snape was sure to be his usual nasty self, he thought. Aloud, he said, "Anyway, you're not alone…Professors Dumbledore and Lupin will be there, and me as well."

Jeanne nodded, but didn't look as if she felt any better.

They had reached the staff room. Harry knocked and entered. There was only one teacher inside; to Harry's dismay, it was Professor Snape.

Snape's eyes narrowed when he saw Harry, and then turned to stare at Jeanne.

"What do you want, Potter?" he asked coldly. "And who is this with you? I don't believe I have seen you before." He stared at Jeanne, frowning. She did not reply, but stared at the floor, wearing her usual sullen expression.

Harry said, "Professor Dumbledore's calling a staff meeting in this room. He said we were to attend," - indicating himself and Jeanne.

Snape looked as if he didn't believe Harry.

"I know of no such meeting," he said, and stared coldly at Jeanne again. "Who is she?"

"Professor Dumbledore will explain," said Harry shortly, trying not to be too rude. He didn't want to give Snape an excuse to remove more points from Gryffindor.

Snape continued to stare at Jeanne. She was staring at the floor, but all of a sudden, she lifted her head and stared coldly back at him.

Snape blinked. Harry held his breath. Jeanne continued to glare at Snape.

After what seemed like forever to Harry, Snape gave a small, cold smile and said smoothly, "Do I get the impression that something is wrong?"

Jeanne didn't even blink.

"Indeed there is," she said acidly, returning his stare. "I believe you are staring at me."

Snape opened his mouth to speak, but the staff room door suddenly opened and Professors Sprout, McGonagall and Flitwick came in. Harry drew a sigh of relief.

"Come on, Jeanne," he said, taking her arm and propelling her to the long table at the end of the room. The other teachers followed, looking at her curiously.

To Harry's annoyance, Snape took a seat right opposite Jeanne. She was wearing her sullen expression again. To Harry's relief, she was now ignoring Snape, and sat with her hands folded in her lap, staring at the floor.

The other teachers gradually filed in, including Professor Dumbledore. Looking around, he smiled at Jeanne and Harry, then asked, "where is Professor Lupin?"

"He said he was going to get Hagrid, Albus," said tiny Professor Flitwick.

"Ah, of course," said Dumbledore, looking at Jeanne. "We must definitely make Hagrid known to you, my dear."

"Albus, I don't suppose you would care to explain what this is all about?" inquired Professor McGonagall.

"In a while, Minerva," said Dumbledore, as Lupin came in with Hagrid, who beamed when he saw Harry, and then looked curiously at Jeanne.

"Apologies for the delay," said Lupin cheerfully, taking the seat next to Jeanne, so that she was sitting between him and Harry. Snape scowled.

"Not at all, Remus," replied Dumbledore. Then, looking around, he began to relate all the events that had taken place in Kamchatka. When it came to the part where they reached Deorg's fortress, he nodded at Harry.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Harry related how he had first met Jeanne. However, he made no mention of the mirror in the cave, or its gift. The expressions on the faces of the other teachers grew more and more amazed as he went on, and most were staring at Jeanne, who was still sitting sullenly and staring downwards.

When the tale was done, there was a silence. Hagrid's small eyes were wide, and he kept staring at Jeanne in fascination.


Then Snape spoke.

"An amazing tale, Headmaster," he said, his voice smooth and cold. "But much remains untold. What of this shape-shifter? We know nothing of her background. We do not even know her full name. True, she may have suffered much at the hands of Lord Deorg, but how do we know his Dark Arts have not rubbed off on her? Has she made known where her loyalties lie?"

Lupin looked as if he were about to say something, but to Harry's surprise, Jeanne spoke first.

"That is a fair question," she said quietly, looking at Snape. "If I am to become a member of this school, I believe I should make my story known. And you may feel free to question me."

She paused, looking rather nervous. She gave Lupin a quick glance, and he nodded encouragingly at her.

"First of all," she said, "my full name is Jeanne Graham."

There was a murmur of surprise. Jeanne, anticipating this, smiled slightly.

"Yes," she said, "I know I am Chinese - but let me explain: I was adopted as a child, by an English wizard and his wife, Charles and Maria Graham."

She paused, then continued.

"During my first few years with them, we lived in England. Then, when I was ten, we suddenly moved - fled, rather - to a small town near the Russian border with China.

"My foster parents never told me the reason we moved, but I believe now that they were fleeing from Lord Deorg. The town we lived in was so remote that there was no wizarding school nearby, so everything I learned about the magical arts was from my foster parents.

"We stayed there for seven years, then suddenly, we moved again. We began leading a nomadic existence, moving from town to town, changing our name in each one. I knew we were running from someone, but my parents refused to tell me who it was. I only knew that they were afraid - desperately afraid."

Her voice shook slightly. She steadied it, then continued.

"We moved from place to place for four years. We stayed near the Russia-China border all that time. It was better, you see - my foster mother was Russian, and my foster father spoke the language well enough to pass off as one too. And no one would be suspicious about me, because there was a large community of Chinese origin in the area, and it was not strange that a childless Russian couple adopt a Chinese child.

"However, there came a time when my father decided to move further away. It proved to be his undoing. We had not left the border region for two months when Deorg caught up with us."

She looked rather pale.

"He came upon us one night. I woke up on hearing my parents' screams. Before I could get up, he came to my room, and possessed me."

She paused, and glanced at Dumbledore.

"You know the rest. I was trapped in Deorg's fortress for the next few years, until...until the three of you came." She looked from Dumbledore to Lupin, then at Harry. Her eyes were suddenly very bright.

"I never thanked you for that," she said softly, looking at them. Her voice was shaking slightly again.

"There's no need," said Lupin soberly. Harry nodded in agreement. Dumbledore inclined his head toward her, his eyes kind.

There was a silence. Snape was still wearing his usual sardonic expression, but most of the staff were looking sympathetic. Harry saw two fat tears trickling down Hagrid's beard.

Dumbledore looked around.

"Are there any questions for Miss Graham?" he inquired.

For a moment, no one said anything. Harry looked at Snape. He was looking at Jeanne with narrowed eyes, but before he could say anything, Professor McGonagall spoke.

"Did you never know who your true parents were?"

"No," replied Jeanne. "My foster parents never told me. I don't even know my real surname."

She hesitated, then said, "I do know, from snatches of conversation I happened to overhear, that my foster parents must have persuaded my true parents to let them adopt me, because I was a shape-shifter. My foster father was aware that Deorg was looking for someone like me. It was his life's mission, I believe, to keep me away from Deorg."

She looked down, and murmured, half to herself, "but in the end - it was all in vain…"

There was a pause. Then, Dumbledore spoke.

"I met your foster father only once, long ago, Jeanne. A very reserved person, but regarded as an excellent teacher by all who knew him. He was a well-respected wizard, dedicating his life to fighting the agents of the Dark. You might think his a failed mission because he perished in the attempt and could not prevent Deorg from capturing you, but I think he won through in the end."

She looked at him.

"He taught you to choose between good and evil, instilled the right values in you," said Dumbledore. "How else could you have withstood Deorg's onslaught during those years? Deorg had difficulty even possessing you."

She flushed slightly. "Not difficult enough," she said slowly.

"A weaker soul would have broken, or been corrupted," said Dumbledore. "If Charles were here today, he would have been proud of you."

She sat very still, her face pale. Harry had the impression she was trying very hard not to cry. A tear rolled down one of her cheeks, and she swiftly brushed it away.

There was an awkward silence, and then Hagrid cleared his throat and spoke.

"I ain't got no quest'ns ter ask, miss, but I sure would like ter see yeh transform into somethin'. I'm awful fond of animals, an' it would be a real treat fer all of us."

"An excellent idea," said Snape coolly, looking at Jeanne. "A good test of whether any of Lord Deorg's dark magic has instilled itself in her."

Jeanne looked rather surprised, and glanced at Dumbledore.

"I don't believe there's any harm in that," said Dumbledore, looking at her with a twinkle in his eye. "Why don't you show Professor Snape here what you can do."

She thought for a moment, as if deciding which animal to transform into, then nodded. Rising from her seat, she walked over to the wall opposite where there was a large and empty space.

She stood, facing them, and raised her arms.

The lights in the room dimmed. Her shape was changing; she was growing taller, taller - almost as high as the ceiling. Scales covered her body, scaly wings were sprouting…

Harry heard Hagrid give an ecstatic cry. Looming high above them, the dragon glowed golden in the darkness of the room. Giving a loud cry, it raised its head and brought it down, a large stream of fire issuing from its mouth at Professor Snape.

Snape ducked his head down - but the fire was only an illusion.

Now the dragon was changing. Its body was narrowing, its scales enlarging and darkening, wings shrinking and disappearing. A huge, hooded serpent had taken its place, forked tongue tasting the air, wicked red eyes glowing eerily in the dark.

Harry shuddered, remembering the basilisk in the chamber of secrets.

The lights in the room gradually came on again. The serpent gave a menacing hiss, then began to shrink. Smaller and smaller it became, the black scales becoming feathers, its mouth narrowing into a sharp beak. An eagle was there, gazing at them with fierce eyes. Spreading its wings, it soared into the air with a piercing cry, swooping low over the table and making some of the teachers duck.

Then the eagle was plummeting down, changing form in the air as it fell. When it hit the ground, it had changed into a large badger.

The badger looked at them for a few seconds, its eyes bright, its expression friendly and inquisitive. Then it began to grow. Larger, larger…its fur changing to the colour of gold, its eyes becoming cat-like, its legs narrowing and lengthening.

The lioness towered over them, almost as tall as the dragon had been. Lifting its head, it let forth a roar so deafening Harry was sure every creature in Hogwarts could hear it.

Then in one fluid motion, the lioness was shrinking…its fur was vanishing…tail growing shorter and shorter…

And then only Jeanne was there, standing quietly in front of them, her face slightly flushed, her eyes bright.

There was a sudden stillness in the room. She stood there, rather nervously, aware that every eye in the room was on her. When she finally spoke, she sounded apologetic.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I know a male lion would have been more appropriate … but - it was just beyond my capabilities."

As if her voice had broken the spell, there was a swift murmur running around the table. Then Hagrid let out a loud whoop and started clapping loudly, not a few of the other teachers joining in.

"Wond'rful! Wond'rful!" shouted Hagrid happily. "That was some dragon, eh, Harry? It's like I have Norbert back ag'n…"

Professor Flitwick was clapping away excitedly; Lupin caught Jeanne's eye, and nodded and smiled at her, while Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling.

Harry looked at Snape. He was looking at Jeanne, his expression shrewd and calculating.

Jeanne walked back to her seat and sat shakily down. She looked slightly overcome by all the applause. Harry, still clapping, said, "that was our school crest, wasn't it? You ought to repeat it in front of the whole school!"

She looked appalled at the idea.

Presently the noise died down, and Dumbledore, looking at Snape, said, "Have you anything else to ask, Severus?"

Snape looked at Jeanne and his eyes glittered. She looked warily back at him.

"None, Headmaster," Snape said.

"Good," said Dumbledore. "If there are no objections, then, I shall appoint Miss Graham as assistant to Hagrid."

The other teachers nodded; Hagrid looked excited.

Dumbledore stood up, signalling that the meeting was over. Lupin rose too, and beckoned to Hagrid to come over, but Snape was already speaking to Jeanne.

"Miss Graham, I believe you do not know most of us," he said in his smooth, cold voice. "Allow me to introduce myself: Severus Snape, Potions Master of this school. And this is Professor McGonagall…"

He proceeded to introduce the other teachers to Jeanne. Harry watched, open-mouthed. Why was Snape suddenly being so nice to her?

Jeanne mechanically smiled, nodded, and shook hands. When nearly all had been introduced, Lupin came forward with Hagrid.

"And this, Jeanne, is Rubeus Hagrid, our gamekeeper," he said, smiling.

Hagrid came forward, all smiles.

"Lovely ter meet yeh, my dear. That was some lovely show yer put on for us. It'll be a pleasure, ter work with yeh…"

Leaving Hagrid and Jeanne to get acquainted, Lupin turned to Harry.

"Well, that should be it for tonight, Harry," he said, smiling. "You handled yourself very well in our little adventure. And now it's time for you to get back to your common room…Ron and Hermione must be wondering where you are."

"I didn't do anything - " Harry began, but was interrupted by Hagrid, who had come up with Jeanne.

"Time fer Jeanie ter take a rest, she looks really tired," he said to Lupin, one arm around Jeanne's shoulders. "No need ter start talkin' about work yet, we'll have plenty of time tomorrow…"

"What, it's already Jeanie, is it?" said Lupin, laughing, and looking at Jeanne, who was smiling and looking slightly embarrassed. They started discussing where she should put up for the night, and Harry, seeing they had forgotten he was there, decided to make a quiet exit.





"Harry, you are pulling our legs, aren't you?"

It was the fifth time Ron had asked that question. Harry gave a small sigh of exasperation. He was beginning to wonder if they would ever believe him.

The Gryffindor common room was empty now; everyone else had gone to bed. Only Harry, Ron and Hermione had stayed behind, it had taken Harry so long to tell his entire story.

Ron looked over to where Hermione was sitting, examining the bottle of stardust which had been the gift of the mirror in the cave.

"I mean, it's just way out…" he continued, "you were only gone for an hour or two. How could all that have happened - ?"

Hermione held the bottle up to the light. The dust inside shimmered like a collection of little stars.

"It's really pretty, Harry," she said, thoughtfully, "but I've seen bottles like this in Zonko's…you know, the powder they throw in the air when - "

"Oh, give it back!" said Harry crossly, taking the bottle away from her. "I simply shouldn't have said anything. Why on earth would I make it all up? You can ask Dumbledore, or Lupin, if you want!"

He got up to go, but as he walked round one of the armchairs, he tripped over something on the floor.

"Ouch!" squeaked the Something.

"Neville!" exclaimed Hermione, as Harry, muttering under his breath, got to his feet. "What are you doing, hiding on the floor down there?"

Neville Longbottom got slowly to his feet, his face very red.

Ron stood up, looking angry.

"You were eavesdropping on us, weren't you? I bet you heard everything Harry said!"

"I didn't mean to," said Neville, trembling slightly. "I was trying to read up on Potions" - he held up a rather tattered and stained textbook - "but I fell asleep. I only woke up when you came to this corner and started talking -"

"Why on earth didn't you get up and leave?" asked Ron, exasperated.

"I - I was half asleep at first - thought I was dreaming," stuttered Neville. "By the time I was fully awake, you were half way through - and I knew you'd be mad at me - "

"We are - " said Hermione.

"So you thought - " said Harry at the same time, "- that you could lie there till we went up to bed, and we'd never have known you were there!"

Neville looked like he might cry.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop," he blubbered. "I promise I won't tell a soul." He looked at Harry. "Anyway, all the stuff you said - it's not really true, - is it?"

Harry looked at the three of them.

"I've had enough!" he said, completely frustrated by now. "I'm going to bed!"

And he marched off toward the dormitory.

Harry didn't sleep well that night. He pretended he was asleep when Ron came up to bed, but later found himself staring into space, thinking about all that had happened.

It had been morning in Kamchatka when they had left, and he really wasn't sleepy. He got up and took out the bottle of stardust and looked at it, turning it around in his hands. He wondered which room Jeanne was in and what she was doing - probably sound asleep by now, he thought, she'd looked so tired.

He held the bottle up. The dust inside swirled and sparkled, and he had that curious feeling again that it was alive.

"What death has taken, will return to you." Could he ever bring his parents back?

He sighed, and put the bottle back in his trunk.

"It's just wishful thinking," he told himself sternly. "Don't try fooling yourself."

Still, it was some time before he fell asleep.


Harry didn't see Jeanne again until more than two weeks later. She didn't appear at breakfast in the Great Hall the next morning, but he had half expected that because of her fear of crowds. Her absence seemed to set the seal on Ron and Hermione's disbelief in the matter, although they were careful not to mention the subject in front on him.

At the end of the first week of school, they went down to Hagrid's for tea, but there was no sign of her.

"Giv'n her the other side of the grounds ter start with, it's better fer her, what not bein' used ter people an' all," said Hagrid, when Harry asked about her. "It's a shock fer her, no wonder, comin' back ter the real world after what she's bin through, not to mention she's more used ter Russian customs an' their way of livin', than what we have here."

"You mean, it's true?" said Ron, who had been listening, amazed. "Harry wasn't just pulling our leg?"

"'Course it's true!" said Hagrid, turning a fierce eye on him. He looked at Harry. "Yeh mean ter say these two didn' believe yer story, 'til now?"

Harry grinned at Ron and Hermione.

"If his story's all true, it's totally unfair," said Hermione indignantly. "We should have been allowed to go to Kamchatka as well."

"I just can't believe it!" said Ron, looking at Harry. "It's completely unfair, that we got left out."

Harry tried not to look smug.

"Just being in the right place at the right time," he said.

"I'd love to go to Russia," said Hermione dreamily. "Do you know, they have this really incredible tradition - "

"How fantastic, to be able to change into any animal you want," said Ron, not listening to Hermione. "I'd like to see her repeat what she did in the staff room."

"Yeh'll have ter wait," said Hagrid. "She's shy about meetin' the two of yer. Tol' her all about you three, o' course." He was taking out a dish of fudge as he was speaking.

Hermione looked at the fudge, and then nibbled some of it.

"This is good!" she said, looking rather astonished. "Hagrid, your cooking's really improving!"

Hagrid went red.

"Ain't mine, actually," he said, looking slightly guilty. "Jeanie did it. Said it's easier fer her ter do the food, what with her bein' able ter do magic an' all, inst'd of me doin' it the other way."

"You mean, she's cooking for you?" said Harry incredulously. "I didn't think that was part of her job."

Hagrid went even redder.

"Tol' her that, but she said she migh' as well, seein' she's takin' her meals here an' all."

"No wonder we never see her in the Hall," said Harry, trying some of the fudge.


Hermione looked around Hagrid's hut. It looked a great deal tidier than usual.

"She's been cleaning up for you as well, I see," she said. "Is she staying here with you?"

Hagrid blushed red as a beet.

"'Course not," he said heatedly. "She's got a room in the castle. Dumbledore wants ter keep an eye on her…if she stay'd out, he's afraid she might go runnin' wild, an' that Deorg fellow could catch her an' we might not know fer weeks."

Ron grinned.

"Cooks for you…cleans for you…at this rate, Hagrid, you might as well marry her," he said. "Besides, you said you always wanted to have your own dragon. If she's a shape-shifter, I bet she could turn into a dragon for you."

Harry could see that Hagrid couldn't take much more of the teasing, so he tried to tactfully change the subject.

"How is she, anyway?" he asked. "Is the work all right for her?"

Hagrid looked enthusiastic.

"Couldn' be better," he said, his eyes crinkling into a smile. "She can talk to any an'mal, an' they can talk back to her. Blimey, wish I could do that." He looked wistful.

Harry was surprised.

"I didn't know she could do that," he said.

"Didn' yer?" said Hagrid. "Makes sense, doesn' it? After all, if she can change into an animal, sure she ought ter know some of their language."

Harry had never thought about that.

"Talk'd ter Fang here, firs' thing when she came here," Hagrid continued.

"Really?" said Harry, interested. "What did Fang tell her?"

Hagrid suddenly looked rather crestfallen.

"Said ter tell me, he didn't like my cookin' very much," he said mournfully.


Harry and the others finally met Jeanne the following week. Hagrid had insisted she stay to tea when they came.

She was looking slightly more relaxed now, and was still clad in forest colours, green and brown. Harry had thought she might have conjured some robes for herself by now, but as Hagrid didn't wear robes, she evidently felt that as his assistant, she should follow suit. She had cut off some of her hair and braided the rest, twisting it up behind her head. They found her preparing tea when they arrived, wearing her usual slightly sullen expression; but she smiled when she saw Harry.

"Hi, Harry," she said.

"This is Ron, and this is Hermione," said Harry, hoping they would get along.

Jeanne seemed relaxed enough; she smiled and shook hands with them, and then Crookshanks, whom Hermione had brought along in anticipation of meeting Jeanne, bounded into her lap.

Jeanne was about to say something, when a small blur of feathers flew into the room and landed on her shoulder.

Ron was round-eyed.

"That's my owl!" he said to Jeanne.

"Yes, I know," she said, laughing. She turned to look at Pigwidgeon, who was hooting away excitedly. "He has been visiting me rather often. He tells me a lot of things."

"What things?" asked Ron, eyes even rounder.

She listened to the owl's hooting a while.

"He says, this morning you got up late for breakfast…and your mother sent you a letter…and some sweets also…" She paused, still listening to the tiny owl, "…and he says will you please not put so much sugar in your cornflakes, he prefers it plain…"

Ron was listening, open-mouthed.

Hermione looked excited.

"What about me?" she squeaked. "Does Crookshanks have anything to say?"

Jeanne looked at Crookshanks, who was still sitting in her lap. Crookshanks lifted his squashed face to look at her.

Jeanne said something in a strange language, but Crookshanks made no sound. Instead, he just stared steadily at Jeanne.

Jeanne stared back silently for a while, then smiled.

"He says you're an excellent mistress, only sometimes you study too hard," she said to Hermione. "And he likes sleeping on your bed with you. He thinks you smell nice."

Hermione blushed and beamed.

"But Crookshanks didn't say anything," Harry objected.

"He said it with his mind," Jeanne explained.

"You can read his mind?" asked Hermione, breathlessly.

"That's how most animals communicate," explained Jeanne. "They each have their own language, but there's also a common language which all of them understand. And they have to do it by telepathy, because their mouths are all shaped differently, and not all of them are capable of producing the right sounds."

Ron looked confused, but Hermione looked fascinated.

"But you understand both," said Harry.

She nodded.

Ron was looking rather jealous.

"He seems to have a lot to say to you," he said to Jeanne, nodding at Pigwidgeon.

"That's because he talks about you all the time," she said. "He's terribly proud that he belongs to you. He says so quite often."

Ron's face brightened when he heard this.

Altogether, Harry felt the tea-party went off quite well.

"I should have brought Hedwig along," he said to Jeanne, when they were leaving. "It would have been interesting to see what she might have to say about me."

Jeanne laughed.

"I've already spoken to her," she said, "and she didn't say a lot."

"Oh," said Harry, feeling rather disappointed.

Jeanne grinned at him.

"She just puffed out her chest, and looked very proud, and said, 'I'm Harry Potter's owl.' And that more or less said everything." 





They were about one month into the school year when Jeanne suddenly started attending Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures classes.

Ever since the affair with Buckbeak, in Harry's third year, Hagrid had been too afraid to involve any large animals in his classes, devoting most of his time to the more harmless (but boring) flobberworms and salamanders. So the class was astonished when, one day, Hagrid announced that they would be learning about Thylacinths.

"Bit of a shock ter look at, if yeh haven't seen one before," said Hagrid to the class, before leading them to the enclosure. "Basically has two heads, a horse's head at one end an' a wolf's head at the other."

There were murmurs of surprise when the students heard this. It sounded totally bizarre.

"Thylacinths are as good as horses, run as fast, an' the wolf at one end makes fer good protection, a lot o' predators think twice about chasin' yeh when there's a wolf starin' at yeh in the face," continued Hagrid. "The wolf part ain't nothin' ter worry about, if yeh know how ter handle Hippogriffs, just bow to them same, that should do the trick." Hagrid was carefully avoiding Draco Malfoy's eye as he said this.

Despite having heard Hagrid's description, most of them had a shock when they actually saw the animals themselves. They were basically horses, each with a wolf's head at the rear end of its body. Neville turned pale when he saw them.

"Look!" said Hermione, "Look who's there, Harry, it's Jeanne!"

Jeanne was quietly standing at one end of the pen. She waved when she saw the three of them.

Neville looked startled when he saw Jeanne.

"You mean, it's true?" he said to Harry. "Is she the one - did she really - "

"She's just like any normal person, Neville," said Ron, impatiently. "I can assure you, she's much more human than Snape, for one thing."

Neville trembled. He was terrified of Professor Snape.

The class gathered near the pen, looking curiously at the Thylacinths. Hagrid seemed a lot more confident now that Jeanne was there.

"Everyone, this is my new assistant, Jeanne," announced Hagrid. "She'll be helpin' all of yeh if there's any problem."

Jeanne merely nodded vaguely at the class.

It was quite simple, actually. Each student had to make friends with the wolf end of the Thylacinth - by bowing to it - before mounting the animal and riding once around the pen.

"You talked Hagrid into this, didn't you?" said Harry to Jeanne, as he waited for Hermione to finish her turn.

"Sort of," she replied. "I've been watching some of the classes. I told him the students wouldn't have obtained a proper education if they'd learned about nothing more than flobberworms when they graduate from Hogwarts."

"You were watching?" said Harry. "We never saw you."

"I was sitting in that tree," she said, smiling and pointing.

"Anyway," she went on, "Hagrid's been pestering me to interact with more people. He says I can't just keep to myself all the time. So we made a bargain : I'll help him out here, and he shall introduce some more interesting animals."

Hermione came galloping up on her Thylacinth.

"Your turn, Harry."


When Harry had finished riding his Thylacinth, he and Ron and Hermione went over to a quiet spot to wait for the others to finish. To their surprise, they found Neville there, hiding in the bushes.

"What's up, Neville?" asked Hermione in astonishment. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not going," he whispered, staring in fascinated horror at the Thylacinths.

"It's really nothing, Neville," said Harry. "You just bow at the wolf-end, and when it nods back, you can mount the horse and ride one round. That's it."

Neville did not seem convinced.

"I've got a phobia about wolves," he said.

They looked at him in surprise.

"I visited my Aunt Nell's during the holidays," said Neville, his voice shaking slightly. "She likes animals as much as Hagrid does. Anyway, this time she had a huge black wolf in her yard. She'd taken it in because it had a wounded paw."

Neville gulped.

"It got out of the pen one day," he continued. "Came snarling after me and jumped right on me." His voice ended in a frightened squeak. "Aunt Nell got it off me, but I keep having nightmares about it - I keep seeing its eyes staring at me…"

"Scared of wolves now, eh, Longbottom?" said a drawling voice from behind them. "Thought you'd have been scared long ago, with a werewolf teaching us and all."

Draco Malfoy had been listening from behind. He was smiling slyly, Crabbe and Goyle flanking him as usual.

"What did you say, Malfoy?" said Harry angrily, coming forward.

"Ooh, angry, aren't we, Potter," drawled Malfoy, "but of course you'd stick up for the werewolf, you're teacher's pet, aren't you, and besides, he's the kind you hang out with, walking around in rags, as poverty-stricken as Weasley here…"

He stopped, as a shadow fell across them. Jeanne had come up quietly, and had overheard.

"What did you say, Mr Malfoy?" she asked, in a dangerously quiet tone.

Malfoy looked at her, his eyes narrowing.

"M-Malfoy, you sh-shut up about Professor Lupin," said Neville suddenly. "He's one of the best teachers in this school."

"Sticking up for the werewolf, Longbottom?" sneered Malfoy. "All because he taught you how to dress a Boggart up in a hat and handbag. You'd think, if he could do that, he might as well spare himself wandering around in those rags of his - "

He stopped, because Jeanne had come right up to him. She said nothing, but reached a hand out and grabbed the front of Malfoy's robes, lifting him into the air.

Crabbe and Goyle came forward, but she made a small motion with the other hand, and they both keeled over and went to sleep.

Malfoy was choking slightly. Jeanne brought her face close to him, and said softly, "Not afraid of werewolves, are you, Mr Malfoy? I'll show you something you might be afraid of."

Malfoy's eyes suddenly widened in horror, as if he could see something the rest couldn't. He turned very white, and then went slightly green, and started trembling.

Jeanne brought her face very close to his.

"Professor Lupin is an old friend of mine, Mr Malfoy," she said, in a quiet, deadly voice. "Don't you ever, ever insult him in front of me…or I will make you very, very sorry, indeed."

Malfoy was sweating now. He nodded his head desperately.

Jeanne removed her hand, and he fell to the ground in a heap. She walked away without a second look at him.

"What's your name - Mr Longbottom? - you haven't had your turn yet," she called to Neville. "Time's almost up."

Neville looked terrified.

"Come on, Neville," said Harry, "Don't be afraid. We'll come with you."

Ron and Hermione had been watching Malfoy, who was still looking slightly green. They turned around when they heard Harry, and ran forward to join him and Neville.

"Wonder what she showed him," muttered Ron to Harry, as Hermione led Neville by the arm to the pen.

Harry looked back. Malfoy seemed to have recovered, and was kicking Crabbe and Goyle awake.

"What did she mean, Lupin is an old friend?" he said, puzzled. "She only met him a month ago."


Neville was the last to go. Hagrid dismissed the other students, and took his own leave, since he had to rush off to see Professor Dumbledore about something.

"All right, Neville, just bow to the wolf," said Jeanne.

Neville stood as if petrified, gazing in horror at the wolf-head, which looked at him and growled.

Jeanne said something to the wolf.

"You musn't be afraid," she said gently to Neville. "He can smell your fear."

"I'm scared of wolves," moaned Neville.

The wolf growled again. Neville uttered a frightened squeak, and turned and ran - straight into another Thylacinth behind him.

The horse-end of the Thylacinth had been grazing, and Neville ran right into the horse's head. It let out a snort, wheeled around, and gently kicked Neville in the stomach.

Neville crumpled up on the ground, his face white. Jeanne gave a cry of dismay, and ran up to him, together with Harry and the others.

Neville was groaning. The others watched fearfully as Jeanne examined him.

"He'll be all right," she said, after a while. "The Thylacinth didn't kick him very hard - it was more like a friendly warning. As a rule, they're fairly gentle animals."

She looked at Neville. "Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey."


Neville didn't stay long with Madam Pomfrey, but he was very subdued for the rest of the day. When Hermione asked him if he was all right, he looked rather distressed.

"I've got to meet Miss Graham later this evening," he said dismally. "She said she'd do a make-up class with me."

Harry listened in surprise.

"Please come with me," Neville begged. "I don't want to be alone with her, and all those wolves."

So, that evening, the four of them trooped downstairs to the castle entrance.

Unfortunately, they met Professor Snape on the way. His eyes narrowed when he saw them, and a sneering smile curled his lips.

"Where do you think you're going?" he said, his eyes glittering. "Students are not supposed to be wandering around at this time."


Neville looked too frightened to speak.

"Please, sir, we have a makeup class for Care of Magical Creatures, with Miss Graham," said Hermione in a rush.

Snape stared disbelievingly at them.

"With Miss Graham?" His lip curled. "I believe it is Rubeus Hagrid who is in charge of Care of Magical Creatures."

"Miss Graham is helping him," said Ron, quickly. "She just started today."

Snape looked at them, as if considering.

"Very well," he snapped. "But if I find out otherwise, it'll be fifty points from Gryffindor for each of you."

He turned, and stalked away.


"Actually, I'm surprised he let us off so easily," said Hermione, as they hurried toward Hagrid's hut.

Harry thought so, too.

"Maybe it's because of Jeanne," he said. "He was almost nice to her, later that night, in the staff room.

"You mean, he has the hots for Jeanne?" said Ron, with a snort of laughter. "That would be the most bizarre thing I ever heard…Snape isn't capable of any human emotion!"

They found Jeanne waiting at the enclosure. She looked surprised to see so many of them.

"We came to give Neville moral support," explained Harry.

"But where are the Thylacinths?" asked Hermione, looking around the empty pen.

"Right here," said Jeanne, smiling, and indicating herself. "I can transform into one, and Neville knows I won't hurt him, don't you, Neville?"

Neville gaped at her, wide-eyed.

"I think we'll start with wolves first, since that's the main problem," Jeanne went on. "Neville, I'm going to change into a very small wolf first. Then, when you're all right with that, we'll slowly work our way up to a bigger one. How about that?"

Neville's eyes were large, but he nodded.

Jeanne raised her arms, and began to shrink. Smaller and smaller…fur was growing on her skin…

A little wolf cub had appeared. It frisked and frolicked around, letting its tongue loll out, and smiling at Neville.

Ron was watching, open-mouthed. Hermione squealed in delight.

"Oh, it's so cute! Oh Neville, you can't be scared…it's so adorable…stroke it, like this - " she demonstrated.

Neville looked petrified for a moment, then, since the wolf cub seemed harmless, cautiously tried to pet it.

The wolf cub got all excited, and licked Neville on the face.

"It's wet!" exclaimed Neville, wiping his face. The others laughed.

The cub growled suddenly. Neville squeaked in fear, and backed away.

The cub frisked about again, running at Neville and nipping at his robes.

"Hey, stop that!" he cried. "Naughty wolf! These robes are new…"

The cub worried the robes, then growled.

"Gran will kill me," moaned Neville, ignoring the growls, and looking at his robes. "You dumb wolf…"

The wolf cub cocked its head to one side and looked at Neville. Then, suddenly, it swelled, and grew slightly larger.

Neville backed away hurriedly.

The now slightly larger wolf cub bounded forward and worried at Neville's robes again, licking his face when he bent down to free himself.

"That's right, Neville, pat it," called Hermione encouragingly.

"He - he's not so bad, - is he?" panted Neville.

The wolf cub stopped its frisking, and looked at Neville.

"Er, - I mean, she," said Neville hurriedly.

The wolf kept growing gradually, frisking about and playing with Neville until he got used to it. Before they knew it, it had become a full-grown she-wolf.

"She's an awfully pretty wolf," remarked Hermione, looking at the silvery-grey fur and neat paws.

"She is, actually," said Neville, as the wolf licked his face. It then growled suddenly.

"Oh, no, you don't," said Neville to the growling wolf, "I'm used to your tricks, by now."

And suddenly, the wolf was gone. Jeanne was there, instead, smiling.

"Very good, Neville," she said, looking pleased. "Very good, indeed. Now, we can start on Thylacinths."

Neville looked rather apprehensive, but Jeanne said, "It's only me, Neville. I wouldn't hurt you, would I?"

Neville shook his head, looking calmer.

Jeanne raised her arms, and transformed into a Thylacinth. Neville took a step back.

"Look at the wolf's head, Neville, it's the same she-wolf," called Harry.

Indeed it was. The she-wolf's head was looking at Neville, who after a moment's hesitation, approached it slowly. When he was a few feet from it, he suddenly froze.

"Bow to it, Neville!" shouted Ron.

The wolf's tongue lolled out in a smile. Though it didn't seem possible, Harry was sure the wolf had just winked at Neville.

Neville looked at it in amazement. Then, lowering his head, he bowed to the wolf.

The wolf's head nodded back gravely. Then, the horse-end gave a little whinney, and the animal obligingly lowered itself so that Neville could mount it.

"You've done it, Neville!" Harry shouted, as the Thylacinth trotted off, with Neville clinging to its back, a look of disbelief on his face.

They watched as the two galloped around the enclosure. When they returned, Neville's round cheeks were flushed, and there was a broad grin on his face.

Harry, Ron and Hermione applauded as he dismounted. Then, the Thylacinth was gone, and only Jeanne was there.

"That was great!" cried Neville, panting. "I did it! I really did it!"

Jeanne was smiling and looking pleased.

"Yes, you did, Neville," she said warmly. "You did very well, indeed."

"Let's try again, with a fiercer wolf this time!" Neville cried enthusiastically.

She smiled, but shook her head.

"That's enough for today," she replied. "I don't want you to be too familiar with wolves; they are, after all, still dangerous creatures. If you were to meet one outside, you'd better remember that you should run for it."

Neville was still grinning away, as they walked back to the castle.


Harry couldn't sleep. He sat up in bed, and after a while got out and walked over to the water jug to get a drink, then stood at the window, looking out. It was a beautiful night; the moonlight came streaming in the open window, casting sharp, black shadows about the room.

A movement in the distance caught Harry's eye. There, down by the lake, he could vaguely see two figures.

The figures disappeared behind some trees, then reappeared. Harry strained his eyes. They were some kind of animal, running in unison along the lakeside. They stopped at one point, and raised their heads, as if looking at the moon, then turned and trotted into the forest nearby.

"They look like dogs," thought Harry. Could one of them be Fang? Perhaps Hagrid had obtained a new dog.

He waited a while, but the dogs did not reappear. Finally, Harry went back to bed.


They had just reached the portrait of the Fat Lady when it swung open and Neville came out. He was carrying a pile of books.

"What are you doing, Neville?" asked Hermione. "You're not going to the library at this time, are you?"

To their surprise, Neville blushed.

"I'm going to see Miss Graham," he said, his face red as a beet. "She - she said she was willing to help me with some of our homework."

Ron looked surprised.

"Jeanne offered to give you private tuition?"

"Actually - actually I asked her," Neville said, blushing even redder. "Well, I got to go. See you!" and he trotted off.

They looked at each other.

"Looks like Hagrid has competition," said Ron.


Harry turned to go in a hurry, and bumped into someone.

"Oh! Sorry -"

It was Jeanne. She was holding a thick pile of books.

"Jeanne!" said Harry. "What are you doing here?"

She smiled at them.

"I've been helping Neville with some of his homework," she said, "but I'm not very strong on Potions myself. So I'm just brushing up on it a bit."

"A bit?" said Ron. "You're taking half the library out with you!"

"Perhaps I could be of assistance," said a cold voice behind them.

They turned around. It was Snape.

He came forward, hook-nosed and unsmiling, ignoring the others, and looking at Jeanne.

"Should you require any assistance in this subject, Miss Graham, I should be most willing to help," he said smoothly. "You know where my office is, of course."

Jeanne looked rather pale. She stared at him for a moment before replying.

"Why - that would be very kind of you, Severus," she said politely. "Thank you for offering."

"Not at all," said Snape. He gave her a curt nod, and strode off, his robes billowing behind him.

Jeanne stared after him, her eyes wide.

"Move along there, why are you all blocking the way?" called another sharp voice.

They turned. It was Madam Pince, the librarian.

Jeanne recovered her composure.

"I have to borrow these," she said, hurrying to the counter. "I'll see you people later."





November had arrived, and the Quidditch season had started. The first match would see Slytherin playing against Hufflepuff. Harry, who had been held up because Professor Binns had wanted to see him about an essay, found himself running as fast as he could to get to the match on time.

He was passing the Charms classroom when he heard the words.

" - Sirius Black - "

Harry screeched to a stop. Had he heard wrongly? He tiptoed quietly back to the door of the Charms classroom.

"- wants to see us in Hogsmeade, I don't know why there's all this secrecy."

"But we'll miss the Quidditch match!"

Professors Flitwick and McGonagall were inside the classroom, talking. Harry looked quickly down the corridor, but there was no one to see him eavesdropping. He moved closer to listen.

"Fudge says there's something important about Black that he wants to discuss with us," Professor McGonagall was saying. "It has something to do with capturing him, I believe. He purposely chose today because everyone else will be at the match."

"Who else is going?" asked Flitwick.

"Only Albus," replied Professor McGonagall. "He didn't want too many teachers absent from the match, or people will notice."

"Where are we meeting?" asked Flitwick.

"The Three Broomsticks, at one o'clock," she replied.

Harry could hear them walking toward the door, and hastily tiptoed to the next classroom, which fortunately was empty. He waited until their footsteps had died away, then slowly started walking back toward the Gryffindor common room, thinking.

They were having a meeting to discuss Sirius Black! What could it be about? Was Sirius in danger of being captured? Should Harry not try to find out, and warn him?

Harry made up his mind. Much as he hated to, he'd have to miss the Quidditch. There was no knowing how long the match would take, and it would look very odd if he left halfway.

The common room was deserted - everyone had gone to the match. Harry went up to the bedroom and took the Invisibility Cloak out of his trunk. Feeling inside his robes for his wand, he went to the level where the hump-backed witch was.

"Dissendium," he muttered, tapping with his wand. Then he slipped inside the secret passageway, and made his way toward Hogsmeade.

He put on the Cloak when he reached Honeydukes, and then wandered around aimlessly for a while. It was too early to go to the Three Broomsticks - there was at least another hour to go. He found himself wandering near the Shrieking Shack, and sat down under a tree.

Harry found himself waking up with a start. It was starting to rain. Cursing himself for falling asleep, he saw to his horror, that it was almost four. How could he have slept so long?

The rain was becoming heavier. Still under his Invisibility Cloak, Harry ran to the first shop with an open door that he could find - a jewellery and antique shop - but he had hardly entered it when he stopped short in surprise.

Professor Lupin was at the counter, talking to the shopkeeper.

" - haven't seen you for a long time, Remus, how about a cup of tea, she'll be taking some time to look around anyway, the ladies always do," the shopkeeper was saying.

"Not this lady," said Lupin, turning around and looking with an amused smile into the interior of the shop. "I haven't been able to get her to buy anything, all day."

Harry's eyes followed Lupin's gaze, and he started in surprise. A dark-haired lady was inside the shop, looking around. She looked like Jeanne.

The wind blew in great gusts, and some rain pattered in at the door.

"Excuse me a moment," said the shopkeeper, and to Harry's chagrin, walked over to the door and shut it, the doorchimes sounding in protest. How was he to get out now?

The rain was pouring down in torrents. Holding the Cloak firmly over his head, Harry retreated into a corner of the shop, hoping the rain would lighten up soon and that the shopkeeper would open the door again. He watched Jeanne with some interest. What were she and Lupin doing here?

She was wandering from counter to counter, looking at the bracelets and rings in a rather bored manner. However, her expression became more interested when she came over to the section where Harry was. She stopped to examine a tea set.

Harry looked around. There was a sign near him saying, "Starlight Section". He peered at some of the ornaments in the glass case next to him. They had a faint glimmer to them, like starshine. It reminded him of the frame of the mirror in the cave at Deorg's fortress.

Jeanne had finished examining the tea set. She came over to where Harry was, and he squeezed himself as far into the corner as he could, hoping she wouldn't bump into him.

She looked around in a rather idle fashion, then seemed about to leave, but then something caught her eye. Her eyes widened, and reaching out, she took down a small pendant from the counter just next to Harry.

Harry crept slightly closer and peered curiously at the pendant. It was silver in colour, and sparkled with the same starry quality as the other items in that section. He looked closer. There was something carved on the surface of the pendant, but he couldn't make out what it was.

Harry could see that Jeanne liked the pendant. There was a softness in her eyes, and the colour in her cheeks had risen slightly. She turned it around in her hands, as if looking for the price tag, but there was none.

She checked the price tags on some of the other pendants, then shook her head. With a small sigh, she took up the first pendant again and just stood there, admiring it.

A movement caught Harry's eye. Professor Lupin had come up from behind. A strange expression came over his face when he saw the pendant.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

Jeanne jumped.

"Oh!" she said, " I didn't know you were there."

"Sorry," he said, smiling.

She put the pendant back in its place.

"Aren't you going to get it?" Lupin asked, surprised. "You haven't bought a thing, all afternoon."

Her face reddened.

"Oh - I know you must think I'm really boring," she said, flushing, "but I don't really need anything. Since I got away from Deorg and came to Hogwarts, I've got everything I want."

"You like that, though," said Lupin, smiling at her, and nodding at the pendant.

She turned to look at it.

"I do like it," she admitted. "But - " she seemed to be looking for an excuse, "- I'll wait till next month. Dumbledore hasn't given me this month's salary, yet."

"Oh, that's all right," said Lupin cheerfully, reaching into his pocket. "I'll get it for you."

"Oh, no!" she cried, looking alarmed. "I didn't mean that! Please don't."

She looked at him with a rather peculiar expression on her face.

"It's - it's not the right time for me to get it, yet," she said, stammering slightly.

Lupin looked puzzled.

"Right now everything's still new and exciting for me," she explained hurriedly. Harry had the impression she was saying the first thing that popped into her head. "I'm still enjoying being at Hogwarts, and my gamekeeping work, and helping Hagrid with his classes - it's all still interesting to me."

She looked earnestly at Lupin.

"I think - I'd like to save getting the pendant for - for later, when some of the novelty has worn off, and I want to treat myself to something new."

"But the pendant might not be here, any more," objected Lupin. "Someone else might buy it."

"If I'm meant to have it, it'll still be here," she said decidedly. "That's what I always say when I can't decide whether to buy something. Oh, look - the rain's stopped. We ought to go."

She seemed to be in a hurry to get him out of the shop. Before Harry could move, they had left, the doorchimes sounding as the door swung shut. He was thinking of creeping to the door, and slipping out when the next customer came in, but now the shopkeeper had come over to the corner where he was, and was blocking his way.

Harry looked at him curiously. He seemed very old, with a hawk-like face framed by snow-white hair. His eyes were blue and very penetrating, but they looked kindly enough. He was examining the pendant that Jeanne had just put back, turning it around in his hands and looking thoughtful.

The door-chimes rang again. Professor Lupin had come back alone.

The shopkeeper turned around and smiled at Lupin.

"I know why you're back," he said, holding the pendant up with both hands.

"How much is it?" asked Lupin warily, his hand fingering his pocket.

The shopkeeper was still smiling.

"For you, Remus, and if it's for her, why, it'll cost you nothing."

Lupin flushed slightly.

"Mr Grenivere - " he began, but the shopkeeper held up a hand.

"This pendant was never for sale, Remus," he said. "It has been sitting here in my shop for years, waiting for you to come and get it."

Lupin looked dumbfounded.

"What do you mean?" he asked slowly.

The shopkeeper was taking a small box out from a nearby cupboard.

"Exactly what I say," he said, placing the pendant inside the box, "this pendant was one of several items given into my keeping, almost thirteen years ago, so that I could hand it over to you, today."

Lupin looked at him in disbelief.

"Thirteen years ago? Given into your keeping? But - who - ?"

Mr Grenivere had pressed the box into Lupin's hand, and was now steering him toward the door. Harry, seeing this was his chance, followed close behind.

"Who gave it to me, Remus?" said Grenivere, looking at Lupin with his piercing blue eyes, and smiling, "but who else knew how to craft items of this type of quality? Your grandfather, of course."

And smiling at Lupin's astonishment, Grenivere gently pushed him out the door, and shut it.

Harry had just managed to squeeze out in time. He hesitated, wondering where to go. He knew he ought to go to the Three Broomsticks, but the meeting was probably over by now. Besides, he was curious to see Jeanne's reaction when Lupin gave her the pendant.

Lupin stood outside the shop for a moment, still looking at the box in his hand. Then he tucked it inside his robes and started down the street, Harry following close behind.

He followed Lupin into a shop over which hung a sign saying"Wanda's Witches' Wardrobe". Lupin paused on entering, Harry nearly bumping into him. Looking around the store, Harry saw rows and rows of robes in all colours, seemingly stretching to the horizon. The shop was almost empty, except for a customer in the middle of the room, trying on some blue robes, helped by a fat little witch - possibly Wanda herself - and a tall, thin witch in another corner, rummaging through a box of woollens. There was no sign of Jeanne.

Lupin wandered around a bit, frowning, then since Jeanne obviously wasn't around, he turned to speak to the blue-clad lady, who had been standing there for some time, smiling and watching him.

"Excuse me, have you seen - " he began, and then stopped short, looking thunderstruck.

Jeanne was wearing the blue robes. She looked at Lupin's face, and then burst out laughing. Harry was amazed; he could hardly recognise her.

The robes were deep blue, like the colour of the sky when evening was coming on. Simple in style, they were of long, flowing satin, and they became her very well. She had tied her hair back in a ponytail.

Lupin was looking at her in amazement.

"I wouldn't have known it was you," he said, shaking his head, and smiling in disbelief.

She was still laughing, but controlled herself after a while.

"Dear, dear, how am I behaving," she said, wiping a tear away, and still shaking slightly with mirth. She looked down at the robes. "I guess I'd better return this, now."

"What, aren't you going to get it?" asked Lupin.

"Oh no, I've bought enough for today," she said brightly, for the benefit of the fat little saleswitch. She walked through a doorframe labelled "fitting frame", going in on one side wearing the robes, and coming out on the other side in her own clothes. The blue robes, meanwhile, had mysteriously materialised on a nearby stand.

"And besides," she added in a low voice, as they started toward the entrance of the shop, "what on earth would I do with such a thing? I don't go out to balls, I don't -"

What else she didn't do Harry never knew, because at that moment a piercing scream rang out in his ears. It was the fat little saleswitch; she had walked right into Harry from the back.

Harry stumbled away, and the Cloak became caught on a nearby rack. It came clean off, and he was left standing there, looking extremely guilty, with Jeanne and Lupin looking at him in amazement.

"Harry! What are you doing here!" cried Jeanne, half-surprised, half-delighted.

Harry, however, didn't dare look at Professor Lupin. He extricated his Cloak from the rack and stuffed it inside his robes, and then stood there, staring at the floor, feeling extremely foolish.

They came over to him. Harry, slowly lifting his eyes, saw that Lupin was looking stern.

"Explain yourself, Harry," he said.

There was no help for it.

"The Minister of Magic was supposed to be holding a meeting in the Three Broomsticks," he mumbled, staring at the floor, "to discuss capturing Sirius Black. I overheard Professors McGonagall and Flitwick talking about it."

"And so, you decided to come along and do a little eavesdropping," said Lupin evenly.

Harry nodded glumly, still looking at the floor.

"But I got here early and fell asleep at the Shrieking Shack," he said dismally. "I woke up when it started to rain, and then ran here for shelter."

"I see," said Lupin drily.

Harry cautiously looked up. Jeanne was looking sympathetic, but Lupin was looking seriously at him.

"Well, you know the rules, Harry," Lupin said, "I am afraid I will have to take fifty points from Gryffindor."

Harry nodded. He knew he was getting off lightly; if it had been Snape, he would have tried to get Harry expelled.

"And now, I think you'd better follow us back to Hogwarts, where we can keep an eye on you," said Lupin firmly.

Jeanne gave his shoulder a sympathetic squeeze and said, "Come on, Harry."

Unfortunately, they had barely stepped out of the shop when who should they meet, but Professors Flitwick and McGonagall. Harry's heart sank.

"Potter!" said Professor McGonagall sharply, "what are you doing here?"

"Harry's with me, Professor," said Jeanne quickly. "I asked him to show me around Hogsmeade - it's my first time here, you see… I didn't know it was against school rules…I thought today was a free day…because of the Quidditch…."

"And I presume he didn't bother to enlighten you," remarked Professor McGonagall drily. "Well, Potter, you will have to be punished."

"It's all right, Minerva," said Lupin, "I've already taken fifty points from Gryffindor."

"But how come you're here, Remus!" chirped Professor Flitwick. "Didn't you stay for the Quidditch?"

"I had some business in Hogsmeade that wouldn't wait," said Lupin blandly.

Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow.

"Oh?" she said, looking up at the signboard of the shop they had just come out of, "inside Wanda's Witches' Wardrobe? How curious - "

"Professor Lupin was just passing by when he saw us inside," explained Jeanne hurriedly. "He came in to find out why Harry was here."

Lupin turned his head away, as if to see who was coming down the street. Harry felt sure he was smiling.

"Well, we're just on our way to the Three Broomsticks for a drink," piped up Professor Flitwick. "Why don't you join us?"

"Yes, and then you're coming back with me, Potter," said Professor McGonagall grimly. "No more outings for you."

They started off down the street.

"One also wonders what the both of you are doing in Hogsmeade," said Lupin, casually.

Professor McGonagall made an exasperated noise.

"We just spent two and a half useless hours with Cornelius Fudge, trying to decide which, out of twelve different sightings of black-haired, bearded men, was Sirius Black!"

"Oh?" said Lupin, looking surprised.

Professor McGonagall seemed to be relieving some pent-up feelings.

"I never knew a greater waste of time! Fudge has to produce a report, showing he has made some progress on this case…but the fact is, absolutely no progress has been made! He thinks that by having Dumbledore's name in the report…"

"Oh Minerva, I'm sure he's trying his best," chirped Flitwick. "It's a difficult case…"

"We can't even return to the school yet, because there's a debrief in half an hour's time," continued Professor McGonagall angrily, ignoring him. "Fudge has gone with Albus to meet some Secretary or other, who's just received new information…"

But Harry was no longer listening. So he had missed the Quidditch match for nothing, and lost fifty points for Gryffindor into the bargain. He felt very depressed.

They found a group of Ministry officials already inside the Three Broomsticks, who insisted Lupin, Jeanne and Harry join them. Lupin ordered butterbeer for the three of them. Jeanne, who hadn't tried it before, looked delighted after the first taste.

The officials started talking about Sirius Black.

" - Sure it's the one in Eastbourne," said a tall, thin official with heavily lidded eyes. "Bloody murder there…three people hacked to death - just the sort of thing Black would do."

Harry felt the anger rise in him, but Lupin gave him a warning look.

"But what about the killings in Scotland?" said a pasty-faced official. "Explosion. Typical of what Black did all those years ago. The man's a monster, a killing machine…the kind whose soul feeds off this kind of thing."

Lupin looked like he was about to say something, but Jeanne spoke first.

"Actually, I don't think Sirius Black is guilty," she said.

There was a dead silence. Even Lupin looked surprised.

Lidded Eyes looked at her.

"My dear, what did you say?" he asked in a horrified tone.

Jeanne looked rather tense at having so many eyes fixed on her, but she stubbornly held her ground.

"I said, I think Sirius Black is innocent."

Pasty Face gave a short, horrified bark of laughter.

"Perhaps you'd like to clarify that," he said.

Jeanne shifted uneasily.

"Black managed to escape Azkaban," she said. "I don't believe he could have done it if he were guilty. Only an innocent man could have kept his mind there, after all those years."

"He used the Dark Arts to escape!" said Pasty Face vehemently.

"I remember seeing Black's picture, years ago, when he was imprisoned," she added. "He didn't look like a murderer to me. His eyes - "

"My dear young lady," said Lidded Eyes in a patronizing tone, "you are young, innocent and inexperienced. We should excuse her," - glancing around at the others, then turning back to Jeanne.

"I think you must have led a sheltered life, my lady," said Lidded Eyes, still in his patronizing tone. "You obviously have not seen the real world we live in. What do you know of suffering? What do you know of death, or killing?"

His voice hardened.

"Have you seen someone being butchered before?" he said harshly. "Have you seen bodies ripped apart, mercilessly, blood spewing out onto the ground, faces frozen in the grotesque agony of death? Have you heard people screaming for mercy, crying out when their life is ripped away in one senseless action?"

He paused, his eyes narrowing.

"You have not seen all this," he said softly. "You do not know what a killer looks like, what people are capable of doing."

Jeanne sat very still, her face pale, eyes wide in horror. She seemed unable to tear her eyes away from the official's face. Her hands were clenching her tankard very tightly. To Harry's alarm, bloodstains were beginning to appear on them.

Lupin noticed it too.

"Jeanne…" he said very softly, "Don't…"

She looked at Lupin, her eyes wide, then with an effort, controlled herself.

"Of - of course, you're right," she stammered to Lidded Eyes, trying to smile, "I'm just a foolish girl, speaking my mind. I should know better, of course."

Pasty Face gave a patronizing smile, and Lidded Eyes said suavely, "that's quite all right, my dear."

Jeanne lowered her eyes to her hands, where the bloodstains were fading away.

"After all," she murmured very softly, so that Harry could hardly hear her, "who am I, to judge a murderer?"

The conversation turned to other topics after that, but Harry wasn't listening. He and Lupin were looking at Jeanne rather worriedly. She seemed very subdued, finishing her drink as fast as she could, then staring at her empty tankard, obviously trying to think of an excuse to leave.

Fortunately, at this point Cornelius Fudge came in, together with Dumbledore. Lupin, on seeing them, immediately rose, saying, "I believe we must make a move…"

"Potter! You're staying here with me!" said Professor McGonagall sharply, as Harry hopefully got up. "I want to keep an eye on you!"

Harry dismally sank down in his seat again. Lupin gave Harry an encouraging nod as he went out, but Jeanne left without a look or a word.

Fudge didn't look too happy when he saw Harry there.

"Er…Minerva, some of the matters we will be discussing may be quite confidential," he said meaningfully to Professor McGonagall.

"Very well," she said crisply. "Potter, wait just outside for me. I believe this won't take more than ten minutes, Cornelius?"

Fudge shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Actually, it may take a little longer than that," he said vaguely, shuffling his papers. "We have some new information…"

Professor McGonagall gave an exasperated sigh.

"All right, Potter," she said, turning to Harry, "if you run fast enough, you can catch up with Professor Lupin - "

Harry was already out of his seat and heading for the door.

"Make sure you're with them -" he could hear Professor McGonagall shouting after him, "- if I find out you've been up to any more mischief, it'll be double detention for you - "

Harry sped down the street toward the road leading back to Hogwarts. The rain had cleared, but gusty winds were still blowing. There was a magnificent sunset in the western sky.

Harry jogged along, looking for Lupin and Jeanne, the sound of the wind in his ears. He found them at the crest of a hill, where they had apparently turned aside from the road for a while to look at the sunset. He was almost going to rush up to join them, when he stopped short.

Jeanne's back was facing him, but he could see Lupin's face, and he knew something was wrong. He thought he would retreat a little way, and join them when they resumed walking back to Hogwarts, but the wind had died down and silence suddenly enveloped the little hill. Harry took a step back and his foot crunched loudly on the gravel.

He didn't know why he did it, but as Lupin turned to look for the source of the noise, Harry suddenly pulled on the Invisibility Cloak in a panic. He stood there, not daring to move.

Lupin apparently hadn't seen him, because he turned back to look at Jeanne again. There was concern in his eyes, but Harry had the impression that he was waiting for her to speak first. It was so quiet that from where he was, Harry could hear almost every word they were saying.

Jeanne was silent for a while, but then spoke, suddenly.

"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?" she said, in a strange voice.

"It is," said Lupin, his eyes not leaving her face.

She turned her face slightly away from Lupin, so that Harry could see her profile. She was biting her lip.

"If I had a clear conscience, I could look at such a sunset and enjoy it, without any inhibition," she continued.

Lupin remained silent.

She turned and looked at him.

"Do you remember that night in the clearing - you stopped me killing myself."

"I remember," said Lupin, quietly.

She turned to face the sky again, but Harry felt that she was seeing something else.

"When I was living in that cave," she said quietly, "I used to dream of the time when I'd gain my freedom again. I thought to myself, 'One day this nightmare will end. I'll walk again free under the stars. I'll feel the wind on my face, hear it rustling in the trees, and feel at peace again with nature and the world.'"

She paused.

"That night in the clearing, that wish should have come true. I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked up at the stars, I could hear the wind in the trees…"

She lowered her head to look down into the valley.

"…But I didn't feel at peace," she said softly.

She shook her head slowly.

"The stars were shining in the sky, the wind was moving in the trees…but I wasn't one with them any more. I was cut off from them. They were together, clean and in harmony. But I was dirty and alone. The dirt was inside me, in my heart and in my soul. I couldn't wash it away."

She was quiet for a few seconds, thinking, then continued.

"I thought, if I transformed into a bird, I might be able to leave this feeling behind; but - but it didn't work. I was soaring through the sky, but inside me, my heart just felt like a stone."

A tear must have rolled down her cheek, because Harry could see her dashing it angrily away. Her hands were stained bright red with blood again.

"Jeanne…" began Lupin.

"I'll always be unclean inside," she said angrily with a sob. "Always. There's nowhere I can run. I can run from Deorg, but I can't run away from myself. I'll carry this weight in my heart to my dying day!"

"Jeanne, stop it!" said Lupin sternly.

"I have dreams at night," she continued, ignoring him. "Horrible dreams. I hear people screaming. I see the look of horror in their eyes - "

"Jeanne!" said Lupin.

He caught her by the shoulders, forcing her to face him.

"Look at me, Jeanne," he said sternly. "Look at me!"

She looked at him defiantly.

"You are not evil," said Lupin sternly. "Deorg was possessing you. You were just the tool he used. Everything you did there was beyond your control. Stop blaming yourself for it!"

She was crying a bit, shaking with angry sobs. Controlling herself, she started talking very fast.

"Remus, if someone used a knife to kill someone you love - say your parents, and you later got hold of that knife, wouldn't it always be unclean for you? Would you ever use it as a normal knife? Wouldn't you want to destroy it? I'm that knife, I'm - "

"But you're not a knife, Jeanne, you're not a knife!" said Lupin angrily, giving her another shake. "You're a human being."

He stopped, because his own voice was shaking with emotion. He steadied it, then continued more quietly.

"I know you went through horrors during those years. I know they haunt you every day. But Deorg has gone now. You've got a chance to start over…you have a new life now.

"I've seen you fighting hard these past few months, Jeanne. You're doing fine, …all the work you do for Hagrid, helping him with his classes, helping Neville with his work, helping Madam Pomfrey…and what you do for me…"

He looked at her seriously.

"Don't throw it all away just because of the words of some idiotic fool, who doesn't know anything about life and never will. Have more faith in yourself. You hate yourself for what you've done; but there are people who care about you…Hagrid, myself, Harry, Dumbledore…we all want to help you. Don't let us down."

She grew quiet as his words sank in. The bloodstains faded from her hands. She wiped away her tears, and sniffed, then gave herself a little shake.

"You're right, of course," she said, in a muffled voice. Taking out her handkerchief, she blew her nose, then pocketed it.

"I don't know what got into me," she said, sounding subdued. "I just let that fellow get to me. Sorry."

Lupin looked sharply at her.

"Are you sure you're all right?" he said.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine," she said, not looking at him. She turned back toward the road. "It's getting late. We'd better go back."

She started walking back to the road. Lupin watched her for a moment, then gave a small shrug and followed. As they started off down the road, he turned, and looked straight at where Harry was standing.

"Come along, Harry. I know you're there. I saw you before you disappeared."

Harry felt his face burning. He removed the Cloak, and walked slowly toward them.

"Harry?" said Jeanne, looking at him. Traces of tears were still visible on her face. "Are you spying on us again?"

"I didn't mean to…" Harry said, agonized. "Professor McGonagall…she sent me after you…"

Jeanne put her arm around his shoulders, and gave him a quick squeeze.

"I don't mind, so long as it's you. You were there, weren't you… you saw what I went through…"

Her voice trailed off. She sighed.

"Come on," she said, not looking at either of them. "Let's go back." And she started off down the road.



"Have ter decorate the Hall," grunted Hagrid, gathering a pile of sorted cones and putting it into a basket. "Christmas Ball's comin'. Dumbledore's throwin' one 'cos it's Hogwarts' One Thousandth, One Hundredth an' Thirteenth Anniversary. People from all over th' county should be attendin'."

Jeanne looked up in surprise.

"A Ball?" she said. "I thought this was just for the normal Christmas feast."

"Won't be much people at th' feast," pointed out Hagrid. "Everyone's gone home for the holidays. Only students are these three here, an' Neville. No, we don' need so much decorat'ns fer the Feast. It's the Ball that's the Big Event. There'll be plenty o' food, an' music, an' dancin'."

He flicked a glance at Jeanne.

"Yeh'll be comin', o' course," he said.

Jeanne didn't look very enthusiastic.

"Maybe," she said vaguely. She sorted out a few more cones.

"I don't know how to dance," she said, her eyes on the cones, and seeming to be talking to no one in particular, "and I haven't got anything to wear."

"Oh, Jeanne," said Harry, exasperated. "You know you can jolly well conjure up something."

"No need ter worry 'bout dancin', neither," said Hagrid. "The Silver Supremes are doin' the music, an' when yeh dance to their music, yer feet'll know what ter do."

Jeanne looked noncommittal.

"We'll see," she said.

"The Silver Supremes?" said Ron. "Who are they?"

"Ghost orchestra," said Hagrid, still looking at Jeanne. "Famous. Jus' back from their world tour. Haven' yeh heard of them?"

"Of course," said Hermione. "They've won lots of awards…the Magical Music award, the Soothing Sounds award…"

"You should go to the Ball, Jeanne," said Ron, picking up a snoring rum cake. It woke up, hiccupped, and then went back to sleep again. "You don't have to dance. Just sit with all of us, and eat all the great food."

"No, she ought ter dance," Hagrid disagreed. "Mix around more. There'll be lots o' handsome young wizards there, yeh'll have a good chance ter know them."

Jeanne didn't look up. She was still rapidly sorting fir cones.

"I'm not really interested, Hagrid," she said, a rather bored expression on her face instead of her usual sullen one. "This kind of thing isn't really my cup of tea."

Hagrid suddenly looked sly.

"Neville'll be there," he said. "I'm sure he'll want ter dance with yeh. An' Professor Snape…an' Professor Lupin."

"Professor Lupin?" said Hermione, looking up in surprise.

Jeanne had finished sorting the fir cones. Her face expressionless, she picked up the pink umbrella and started pointing it at each cone, turning it to a golden colour.

"I didn't know Professor Lupin was one of Jeanne's admirers," said Hermione, looking at Hagrid.

Hagrid's eyes twinkled.

"'Course he is," he chuckled. "Otherwise, why do yeh think Jeanie's never around durin' full moon?"

Jeanne looked up at this.

"Come on, Hagrid," she said, rather impatiently. "I told you, that's the time I'm helping Madam Pomfrey."

"Maybe," said Hagrid, "But why durin' full moon?"

"Because," said Jeanne, pushing aside a basket of gilded cones with her foot, "That's the time when Madam Pomfrey is busiest."

"It is?" said Hermione, looking interested. "But, why?"

"Madam Pomfrey usually prepares a tonic for Professor Lupin during full moon," explained Jeanne. She had finished the gilding now, and began to turn the remaining cones silver instead. "The tonic is quite tedious to prepare. So I normally give her a helping hand during that period."

"But, I thought Snape was the one making the potion," said Harry.

"Severus is the one preparing the Wolfsbane potion," agreed Jeanne, lowering the umbrella for a while and looking up. "Madam Pomfrey's tonic is a different one. It helps to make Professor Lupin less ill during that period."

"No wonder he's been looking better, lately," said Ron.

He bit on a rum cake, which said, "Ouch!" and then was silent.

"Remus told Madam Pomfrey not to bother with the tonic, because it isn't really that vital for him to take it," said Jeanne, raising the umbrella again, "but Madam Pomfrey's too kind to stop making it."

Hagrid was not about to give up.

"Someone's bin fixin' Professor Lupin's clo'es, too," he said. "Ain't new, an' still rather threadworn, but all them patches an' darns have disappeared."

Jeanne looked amused.

"So you think I mended them?" she said, smiling. "Don't you think it's more likely that Remus finally realised it would be easier to patch his robes using magic? He should have done it long ago." She bent over the cones again.

Hagrid stubbornly persisted.

"Yeh avoidin' the answer, Jeanie," he said. "Did yeh or didn' yeh mend them?"

"If I had decided to fix them, I'd just conjure brand new robes for him," said Jeanne decidedly. She looked up from the cones.

"Why are you pushing this, Hagrid?" she asked, smiling. "You're not jealous, are you? After all, I do all your cooking and cleaning and mending."

Hagrid blushed.

Jeanne's smile grew broader.

"You haven't got the hint, yet, Hagrid," she said, her eyes twinkling wickedly. "I'm still waiting for a proposal from you. When are you going to ask me to marry you?"

It had the effect she intended. Hagrid went red as a beet, and dropped the subject for the rest of the evening. Harry, however, noticed Hermione looking very thoughtfully at Jeanne.

"They would make a rather nice couple," she was saying softly to herself.

It was Christmas morning. Harry was sitting on his bed, unwrapping his presents. There was the usual sweater from Mrs Weasley…

"What colour is yours?" asked Ron from the floor, where he was busy with his own pile. He tore a parcel open and groaned.

"…I got maroon again!"

"Mine's blue," said Harry. He picked up his last parcel. It was flat and hard, and beautifully wrapped, with his name written on it in neat, flowing letters.

"Who's this from?" he wondered.

Ron came over to look.

"Oh, it's Jeanne," he said. "Mine had the same wrapping. She gave me a new holder for my quill."

Harry unwrapped the present carefully. The paper was so pretty that it seemed a crime to tear it.

"Oh," said Ron, in surprise.

It was a framed photograph. The photo frame was silver in colour and elegantly carved; a soft sparkling light emanated from it, swirling and shimmering in an endless whirl. But it was the photograph that made Harry's heart skip a beat.

It was a photograph of his parents - together with him! There he was, standing in front - he looked younger, around twelve or so - and his mother was standing behind him with her arms around his waist. She was smiling happily. His father stood with one arm around his mother, and the other extended forward, hand on Harry's shoulder.

"How did she do that?" asked Ron, gaping at it in astonishment.

Harry couldn't speak. There was a lump in his throat.

He found Jeanne in one corner of the Great Hall, putting the final touches on the decorations. She smiled when she saw him.

"Merry Christmas, Harry," she said.

"Merry Christmas," he answered.

"Did you like my present?" she asked, looking at him.

Harry opened his mouth to reply, but the memory of the photograph came back to him and he suddenly found he couldn't speak; so he just nodded.

She saw the expression on his face, and her voice was very gentle as she said, "Initially I planned to just give you a photograph of your parents, Harry… But as time went by, the idea of including you in the picture kept staying in my head. I wanted, myself, so much to see you together with your family… so I went ahead and did it. I'm sorry if - if, you know…" She broke off.

Harry found his voice.

"No, I do like it, really," he said. "Thank you."

She smiled, and to his surprise, gave him a quick hug.

"How did you do it?" he asked, when she had let him go.

Her eyes danced with mischief. She glanced around, to make sure no one was listening, then leaned forward and spoke in a low voice.

"Don't tell anyone," she said. "Professor Flitwick has a computer in his office. I sneaked in one night and used it. It has a program that lets you combine two different photographs together."

Harry was surprised.

"But - computers can't work in Hogwarts," he pointed out. "There's too much magic in the air."

"Yes," she agreed, "but Professor Flitwick somehow managed to charm the computer into working here. He charmed everything - the software, the scanner and the printer. He spent quite a while figuring out how to do it."

Harry thought of something else.

"Where did you get the photographs?" he asked.

Jeanne smiled.

"Professor Lupin gave me the photograph of your parents," she answered. "I got the one of you from Colin Creevey." She looked impishly at him. "He had quite a large collection to choose from."

She laughed, and something at her throat sparkled.

Harry blinked. It was the pendant from Mr Grenivere's shop.

She saw him looking at it.

"Do you like it?" she asked, glancing down at it herself. "It's from Hogsmeade."

Harry looked closer. Carved on the pendant were two wolves.

He was going to say something, but at this point Neville came running up with a parcel in his hands. It was obviously a gift for Jeanne, and Harry, feeling that Neville would rather give it to her alone, excused himself and left.

"Quite a picture, isn't it?" said Ron.

The Christmas Ball had begun. The Great Hall looked magnificent. Glittering Christmas trees ran down the entire length of one side, and the other three sides were festooned with shining decorations. The Hall was filling up rapidly with witches and wizards, all in their best robes.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were standing near the entrance of the Hall, together with Hagrid, when Professor McGonagall came in, together with Professors Lupin and Flitwick. Lupin was still wearing his usual robes, which, Harry noticed, showed no trace of patches and frays now.

Professor McGonagall looked at them for a moment, then asked, "Where is Miss Graham?"

"She wouldn' come, Professor McGonagall ma'am," said Hagrid. "Tried me bes' ter persuade her, but she said nobody'd miss her, there're so many other fine folk here an' all."

Professor McGonagall was not pleased.

"This is the School's One Thousandth, One Hundredth and Thirteenth Anniversary," she snapped. "All the staff are required to attend."

She signalled to Lupin.

"Remus, come with me," she said briskly. "We're going to go and get her."

She disappeared out of the Hall together with Lupin.

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other. Then, as one, they turned and ran after them. They didn't want to miss the fun.

Professor McGonagall swept up to Jeanne's room, and knocked smartly on the door.

"I told you, I'm not coming, Hagrid," came Jeanne's voice faintly from inside. "Do stop pestering me and go away."

"This is not Hagrid, Miss Graham," said Professor McGonagall, in a sharp, loud voice. She gave the door one tap with her wand, and it flew open.

Jeanne was standing near the door, looking startled. Professor McGonagall swept inside and looked at her.

"All the staff are required to attend tonight's Ball, Miss Graham," she said in a sharp, rippling tone.

"You will accompany me to the Hall at once. Before that, though, we have to see that you are properly attired." She raised her wand, but Lupin held up a hand.

"Allow me, Minerva," he said.

He pointed his wand at Jeanne. There was a flash of light, and there was Jeanne, looking distinctly startled, wearing the blue robes from Wanda's Witches' Wardrobe.

Professor McGonagall looked speculatively from Jeanne to Lupin.

"Very nice, Remus," she commented. "I had no idea you were so well-versed in ladies' fashion."

Lupin said nothing, but merely stood there with arms folded, smiling and admiring his handiwork.

Jeanne opened her mouth to protest.

"We just need the finishing touches, then," said Professor McGonagall briskly, ignoring her. She pointed her wand. "Hair," - Jeanne's hair was piled high, to fall in curls at her shoulder; "Shoes," - heels appeared on her feet; "and - makeup!" Jeanne's lips were suddenly redder, her eyebrows sharper in outline.

"Now, march!" barked Professor McGonagall, and she marched poor Jeanne all the way back to the Hall, with Lupin following and looking amused, and Harry, Ron and Hermione almost beside themselves with mirth.

Jeanne shrank back when she saw the crowd in the Hall, but Dumbledore was suddenly there.

"Ah, Jeanne, just the person," he said cheerfully, taking hold of her arm and propelling her toward a group of young wizards. "There are some people I'd like you to meet. Marcus, this is Jeanne Graham…"


Harry filled himself liberally with delicious food from the tables at one end of the Hall, and he and Ron took Hermione round the dance floor a few times, but other than that, they spent most of the night sitting in one corner of the Hall with Hagrid and Neville, drinking and eating titbits, and watching Jeanne as she danced with a seemingly endless stream of young wizards. She did stop at one point to eat something, during which time they lost sight of her because the wizards were all surrounding her.

"Jeanne's having some night, huh, Harry?" said Ron, as they watched a curly-haired wizard leading her out for a waltz. "So much for her saying she can't dance!"

"The music takes care of that," said Harry, glancing over at the group of silver ghosts who were merrily playing away. "Somehow your feet just end up doing what they're supposed to."

"Look!" said Hermione, excitedly. "The tall one's going to try cutting in again!"

They watched as a tall, handsome wizard waltzed up with a blonde witch. He smoothly cut in between Jeanne and the curly-haired wizard, and whisked her off.

"Curly-Hair's got the blonde now," said Ron.

"She doesn't look too pleased about it," remarked Harry, as he watched the wizard lead the pouting blonde away. A minute later, they were lost in the crowd.

It was almost midnight before Jeanne got away. She came walking slowly toward their corner, looking extremely tired. Without saying a word, she sat down in an empty chair nearby, leaned back, and closed her eyes.

Hagrid was sitting in the chair next to Harry, his Christmas tankard in his hand. He seemed to be making full use of it that night, and showed no signs of stopping. He beamed when he saw Jeanne.

"Busy night, eh, Jeanie?"

Jeanne didn't move.

"Musta' broken a lot o' hearts tonight," continued Hagrid, "all them wizards cuttin' in for a sixth an' seventh round. Look at Neville here, only managed ter dance four times with yeh."

"No, I didn't!" squeaked Neville, blushing rosy red.

Jeanne still didn't move.

"But Jeanie hasn' danced with everyone yet," Hagrid went on, taking another swig from his tankard. "She lef' out some importan' people…"

Jeanne's eyes were still closed, but her lips moved.

"Shut up, Hagrid."

"…she lef' me out," said Hagrid, ignoring her, "…an' lef' Harry out too…an' Ron…an' Professor Lupin - "

Lupin, who was sitting a short distance away, talking to Professor Flitwick, looked in their direction.

"Did I hear my name?" he inquired.

Hagrid took another swig from his tankard before replying. His face was very red.

"I was jus' sayin', Professor Lupin, sir, that Jeanie here has danced with nearly everyone in the room - "

" - except me," said a cold voice.

Harry looked up. Professor Snape was standing in front of them.

Hook-nosed, his eyes with a curious glitter in them, he walked over to Jeanne, who was now sitting up with her eyes open.

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure, yet," said Snape smoothly, extending a hand.

Jeanne had gone very pale under her makeup. She sat there, as if frozen, staring up at Snape. For a second, Harry thought she was going to refuse him. Then, without a word, she got up and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor.

Harry glanced at Lupin. He was watching Snape and Jeanne with a curious expression in his eyes.

Ron, Hermione, Neville and Hagrid were watching in shock. Neville looked absolutely horrified.

"I don't believe it," whispered Hermione, her voice shaking slightly.

Snape was dancing with Jeanne and looking at her. At first, she returned his stare; but after a while lowered her gaze and stared at the floor. Snape, however, continued to stare at her.

Ron's mouth was slightly open, and his eyes were popping out of his head.

"It's bizarre," he kept saying. "It's just totally bizarre."

Harry saw a movement to his left. Professor McGonagall had come up to join them.

"Can I believe my eyes?" she inquired. "Is that Severus Snape with Jeanne on the dance floor?"

Snape was still staring at Jeanne, his eyes boring into her like gimlets. From where they were sitting, she looked very pale.

"I don't think she can take it very much longer," said Harry. "Neville, why don't you cut in and save her."

Neville turned white as a sheet at the thought.

Something distracted Snape for a moment, and Jeanne turned to look in their direction. Her expression clearly said, "Help me!!"

Professor McGonagall pressed her lips together.

"I do believe we must rescue her soon, before Severus makes her pass out on the dance floor." She looked at Lupin. "Remus, would you care for a dance?"

Lupin had a rather set expression on his face. He got up without a word and went off with Professor McGonagall.

They watched as Lupin and Professor McGonagall danced up to Jeanne and Snape. Then all of a sudden Lupin was dancing with Jeanne, and Professor McGonagall was firmly leading Snape to another part of the Hall.

"Jeanne sure looks relieved," said Ron. "Look, she's smiling at Lupin!"

Hermione suddenly got up with a determined look on her face.

"Come on, Ron," she said, grabbing his hand. "Let's go listen to what they're saying!"

"Hermione, are you bats?" said Ron, as she pulled him to the dance floor. "This is daft -"

Harry watched as Hermione dragged Ron off.

"They look good t'gether, don' they, Harry?"

Harry turned to look at Hagrid, who suddenly didn't seem so drunk after all. He realised that Hagrid was talking about Jeanne and Lupin.

"Yeah," said Harry evasively, looking over at the dance floor again. Jeanne was saying something, and Lupin was smiling.

Hagrid looked at Harry.

"Yeh awful quiet whenever any of us tease Jeanie with Professor Lupin," he said.

Harry didn't know what to say.

"Fact is," said Hagrid, turning to look at Lupin and Jeanne again, "firs' time I saw 'em in the staff room that night, I knew they was together."

Harry looked at Hagrid in astonishment.

"Don' ask me why," said Hagrid. "I jus' had the feelin'. An' yeh know it too, same as me. Yeh've seen somethin', haven't yeh, Harry, that yeh aren't tellin' the rest of us." He looked at Harry.

Harry tried to arrange his thoughts.

"I don't know how to say it," he said slowly. "To Ron and Hermione, it's just a game. Jeanne's just like any other normal person to them. They didn't see what it was like in Kamchatka…"

His voice trailed off. He looked at Hagrid, and saw that he was listening intently.

"Jeanne's got stuff going on in her that we don't see," Harry continued. "The memory of all those people she killed still haunts her. And somehow Professor Lupin's the only one who knows what's going on inside her."

He stopped. He couldn't see Lupin and Jeanne any more. The lights had dimmed now, and the music was becoming slower and more romantic.

"That night in Kamchatka when we first got her away from Deorg, she tried to kill herself," said Harry. "She conjured up a knife and was going to stab herself. And Lupin stopped her. He knew exactly what to say to make her put the knife down. I wouldn't have known what to do; all I could do was stand there and watch."

Hagrid was still listening. He had set his tankard down on his knee, and it sat there, flickering and forgotten.

"There's some other stuff I saw too, which - which I can't mention," said Harry. "But they knew I was watching them. They seemed to trust that I wouldn't gossip or tell on them."

"An' yeh didn't," said Hagrid.

Harry was silent a moment.

"Professor Lupin hasn't had an easy life," he said. "He deserves a chance to be happy. I just want it to work out for them, and all this idiotic teasing isn't going to help."

He stopped, because Ron and Hermione had come back. Ron was furious.

"You're nutters, Hermione," he said, sounding exasperated. "Why on earth should there be anything between Jeanne and Lupin? Sure, he helped get her out of Kamchatka, but since she's been at Hogwarts, they've hardly been seen together. She's always at Hagrid's…or helping Neville…or with Madam Pomfrey. I bet she even spends more time with Snape, discussing Potions, than she's ever been with Lupin!"

Hermione was strangely quiet. She sat down in the chair next to Harry, her eyes wide.

"What's the matter?" asked Harry.

Hermione's eyes went even wider.

"They're in love," she said, in a strange voice.

"What?" said Ron, "Are you crazy?"

"I saw them looking at each other, before the lights dimmed," said Hermione in a low voice. "They're in love, Ron."

"Rubbish, they were talking," said Ron, "and after that they didn't say a thing. I didn't see them exchanging any funny looks."

Hermione was silent. There was a slightly awed look in her eyes.

Harry got up.

"Time to call it a night," he said. "I'm going to bed."


Harry had hardly entered the Gryffindor common room when he heard Hermione calling after him.

"Wait a moment, Harry," she gasped, running up, and panting.

"What is it?" he asked, startled.

She didn't speak for a while, trying to catch her breath. Then, she looked at him with an eager expression in her eyes.

"I'd like - I'd like to borrow the Marauder's Map," she said.

What?" said Harry. "What on earth for?"

"It shows - it shows you the location of every person in Hogwarts," said Hermione, still panting a bit.

"So - ?" said Harry, then stopped and looked at her.

"No way," he said.

"But -"

"Forget it, Hermione," said Harry, becoming cross with her. "Why don't you just leave them alone? It isn't any of your business anyway. If there really is anything - which isn't likely - then it's between them and them alone."

He turned, and started going up to the dormitory.

Hermione followed him.

"But Harry - "

"No, and that's final," said Harry. "If you want to spy on them, just follow them and see where they go."

"I tried," said Hermione. "The dance has ended. People are leaving. And they've disappeared…there's no sign of them."

"Good," said Harry, "and good night to you!"

And he went into the bedroom, and shut the door.


However, he couldn't sleep. He lay a while, listening to Ron's snoring.

Then he slowly got out of bed, and felt about in his trunk for the Marauder's Map.

He found it. He was about to unroll it, but stopped.

"What are you doing?" he said to himself. "Lupin gave you this Map. How can you use it to spy on him?"

He started to put it back, then stopped.

"After all, I wish them well," he said to himself. "I just want to know whether it's really working for them or not."

He took out his wand, muttered "Lumos!" and unrolled the Map.

He looked in Lupin's room, then in Jeanne's, but they weren't there.

Puzzled, he slowly scanned through the entire Map. Dumbledore was still up, talking to some people in his office. Professor Flitwick was in his bedroom. Snape was talking to Filch. But where were Jeanne and Lupin?

"It's not possible," he whispered. "They don't seem to be anywhere in Hogwarts."

He examined the Map a while longer, puzzled. Then, feeling ashamed of himself for being such a busybody, he rolled it up and put it back in his trunk, and went back to bed.





After the Christmas Ball, Hermione seemed to be keeping a sharp lookout for signs that Jeanne and Professor Lupin were a couple, but to her disappointment, there were none. Jeanne still persisted in going down to Hagrid's cabin for all her meals, instead of joining the staff table in the Great Hall, where Lupin was. She wouldn't come to the Hall even if Hagrid was eating there. Perhaps Harry was imagining it, but she seemed to be looking even more sullen and serious lately, and was finding more and more work for herself to do than ever. Harry thought that even Lupin sometimes looked rather serious, though for the most part he was still his usual cheerful self.

"I'm just looking too hard and imagining it," Harry said to himself. "Hermione's idiocy is beginning to rub off on me."

One afternoon several weeks after the Ball, they were all gathered around Hagrid's table having tea. Jeanne did not join them; she was sitting near the fire, surrounded by a strange assortment of plantlike objects and tree bark. She was systematically shredding them and putting them into jars, while reading from a thick book at the same time.

"Whatever are you doing with all that stuff, Jeanne?" wondered Hermione.

Jeanne was reading something from the book, and only looked up after a few moments.

"- What? Oh, Severus Snape wants help with some of the potions research he's doing," she said, shredding more tree bark. "He doesn't have a lot of time, with all his classes, so I'm just helping him gather some of the ingredients."

"You're helping Snape - ?" said Ron, surprised.

Jeanne nodded, still shredding treebark. Her eyes wandered back to the book.

"What book is that?" asked Harry curiously, coming over to take a look.

Jeanne lifted it up with some difficulty, because it was so heavy. Harry read, "Recent Developments in Potions and Tonics".

Jeanne buried her nose in the book again. She threw some bark into a jar, then gave an exclamation of dismay.

"Oh - ! It's the wrong jar…now it's all mixed up!"

She emptied the jar on the floor and began separating the two different types of bark.

Hagrid looked at her from the corner where he was cleaning his boots.

"Yeh bitin' off more'n yeh can chew, Jeanie," he said.

This was obviously an old topic between him and Jeanne, because she didn't even look up. She just said, "Hmm," vaguely, and continued sorting bark.

"Yeh headin' fer a breakdown," continued Hagrid. "Givin' Neville so much tuition…helpin' Madam Pomfrey…an' my classes…an' now helpin' Professor Snape…"

"Don't worry about me, Hagrid," said Jeanne. "I'm not neglecting my gamekeeping duties, am I? You know I always like doing several things at once."

She finished sorting the bark, and placed them in two different jars.

"Besides," she said absently, as if to herself, "the busier you are, the less time you have to think."

Ron still seemed astonished that she was helping Snape.

"I think you're the only one in this school, besides the Slytherins, who likes Snape," he said. "You seem to be talking to him a lot, these days."

Jeanne looked up at this.

"I don't really like Severus," she said slowly. "In fact, I'm a bit afraid of him; he can be rather unnerving at times. If he were nasty to me, I'd probably dislike him as much as any of you."

"What do you two talk about?" asked Harry, curiously. "It can't be Potions all the time."

"He does most of the talking, actually," she said, starting to shred bark again. "Talks about himself, mostly…his ambitions…the state of the world today..." She waved a hand as if to say, "and so on..."

"I just listen," she said. "Severus needs someone to listen to him…he's actually a very lonely and bitter person. Most nasty people are."

Hagrid looked up, boot still in hand.

"Yeh a good girl, Jeanie," he said.

But Jeanne had buried her nose in the book again.

"You and Professor Lupin were dancing pretty close during the Christmas Ball, Jeanne," said Hermione suddenly.

Harry wanted to kick Hermione, but she was sitting too far away.

Jeanne looked up.

"Are you still going on about that, Hermione?" she asked, looking amused. "Professor Lupin and I are just good friends."

Hermione looked sceptical.

"I didn't dance any closer with Remus than I did with Severus," said Jeanne calmly, throwing bark into a jar.

"Besides," she added, smiling at Hermione, "it takes more than one dance for two people to fall in love, you know."

Hermione didn't look convinced.

"That's not true," she muttered to herself, looking at the floor. "All of us here know, that when the conditions are right, it takes less than a minute to cast a spell on someone."


Harry was finding it difficult to sleep. It was a warm night; bright moonlight was spilling in at the window.

He sat up in bed, and found that he was sweating. He walked over to the window, hoping that it might be cooler there, or that even a slight breeze might blow in.

The moon was so bright it was almost like day. He looked down toward the lake, as if expecting to see something there, but everything was still. He stood and gazed out for a few minutes, thinking of nothing in particular. Then, when he was starting to turn and go back to bed, a movement somewhere to his right caught his eye.

He poked his head out of the window, but saw nothing. He waited for a while. Nothing. Harry sighed.

"What's the matter with me?" he muttered. He was starting to turn away from the window when he saw them.

Two wolves, one large and dark, the other smaller and paler, were trotting off in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. They were keeping to the trees, so Harry could only just make them out.

In a flash Harry ran over to his trunk, put on his robes, grabbed his wand and the Invisibility Cloak, and ran silently from the room. He dashed down the stairs, out of the portrait hole, all the way down to the castle entrance.

Once outside, he stopped to catch his breath. The moonlight shone brilliantly down around him. Looking round, he walked toward the grove of trees where he had seen the wolves. But on the way there, something made him turn and look at the castle.

He blinked. The wall of the castle just near him was covered thickly with ivy, but something under the ivy was sticking out ever so slightly. Harry walked quickly over to it and lifted the ivy away.

It was a door, left slightly ajar. Harry's heart skipped a beat. Was it a new secret passageway?

He opened the door and peered in. A flight of stairs led upwards into pitch darkness.

Harry took his wand out, and muttered, "Lumos!" Light flared from the wand. Holding it in front of him, he started up the stairs.

The stairs didn't go up very far. They ended in what seemed to be a trapdoor in the ceiling. Pushing it slowly open, Harry peered cautiously out.

He seemed to be in a room used for stores. Empty boxes lay strewn on the floor, and the dust made him want to sneeze.

Closing the trapdoor, Harry went over to the storeroom door, opened it and looked out. He knew where he was now; a few corridors down, and he would reach the Charms corridor. It would be much faster to return to the dormitory from here, than if he were to go back to the Entrance Hall.

He closed the door and looked around the storeroom. The trapdoor was in one corner of the room. A large, heavy chest, big enough to cover the trapdoor and hide it, stood next to it; it looked as if it had just been shoved aside. The room was bright enough for him to extinguish his wand; moonlight was falling through a window in the wall.

Harry went over to the window to look out. Below, to his right, was the door hidden beneath the ivy. A movement caught his eye. There, in the distance, near the Forbidden Forest, he saw two figures running.

Harry watched them for a while. He knew he had no business to be here; he should go back to bed. However, something about the wolves stirred his imagination. There was something so wild and free about them…

He watched them a while longer, then made up his mind. Leaving the trapdoor open, so that the stairs were dimly illuminated, he made his way down and through the ivy, and started off toward the Forest.

He walked through the grove of trees, then across some fields…The Forest was looming closer and closer to him. He was almost at the edge of it when he heard a noise behind him. He turned, and his stomach gave a lurch.

A large, dark grey wolf was about fifty feet away, its nose to the ground. It seemed to have picked up Harry's trail.

Harry reached into his robes for his wand, but it wasn't there. He must have left it behind in the storeroom! He backed away desperately. It was full moon tonight. What if it was a werewolf? What good was the Invisibility Cloak? The animal could smell him! He then did a very foolish thing indeed; he turned, and ran toward the Forest.

When he had reached the trees, he turned, and his heart almost missed a beat. The wolf was following him.

Harry dashed into the darkness under the trees. His foot caught on a tree root; he fell to the ground, the Cloak falling off him. A loud howl rang in his ears.

Harry scrambled up, his hair all standing on end. There, about twenty feet in front of him, was a werewolf!

It has seen him. It was coming toward him, a mad light shining in its eyes, foam slobbering from its mouth, a low, eager growl in its throat.

Harry stood rooted to the spot, unable to move a muscle.

The werewolf snarled, and bounded forward.

This is the end, he thought. I'm going to die.

Another loud snarling came to his ears from behind him. Turning, Harry saw the dark grey wolf. It was leaping at him - it had leapt past him, straight at the werewolf.

There was a horrible snarling and shrieking as the two animals fought, tearing viciously at each other. Harry stood there, transfixed; and then -

Another wolf sprang at him from the darkness of the trees. It knocked him right to the ground, then stood next to him, growling.

Harry didn't even stop to think. He got up, and holding the Invisibility Cloak over himself, ran for dear life back to the castle, the wolf growling and snapping at his heels all the way. Out of the Forest - across the fields - through the grove of trees - he bounded through the door in the ivy, slammed it shut, thundered up the stairs and through the trapdoor. He then slammed the trapdoor shut and sat on it, breathing hard.

After several minutes, he got up and went to the window.

The wolf was sitting on the ground in front of the ivy, watching the door. It looked up at Harry when he appeared at the window, its tongue lolling out in a smile. Harry had the impression the wolf was laughing at him.

The wolf looked at him for a few moments, then turned, and without a backward glance, made its way back toward the Forest.

Harry watched it until it disappeared from sight. He suddenly felt very tired. He took his wand from the window sill, where he had accidentally left it, and tucked it back into his robes. Turning from the window, he walked slowly back to his dormitory.

Still shaking slightly from fright, his body aching with tiredness, he undressed and got into bed. However, it was a long time before he fell asleep.




Harry woke up the next morning still feeling tired. He couldn't concentrate on lessons at all that day; he was in a stupor all throughout History of Magic, and later during Potions he hardly even heard Snape's sarcastic comments when his solution turned bright purple instead of blue.

"What's up, Harry?" asked Ron, looking worried. "You've been looking half asleep all morning."

"I'm all right," Harry muttered. "Just couldn't sleep last night."

He tried to study that afternoon in the Gryffindor common room, but his thoughts kept wandering.

"Just go and get it over with," he said to himself.

He looked at Ron and Hermione. Hermione was correcting Ron's history essay, and Ron was arguing with her.

Harry left them arguing and went out of the portrait hole. He made straight for Jeanne's room, but wasn't surprised when no one answered the door. He stood for a while outside the room, then made up his mind, and started off toward Professor Lupin's room.

Once he was standing outside the room, though, he suddenly changed his mind. Perhaps this wasn't a good time to come. He reached out a hand to knock on the door, then drew it back. After a moment's hesitation, he turned, and slowly made his way back down the corridor.

He was saved by Madam Pomfrey, who was coming from the opposite direction carrying a box. She looked like she was in a hurry.

"Ah, Harry," she said, looking pleased to see him. "Could you give this to Jeanne? She's in Professor Lupin's room. I have to rush off somewhere."

She gave him a warm smile, and then turned and rapidly disappeared down the corridor.

Harry looked in the box. There was an empty goblet there, together with what looked like a lot of herbs. He started off back toward Lupin's room.

Jeanne opened the door when he knocked. She looked surprised to see him.

"Madam Pomfrey asked me to give this to you," he said quickly.

She took the box from him, then stood there, looking at him.

"Jeanne," said Harry hurriedly, "About last night -"

"Hush," she said, holding a finger to her lips.

She glanced quickly back into the room, then turned to face him again.

"Come to my room tomorrow night," she whispered, leaning forward slightly. "I'll talk to you then." And then she turned and shut the door.


Harry felt slightly nervous as he made his way to Jeanne's room the following evening. She opened the door at once when he knocked, and invited him in.

He hadn't really seen the inside of Jeanne's room before. On the night of the Christmas Ball, he had been much too interested in watching Professors McGonagall and Lupin dressing Jeanne up to notice anything else. He now looked around. The room didn't look like the rest of the castle. Instead of stone, the walls and flooring consisted of pine strips. One entire wall had been replaced by floor to ceiling windows, so that, although the room was small, it did not feel enclosed. Jeanne had obviously tried to make the room feel as little like Deorg's cave as possible.

She smiled. "Do you like my room?"

Harry was almost too surprised to speak.

"Yes," he said, and looked at the floor to ceiling windows. "But how come -"

"It doesn't show on the outside of the castle?" She smiled. "I got Professor Flitwick to charm it for me."

She walked over to an old sofa, beckoning to him to follow.

"Please sit down. What would you like to drink? Tea? Coffee? Pumpkin juice?"

"Er - pumpkin juice," said Harry, thinking of the warm weather.

"Wake up, Drink Jug," she said, gently patting a round jug that had been snoring on the table. It woke up with a snort.

"Two pumpkin juices," she said. It shook itself awake, then jumped up and poured juice into two small glasses. Then, with a small belch, it promptly went back to sleep.

Harry looked at it in astonishment. Jeanne smiled.

"That was Neville's Christmas present," she said.

She gave him one glass, then, taking the other, sat back on the sofa, looking at him.

Harry took the glass, and sat holding it nervously, looking back at her.

"How is Professor Lupin?" he asked.

"Better," she said. "Full moon's over."

She looked at him.

"He's very angry with you, you know."

Harry groaned inwardly.

"I'm sorry," he said. "He…he wasn't hurt, was he?"

"A little," she said, looking soberly at him. "But Madam Pomfrey put it right."

Harry felt guilty.

"I won't do it again," he said quietly.

She shifted her position on the sofa, still looking at him. Was he imagining it, or were her eyes twinkling?

"I believe you," she said.

She took a sip from her glass, and Harry drank some as well.

He looked at her.

"So - it's true," he said.

She lowered her glass, and looked directly at him. "What is true?"

"That you - and Professor Lupin are - are -"

She looked at him soberly, and there was an unhappy look in her eyes.

"No, Harry," she said gently. "Like I said before, Remus and I are just friends."

For some reason, Harry just couldn't believe her. He had been so sure.

"Don't you care for him?" he blurted out.

She was quiet a while, as if pondering whether to answer. Then she seemed to make up her mind.

"Between you and me, well - yes, I do care for him," she admitted quietly.

"Then why - ?" said Harry.

She looked at him sadly. "Isn't it obvious?"

Harry stared at her.

"What? Because he's a werewolf? But - that's not fair! He's human too - he's -"

Jeanne put up a hand to silence him. She looked slightly distressed.

"Don't misunderstand me, Harry. I have no problem with him being a werewolf whatsoever. It's Remus who doesn't want the relationship to develop."

Harry couldn't believe her. He looked at the pendant at her throat, which he was certain Lupin had given her for Christmas.

"But - why?"

Jeanne gave a small sigh.

"He's afraid of hurting me," she said. "Even though I said we could be careful, there's the Wolfsbane potion, and besides, I can transform fast enough before anything can happen…he wouldn't agree. He said, we just need to be careless one time - just once, and that would be it."

She paused for a moment, looking out of the window.

"Actually, I knew from the beginning he would think this way," she said. "I had an answer to his every objection, but it still was no use."

"Every objection?" said Harry.

"Remus said I had no idea what life with a werewolf would be like," said Jeanne. "He felt he couldn't support me, or give me a good life - it has already been so difficult for him to find paid work. And he said it didn't matter whether I was a werewolf myself or not, so long as I'm with him, I'll be shunned by society - like an outcast."

She gave a rather bitter smile, and held up a hand to Harry. It was covered with bright red blood.

"As if I'm not already outcast," she said. "As if I care anything about society!"

She lowered her hand, and the red colour swiftly faded.

"Then, there was the question of children," she continued.

She stared at her glass.

"Just because he's a werewolf doesn't mean his children will be, you know," she said. "But he said, he couldn't do such a thing to them - letting them have a werewolf for a father. He was afraid of harming them, just as he was afraid of harming me."

She sighed. "I had an answer to that as well," she said, looking at Harry.

"What was it?" asked Harry, listening intently.

Jeanne hesitated before answering.

"I can't ever have children, Harry," she said at last. "Madam Pomfrey checked me when I came here. Some of the treatment I received from Deorg while I was in the cave damaged my womb so badly that I can never conceive a child."

Harry didn't know what to say.

"I-I'm sorry," he said.

Jeanne shrugged.

"In this case, it doesn't matter very much," she said. "That didn't convince Remus either. We had a very long talk that night, after the Christmas Ball. We talked everything out. He was angry with himself; said, he shouldn't have been so weak, to allow things to develop this far."

"But," said Harry, "You're still together. The two wolves…"

Jeanne took another sip from her glass, and looked absently out of the window.

"I knew from the beginning I wouldn't be able to convince him, anyway. I know him so well. So I said, why don't we just continue as we have been - as good friends. I'll still come and see him during full moon, or drop by to talk sometimes, as I used to."

"Just friends?" said Harry. "But - is it possible?"

Jeanne was looking at her glass of pumpkin juice, but Harry felt she was seeing something else.

"I'll make it possible, Harry," she said. "Remus means too much to me for me to give him up. I'll have him as a friend if nothing else. Besides…" her voice trailed away, and her gaze drifted to the window.

"I don't expect very much from life," she said. "After the hell I went through in Kamchatka, I'm just thankful I'm out of there and here in Hogwarts at all. I don't expect to be happy in life. I don't expect everything to go the way I want. Remus may not always teach here; I may not always be here either - if Deorg comes in search of me. If I can just have one or two years here, with him, as a good friend, I think I won't ask for more."

Harry was silent for a while, trying to absorb everything she was saying. Something she had said earlier kept coming to his mind.

"Jeanne," he said, "there's something I don't understand. That time - during Hagrid's class - when you were talking to Malfoy, you said Professor Lupin was an old friend…but how can that be? You'd only known him for a month!"

Jeanne gave a rather wistful smile.

"You're wrong, Harry," she said. "I've known him longer than that. I've known him ever since Deorg captured me and put me in that cave."

Harry didn't understand at all. He looked at her, confused.

"The first few weeks with Deorg were a nightmare for me," she said. "I tried to kill myself, but he put a spell on me so that I couldn't. I was going insane. I would have gone insane, if I hadn't discovered the mirror."

She looked at Harry.

"The first time the mirror spoke to me, it said it could do one thing for me," she continued. "It said it would give me a companion of my choice. I wouldn't be able to talk to him, but the mirror could show me all that was happening to him, so that at least I wouldn't be alone."

She paused, and looked down at the glass in her hands.

"I didn't know who to choose," she said. "I didn't want to choose my foster parents - because seeing them would just remind me they were dead. And I had no close friends. So I asked the mirror to make the choice, for me."

"I see," said Harry, slowly.

"The mirror then showed me a small boy," Jeanne went on. "He was screaming - he had just been bitten by a werewolf. His parents got him away in time, but had to lock him up when he transformed."

She turned to look at Harry.

"That's right, Harry," she said, seeing his expression. "It was Professor Lupin. The mirror chose him to be my companion."

Harry was too astonished to say anything.

"Remus was my only friend throughout those years of hell," said Jeanne. "I couldn't talk to him, but the mirror showed me many events of his life - his schooldays, his friends - with your father, James, and Sirius Black; and most of all, how much he suffered each time he transformed."

Her voice was shaking slightly, and she steadied it.

"I saw what happened after he graduated from school, how difficult it was for him to find work, all the discouragement." She bit her lip. "I guess I'd already fallen in love with him, back then. I didn't care, because I was so desperate. I didn't know whether he really existed, or whether he was just something the mirror had created. I never thought I'd really meet him."

She gave a small sigh, and fell silent.

"So that was why - that night, when we got you away from Deorg - you transformed back on your own," said Harry slowly.

Jeanne nodded. "Even in the state I was in, I think I somehow recognised him."

"And that's why - that time in the Three Broomsticks - you knew Sirius Black was innocent."


Jeanne shook her head.

"I didn't know at the time," she said. "The mirror hadn't shown me what happened in your third year. Remus only told me about it afterward. I was just angry with those officials at the time - they were so self-righteous and full of themselves. Besides, I liked Sirius - he was hot-tempered and volatile in school, but I liked him."

Harry was still thinking.

"And you must have known Snape already, as well, before you met him."

Jeanne looked rather tired now, but she gave Harry a small smile.

"Yes, I already knew Severus, and Albus Dumbledore," she said.

Harry looked at Jeanne.

"Professor Lupin - does he know about the mirror?"

She nodded. "I told him that night, after the Christmas Ball. I was afraid he would mind, it's as if I've been spying on him. But he didn't; he just said it was unhealthy for me to have known only one man, and that I should go out and meet more people, I might find someone I like better - " She broke off, looking slightly exasperated.

Harry was still thinking.

"I wonder why the mirror chose him," he said.

"I wondered that, too," said Jeanne. "Perhaps it was because we were similar - both of us trapped in bodies over which we had no control."

But Harry was thinking of something else. Grenivere had said Lupin's grandfather knew how to craft Starlight jewellery…and so did Jeanne's elderly jeweller friend. Was there a connection? He thought of the mirror in the cave…its frame…

"Jeanne," he said, "have you any idea where the mirror came from?"

She shook her head. "Like I told you, Harry, it was already there before I came."

"That elderly gentleman you knew as a child," said Harry, "did he make only jewellery?"

Jeanne was looking at the time, and only half-listening.

"The gentleman - what? Oh, well, it was a long time ago, I don't really remember," she said. She smiled at him.

"It's late, Harry. You'd better be getting off to bed."

She saw him to the door.

"Remus will want to talk to you tomorrow."

"Is he really angry with me?" asked Harry, feeling slightly apprehensive.

She smiled, and gave his arm an affectionate squeeze.

"If he is, it's because he's concerned about you," she said. "Good-night."

"Good night," he answered automatically, and then walked back to the common room, still thinking about everything he'd just heard.


Harry found himself, for the first time that year, not really looking forward to the next Defence Against the Dark Arts class. However, the next day Professor Lupin appeared to be his usual cheerful self, although he still looked rather tired and ill. They had an interesting lesson, and Harry began to hope that Lupin had forgotten about the incident in the Forbidden Forest.

Once the class ended, though, Lupin didn't start packing his books away, as he usually did. He merely stood by his desk, leaning slightly on it with arms folded, looking at Harry.

Harry's heart sank. Excuses ran through his mind. How could he explain why he'd been in the Forest? He didn't want to lie to Lupin. He thought of the two wolves, wild and free…

"You all go ahead," he said to Ron and Hermione, "I need to ask Lupin something."

When all the students had left, Harry gathered his own books, and slowly walked up to Lupin's desk.

Lupin didn't say anything. Harry, looking up cautiously, saw that he was looking seriously at him.

"Well, Harry?" said Lupin, at last.

Harry looked at the desk.

"I know I was wrong," he said. "I don't know what got into me that night…it was the moonlight…I'm sorry…"

Lupin was silent. He waited until Harry looked up at him again, before speaking.

"You know, of course, if we hadn't been there, you would be dead by now."

Harry nodded glumly.

Lupin looked stern.

"You know I should punish you, Harry; but unfortunately, this time I am not in a position to do so."

Harry looked at him in surprise.

Lupin gave a rather wry smile.

"…because I wasn't supposed to be there, either. No one has ever said anything, of course, but I believe there is an unspoken agreement that I should remain in my office when I transform."

Harry thought he saw a scar on Lupin's neck, but he couldn't be sure. He suddenly felt very guilty.

"I promise I won't do it again," he said, quietly.

Lupin gave a small sigh.

"Very well, Harry," he said. "I will hold you to your promise. You may go."

Harry went slowly to the door. He opened it, but then turned around.

"Professor Lupin?" he said.

Lupin had started to pack away his books. He stopped, and looked at Harry.

"Thank you - for saving my life," said Harry, his eyes on the floor.

Lupin looked surprised.

"Not at all, Harry," he said, more kindly. "I would do it again, if I had to. Now get along to your next class."

This made Harry feel worse.

"I really won't do it again."

"I'm sure you won't, Harry," said Lupin.

Harry looked up. Lupin's eyes were twinkling.

"Jeanne says she never saw anyone run so fast," said Lupin. "She thinks you must have broken the long distance record. She said to tell you, she never intended to hurt you, just teach you a lesson."

He smiled, and continued packing his things away.

Harry suddenly felt rather foolish.

Lupin no longer took any notice of him, but continued packing his books away, so Harry turned and started off toward his next class, still feeling foolish.


Exams were here. The students were all gathered in the Gryffindor common room, studying. Neville was sitting in a corner, his notes scattered all about him, studying his Potions textbook with an almost desperate look on his face.

Harry, who was sitting nearby with Ron and Hermione, looked at him.

"Why are you so uptight, Neville?" he asked. "You've been getting along all right in Potions lately, even though Snape doesn't seem to think so."

It was true. Neville had been making fewer mistakes of late, and more of his potions had been turning out the way they were supposed to, but Professor Snape was being nastier than ever to him, picking on the slightest mistake.

Neville turned slightly pale at the mention of Snape.

"I can't help worrying," he said. "I'm afraid something will go wrong. I can't let Jeanne down, she's been working so hard to help me."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, Neville," said Hermione, comfortingly. "Just keep your head, and be careful."


The day of the Potions exam arrived. They were each given a bunch of white roses, and were supposed to produce a potion that would change the roses to a wine red colour.

Neville worked feverishly on his solution, trembling whenever Snape came up to check on him. By the end of the period, his solution was pale green, as it was supposed to be. Snape scowled.

Neville tested some of the solution on one rose petal. It turned red at once. He was so jubilant that he jumped up, and dropped his spatula on the floor.

Harry, busily stirring in the last of his ingredients, didn't look up, but could hear Neville under the table, looking for the spatula.

There was suddenly a horrible gulping and belching sound from Neville's cauldron. Harry looked up, and saw Draco Malfoy sliding back into his seat. Malfoy's extra shrivelfigs, which Harry was sure he had seen on the table a few minutes ago, had disappeared.

Neville's cauldron was bubbling over, and the solution had turned a horrible purplish-black colour. Neville, emerging from beneath the table, gave a squeak of horror when he saw it, and then burst into tears.

Snape came over. "What's all the commotion here?"

"It was Malfoy!" shouted Harry angrily. "He threw his extra shrivelfigs into Neville's cauldron!"

"Prove it, Potter," drawled Malfoy. He was Snape's pet, and Snape would usually let him get away with anything.

"Where are your extra shrivelfigs, then?" demanded Seamus. "We were each allowed to take four. We only had to use two."

"I only took two from the supply pile in front," said Malfoy coolly.

Snape's eyes glittered.

"Five points from Gryffindor, Potter, for making unjustified accusations," he said.

Harry was furious.

"He took more than two shrivelfigs!" he said. "I saw them on his table!"

"Sir, it's true," said Hermione. "And we know we shouldn't put extra shrivelfigs in. The exam paper has a cautionary statement warning us not to."

"I did not notice Mr Malfoy taking more than two shrivelfigs," said Snape coldly. "I find it more likely that Longbottom has made one of his usual careless mistakes."

"But his potion was green! You saw it!" said Harry. "And he tested it on one petal!"

But the purplish-black solution had bubbled over onto the table, and the petal had dissolved in it.

"There is no time to repeat the experiment," said Snape, looking at his watch. "Longbottom, I will have to fail you."

Poor Neville just sat at his seat, sobbing heartbrokenly.


Neville spent the rest of the day sitting in a corner of the Gryffindor common room, staring at the wall. He refused to eat. The others tried to console him, but he refused to be comforted.

"I've let Jeanne down," he kept saying. "I can't face her. I don't know what to say to her."

Later that evening, a scops owl flew into the room. It flew straight over to Neville.

"It's a letter for you, Neville," said Harry.

Neville was still staring at the wall. "I don't want to read it."

Harry had a feeling he knew who had sent the letter. He opened it.

"It's from Jeanne," he said. "She wants to see you."

"I don't want to see her," said Neville. "I can't face her."

The scops owl was sitting on the floor next to him. It looked at him for a moment, and then it was gone; Jeanne was standing there instead.

"Neville," she said, looking at him.

Neville burst into tears again.

Jeanne looked rather stricken. She took Neville's hand, and gently led him out of the common room.

Neville didn't come back that night, but he appeared at breakfast the next morning looking much better.

"I'm all right now," he said. "Jeanne and I had a long talk last night. She said she spoke to Snape, and that he admitted he saw me testing the rose petal. So I'll get some marks, after all."

"That's great, Neville," said Harry.

Neville sighed.

"I really wanted to do well, though," he said, mournfully.

Hermione patted his shoulder.

"I'm sure you will, next year," she said.