Authors Note/ Disclaimer: All characters mentioned belong to Ms. Rowling. This was one of those things that seemed to write themselves, only using me as a medium… so if it’s a little confusing, I apologise. With that said, please enjoy. (And review?)

Me, Myself and I

By Princess Kate


A friend is, as it were, a second self.


Once upon a time in a land far away- for that’s how all good fairy tales must start, right?- I was born. Not an especially unique way to come into the world, I didn’t pop fully armed out of my fathers forehead or rise out of the waters, but I gather my parents thought it was pretty spectacular anyway.

I wouldn’t know, however, for I never really knew my parents. They were murdered when I was only a year old, and my only memories are of their deaths. I don’t say that to get pity, but because it’s the truth- I was alone.

I was raised by your average evil stepmother (although mine came in the form of two hundred pound evil uncle.) For the most part I was left alone, except when my aunt needed help cooking or cleaning or my cousin needed help perfecting his bullying skills. I lived in the closet under the stairs, never happy, although I suppose I was content enough- I never knew what I was missing. I only knew the vague aching, the suspicion that something was missing in my life. Something vital.

But just as Cinderella eventually got her invitation to the ball, Sleeping Beauty in time received her kiss, and it finally dawned on

Little Red Riding Hood that perhaps it wasn’t grandma who was eyeing her hungrily, I eventually received my ticket out of there. Of course, mine involved giants, pink umbrellas and my cousin sprouting a pig's tail- but it happened. Before I even completely understood what was going on, I was at platform nine and three quarters, say good-bye to my old life, starting the road that would lead to filling the hole in my life.

For I met myself on the train. Granted, he didn’t look like much at the time: a tall, awkward redheaded kid with stale corned beef sandwiches and a black smudge on his nose. But I was hardly any better, a skinny runt with hair that would never do what I told it to: neither of us felt like we were anyone particularly special, and we got along famously.

His name was Ron and from that moment we became nearly inseparable. For the first time in my life, I began to feel the emptiness within myself begin to fill. He was my first true friend, and without him I could not be myself. I certainly wouldn’t be me.

But Me is another story entirely- I had to spend a little time searching before I found her, only to find that she was right under my nose- why is it that the most important things in life are always right under our noses? And why is it we can never see them?

I certainly never saw me in the frizzy haired, buck teethed girl who knew all the answers to every question before it was even asked. I was lucky that I found her before it was too late- because, she too, was a part of myself.

Through the years those two have grown to mean more to me than anything. We’ve been through some pretty wild stuff together, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Sure, without Ron or Hermione, I could still go on living. I would maybe even be relatively content with my life. But it would be only be the shallow contentment I felt when I was sitting in the Dursley’s broom-closet. I would be content only because I would not know what else life had to offer. I would never truly be happy.

Because through them, the hole that once threatened to swallow my life has been filled. I am no longer alone. I have found myself and me, extensions of myself and my very best friends.

Me, Myself and I.

And we lived happily ever after.
