A/N: This is a quite short story- a mother's thoughts to her son. (It's not who you think!) Sorry to all of you who are reading "Nobody Likes You When You're 23". I know I should be working on it, but, hey, I needed a break! I thought it was getting too fluffy, so I decided to write a nice, angsty, fic to stop that in its tracks- I think I've succeeded. By the way, I'll start work on chapter 7 of "Nobody…" as soon as I can, but I have to go shopping for school clothes (Shopping, yay!) so give me a little time. I hope you enjoy reading and reviewing (Yes, reviewing!) this as much as I enjoyed writing it. ~Anne

Disclaimer: You know the drill by now: I own the plot; J.K. Rowling owns the characters and my undying admiration; my parents own my body till I'm 18; God owns my soul; and I own my mind, but have very little control over it.J

"Love Always, Mum"

While unpacking his trunk for his sixth year at Hogwarts, Neville Longbottom discovered an old piece of parchment at the very bottom of the trunk. He noticed its corner sticking out from underneath the paper covering the trunk's bottom. When he pulled it out, he recognized the handwriting that spelled out his name immediately. Neville's hands shook as he unfolded the yellowing parchment:

My Dearest Neville,

As I sit here in the darkened hallway, perched on my old school trunk, I can barely hold the pen to write to you, but I wanted you to have my thoughts to cherish long after I'm gone. As you may have already guessed, the deatheaters have come after your father and I. His screams are still echoing in my head, and I know what I have to do. Now I just have to work up the courage to do it.

I 'm looking to you for that courage, darling. You are the greatest gift I've ever been blessed with. I want you to try everything, Neville. Live life to it's fullest. Whether you fail or succeed doesn't matter as long as you try.

You were born into a difficult world- one where dark wizards ran rampant and wreaked havoc; and then, just a few months ago, it ended. Or so we all thought, until tonight. When the deatheaters arrived, it was a shock. We thought they'd all gone into hiding after Voldemort couldn't kill Harry Potter and had been destroyed in the process…obviously, we were wrong.

When they arrived, your father fought them while I raced upstairs and hid you. Bravery never came as easily to me as it did to him. I'm not sure who you'll take after in that respect, but if it is me, here is my best advice: Don't think about what will happen to you if do stand up for what is right, think about what will happen to others if you don't.

That is how I'm getting my courage from you, dear. I know what will happen to you if I don't take a stand. I have to go now, Neville. When you look back and remember me, don't remember whether I failed or succeeded. Remember that I tried.

Love Always,



A/N: Okay, in keeping with the story, I'll be brief: Please, please, please review!