But I Do Love You

By Robert


Author's Note: H/G and R/H. Very short. Ron says something, but I'm trying to do it the way fabulous J.K.R. does it, and leave MOST cussing out.

Disclaimer: No! Don't tell me you don't KNOW?! AHHHH! *swoons with hand over forehead*



Hermione Granger turned to the sound of an owl pecking at the window. It was a large grey male with very ruffled feathers. It had a letter in its beak for Hermione - or rather, "Herm-own-ninny."

As Hermione read it, she blushed crimson. It was from Viktor Krum - and he was asking for her to visit - and it included a part about KISSING.

'Oh, if only he knew!' sighed Hermione to herself. 'He wouldn't like it that I'm not going out with him...'

"Harry, Ron?" said Hermione slowly, "Please, don't be angry..."

"Why?" asked Harry.

"Krum wants me to-to visit him in Bulgaria again - but, oh, He - he...he wants to kiss me."

Ron stared open-mouthed. "That sorry -" (he said something that made even Harry jump in surprise) "-!"

"Ron!" said Hermione through choked tears. "Don't ever swear like that or - or I'll tell Professor McGonagall!"

"Why?!" yelled Ron. "He's an ignorant bastard - "

"Then why'd you get his autograph?!" Hermione shouted back in anger.

"Er-um...that was... I mean...it was for Ginny." he murmered. Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas sniggered at this ridiculous lie.

"Be quiet, Seamus, Dean. It's not funny." said Harry with the same finality in his tone that Albus Dumbledore used countless times.

"Ohh, Fight!" said Lavender (she'd just pulled away from kissing Seamus).

"Bloody hell, Hermione! Do you not understand?! He's a complete idiot! He wants you to fall in love with him, then he'll get other girlfriends and leave you with nothing! Understand me!...please." Ron whispered the last part.

"Mione, please...I...I.." Ron couldn't say it with the whole common room watching. "please!" With that he grabbed her around the waist, pulled her up and kissed her. Hermione became as red as Ron's hair.

"Hey," Ginny whispered in Harry's ear. "I'm going to try that new Music Charm we learned!"

Ginny raised her wand and said, "Compositius!"

As this Charm took effect, the room was filled with sweet music, soft and low - romantic.

Harry hesitated for what seemed like an eternity, then walked up to Ginny, offered her his hand, and pulled her up. The danced slowly, as did Ron and Hermione and Lavender and Seamus.



"Do you mind?"

Ginny blushed furiously but said, "Not at all, Harry."

Harry leaned forward and kissed Ginny full on the lips. Ginny wished her lips would stay forever on Harry's.


(or is it?)