Verbum's Stories

Author Profile: Well, Verbum had a bit of trouble picking just one bio, so she sent me a few to choose from. Unfortunately, my co-author and I are well matched because I couldn't pick either! So, here are the top winners:

Hello all, I'm Verbum.  I'm 18 (well, almost), and a freshman at New College of Florida, in Sarasota FL.  I write mostly Harry Potter fanfic, though I have been known to branch off every once in a while, but my HP fics are in for a MAJOR overhaul in the near future.  Look out for those changes.  I am also the alter ego of Em and Jamie, a pairing that I embarked with with Anne just under a year or so ago, so go and check them out, too.  I hope you enjoy the fics-- if you do, e-mail me at with any suggestions, comments, and compliments.  NO FLAMES.  I don't flame you so don't flame me.  Toodles!

Hi, I'm Verbum and I'm a 18 year old Scorpio, who likes long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners at classy restraunts (ie, Denny's), and putt-putt golf.  I also think that Harry Potter is the most gorgeous man alive, so I write about him.

"Cogito, ergo scribo." 


"I think, therefore I write."

Angel In The Snow (PG13) In the marauder's last year at Hogwarts, a new student arrives, and turns Remus' life upside down. (This covers roughly three years.) *Posted 1-6-01*
Trouble In Paradise(PG13 - R) Parts 1 - 4: Lily and James Potter, newlyweds who've only been married a few months should have the perfect life - but do they? In an effort to improve their marriage they seek professional help... *Posted 3-17-01* NEW

Trouble In Paradise(PG13 - R) Part 5: We all know James can hold down more than a few butterbeers, but with Lily in his body, who knows what an evening at the pub with the boys will turn into? *Posted 4-29-01*

Phoenix Rising (PG13 - R) This is one of two sequels to Angel In The Snow; this is for all you hell-bent Penelope fans... *Posted 1-12-01*
The Silver Wheel: Parts 1 - 4 (PG13) The alternate sequel to Angel In The Snow this one is for those who are interested in a new (and unexpected) woman in Remus' life. *Posted 1-26-01*

The Silver Wheel: Parts 5 - 7 The saga continues and the mystery of the amulet thickens. We also find out a bit more of Arianrhod's interesting past... *Posted 3-17-01*

I, Muriel (PG) The story of how Sirius and his adopted daughter found each other - so to speak - and what bond forms from there. It's a very sweet intro to an adorable original character. *Posted on 3-02-01*
Pinch Me (G) A songfic to Bare Naked Ladies' Pinch Me that takes place on a day during the summer after Goblet of Fire.

The Stacks