Peter Martin Elliot's Stories

Author Bio: I am 14 years old and I love to read and write! I also love music. I play the tenor horn, and my favourite ever band is Stereophonics! I live in Newcastle England and I love to go on holiday anywhere! I love to eat Pringles and Jaffa Cakes and I love surfing the net and chatting with my friends at home or at school, and I love going to the cinema or to see a play. I'm very interested in the performing arts, although I'm not too fond of dancing. I think Rupert Grint and Dominic Monaghan are gorgeous, and I really want to be an author when I grow up, using this name too (although I am a girl) and I love Harry Potter of course! Ron is the best.
Ron Meets Opal(PG - PG13) A black comedy (of sorts) about life after Hogwarts for all our favorite characters... and a few of our less favorite ones. This is one ending you won't see coming! *Posted 4-02-02*
