Maverick's Stories

Author Profile: A profile of sorts, huh? Um...let's see... My alias is Maverick (wow, bet you weren't expecting THAT revelation!) and my 'real' name is Kim. I am currently living in Canada and before you ask, no, I don't go around reciting beer commercials (but I sadly know people who do). I adore music of any kind (although...I kinda have to pass on jazz) and writing is my passion (along with a couple of other things which I won't mention right now). I guess I should mention that I love to read and there are times when I actually enjoy my homework. Ahem. We won't talk about those. I've been told that my laugh is "loud and distinct." Take that whichever way you wish. What else, what else...? Oh...I love quotes. But not the intelligent ones. I'm a firm believer in that the less sense something makes, the more sense it makes. (And I say stupid things like that all the time.) I have actually written a story based solely on kitkat wrappers, buddhist monks and clay telephones. And now I shall depart...
It Comes Down To This (PG13) During the Christmas of their Sixth Year Sirius and Aria discover truths about love, loss, and the nature of friendship. (Prequel to Memories Of Flowers and Four-Leaf Clovers and The Bitter Sting Of Tears) *Reposted 2-04-01*
The Bitter Sting of Tears (PG13 - R) The Aurors were ordered to kill. They learned how to kill. They were trained to kill. It was just a part of the job that they had to live with. But away from the rest of the world, the guilt settled on them like a weight. How can you justify taking a life? *Posted 2-07-01*
Memories Of Flowers and Four-Leaf Clovers (PG) *One of the most moving POV fics I've ever read.* From the POV of one of the marauder's old friends, ten years after everything fell apart, trying to resolve her life. *Reposted 1-06-01*
When Love and Hate Collide: Chapters 1 & 2 (PG13) The series that follows all the above stories. Years ago, when her world fell apart, Aria ran away. Will she be able to go back? *Reposted 2-04-01*

When Love and Hate Collide: Chapters 3-5 (PG13) The next bit of the ever wonderful series! *Posted 11-2-00*

When Love and Hate Collide: Chapters 6 & 7 (PG13) In these chapters many things happen including Aria's first meeting with someone from her past... *Posted 11-4-00*

When Love and Hate Collide: Chapters 8-10 (PG13) The next three chapters... *Posted 11-7-00*

When Love and Hate Collide: Chapters 11 & 12 (PG13) Aria gets some new assignments; the saga continues... *Posted 11-7-00*

When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 13 (PG13) Aria begins her new assignment at the hospital in Dover an reminisces a bit about her schooldays. *Posted 11-?-00*

When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 14 (PG13) Aria gets taken off her job and the ministry and assigned a *new* assignment, with a *new* partner, and Harry makes an appearance... *Posted 12-21-00*

When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 15 (PG13) Aria and Sirius collaborate on yet another assignment and have a run in with some Death Eaters. Aria realizes that life is all about the choices we make... *Posted New Year's Day 2001*

And Then There Was Silence (PG) An anonymous POV's world falls apart around her... *Posted 1-7-01*

The Stacks