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Hi! this site is constantly being updated so be sure to check back often for new material.

Last updated 3rd Feb 2003.


The Queen Of The Damned

I was lucky enough to be an extra at the filming of the upcoming film "Queen of the Damned", staring Stuart Townsend, Aaliyah and my "Crow" idol Vincent Perez.
Below are photos of myself and friends getting ready for the shoot of the concert scene in Death Vally. I then spent a amazing week on the shooting on the set. I must say this has been the apsolute highlight of my life. I GOT TO HUG VINCENT!!!Unfortunately I do not have photos from there as cameras were not allowed and silly me obeyed
Also be sure to check my links page for links to sites regarding this movie

Click here to see my photos.

My latest update is simply a few more photos but soon there shouold be a couple of more poems that I have written in the last 6 months.

and this is my new look! :)

About Me

Just a bit of info on me :)

Poetry and Links

My Poetry and Links
Poetry by my daughter :))


*UPDATED* Well....a few people sugested I put in some photos so here they are :)