We are currently doing the Southern All-Stars Series, I-81 Series, and Mega Series. Special Thanks to our driver/mechanic Chris Crutchfield. Moto-Momma racing team is needing sponsorship for the 2003 season. Please email us if you are interested in becoming a sponsor. Good Luck Guys, and keep up the good work. 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Moto-Momma racing is a motocross race team originating in Knoxville,Tn.We have a wide variety of riders,ranging from 50 riders to Pro riders.Each member of our team is as important as the other,***THERE IS NO "I" IN TEAM***!!!The teams main goals are to strive for fun,discipline,and and enjoy the gifts of unity team wide.This is a great team,and we feel as if we are the best.We would like to personally thank EVERYONE for their support and hard work.We love you all and wish you the best!!!
This is Chase Crutchfield,making a jump at Muddy Creek Tn.
~*~*~*~* TEAM MEMBERS *~*~*~*~
°David Caldwell #116 °Cody Haygood #519 °Kelly Bales #40 °Jamie Goosie #597 °Brian Reed #592 °Chris Nelson #271 °Jon Vaughn #316 °Cody Litz #573 °Timmy Phillips #107 °Chase Crutchfield #596 °Gabriel Stewart #21 °Tommy Stone #129 °John Boruff #975 °Marcus Thompson #578 °Jonathan Williams #117 °Dustin Williams #10 °Andrew Mayberry #298 °Josh Mayberry #4x °Alix Freeman #100 °Michael Hawk #02 °Brent Sipe #599 °Donnie Adams #101 °Tommy Davis #421 °Ben Hedrick #594 °Tony Graham #358 °Tyler Bales #49 °Josh Walker #958 °Josh Wyatt (Worm) #231 °Mikey Ridge #163 °Stan Steffey #915 °Cameron Cabrera #28 °Stephen Gray #252

Motocross! Our team does both the indoor series and outdoor Mega Series. We ride the hot summer night series at I-40 and I-81 when time permits. Come watch us. We have an awesome team. We had several team members who raced at Loretta's this summer,and will have even more next summer. So look for Moto-Momma Racing Team.... thats us!

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The MotoMomma race team would like to thank these sponsors...
Alcoa Goodtimes, MotoPlanet, Fence Pro, Caldwell Fencing, Shutter Master, Mark IV, and of course me... MotoMomma!!
Had it not been for these sponsors,the MotoMomma racing would not be possible.So from the MotoMomma race team and all of our affiliates,we say THANK YOU!!!!

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