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Who We Are

Churches of Christ

We are Christians reaching out:
To the sick and shut in,  To youth through a year round Youth
Program,  To the aging through a Seniors Program,  Through      Missions,  Through Home Bible Studies,  Through Benevolence

We are a people wanting to restore in our time the original New Testament church.  In the latter part of the 18th century, men of different denominations, studying independently of each other, in various parts of the world, began to ask:
-- Why not go back beyond denominationalism to the simplicity and purity                                of the first century church?
-- Why not take the BIble alone and once again continue "steadfastly in the apostles' teaching..." ( Acts 2:42 ) ?
-- Why not plant the same seed ( the Word of God, Luke 8:11 ), that they planted, and be Christians only, as they were?

For this reason, we are not interested in man-made creeds, but simply in the New Testament pattern.  We do not conceive ourselves as being a    denomination - nor as Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish - but simply as members of the church which Jesus established and for which he died.

And that is why we wear his name.  The term "church of Christ" in not used as a denominational designation, but rather as a descriptive term indicating that the church belongs to Christ.

What you can expect when you visit our worship services

Worship in churches of Christ centers in five items, the same as in the first-century church.  We believe the pattern is important. 
The five items of worship observed in the first-century church were singing, praying, preaching giving and eating the Lord's Supper.
Our singing is a capella, without use of mechanical instruments
We observe the Lord's Supper weekly, as we do all other items of worship

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