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Keep 'em Flying!

Hi gang,

Most of you have probably already read Allan's post that NEW INVADERS has been cancelled with issue #9. That either means that we didn't write enough letters or Marvel just doesn't care. We would like for the Golden Age Marvel Squad and all fans of the Invaders to get a letter writing campaign started in support of bringing back the NEW INVADERS! If She-Hulk can get another series, why not NEW INVADERS?

We need to write in to Marvel and let them know everything we liked AND disliked about the series! We know there are many people out there who tried the series, but were turned off by the art. Some decided to stick with the series anyway, out of love of the characters...but we have seen FAR too many posts from people saying that they dropped the book because of the art. We need to let Marvel know that there IS a fan base for these characters and that we want their stories to continue! If you have had a problem with the art (or the writing, coloring, or anything else) include that in the letter! A letter can tell the editors *exactly* what our concerns are, so they can address them. If you loved *everything* about the series, write in and tell them that! The important thing is to give them feedback and make sure they realize that we want this series to return!

We need snail mail letters as well as e-mail! Editors have said time and time again that more significance is given to 1 single physical letter than to 100 e-mails. The address is:

Marvel Enterprises, Inc
10 East 40th St.
New York, NY 10016
Attn: Andy Schmidt

Thank you, Scott, Michael and Dermie of the New Invaders Message Board