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Laura Lee Crist

Okay, okay, so sticking my name in along a list of Economic Theorists is unrealistic,but since it is my webpage, I guess I can take some liberties.

I am an assistant to Team Forgette at Bob Parks Realty and currently studying for my Realtor's license. But most importantly, I am the mother of three really special boys: Joseph, who is 20, and Daniel, who is 16 and Ryan, who is 3. I am married to David Lee Crist, who moved here from New York, where he worked in production for theatre.

I have my Masters in Economics from Middle Tennessee State University. My interest in the study of economics began eons ago when I happened upon the work of Ayn Rand. She was a radical Objectivist who introduced me to the work of Ludwig von Mises. From Mises to Hayek, and I was off and running. I no longer see economic (or any other)issues as black and white as does Objectivism, however, I do feel indebted to these author's for launching my interest in economics. My personal shift in economic ideology over time has emphasized for me the necessity for economic students and economists to continuosly read from a wide variety of sources...if you are going to make Fredrich August von Hayek your mentor, do so only after you've read Robert Heilbroner or Paul Krugman, and vice versa.

In regard to my personal life philosophy, this is still under construction and I hope this will continue to be the case for the rest of my life. One irreducible requirement to happiness is to find out where your interests lie...and then embrace them with total passion. If you can do this while simultaneously following Uncle Alex's advice, you'll probably appear eccentric to many, but you will have found the secret to contentment.

TimeQuake, By Kurt Vonnegut:

"My Uncle Alex Vonnegut, a Harvard-educated life insurance salesman who lived at 5033 North Pennsylvania Street, taught me something very important. He said that when things were really going well we should be sure to notice it.

He was talking about simple occasions, not great victories: maybe drinking lemonade on a hot afternoon in the shade, or smelling the aroma of a nearby bakery, or fishing and not caring if we catch anything or not, or hearing somebody all alone playing a piano really well in the house next door.

Uncle Alex urged me to say this out loud during such epiphanies: If this isn't nice, what is?"

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