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Hi. Everybody in one way or another has affected me. Whether it be with making decisions big or small, bad or good, or deciding what to do on this website. I'd like to take this GIGANTIC space to thank them all. (Bare with me) So here goes:

My Grandparents:

Nanny (Jean):
Thank you for having my dad, so in turn I could be born. Thanks for teaching me things, and leaving me memories that will always be in my heart and mind. And thanks for always believing in me. I love you very much, and will always miss you.

Daddy Bob (Robert Sr.):
Thanks for being my grandfather and taking all those pictures of me when I was little. I wouldn't have any otherwise. I will always miss you, too.

Mammaw (Margaret):
Thanks for having my mom so she could later have me! Thanks for always showing love to all your grandkids even though you have 12, and a gazzillion great-grandkids. Love you.

Pappaw (Houston):
Thanks to you to for having my mom and raising her. Thanks for giving her good memories, and being a pretty good father. Also thanks for all the great stories you told Mom, Harold, Donny, and Betty so that they could pass them down to us. I wish I could have known you better. Maybe in the new system.

Parents :

Mom (Carol):
Where to start...Thank you for always trying to be a good Mom. Thanks for bringing me into the world, and making sure I was fed. Thanks for looking out for me, and being protective, even if it has been somewhat annoying at times :oP. Thanks for telling me I can always do something when I think I can't. Thanks for being proud. Thanks for trying to make me feel better when I was little, and trying to find ways to make my life a little better. Thanks for making me wear itchy dresses that you made because they were at least pretty. Thanks for not yelling when I threw them in the bottom of my closet and never wore them again. Thanks for singing "Laura" and "Little Brown Jug" to me, and reading me Bible Stories before I went to sleep. Thanks for getting me an Irish Cladaugh ring after wanting one for so long, so that when I look at it I'm reminded of you. Thanks for everything, and mostly for putting up with me.

Dad (Robert Jr.): Thanks for teaching me chess.

Sisters :

Thanks for being my eldest sister. Thanks for teaching me that a woman can make it in this world and be a success. Thanks for putting up with me through my hynena years (if you're not related to me, do NOT ask me about that). Thanks for showing me you can move thousands of miles away and be happy even in a new place. And that you can have enough courage to do that. Thanks for getting to know me better the past couple of years, and actually laughing at some of my goobery jokes :o). Love ya.

Thanks for being my second eldest sister and taking me somewhat seriously, or at least acting like it ;o). Thanks for giving me a beautiful, intelligent and kind nephew. Thanks also for giving me a kool brother (in-law).

Thanks for being my 3rd eldest sister. Thanks for taking care of me when I was little, and playing hide and go seek all the time. Thanks for waking me up at the crack of dawn to eat cold hot dogs and salt and watch cartoons (what were we thinking by the way??). Thanks for letting me hang out with you and get closer to you the past few years. Thanks for believing in me, and at least treating me my age, and also not acting as if 16 is a dumb age(haha). Thanks for giving me 2 gorgeous nephews, and 2 beautiful neices whom I love so much.

Thanks for being my sister closest in age to me (even though 8 years isn't horribly close). Thanks for being my best bud, and sometimes partner in crime when I was little. Thanks for helping me make vanilla milk shakes, and introducing me to Mistic ( beverages, not a supernaturally empowered human). Thanks for handing down your Depeche Mode tapes to me, and letting me hang out with you. Thanks for sharing times like when Drew was born and the Nsync concert. Thank you for giving me a most handsome and very intelligent nephew. Thanks too for giving me another kool brother, even if it took me a while to like him :oP .

Friends :

Thanks for being a good friend when I needed you, and giving advice even when I don't :oP. Thanks for caring enough to stick by me and trying to help me avoid making mistakes. Thanks for treating me like a sister, and for listening to my problems. Thanks for telling me your problems so I know more and worry less. Thanks for supporting my decisions, and individuality. Thanks for giving me the basic info when I first started working on webpages, and even thanks for showing me yours which sparked my interest in making them. LYLAS.

Thanks for becoming friends with me, and taking an interest in me when I was at my loneliest. Thanks for helping me come out of my shell of insecurity more. Thanks for all the intellectual disscusions, and for all the late night weirdness :oP. Thanks for listening to my problems, and giving me advice. Thanks for not making me feel like an idiot when I do something obviously stupid. Thanks for helping me deal with problems and feelings, and for letting me know I'm not the only one whose felt certain ways. Thanks for caring enough to call or email me just to make sure everything is alright, even when you don't always feel up to it. Basicly, thanks for being there when I need you.

You are such a kool friend. You know what I'm thinking before I think it. It's amazing! Thank you so much for the friendships, the almost constant laughs and the serious conversations when I need it. You are definitely one of my best friends, and I hope it always stays that way. Thanks :o)

I just want to thank you for all the awesome conversations we have. I always look forward to talking to you, and you brighten up my day. Whether it be talking about the many aspects of complicated life, or shoe polish, it's always interesting. Not many people can do that. Thanks for listening to me when I need a friend and letting me be a friend to you. You rock :o).

Ah, where to start with you. Well, we've had our good times as well as the bad. The most important thing is that we keep on trying to be friends. I've been friends with you longer than anyone else. You're like family to me, which is evident since even when I get mad, I can't get rid of you :oP I just want you to know that I love you very much, and you'll always be my girl even if you don't always think it.

Lydia M.:
Thanks for being a kool cousin, and really the only cousin that knows I'm breathing, lol. Thanks for starting to talk to me again after so many years of never getting the opportunity. Thanks for asking about my friends and telling me about yours. Thanks for not treating me like a baby since I'm a couple of years younger than you. Oh yeah, thanks for sending me funny stuff in my email.

That about does it. If I left you out, it's either because you're not kool enough!...or, I just forgot ;o). Probably the latter of the 2. Anyway, thanks to all these people for all the things they do.


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