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Wyzardsmythe's KORNUKOPIA

Allow me to introduce myself. My name within the modern Pagan community is Wyzardsmythe and I am a Pagan who once was a Christian. Having seen that all too often Christians don't practice what they preach I have left the Christian collective. This website is dedicated to promoting the truth about living a successful life as a modern Pagan. It is designed to contain insights mainly from Western philosophical trends from the ancient to the present. It is designed to show that one does not have to be a member of one of the "world" religions in order to be moral or good. It, however, is not meant to be representative of all Pagans in every detail. Nor is it meant to belittle another faith. It is only meant to be designed to present the facts minus the blinders of faith or emotion. Pagans, like those of other religions, disagree among themselves concerning a variety of things. However, we also agree on many things such as the need to live ethical lives. It can be shown that Pagan values are on a par with the values of any other religious group. In fact, modern "world" religious values are heavily indebted to ancient Pagan philosophical values and systems since Christianity has incorporated them and, for all practical purposes, made them their own without giving due credit to the ancients who espoused them. This website is also designed to acquaint those outside of the Pagan community who are interested with Pagan virtues, ethics, morals, and customs. Within these pages an attempt will be made to explain who we are, where we come from, what brings us together, what keeps us together, what we are expected to be, and why we do the things we do. The popular concept of Pagans as somehow a-moral at best and immoral at worst must be put to an end. It is, in fact, immoral to judge other people based on their religious beliefs and thus to relegate them to hell! It is far too easy to demonize those whom one does not understand. This website is designed to fulfill the need to explain Pagans and Paganism today. It is also designed to be a source from which other links can be accessed which may be helpful to the modern Pagan in his or her quest to live a good and successful life today and which may also be helpful to those of other religious belief systems who wish to study us and learn from us. We are a community which interacts mainly via the mechanism of the World Wide Web since Paganism, in fact, is a worldwide phenomenon. This website will be under construction continuously as updates become necessary.

The Good Life - As Defined by Western Philosophical Thought

Achievement/Ambition - an ancient Greco-Roman ideal
Existentialism - a modern philosophy of self-understanding
Stoicism - the true foundation of all Western philosophy
Logic and Reason - without which no true understanding can take place
Success - something Pagans can achieve as well as others
Sacrifice - the lost art of relating to the Gods and Goddesses
Beauty - a means by which one values rather than devalues
Moderation (Balance) - the key by which we relate to the world and others
Status in Society - an ancient Greek ideal
Community Life - cooperation and betterment of ourselves and others
Individuality and Character - each person as important as the whole
Athletic Strength/Endurance - how we test ourselves
Health and Well-Being - how we understand our internal needs
Happiness - an American constitutional right
Harmony With the Environment - balance with nature
Democratic Government - an ancient Greek achievement
Union With the Eternal Good - meeting the Gods and Goddesses after death
Respect Toward the Gods & Goddesses - our place in the universe
Respect Toward One's Elders and Ancestors - our place in time
Humanism and Excellence - our ability and responsibility to achieve
Reincarnation - an alternative view of the afterlife
The Inherent Value of Others
Love of Neighbor and of Self