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Hey y'all!! My name is katie and i am 18 years old. Unfortunatly, i live in Lubbock, Texas...instead of Tennessee!! <---Jayson

I want to give a few shoutouts to my friends Jayson, LINDSEY (i miss you so much!), Macie, Tyler, Alex, Trevor Mathis, Brad, Kristi Lyon, Ashley Halloway, Russ, Ryan, Eve, Tiffany, Lauren, Michael Murphy, Tim, Michael Hinchee, Chase, Colton, Ted, Beth, Dusty, Justin, Kyle (from Australia), Angela, Trevor, Brett, Amber, Jamie, Christopher, Shannon, Samantha, Danielle, Chris, Kyndal, Alexa, Jennifer, Amanda, and the list goes on and on but i'll stop now.

ppl may tell me i am stoopid, but see i know that i am smart b/c not only am i smart, i am smart smart which means i have an X-tra smart, which means i AM x-tra smart!! so next time you try to call me stupid, i think you need to rethink what you are saying!!

Lindz~ hey girl, wanna chat? Are you guys hungry?...Nah, we're stuffed! mirror mirror on the wall...damn we look sexy!! haha. you love chip stack? Put the Lime in the Coconut! i love you huggle bear! we hate tha playa and tha game! Let's go roast some marshmallows in the basement! Remember that time in Young Life when i sang a word all high and everyone else sang low...neither one of us could stop laughing the rest of the night!! Go on any "joy rides" to Sonic lately??

me and lindsey's song: HoLd uP WaIt A mInUtE, MoThEr F***ErS, i KnOw YoU dIdN't. I kNoW hE jUsT dIdN't. I tHinK hE zId. haha, luv ya girl

Jayson~ hey babe, Tennessee Volunteers are the best and Michigan sucks. Thanks for being there for me and helping me with my mom! Although i act like i dont want to hear what you have to say when you tell me im're thoughts mean a lot to me and have given me a lot to think about. You make me so happy and i love hanging out with you, especially when we fight over whose team is the best (TN is!) and tell each other that they are stupid when we both know i am the smartest!!
Tyler~ hey buddy, you are awesome, i love talking to you on the phone and telling you about everything! you are a great listener and an awesome friend even though we are so far apart! we have to hang out whenever i go to Tennessee! By the are the alcoholic, not me!!
Ashley~ girl we gotta start workin on our figures for Matt and Amanada's wedding so that way we can busta move out on the dance floor!! Maybe we need to start practicing the Sprinkler and Shopping Cart!! You know that we are gonna be the life of that party!
Eve~ we both got drunk and smoked weed together for our 1st time! you always knew how to put a smile on my face even when i was going through bad times! as mrs. yunker says, "thomas west is your potential husband!" haha. YIKES!! i luv ya girl and miss being able to hang out with you
Tiffany~ hey tiff, we're little's not steal anymore cars! i think we are wannabe rebels b/c we always get caught whenever we do stuff. haha. oh well...let's go toke it up!!
Michael~ i ALWAYS beat you at pool...are you serious? oh no i dinnit! lol

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