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Rules governing conduct of Free Persons and slaves
while visiting Green Cliffs Inn

Brief overview of the Rules of the Inn for the Free:

1. Honor and respect for the Inn and its Residents and Regulars are required. Requesting R/L or pictures of other Free Persons or slaves is NOT allowed.

2. Free Women of Torvaldsland are accorded great respect. Free Women will not be threatened with ko-lar without just cause nor made to live in fear in Their own homes. Be aware though, that some areas of the Steading are considered capture zones.

3. ‘Slave hunting’ in the Inn is prohibited.

4. White silk slaves are restricted. They are not allowed to accept PM’s (except from Residents of the Inn) nor are they permitted to perform any sexual act or make reference to their ‘heat’. White silk slaves may serve food and drink, nothing else. They are required to ‘Tower’ before All but their Owner(s), do not command otherwise.

5. While overt sexual conduct is permitted to a point, the Inn is not a ‘paga tavern’. There are chambers provided for using a slave.

6. In an effort to make it easier to distinguish between slaves and Free in the Nick List, Free Persons are ‘voiced’. It is expected that You will respect the rules of the Inn. Should voicing be a problem, We wish You well.

7. Abuse of slaves is not permitted. They may be disciplined verbally by any Free Person, however, physical punishment may only be given by the slave’s Owner.

8. When a Resident of the Inn is present, Guests may not give permission to depart to any slave unless the slave wears the Guest’s personal ko-lar or the ko-lar of the Guest’s homestone.

9. ‘Lurking’ is frowned upon, it is expected that You are visiting the Inn to participate, not merely watch.

10. PMs with unko`lared slaves are prohibited without permission

11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a warning, being kicked or being kicked/banned from the Inn

Rules For Green Cliffs Inn's Slaves

This is a Gorean room, and non-serious slaves should not come here for the purpose of disrupting the seriousness nor the enjoyment of this Inn and it's Residents, Guests and slaves....
After training, an Inn Resident may purchase the slave.

(1) There are six essential qualities that you MUST possess to be a Slave at Green Cliffs Inn. These are not negotiable nor open for interpretation:
1) Honesty
3) Respect
4) Honor
5) Trust
6) Complete and Absolute Obedience.

(2) A slave always will be pleasant and cheerful to a Master/Mistress. If a slave feels they cannot be of a pleasing, positive attitude, at all times they are in the The Inn, then they are not to enter, or are to leave until they are in the right frame of mind.

It is understood that each slave will have troubles and problems from time to time.

(3) A slave who does not reside here needs permission to enter the Inn; slaves residing at the Inn do not need permission to enter. (it is your home)

All slaves need permission to leave or mark afk. A slave will ask permission from one's Master/Mistress if personally owned, or from an Inn's Resident to leave.

A Guest may not give you permission to leave.

If the request is not answered within a reasonable amount of time, a slave will ask for permission to leave 3 times, then may go. If there are no Free present, a slave is not required to ask permission unless under the instruction of a trainer. In such a case, the trainer will release the slave. (this means the fg)

(4) No slaves will argue with a Master or Mistress because the Master/ Mistress is always right, and any conversation with them ends with "Yes, Master/Mistress."

(5) A slave will not shout, nor use profanity.

(6) All questions and concerns will be brought to LadyLif only when necessary. The duty of slaves is to serve and please, not to involve the Masters and Mistresses with the dealings between slaves.

(7) Slaves are encouraged to always remember that they are slaves. The Masters/Mistresses are their first priority and slaves must give Them attention over their fellow or sister slaves

(8) Training slaves will study the ways of the Inn. you will be expected to greet and serve (*if you know how) Masters and Mistresses, when not serving or studying, you will work around the Inn,doing whatever chores need done.
(*If not We will work with you on this until you are ready to do so.)

(9) When a training slave feels ready to be tested, you will be tested before Lady Lif. Please do not hesitate to ask for help.

(10) All training slaves will wear white silks, they are restricted to the use of their Owner, they will not serve with heat nor offer services other than food and drink to the Masters/Mistresses. Serves and conversation will be done in tower only.

(11) When in the The Inn and not serving, a slave will find something to keep themselves busy. There are always dishes to wash, kitchen to clean, stocking to be done, clothes to wash and mend, food to be prepared, and crafts to be done.

Find something to do.

Slaves are encouraged to be busy even when no Master/Mistress is present (you may have fun while doing your chores as long as only Inn Residents are present).

(12) Green Cliffs' slaves will not travel without permission…..
This means that a slave shall ask a Resident for permission to travel to the room they wish to visit and the Resident, as is their right, shall decide if the trip is necessary….

A slave seeing a Resident from their home in another room, may enter that room and, if the Resident allows, they may stay…

A slave will keep a pm box open at all times when traveling with a Resident from the Inn.

There are exceptions to this rule of course……
white silks slaves and a slave under restrictions as punishment.

(13)Slaves shall not pm any Free without first begging permission in the Inn.
(this includes Lady Lif)

(14)When not serving and there are
Masters/Mistresses present a slave
will ask to serve. A slave will ask each
One not being served or not served recently
individually (by using His/Her name).
Do NOT yell across the Hall
or offer a serve to All.

(15)Do not talk to/greet others while serving
(the exception to this is one's own
Master/Mistress and then only greetings)