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Welcome To
Shirl's Page Of Gifs!!

Hi!!.. Welcome to my first attempt at a homepage!!.. My name is Shirley. I am a young at heart, 62 year old retired grandma living in Tennessee!!.. I have 4 children, 3 girls and 1 boy, 6 grandchildren, 4 girls and 2 boys, and 4 great-grandchildren, 3 girls and 1 boy.. I guess you could say the girls rule.. LOL!!..
Now for a little about my hobbies.. I enjoy spending time with my children and grandchildren, surfing on my webtv, reading, fishing, watching t.v., picnics in the park and site seeing.. I love the ocean, and hope to live near one someday. I enjoy most anything outdoors.. I love flowers, but unfortunatly, I don't have much of a green thumb.. I like to cook, especially big holiday dinners!!. Don't know if I'm any good at it, but everybody seems to enjoy the food and walk away stuffed!!. LOL!!..
I love animals, as you would see if you saw our zoo.. LOL!!.. I live with my oldest daughter, Cindy (sisterfrog1) and my grandaughter, Bean (babyfrog), and between the 3 of us, we have 2 dogs, 2 cats and 5 birds.. LOL!!.. Quiet a menageree don't you think?. LOL!.. Bean wants a cow, but I don't think we can handle that where we live right now. LOL!!..
All in all, I have a pretty good and full life.. I have my health, my kids and grandbabies, and a house filled with love.. What better life is there than that?..
I would like to thank a few people for their help and encouragement on getting this page together.. Lynda (Lilmoon) and Ginny (Mitres), you don't even know me, but you pitched in and gave me so much help that I will forever be grateful for.. Cindy, thank you Sis for all the help and teaching you've done in the last few days.. And last, Bean, for being so patient when Nanny was going crazy trying to figure out what your mommie was trying to tell me.. LOL!!.. I would also like to thank Ginks for the beautiful banners.. Thank you all very much..
Ok, I've bored you enough with my prattle, so on to the good stuff!!..
I've put together some gifs that I hope you enjoy as much as I do.. Feel free to take them, but PLEASE, transload them to your own server and don't link to them.. Thank you!!.. Have fun!!

To my knowledge, all the images on this site are public domain. If I have infringed on anyones copyright, I did so inadvertintly. Please write to me and I will either remove it immediatly or get permission to use it. Thank you.

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