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Nahds - Go - Nahds!!!!!

Nahd Pages

Nahdbit History
Friends Of The Nahdbits
Flaming Nahd Pics!
Nahdbits! Hawaiian style! Thanx to the Robot Queen's site!
Some of the awesome live Nahdbits! action, courtesy of the Robot Queen!
We have a Discography?
Places to buy our shit.

UPDATED ON 3-26-06


Buy Lojaque & the Flaming Nahdbits! debut cd "..Music to playa-hate to.." online for the low, low price of $6.00 postage-paid (which includes shipping and handling) by clicking here:
Hi sorry for the lack of updates. Here's a breif synopsis of what we've been up too: played Atlanta again, Kentucky a few times, had hot lesbian action performed for us right at the front of the stage when we played Ivey's in Knoxville, I strained my back and tricep muscles swinging on a vine that hung over an unused street by a semi-cliff type thing behind a Klub 52 in KY, we got to do a couple of shows with The Independents, are about to release a live cd, and last Sunday we were filmed, along with the awesome Moral Decay, for an independent film entitled "Kaliyuga: A journey through Dragon Park". That was really cool, it's a movie based on a guy who had his throat slashed by skinheads in the early nineties. We were filmed at Lucy's Record Shop. They even put up the old sign. I felt like a kid again. Hopefully we make the final cut. I'll update you all when I know a little more.

.....more shows coming soon!!.....

Lojaque & The Flaming Nahdbits! are:

Lojaque - lead vocals

The Reverend Lemonjello Jones - guitars

Cleveland Steamer- bass/background vocals

El King Suckular de Tiempo - drums

Mr. Chicken - all-around badass and mackdaddy

Coming Soon..........Some Silly Pictures Of Our Cocks, I Mean Our Band.....And Last But Not Least Everyone's Favorite, "Funny Shit That Happens At Shows"!!!!!

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