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READ THIS FIRST!! I am not here to condtend with a band, record company, or anyone.. I am doing this for fun.. If you plan on sueing or doing harm to me, my isp, or anyone i have listed on this site, do not enter.. If you enter, you give up every single little ability to do anything to us and you agree not to.. By emailing me you agree not to do NOTHING to me, isp, anyone on this site.. This is for fun, so don't be a butt about it.. If you don't understand, email me.. You gotta get my email in the site though.. Oh yeah, buy the way, NOTHING IS FOR SALE..

"In regards to the legality of the video home recording act settled by Congress with the Home Recording Act (P.L. 102-563,106 Stat.4237, Codified at 17 U.S.C. 1001-1010) in October 1992. No action may be brought under this title alleging infringement of copyright based on the manufacture, importation, or distribution of a digital or analog recording medium or based on the noncommercial use of such a device or medium. No rights are intended, expressed or implied. My priority is to trade. Your list is invited.
Therefore, by e-mailing me you are acknowledging the following statement: "I affirm that I am not working for any television or movie production studio/network or affiliated organizations. I am not employed by, or am a member of a professional organization such as ASCAP or MPAA or any other such group or association. I am not employed by the federal government, affiliated agency or any type of sub-contractor or independent agent. I am not a postal inspector. I will not take any legal action against the webmaster of this page regarding the contents of this page. By e-mailing you I understand that these trades are collector to collector."

