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One Perfect ROSE~

In every special garden among
the many blooms,
There's one that grows above
the rest and smells of sweet perfumes.
And though it knows it's life is
short, in the sun it glows,
Willing to be sacrificed,
the One Perfect Rose.

Within a special garden,
God placed Adam and his mate,
Everything was perfect til
from the forbidden tree they ate.
Sin was born in weakness and
because of the path they chose,
Into this world now sinful,
God would send One Perfect Rose.

It must have been a glorious night,
when that star first appeared.
All the angels in the heavens
must have sang and cheered.
For on this night in a lowly
stable as the star brightly glowed,
Unto this world, born of a virgin,
came One Perfect Rose.

The Rose of Sharon He was called
but Jesus was His name.
One Perfect Rose among the thorns,
God's glory to proclaim.
Upon the cross on Calvary's Hill,
His love for us He shows,
To save our souls and pay sin's
price required One Perfect Rose.

From the cross to a borrowed
tomb the Son of God had gone,
But in three days He would arise
and roll away the stone.
For those who came upon the stone,
He left His burial clothes,
To all around they would proclaim
He was One Perfect Rose.

Jesus left His home in Glory
to dwell among the weeds.
He walked upon a sin-sick world
and died among the thieves.
He sacrificed Himself for us
and now all the world knows,
Above the thorns of this worldly
garden, lives One Perfect Rose.

The price He paid for our
salvation should bring us to our knees,
In repentance and thanksgiving for
this gift of grace received.
Eternal life with God we have
because our Savior chose,
To live and die among the thorns
and be One Perfect Rose.

©2002 Elizabeth Ricard, used with permission

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