

Hey, I'm Emily! I live in Tennessee, and I'm 16! I like to hang out with my friends, go shopping, hang out at the mall (I don't know why, it's just fun, I guess) swim in my pool, play volleyball, football, rollerblade, listen to music (rap & hip hop), talk on the phone and online, sleep, and party! I have a new car, since I wrecked my '89 Honda Accord on April 22, 2002! It's an '00 Plymouth Dodge Neon (everyone says they suck and fall apart, but I love my cute little car, it's pimp!)! At least I'm lucky enough to get a new car not even a month after I total my first. Matt and I broke up, and I'm dating a guy named Brandon! He's such a great guy! I LOVE YOU, BRANDON!!

Thanks for visiting my site! Sign the guestbook and leave me a shout out, Give me feedback on what you think about my site, Check out that poll that I put on there, and Send my site to your friends so they can check it out too! I'll update it as often as I can!

I've updated the site (12|10|02)! There's also some new pictures and new shouts! Enjoy!

I just wanna say a little special hey to my baby, Brandon! You're so crazy... even though you're short! You know I like it though! ;)

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Email: MattsGirl04@hotmail.com