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NameStateComputer Projection
25Barrows, DougFLSteps off the trail to relieve himself. Emerges days later at Cumberland Gap.
2Brasington, WayneSCRuns backwards so he will know where he has been, falls off gorges.
1Brasington, WilsonSCRefuses to enter Hell section for religious reasons.
191Brooks, FredCAConverts to Bhuddism, becomes one with the course. One lap, that is.
22Clifton, EricNMDoes 1st 10km in 40 minutes, then his heart explodes.
4DeWalt, JohnPAHounded by autograph seekers until he is forced to withdraw.
215Dobies, MikeMIForgets his medication, loses too much time chasing squirrels.
21Dorion, MarkTXQuits when everyone refuses to kiss his boo boos and make them better.
6Gardner, SusanNMBreaks a nail, quits to go get emergency manicure.
1Gleman, StuFLUses Power Bars as suppositories. Walks funny all day, then quits.
92Horton, DavidVAForgets to dress on race morning, suffers disfiguring wounds to his palest skin.
19Hudson, SeanCOGoes feral and frightens Boy Scouts for decades.
7Hughes, DavidINMauled by Box turtle, and left for dead.
45Hunt, LeslieNCFalls in with a pack of Coyotes.
2Isler, RandyNMPuts his tights on backwards and cannot run.
298Johnson, BillILBecomes second finisher ever.
3Johnston, SueVTWrites ballad about lap 1 and goes to Nashville to become famous.
19Maclean, ElizaNCLooks up definitions of "Adventure" and "Disaster", then withdraws.
38Mahoney, MattFLCarrys list advice with him, and wanders off course while reading.
2Martin, LeonardTNCarries mountain bike for the coal road, cannot get across sunuvabitch ditch.
7Put, HansNY Ends up laying by the fire weeping like a small child.
23Satterfield, DeWayneALCannot think of clever quote for the finish, so he quits after 4 1/2 laps.
00Scott, GeoffCTHoles up in a cave, and has to be removed by SWAT team.
223Simmons, SteveWVChased off course by amorous Bobcat.
22Thompson, AndrewVAForgets his styling Mousse, refuses to run with bad hair.
7Tiechert, JurgenGERFoolishly looks at Clifton's tights and is temporarily blinded.
29Tilden, MichaelUTHides in the shower during the start.
291Tramell, KerryTNRemembers that he has a warm bed only 30 miles away.
0Tuthill, ChipCTAccidentally ties his shoes together. Falls repeatedly & quits after 1 lap.
99West, DickMIConfuses his Book Pages with toilet paper and loses a lap.
1White, DavidTNDiscovers his confidence still laying where he lost it last year, and takes it home.
2Wilson, CraigMEStops at Jury Ridge on the advice of his astrologist.
00Wood, BlakeNMTries shortcut thru coal mines. Comes out in China.
23Youngren, RobertALHolds his map upside down, and runs to the Prison.
9Zuniga, DavidMATwo words. Human Sacrifice.