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Real Name: Wendell Elvis Vaughn

Current Group Affiliation: Avengers

Former Group Affiliation: Star Masters, Queen's Vengeance, SHIELD, Super-Agents

1st Appearance (as Marvel Boy/Marvel Man): CAPTAIN AMERICA(v.1)#217 (1978)
(as Quasar): INCREDIBLE HULK(v.2)#234 (1979)
(as Starknight): AVENGERS(v.3)#2 (1998)

Issue Joined: AVENGERS(v.1)ANNUAL#18

Status: Thirty-seventh recruit, inactive member

Known Superhuman Powers: Wendell Vaughn exists as sentient Quantum energy, which he can manipulate for a variety of effects including creating objects out of Q-energy, teleportation, flight, generating energy fields, and projecting energy blasts.

Other Aliases: Quasar (III), Marvel Man (I), Starknight, Marvel Boy (IV)

Issues of Avengers featuring Wendell Vaughn:

(as Quasar): #305-308; #311; #317-325; #329; #331-339; #345; #347; Annual#18-20; VOL.3:#1-4; #35; #38; #47-48; #50; #52-53; #501-503; WEST COAST#63, #80-82, Annual#4-6

(as non-member ally): #302-303