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Real Name: Victor Mancha

Current Group Affiliation: Runaways

Former Group Affiliation: Avengers

1st Appearance: RUNAWAYS(v.2)#1 (2005)

Issue Joined: AVENGERS A. I.#1

Status: Ninety-second recruit, former member due to "death" in VISION(v.2)#11 (2016)

Known Superhuman Powers: Victor Mancha's body contains cybernetic components, allowing him infrared vision, superhuman strength, enhanced reflexes and repair systems that can repair most damage. He is also a magnopath, able to magnetically manipulate metal, fire electromagnetic blasts and fly.

Other Aliases: None

Issues of Avengers featuring Victor Mancha:

AVENGERS A. I.#1-6, #8-12

(as a member of the Runaways): AVENGERS ACADEMY#27-28; AVENGERS ARENA#4