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Real Name: Martinex T'Naga

Current Group Affiliation: Guardians of the Galaxy (of Earth-691), Avengers

Former Group Affiliation: Galactic Guardians (of Earth-691)

1st Appearance: MARVEL SUPER-HEROES(v.1)#18 (1968)

Issue Joined: AVENGERS(v.1)#168

Status: Honorary member

Known Superhuman Powers: Martinex has superhuman durability and can survive indefinitely in space, not needing air to breathe and being able to see in total darkness. He has complete control of his body temperature and can convert light into beams of energy. He can rapidly heat anything he touches using the infrared spectrum and can also reduce heat using microwave energy. Using this energy manipulation, he can also project outward heating or cooling beams from his hands.

Other Aliases: None


#168, #170, #177, #181

(as member of the Guardians of the Galaxy): #167