Up Your Aunty    

Where do you want to go today?


Today we begin with women-bashing. As a self-respecting woman of 54, I believe I have the right to give the old "heave-ho" to all the crazy women of the world.

Shall we begin?

Let's start with the fruitcakes at
Second Wives Cafe'.
Besides speaking in tongues, they offer up some of the most bile-producing chatter I've ever seen. 
By the by, don't ever get suckered into letting them host for you. (Which proves my point about speaking in tongues.)

Pregnant? Then by all means do visit this site. For only $9.95 these rocket scientists will predict the sex of your little bundle of joy.
"This formula is designed to help you plan the gender of your baby. It will provide you with the one-year prediction calendar, which will give you the correct timing of the conception depending on the gender of your preference."
Fortune Baby

Oh, Gawd, here's another one that makes me want to wear my bra backwards. The twits at Oxygen.
A hot flash is a hot flash.
They can stick their "power surges" straight up their tight asses.

Dear God. Just when I thought it was safe to surf I came across this. Mary's Room
Be sure to have a look at the White House Cats just after you've torn the house apart looking for the Pepto.

Whisky Kitten

These are my kinda women, but I have to admit I was afraid to drink the tea offered.

Tawnee Rotten - lead vocals, Lacey Hole - synthesizer, Butch - fleugal horn, Latex Cholera - drums, Sara Viscous - acoustic guitar and harpsichord.

Titles from the album:

Big Girls Don’t Cry, Bitch

Hanging, Dimpled, Pregnant and Punched

Rohypnol Blues

Momma, Who’s My Daddy?

Got My Panties ‘Round My Ankles, Pain ‘Round My Heart

Swingin’ From The Ceiling Fan

Cop Behind Us, Act Natural

How Much Is That Doggy In The Microwave?

Do Cats Fit In Tupperware?

Do Your Condoms Lose Their Flavor On The Bedpost Overnight?

The Pope Went Down On Me

Cactus In My Underpants

Trees Are Fer Klan Meetin’s

There’s A Reason Why The Ladies Call You Tiny

Damn, That Needle’s Dull

(Aunty is a pawnbroker from Knoxville, Tennessee)

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