Part 2 of Dr Erin..... Hours later I was aroused from a semi-stupor as Dr Falco said " You are now about to make history............... I have developed a new procedure in response to the problems we have seen. Many feminized patients often fail to feel 100% feminine despite their external appearance. I am about to give you a laparoscopically inserted vaginal womb. I have looked for a procedure that would cause less trauma to the patient, and adapted supracervical hysteplasty to the laparoscopic approach. Using a trocar (a narrow, tube-like instrument), I will gain access to the abdomen   through the navel. A laparoscope (tiny telescope) connected to a camera will be inserted through the trocar, allowing me to view a magnified image of the patient's internal organs on a video monitor. This will enable me to perform the hysteplasty. Two or three additional trocars will be inserted to accommodate special instruments, including lasers and other minimally invasive devices which will attach the uterus. After the uterus is attached, through the navel,   fallopian tubes and ovaries will also be connected with sutures. You have a young 16 year old virgin to thank for her reproductive organs. She died in a car crash two days ago. " My God........ Aaron realised "she is totally converting me into a woman..............." After several hours in the recovery room Aaron started to get some movement back in my legs. He was discharged to the 7th floor, and moved to a private room. The nurses rolled him into a hospital bed (He was still too numb to move himself), and got him ready for the night. The nurse offered him juice and set up a PCA (patient-controlled analgesia) device; She explained that he could push a button and automatically get a two milligram dose of intravenous morphine as often as every ten minutes. At nine PM he fell asleep; but even though he had no pain, Aaron dozed fitfully, awakening every hour or two. By three AM the epidural block had worn off completely, and little irritations start to accumulate: he developed a headache, and his sacrum was sore where he'd been lying on it for twenty hours. About four AM Aaron realised that his bladder felt full, even though he had a Foley catheter in it. Was it the pressure of the catheter balloon causing this feeling of urgency? Is this how I'll feel for the next week? With an effort, he turned part way onto his side, grasped his catheter near its entry point, pushed it slightly further in, and bore down. Urine flowed briskly into the collecting bag, and quickly drain half a litre -- quite a bladder-full. Discomfort relieved, Aaron tried a little morphine, and again attempted to sleep. Twice that night Aaron took out his hand mirror and checked his genitalia, each time with a mixture of anxiety and apprehension. No penis, it was completely gone. His swollen labia were now purple-black, and remind him of a badly over-ripe banana, cut in half and plastered against his perineum. He'd got the silicone tubing of a JP (Jackson-Pratt) drain protruding from each side of his groin, with each tube connected to a grenade-shaped collection vessel. The Foley catheter protruded from the middle of all this edematous tissue, and periodically bumped against the sensitive nubbin of his neo-clitoris. Two heavy-gauge nylon retention sutures held his mobilised abdominal skin firmly against the pubic bone, keeping the vaginal skin from pulling out of the cavity containing it. The sutures seemed to be cutting into his abdominal skin; they looked ugly, and didn't feel great, either. The lower parts of the labia were sewn together, but he couldn't get a good look at this. The nurse checked him out, too; she told Aaron that it all looks great, that he was hardly swollen at all. Aaron wondered what a not-so-great, more severely swollen perineum might look like. In the morning he got a clear liquid breakfast tray, and even the beef broth tasted good. The nurse bathed him, since he was still confined to bed, and he got a new gown. Aaron continued to doze on and off, never very comfortable but never in any real pain, either. Dr Falco came by, inspected his perineum, and declared herself pleased. He got a full-liquid lunch tray and drunk vast quantities of juice and water. His nurse removed the intravenous catheter and starts him on oral pain meds: two Vicodin (hydrocodone) every 4-to-6 hours. Aaron decided he liked Vicodin very much. By late afternoon he was restless: tired of lying on his back, tired of the pneumatic stockings inflating and deflating, tired of the drains and retention sutures pulling every time he shifted in bed. The bedsheet had come loose at the top, and it was bunched-up and sticky; his gown was sweaty and bloody; and his sacrum hurt. Aaron was feeling so sorry for himself when suddenly my night nurse came in and volunteered to change his sheets and gown before bedtime. He still woke up at two-hour intervals throughout the night, but rested decently in between. The next morning at 9 AM, only 48 hours after surgery his began, Dr. Falco arrived and checked him over, and approved his discharge to the Hospital TLC (Temporary Living Centre) unit. He was to stay there for a week while he recuperated. At 10 AM, the nurse removed his pneumatic stockings, and he tried sitting up. This worked OK. and Aaron tried standing up. This worked OK for about a minute; but then fatigue, light-headedness, and pain forced him to lie back down. He asked for a couple of Vicodin, and then set about the slow process of dressing with the help of the nurse. She made him wear a long, full skirt, which the nurse said would conveniently cover the drain "grenades" safety-pinned to his panties, as well as the catheter tubing and drainage bag. On post- operative day 3, he had his first shower. It was a major effort. The retention sutures in the lower abdomen made it painful to walk, and it was impossible to sit comfortably on the shower stool, or to stand comfortably, either. Trying to juggle two JP grenades and the Foley bag, he invariably dropped one, and winced when the tubing pulled. Nevertheless, it felt wonderful to get clean. Aaron finally got a really good look at his crotch, and saw the size of the sutures holding the labia together. No wonder he felt so odd down there. After drying off, he wrapped his long wet hair in a towel, crawled back to bed exhausted, and immediately fell asleep. Thursday he had his first post-operative bowel movement. This required a prolonged effort, because the pack filling his vagina occupied a lot of space in the pelvis. Straining hard naturally squeezed the vaginal pack, causing bloody fluid to ooze through the labial suture line and drip from the crotch. The pressure also made him leak around my Foley catheter, so that the effort left Aaron dripping urine, blood, and stool. The following days fell into a pattern: reading, naps, channel-surfing, all punctuated by meals and medications. The weekend seemed interminable; but at last, on Sunday afternoon, post-operative day 6, Dr. Falco arrived to remove his drains and vaginal pack. The drains hurt a little coming out, but it was great to be rid of them. After cutting the labial sutures, Dr. Falco pulled a full four yards of gauze packing from the vagina. This neither looked nor smelt as bad as Aaron expected. The Foley catheter and abdominal retention sutures were left in, in case he developed any unusual swelling due to the pack and drain removal. Next Dr. Falco pulled out a drawstring bag, sewn from floral- print flannel, which contained dilators!!!!!!! Each of these was encased in its own floral- print flannel sheath. The dilators were clear acrylic rods, 8 inches long, with gently rounded, slightly angled noses. There were three of them: 1 inch, 1-1/8 inch, and 1-1/4 inch in diameter. Looking at them, Aaron shook my head in disbelief and exclaimed aloud: " Oh God -- are those supposed to go in me?!" Dr. Falco smiled reassuringly before she lubricated the smallest dilator. "Don't you want a proper vagina?" and then gently but very quickly slid it into him, a full six inches. Aaron let out an involuntary squeal of surprise, indignation and intense feeling - it wasn't a painful procedure, but it sure wasn't pleasurable, either. Next, she inserted the 1-1/8 inch dilator. This time he was ready, and merely panted loudly, anticipating pain that never came. However, when she lubed up the 1-1/4 inch dilator, he was again incredulous: "That will never fit!" But somehow it did!!!! Grinning she picked up a hand mirror and told Aaron to take a good look. There it was, thick as a closet rod, inserted 6 inches into him. She announced "For so many years you have longed to be penetrable, to be a vessel, a receptacle: and now you are!" Later that day Aaron was told to give himself his first-ever douche, and again shower. He still had the Foley catheter in place, and the abdominal retention sutures, too; but just having that pack out felt great. The nurse began the ritual of dilating him four times daily...................... On Tuesday night, the evening of post- operative day 8, Dr. Falco arrived with her suture removal set. Out came the retention sutures, leaving ugly little erosions on his abdominal wall. And out came the Foley. She chirped "A free woman at last!" She watched him being dilated, and said candidly that she thought that this was one of her nicer- looking results. "After all, you were modelled on me!" She approved his discharge for the morning. Later that night, Aaron sat down to urinate through his new plumbing for the first time. No pain; excellent control of starting and stopping; but urine sprays everywhere. Squatting for a pee!!!! No more standing at a urinal for me. He lay in bed and felt his large boobs laying on his chest. He reached up to touch them and was surprised to notice how good it felt to stroke them through silky baby doll pyjamas. He paid a little attention to his nipples and they swelled and got hard. He wondered what else would change and then realised what a stupid question that was.................. The next morning, still able to urinate easily, he was to be discharged from the TLC unit. A strange woman he had not seen before came to dress him. Treating Aaron like a child she gently placed each of his breasts in the cups of a 38DD red lacy bra. Helping him to step into matching red panties and hold-up black stockings she led him to a full length mirror. "Look at yourself, hasn't it all been worth it? " ..................Aaron was looking at a Goddess............the amazonian body he was looking at in the mirror was him, no HER!!!!!!!!! Her hips were full, her breasts massive with the trimmest waist imaginable. Her facial features were more attractive than Aaron had ever seen on any woman...........and it was him............Erin. "Step into your shoes my dear" said the woman. Erin was guided to place her feet into a pair of black leather high heeled shoe with a buckle that clipped around her ankle. At nearly 6 feet tall her statuesque body was everything a top cat walk model could aspire to. "Your tendons have been shortened by Dr Falco, she does that to encourage her patients to only wear this type of heel. If you wear flat heeled shoes you'll feel pain" advised the woman. I'll leave you to finish dressing in private. All your clothes are in the wardrobes and drawers, you'll soon fnd them.........." Erin looked through all her cupboards and found every manner of female attire, underwear, shoes, skirts and dresses. Opening her drawers she found tights, stockings, jewellery and Tampons!!!!!!!!!! "What!!!! Sanitary towels, surely not. Then she recalled Dr Falco's words about the transplanted parts of the 16 year old girl. Was she going to have her periods???????? As she undressed for bed that night she checked the gusset of her knickers.......no blood but the tell tale sign of a fertile female. White vaginal discharge, sticky almost tacky. Erin recalled how he used to check the washing basket for his big sisters soiled panties when he was 15. At certain times of the month she had produced such a discharge to be followed by her period blood about a week later. Dr Falco had made him a total woman in every detail.......... Finally Dr Falco announced "My work is done. I have no more surgery to perform. You are a woman............ Now the rest is up to you." The rest ? Erin thought. What does that entail??? Her temperature was closely monitored as was her bodies reaction to her new organs. Dr Falco regularly administered anti-rejection drugs and was pleased with the results. "You were an excellent match" she chirped. Erin woke the next morning and felt her vulva...........blood was slowing leaking from her vaginal lips.......... her first period!!!!!!!!! She marvelled at the sensation as she gingerly pushed her first tampon applicator into her body. Squeezing the two tubes she injected the cotton tampon into her abdomen. Looking in the mirror she smiled at the tampon draw string hanging between her legs. Dr Falco's reaction was that of the state lottery winner. "You beautiful thing, Oh how you have pleased us here! You have made history and will do so now and in the future!" The future?????? thought Erin, what does she mean?? Erin began her work counselling several men who wanted sex reassignment. When they saw her body they were willing to pay any price to be the same. Like a common street prostitute she loved showing her female parts to the prospective patients. Her vulva was her piece-de-resistance........ God how she loved pulling her panties aside to show that...... "Dr Falco will model your labia in a similar fashion to this" she would say in a matter of fact voice. She delighted in watching them all but melt with desire as she re-arranged her skirt, making herself 'decent' again. The patients rolled in paying 'top dollar' as Dr Falco put it. She realised now that Dr Falco was a lesbian. Why she had taken so long to notice God only knows. It didn't matter to Erin though, the doctor was a beautiful woman and she loved teasing her by bending over and straightening her stockings or smoothing her skirt in a provovative way. Dr Falco was secretly watching her and Erin pretended not to notice. Erin knew that she would be propositioned one day and wondered how it might happen. A few weeks later Dr Falco called her for her regular check up. Taking her temperature as she always did she consulted her charts. "Please put your legs in the stirrups, Erin, please " she asked "I want to feel your uterus today to check all is well." Erin complied with the instruction and adopted the requested postion. She watched as Dr Falco inserted a latex gloved finger in her vagina. She carefully inspected the gloved fingers and said " Good. You are just right!" and turning to the nurse she commanded " Unthaw and prepare 50 ml for me please" The nurse was behind Erin and she could not see what she was doing. After a few minutes she handed the doctor a syringe with an extension tube fitted to the needle. "What is this for Dr Falco?" Erin asked. "It is human semen. We want to see if it is possible to impregnate you!" the doctor said triumphantly. Erin twisted and tried to raise herself from the couch. "Please, Erin, do not move yet. You will need to remain lying down for several hours to give the sperm a chance to take." Erin lifted her self into an upright position and protested " Make me pregnant?????, when was that part of the arrrangement?" "Erin, you have already made history once, don't miss this opportunity to become famous throughout the whole world! Be the first person born a man to have a baby!" Erin leapt from the table and made for the door. "You are joking with me!" she shouted "No way, not now, not ever!" Dr Falco nodded to the other nurse in the room. The nurse put her hands up to bar her way from the examination room. "Don't make this hard on yourself, my dear. Please resume your position on the table at once" said Dr Falco in a new and determined voice. Erin looked back incredulously. The doctor motioned with her hands that she should return to the couch. Erin turned away only to feel the strong arms of the nurse wrap around her chest.                 Clamped to the table with her legs strapped in the stirrups, Erin turned to face the doctor and nurses. "Please.....there's no need for this. Business is excellent with what you've achieved already, there's no need to spoil everything.........." Dr Falco peered long and hard at her "Do you think we do this for money? Yes we need a certain amount, but it is of secondary importance. The medical advances are paramount. And you are at the cutting edge. Please co-operate with this next experiment."                 Erin was in no position to argue. Her knees were forced apart by the stirrups and her body was clamped by two large leather straps. Her underwear had been forcible removed by the side nurse using a scapel. The syringe was in position inside her vagina, the tip of the extension tube inside her cervix................ "The semen will die if it suffers from any temperature loss, please accept your situation and comply" Dr Falco said stonily.                 Erin shut her eyes and for the first time since this whole adventure had begun, she cried. Dr Falco took this as a sign of compliance and signalled to the nurse to continue. Taking the plunger in her left hand the nurse squeezed the contents of the syringe into her womb. "Excellent" said the doctor "please allow one hour for the sperm to enter your fallopian tubes" Erin felt the table elevate as her abdomen was raised to prevent the liquid leaking from her body. She felt like a battery hen being inseminated to order. Dr Falco announced flatly " We will test for pregnancy in 5 days............" After the recommended hour the same nurse released Erin and offered her a swab of tissues to wipe the oily liquid that leaked from her vagina when she was helped to her feet. She refused the offer of paper panties to replace the pair so crudely cut from her body. She marched with grim determination back to her room and locked herself in for the rest of the day. Erin mulled over the incredible events of the past year. From a thin plain man called Aaron to this beautiful and complete woman called Erin and now possibly pregnant! What sort of child could she produce. The egg would belong to the young car crash victim. She had never even seen a photograph of her. The sperm................ where did they get ........ Erin thought back to her gender reassignment operation. They had milked a large amount of semen that day. Surely not!!!!! Had they inseminated her with his own sperm?!!!! The next morning thecdoor crashed open and a grim faced Dr Falco entered with a nurse. "Now then Erin! We can do this two ways................ as you would say in your own country, the easy way or the hard way. "Do what????" said Erin defiantly. The doctor continued, " You are no doubt aware that you will be fertile for around 72 hours. It will help greatly if you accept a further insemination today." "Where did the sperm come from " she demanded. The doctor's hesitation answered the question. "It's mine isn't it! You are trying to impregnate me with my own semen!!!! "There is no biological reason why we should no use your own semen. The eggs you produce each month are not your own biologically speaking so they are suitably matched. Please get on your bed with your pants pulled to one side......." Erin stepped back as the nurse stepped forward. "Resistance is futile my dear. We will have our way." The nurses face looked as if she would have preferred a struggle so Erin decided to give in scowling at them both. After putting a pillow under her lower back to raise her bottom the nurse moved the gusset of her panties to one side. "Please hold them to one side while I insert the injector" she ordered. Erin slowly complied and felt the cold hands of the nurse roughly part her vulva. She felt her thumb brush past her clitoris. That was deliberate she thought, another bloody lesbian! The syringe was inserted as before and with skilful manoeuvring the extension tube entered her cervix once again. With a jerk she felt the woosh of the sticky liquid flood her womb. Her sticky liquid ............returned by the same nurse that had expertly milked it from her several months ago. The syringe was slowly removed and a bung ressembling a tampon covered with cling film was inserted in its place. "Sealed for the day my dear" said the nurse sarcastically pulling her pantie gusset back into position. Erin once again pondered her future. It was quite apparent now that she was not master of her own destiny. But what could she do about it? Walk out? She was watched every waking hour of the day. When she came off duty from her counselling/sales work she was escorted back to her room in the staff quarters. Shopping trips were accompanied by the staff security guard. Dr Falco assured her it was only because of her great value to the medical world, "You are unique, my dear, if any harm came to you, I would never forgive myself......." she would say. Besides where could she go? She had no family to speak off, no roots anywhere she would want to return to. This was home now and very comfortable it was. She just wanted to feel she was an adult in charge of her own destiny....... Two weeks later her period started. Dr Falco's face fell when she told her........."Ah well, it is not the end of the world. You are a young woman with plenty of time to have babies. We will try again immediately your body is ready" and off she waltzed down the corridor. "See" thought Erin, "no asking me what I wanted. I'm just a pawn in her great game of playing God." At her next check up, Dr Falco told Erin that she was going to put her on a course of hormones that would stimulate her egg production to enhance the chance of conception. Erin was injected twice a day with Prostglandin. Back in her quarters she ran herself a bath. Stripping off she looked at her figure in the full length mirror. What she could never disagree about was the wonderful job the doctor had done with her. 'Drop-dead Gorgeous' was the only term that seemed adequate enough. She could win the Miss World title is she entered the competition. Erin stroked her breasts, the new drugs were working. She felt that they were bigger and tender. She had never felt so healthy in her life. She reached between her legs.......... a streak of white discharge clung to her pubic hair. She tasted it............. God she felt horny. In the bath she soaked luxuriously, soaping her breasts and stimulating herself. After she had dried herself she trimmed her pubic hair, then pulled on a skimpy pair of silk panties. A wisp of hair escaped at the top of her legs. Suddenly she decided she didn't like pubic hair anymore. Removing her pants she opened the bathroom cabinet and took out her shaving equipment. It had to go she chuckled. She sensuously smeared a generous dollop of shaving gel over the V of her pubic bone. Two minutes later she wiped her labia and admired her handiwork. Looking at this moment with the eyes of Aaron she lusted after her own body. She reflected that she didn't even have a vibrator to masturbate with......"how does a girl get laid around here" she giggled. "Get laid?" Erin thought hard. It was her body, her life, her decision on what she could do........ She made up her mind to go out and find a bar or something to have a drink. What should she wear? Opening her wardrobe she chose a long skirt and matching blouse and put on her make-up. Standing in front of the mirror she shook her head. The look didn't match her mood. She reached for a much shorter and tighter pencil skirt and put on a black bra with a see through blouse. To finish she slipped on a pair of black sheer holdup stockings and her highest black patent heels. "That's more like it!" she whispered to herself "If you've got it, babe, flaunt it!" Taking a black clutch bag she transfered her credit cards and some cash for a taxi from her day time handbag. Now all she had to do was get out of the building without being seen. She hadn't ever been told she could not go out by herself but she knew it would be frowned on by all concerned. The door guard was a problem........ how to get past him? A plan came to mind....... Picking up the telephone she called the security desk. "Oh, it's Gillian here on extension 359" she lied in her most seductive voice "Do you know if the washer-dryer in the basement has been repaired yet? Would you be a love and go and look for me? Oh thank you. I'll wait for you to call me." Five minutes later the guard dialled 359 and got the unobtainable signal. Erin didn't care, she was already outside the walls of the nurses home and heading for the main street. "Taxi" she shouted, and managed to stop the first car that passed. Ten minutes later in the city centre she was bending down in front of the taxi driver to pay him. His hesitant manner and sneak glances down her blouse showed Erin just how good she looked that night. "If he opens that mouth any wider....." she smirked to herself. Safely esconced in a high class bar she ordered a spritzer with ice and sat on a high stool with her long legs crossed. The barman seemed to be happy to see her, she noticed. After he had served her he picked a position that gave him the best possible view of her delectable body. The bar started to fill up and all the men gathered and seated themselves closely to her. She pretended to be oblivious of the reaction she was getting but it gave her a tremendous buzz inside. It's time to powder my nose she decided. Slipping expertly from her perch she walked across the bar to the toilets. Nobody failed to see the doll walking in front of them. Erin had practiced this walk to perfection. Every man in the room wanted to bed her as soon as possible. What power thought Erin. I can do anything I want and no-one can say otherwise. She didn't have to pay for her next drink. A handsome blond excutive type aged about 23 asked if he could join her. "Please do" purred Erin. She enjoyed the next hour as she listened to the young man's attempts to seduce her. Erin told him she was a visiting air stewardess who was only staying in town for one night. he looked genuinely disappointed but it didn't stop his efforts to mate with her. Erin could still recall how her sex urges had pulled like a ring through a bulls nose when the testosterone flowed. How the need to pass your genes on became the one over riding force when faced with a beautiful woman. She wondered how he would tackle the issue of getting into her knickers that night. Would she let him? She wasn't sure. She was desparately randy, but she was effectively a virgin. She had had sex as a man but not as a woman.......... She didn't have to wait long for his invite "Which hotel are you booked into? he enquired. "Oh, I haven't checked into any yet. I must go before they are all booked" she retorted. "There's a good hotel just around the corner. I'll escort you there if you want." he offered. "Oh thank you. You're a gentleman" she smiled as she slipped off the stool and waited for him to lead the way. Was she going to let him shag her or not? Her confidence began to wane. What if he could tell her fanny was manufactured by Dr Falco? Before she could back out he had her settled in her room, a bottle of champagne cooling in an ice bucket. As she drunk the champagne her resistance lowered. What the hell, he's earned it she thought. He leant over a kissed her. Her first kiss as a woman! His hand touched her leg and started to move up her skirt. A fast mover she thought as she stood up and excused herself, "Must use the loo" she lied. When she returned she noticed that look of 'will she, won't she' on his face. She had already decided to let him take her virginity. She unbuttoned her blouse like some 48th street hooker and sat closely beside him. He cupped her breast through the heat of her bra. Leaning down he gently lifted one of her breasts from her bra and kissed and suckled on it. The sensation was stupendous............ "Ohhh" she gasped. He turned his attention to her other breast and gave it similar treatment. His hand lowered to her knee. Sliding it under her skirt she parted her legs slightly. Pushing her back on the bed his hand reached its goal. He stroked her crotch area through the thin material of her panties. She opened her legs to allow further access. His finger pushed her knickers into her vagina. She knew she was wet and ready.......... "I'll use a condom yeah?" he asked. "Condom? Contraceptive........." My God thought Erin, "I'm a woman and he can make me pregnant. Get real girl, remember who you are........." "Yes, of course. A girl can't be too careful" she quickly answered. Reaching into his jacket he took a small packet from the inside pocket. Tearing the wrapper he placed the condom by the bedside and removed his shirt and trousers. Erin removed her bra and kicked off her shoes. She undid the button on the back of her skirt and allowed it to drop. She watched his face as he pursed his lips as if to whistle. "Wow. You beaut......" She put her finger on his lips then kissed them. She lay back on the bed and waited for him to approach......